Attachment 1993Calling Communic

1993Calling Communic


Opposition To Petition For Reconsideration


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                   Law Offices
                                        Ham’fiflxe & Har&flxe
Vance fiar(i{e
                                           The Hartke Building                                            Was}linslon, D.G. Area
  US Senaior. Rei.
                                             7837 Leesburg Pike

Wa:{nc Harti{e
                                                                                                              (7os) 7s4—2810
Paui V flarti{e                         Falls Church, Virginia 22045                                        Fax: (703) 790—5435
Keith Hartke
  Office Manager
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                                                     September 23,                  1993

       Ms. Cicily C. Holiday
       Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
       Domestic Facilities Dvision
       Common Carrier Bureau
       Federal Communications Commission
       Washinagton, D.C. 20554                               Hand Delivered.

                 Re:    Norris Satellite Communications, Inc.                                 ("NorSat").
                       Your reference: 1600B3

       Dear Ms. Holiday:

            I am responding to your letter requesting supplemental
       information regarding the NorSat construction agreement.     NorSat
       submitted its construction contract with Harris Corporation,
       Contract Number 930701 to the Commission in July 1993.         That
       contract provided pursuant to Article 32 for an initial payment and
       a construction timetable of 27 months.

                 Enclosed   herewith    is     a     copy    of    the          agreement                between     the
       parties with a modification of Article 32 of the construction
       contract for the initial payment which implements the construction
       contract.  (Should you require an executed original, please let me
       know and I will forward it to you immediately).      —NorSat hereby
       certifies and confirms that NorSat has made the requisite initial
       payment for construction.              Accordingly,              the construction contract
       is irrevocable and in full force and effect.  NorSat has paid
       Harris Corporation $200,000 in cash.  In addition, NorSat has
       agreed to a subsequent periodic payment to Harris Corporation of
       $2.8 million payable in 45 days.     Thereafter, periodic payments
       pursuant to the contract are required.    In order to eliminate any
       concern at the Commission that the structured payment meets the
       contractual requirement to implement the construction contract, the
       parties have modified the terms of Article 32 to define the


acceptable structured payment. The net result is that the initial
payment in cash of $200,000 effectively implements the construction
contract.     Construction has begun.

     NorSat is contractually obligated to make periodic payments
pursuant to the contract, and this restructured in%tial payment
firmly commits NorSat to the payment structure.     Failure to make
any of the periodic payments, whether it is the periodic payment of
$2.8 million due in 45 days or any subsequent periodic payment due
at any 90 day time period, would constitute a                         breach       of   the
contract, and thus this contract is irrevocable.

     NorSat    has   not   requested      a    modification      of    the    milestone
requirements    because    there    is    no   need   to   do   so.    The    27    month
construction   timetable   as   established   in  the  irrevocable
construction contract filed with the Commission in July 1993
remains intact.   There is no change in the 27 month construction
time frame.  The construction contract fully meets the timetable
required under the Commission‘s Order.      The FCC Order requires
comstruction     completion    by        September     1996,     and    the     payload
construction contract provides for completion well within the time
frame. The additional integration time of the payload with the bus
and other subsystems does not pose a problem. The critical element
of construction is the payload, and that construction period is
contained in the contract with Harris Corporation.

     As the Commission files reflect, NorSat filed a Petition for
Reconsideration of the authorized frequency bands in which the
authorized satellites are to operate. There had been negotiations
involving the utilization of the communication beams, and the time
taken by the Commission to review and decide the issue of the
additional bandwidth caused some delay to NorSat which was not
within its control.   Construction interfaces could be affected by
the Commission‘s action.     While the Commission has denied that
Petition for Reconsideration, that denial is without prejudice.
Thus it remains an open question whether the additional bandwidth
will or will not be authorized for use by NorStar I. NorSat could —
have used this circumstance as a justification for requesting an
extension of time for construction of the satellite, but instead,
NorSat is proceeding to meet the milestones inaccordance with the
Order of the Commission. The construction contract for the payload
has been entered into, filed with the Commission timely, and with
a now—modified implementation payment schedule that makes no change
in the 27 month construction period.     At this time, NorSat can
confirm to the Commission that it has made the required cash
payment of $200,000, and that the filed construction contract with
Harris Corporation has been implemented, and is an irrevocable
contract of construction.

     There has been some discussion about the fact that NorSat has
the contractual right to insist on an adequately designed payload.
The construction contract requires a payload that is to be


constructed which meets the design parameters.          The construction
that is obligated is the construction of a payload that meets tbe
design requirements to comply with the FCC Order.   Obylously, if
during the course of construction the payload or satelllFe does not
meet design parameters that permit operations as author}zefi by the
FCC, then NorSat must retain the contractual right to insist upon
the proper design features.      NorSat has been licensed to ponstrugt,
launch and operate a satellite which requires compliance with
certain minimum design features to operate in the KA band, and if
the actual construction should deviate from the necessary design,
NorSat must be able to mandate compliance from its contractors.
This insistence upon specific design features does not compromise
in   any way the   irrecovable   nature   of   the construction contract.
The contract as submitted to the FCC, has become irrevocable by the
payment of the initial $200,000.00 cash payment.     If there is a
breach of the contract,    such as improper design for the intended
purpose, the retention by NorSat of the right to insist on design
compliance is a proper contract term and can in no way be construed
as affecting the irrevocable nature of the construction commitment.

     One technical correction needs to be made from the previous
submission.  The construction contract with Harris Corporation is
with an entity named "Norstar I Corporation."   We had previously
stated that Norstar I Corporation was a subsidiary of the license
holder, Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. (herein referred to
as "NorSat").    In fact, it is not a subsidiary, but holds a
contract with NorSat to enter into the construction contract with
Harris Corporation.    In addition, the technical name of the company
is "NorStar I Satellite Communications, Inc." which is a Delaware
corporation, and that company is "doing business as" NorStar I
Corporation. The construction contract with Harris Corporation is
for the benefit of NorSat, the license holder, and there is no
ownership change resulting from this arrangement. The utilization
of this process is an administrative convenience to NorSat.      In
addition to the contractual relationship for the entry into the
construction contract for the satellite payload, NorSat will be
leasing   the  communication   beams   to   NorStar  I   Satellite
Communications, Inc. (or its "doing business as" name of NorStar I
Company)}.   If you need further clarification or information in this
regard, please let me know.

     The construction contract with Harris Corporation is for the
payload, and I have not addressed the issue of the bus, since it is
my understanding that your inguiry deals with the payload.       The
construction of the bus would take only a short period of
approximately six months.   The construction process of the bus
occurs during the course of the payload construction after the
interfaces  are defined.       The  integration process     requires
identification of the interfaces between the payload and the bus
and other subsystems.      The contractor for the bus has been
selected, but the contract has not yet been awarded because the


interfaces have not been completely defined. The contract for the
bus will be awarded at the approprlate time in the construction
process.   The satellite construction process remains on track,
timely, and we do not need to have any extension of time to comply
with the construction completion milestone.     Should you desire
additional information regarding the bus, I will be pleased to
provide it to you.         I do not believe this is an issue.

       In the alternative, and in order to protect the interests of
the license holder,        if the Commission should consider the current
status of the satellite construction to require the request for an
extension of time to meet the milestone in spite of our contention
that   the   milestone      has   been   met,   licensee   Norris   Satellite
Communications, Inc. hereby requests a six (6) month extension to
meet the construction commencement milestone.      This extension
request is made to perfect the record that timely application has
been made, should it be construed as being required. We note that
NorSat is the only commercial licensee in this bandwidth, and that
this license is unique, with NorSat engaged in the promotion of the
KA band.    Accordingly, the Commission‘s normal concerns that
extensions of timetables could adversely affect other entities from
utilization of the bandwidth does not apply in this case. Further,
as noted earlier herein, NorSat‘s application requested additional
bandwidth beyond that which was          authorized,   and there    remains a
question of whether NorSat will obtain the additional bandwidth.
The continued uncertainty about the utilization of the KA band is
a matter beyond the control of licensee.   (See MCI Communications
Corporation, 2 FCC Red 233; Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. 5
FCC Red 3423, 3424). NorSat is engaged in the orderly construction
process and it believes it has met the construction milestone. If
for any reason the Commission feels otherwise, NorSat has hereby
requested a six month extension, and would request the additional
opportunity to supplement its arguments in support of an extension
should such extension be deemed to be required.

     If I have not addressed any issues of concern to you, please .
let me know.  No copies of this letter are being forwarded to the
parties of record unless I receive instructions to do so.


                                     NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
 =a          um c    Pyb             BY COUNSEL
 @me 2.      m      ~tas
Wayné Hartke
Hartke & Hartke


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Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:54:43
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:54:43

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