Attachment 1990Comments of Geos

1990Comments of Geos

COMMENT submitted by Geostar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                          GEOSTAR" MESSAGING CORPORATION
                                                                         j           The)                           Federal Communications Commission
                                                                  !x}?   §3     f    E      {   $   —
                                                                                                        Jil                Office of the Secretary

                                               November 13, 1990

                                                                                                                                        noy 1 6
         Ms.       Donna R.       Searcy,    Secretary                                                                                        castfiasd
         Federal Communications Commission                                                                                          Wmmgmy%fl@%r
         1919 M Street, N.W.                                                                                                           gaielite Radt®
         Washington,          D.C.     20554

                    Re:     Comments of Geostar Messaging Corporation on the
                           Petition for Rule Making filed by Norris Satellite
                           Communications,            Inc.    (RM—7511)                  and the associated
                           fixed satellite applications                             (File Nos.                    54—DSS—P/L—
                           90 and 55—DSS—P—90)

         Dear Ms.         Searcy,

                    Attached are the Comments of Geostar Messaging
         Corporation in response to the Commission‘s Order, DA 90—1591
         (released November, 1990) which established a common filing
         date for the matters referenced above.

              An original and fourteen copies are being submitted.
         Nine copies are filed in accordance with Section 1.51(b) of
         the rules in order to provide each Commissioner with a
         personal copy of these comments in connection with the
         rulemaking proceeding, and the remaining copies are to be
         associated with the application proceedings.

                                                     Sincerely,                                               «


      _sco:r        James R. Keegan, Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
                    Will MeGibbon,‘ Chief, Spectrum Engineering Division

GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION, 1001 22nd Street N.W., Suite 550, Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 887—0872 e FAX: (202) 887—0874

                                                                                        NOY %5 B?fl
                                Before the
              FEDERAL    —COMMUNICATIONS          COMMISSION                                  hag           fesi
                                                                                             inications Commission
                            a                                                            C
                        Washington,    D.C.     20554                             ‘%wmbfigfifim&mmaq

In the Matter of the Petition of

NORRIS   SATELLITE   COMMUNICATIONS,    INC.                                  RM—7511

For Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the
Commission‘s Rules to Establish a General
Satellite Service in the Ka—band (30/20 GHz)

In the Matter of the Application of

                                                              ww e N e e yz
NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,         INC.                                 File Nos.
For Authority to Construct, Launch and                                        55—DSS—P—90
Operate a Communications Satellite in the
Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service


     Geostar Messaging Corporation            (GMC)    files these comments

on the petition for rulemaking and applications of Norris

Satellite Communications,       Inc.   (Norris)       that    are             captioned

above.    In these filings,     Norris is proposing that the

Commission establish a new "General Satellite Service"                                  in the

29.5—30.0 GHz and 19.7—20.2 GHz         (30/20 GHz)          bands that would

combine fixed,   broadcasting,     mobile and personal access

satellite services.      To implement such a service,                          Norris is

also requesting authority to.construct two satellites in

these bands and launch one of them into the geostationary

satellite orbit at 90° West Longitude.

     GMC is a pending applicant for authority to construct

and operate a domestic mobile satellite system that would

utilize the bands requested by Norris for its feeder links

and Telemetry,     Tracking and Command operations.l                 GMC

therefore has an interest in the technical criteria and

licensing procedures that the Commission will establish in

these bands in response to the Norris petition and

applications .

        As a general principle,        GMC supports the concept of

permitting space stations licensed in one radiocommunication

service to provide other types of radiocommunication

services,    even if the bands are not allocated to such

radiocommunication services,          as long the additional services

do not cause any more interference than the levels permitted

in the original        system authorization.     Under such conditions,

little benefit is derived by requiring individual waivers of

the table of allocations before permitting operations of a

satellite     in more than one       radiocommunication service."            Thus,

GMC believes that the concept of a General Satellite Service

may offer substantial flexibility to satellite system

operators in the 30/20 GHz bands to respond quickly to

changing technological and market conditions.

1     GMC filed its applications on June 16, 1988.            The Commission has
not yet accepted those applications for filing.

2       For example,   such waivers were required for domestic fixed
satellites to be used to serve mobile terminals even though such
operations would not cause harmful interference to other services.            See,
e.g.,   Qualcomm,Inc.,   FCC 89—24   (February 14,   1989),    and Geostar
PositioningCorporation, FCC 89—142       (May 25, 1989) .

      However,    before the 30/20 GHz bands are re—allocated to

a new General Satellite Service,           a detailed technical

analysis should be performed to analyze the potential impact

that such a new service could have on more conventional fixed

satellite uses of the bands,           such as feeder links.       It is

well acknowledged that large inhomogeneities between

satellite system parameters increase the satellite orbital

separations needed to keep inter—system interference to

acceptable levels absent detailed coordination between system

operators.3      Very   large     inhomogeneities   could arise between

satellites     designed to provide personal access         or

broadcasting services to hand held user terminals and those

satellites which use the band for more conventional fixed

satellite purposes,          such as feeder links.     For example,    the

Norris satellites are designed to serve earth station

antennas that are 30 to 120 centimeters             (11.8 to 47.2 inches)

in diameter‘,     and Appendix A to its application discusses

personal earth stations that are "handheld"             in size and thus

are likely to be much small than 11.8 inches in diameter.

      There is increasing congestion in the 4/6 GHz and 12/14

GHz bands used by domestic fixed satellites,             and the

potential exists for a shortage of adequate spectrum for

3     See, e.g., SatelliteOrbitalSpacing, 54 Radio Regulations         (Pike
and Fischer)   577,   587   (1983) .

4     Norris application at page II—6.

feeder links below 30/20 GHz for future mobile satellite

systems."     Since the usable orbital arc will be less at 30/20

GHz than in the lower bands because of propagation

considerations,      the Commission should insure that orbital

separations will be small enough to accommodate a substantial

number of domestic systems         (whether for conventional figed

satellite services,       for feeder link applications,        or for

services sfich as those proposed by Norris),             as well as future

systems of Canada and Mexico in these bands.

        The Commission should require Norris or other proponents

of a General Satellite Service to define in more precise

terms the technical characteristics of the various types of

applications,      and in particular the mobile,        broadcasting and

personal access aspects,        of the General Satellite Service so

that the necessary technical analyses            can be performed to

assess the required satellite separations.               On the basis of

such analyses,      the Commission will be able to adopt any

necessary technical criteria to insure that the 30/20 GHz

bands    can be    fully developed over the      long run to   satisfy the

future requirements for all types of domestic satellite

services    that   can not be accommodated in the        lower bands at

5       The absence of terrestrial facilities in the 29.5—30.0 GHz and
19.7—20.2 GHz bands make these bands very attractive for all types of
satellite services.     In particular,   use of these bands for GMC‘s   feeder
links, as compared to bands shared with terrestrial facilities, would
allow GMC to provide its customers with a wide variety and a broad
geographic distribution of access points to the mobile satellite system,
either at the customer‘s premises or at points of interconnection with
public or private terrestrial networks.

4/6 GHz and 12/14 GHz.           The Commission‘s licensing procedures

in the 6/4 GHz and 14/12 GHz bands have resulted in the rapid

development of the domestic satellite industry,            and this

ability to authorize multiple,            competing domestic satellite

systems promptly,          without comparative hearings or lotteries,

should be preserved in the 30/20 GHz bands.

     GMC therefore requests the Commission to promptly accept

its applications to use the 30/20 GHz bands for mobile

satellite feeder links so that they can be considered in

conjunction with the Norris petition and applications.

Moreover,    before acting on the Norris petition to re—allocate

the 29.5—30.0 GHz and 19.7—20.2 GHz bands to a new General

Satellite Service,          the Commission should insure that any

necessary technical criteria are established to insure that

all of the diverse applications,            such as those proposed by

GMC and Norris,      can be accommodated in these bands.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Philip Schneider

Geostar Messaging Corporation
1001 22nd Street, N.W.          — Suite   550
Washington, D.C. 20037

November    13,   1990 .

                                  RTIFICA          ERVICE

       I, Christine A. Brazeau, certify that on this 13th day of November, 1990 a
copy of the foregoing "Comments" of the Geostar Messaging Corporation was
mailed first—class to:

John H. Norris
Norris Satellite Communications
Box 88
Red Lion, PA 17356

Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, MD 20817

                                         Cpmuitini A. Braneait
                                        Christine A. Brazeau       +

Document Created: 2014-09-11 17:31:42
Document Modified: 2014-09-11 17:31:42

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