Attachment 1993Reply to Motorol

1993Reply to Motorol

REPLY submitted by COMES NOW; Norris



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              MAY 2 8 1995
                                 Before the                                                  e
                            Washington,   D.C.   20554                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

In the Matter of the                       )                                        _
  Applications of                          )                                        i

NORRIS SATELLITE                           )     File Nos.    54 —DSS—"P/L~90¢~
  CoMMUNICATIONS,     INC.                 )                  55—DSS—P—90
For Authority to Construct,                )
Launch and Operate Communications          )
Satellites in the Ka—~—Band                )

                      Reply to Motorola Opposition

        COMES NOW Norris Satellite Communications,              Inc.    ("Norris")

through counsel Hartke & Hartke, in Reply to the opposition filed

byMotorola Satellite Communicatoins, Inc. (hereinafter "Motorola")

in the above styled matter stating as follows:

        It is Norris‘ position that the original Application requested

700 MHz bandwidth for its operations, and that since the Commission

granted the Application "in accordance with the terms, conditions

and technical specifications set forth in its application" (Order,

para. 22) that internal consistency compels the conclusion that the

grant    of authority should have been           for the      700 MHz    requested

rather    than   500 MHz.     For   example,     there   is   no   question        that

NorStar I would be utilized for supercomputer data transmission.

Transmission at 1 Gigabit per second requires at least 650 MHz.

Thus, since the application was approved "in accordance with its

technical specifications," unless 700 MHz is authorized, NorStar I

would be prohibited from this essential technological innovation

for which it clearly applied.

       Further, the Order at paragraph 24 authorizes the selling of

24    transponders       which,    according      to    the    clear language       of the

Application,       would require 24 MHz each,                 and when the spacing is

added,     the   total    bandwidth is      right      at    700 MHz.     Thus,     for the

Order to be internally consistent, it cannot possibly authorize 24

transponders but then at the same time authorize a bandwidth that

would require the elimination of 7 of the 24 transponders.

       Finally,     the    Order    did    not    require       an    adjustment    of    the

Frequency Plan or the business plan, but limiting the authorization

to 500 MHz would eliminate huge portions of the business referred

to in the Application.              To be internally consistent,                since the

Order grants the authority "in accordance with its application,"

the Order mandates inclusion of the businesses contained in the

application,       such     as     the    capability         for     supercomputer       data

transmission requiring more than 500 MHz.                          Of course,      case law

requires an agency‘s adequate explanation for the agency decision,

and   in   this    case    there    is    none.        An    appeal    would judicially

overturn this unsupportable agency decision authorizing 500 MHz

when 700 MHz was requested.               (See NAACP v. FCC,           688 F2d 993    (D.C.

Cir., 1982).       The Petition for Reconsideration provides the agency

with the opportunity to conform its ruling that it is granting the

application "in accordance with" the terms and conditions of the

application to the Application‘s request for 700 MHz bandwidth.

       I. 1.     Motorola incorrectly claims that Norris did not request

operating authority for 19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5 GHz bands.                            The

original Norris application requested                       700 MHz,    not   the 500 MHz

recited in the Qrder and Authorization (herein "Order").                         Motorola

contends that "Norris never applied for any authority to operate in

the 19.5~—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5 GHz bands."                      That is simply not

true.        It is not true from a technical standpoint and it is not

true from a business plan standpoint.

        Please     note   that    there   is   no    contention       in   the   Motorola

Opposition of any "confusion" regarding the frequencies based on

other references in the Application.                  The sole contention is that

Motorola "searched in vain" to find references in the Application

where Norris "desired any authority" in these relevant bandwidths.

Thus, to rebut the Opposition, Norris need only show where in the

Application it "desired the authority" in these bandwidths.

        2.    Norris‘ Petition for Reconsideration specifically recites

the twelve        (12) references in the Application which confirm that

the application sought 700 MHz.             (See Petition for Reconsideration,

at p. 3, footnote 7).            Most significantly, there is no way to deny

that the Frequency Plan clearly shows that Norris requested 700

MHz.     Motorola‘s Opposition recites only a single sentence out of

the     Application,      while     ignoring        all   of    the    other     specific

references to the requested bandwidths of 19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—

30.0 GHz.          The Opposition‘s language is that the Petition                      for

Reconsideration        was   "claiming     only"      (Motorola‘s      words)    the   one

sentence selectively culled by Motorola out of the 12 references on

the same page.         The use by Motorola of the word "only" is patently

false and misleading.            It is difficult to understand how Motorola

can      select    1   out   of     12    recitations      in    the       Petition    —for

Reconsideration and then argue that there was "only one" reference

in the application.      Prior to filing its Opposition, Motorola could

read the footnote on page 3 of the Petition for Reconsideration and

recognize that their claim was specious — or at the very minimum

that they were required to address all 12 references rather than

making the false claim that there was only 1 reference.               Motorola

was on notice of those references and the entire                technological

innovations to be performed on this satellite.           Motorola did not

file a Petition to Deny this application, and it is inconceivable

that Motorola is so technically unknowledgable that they did not

know that NorStar I represents a huge technological advance for the

United States requiring 700 MHz.        It is not credible that Motorola

is somehow "surprised."

       3.   Obviously, when the application recites 24 transponders

with spacing of 29.12 MHz,         simple mathematics results in 698 .88

MHz.    (See page II—7 of the Technical Section of the Application).

The transponders alone are recited in the application as requiring

24 MHz bandwidth per transponder, which without any spacing at all

would exceed 500 MHz (24 x 24 = 576 MHz).           (See Application at p.

I—2    paragraph   (4)   stating     "...   24   transponders    of    24   MHz

bandwidth...").    It is inconceivable that Motorola could iqgnore the

basic math involved.      The Order itself recites in paragraph 4 that
there are 24 transponders requiring 24 MHz each           (576 MHz without

spacing) — yet Motorola arqgues "it didn‘t know" more than 550 MHz

was being applied for?      Preposterous.

       4.   The Application specifically states on page I—21:

          "The satellite is designed to receive in the band 29.3 —
     30.0 GHz and transmit in the band 19.5 — 20.2 GHz."

     5.   Further in the Application appearing on page I—23:

         "The NorStar spacecraft     will  utilize 24   right—hand
     circularly polarized channels in the band 19,500 to 20,200
     MHz.   The corresponding spacecraft receive band is 29,300 to
     30,000 MHz.     Channels have a nominal bandwidth of 24 MHz with
     a spacing of 29.12 MHz between centers."         (underlining added).

Does Motorola argue     that    "desire to operate" is different          from

"spacecraft will utilize"?       If so, it is specious.       Norris clearly

"desired authority to utilize" these bandwidths.

     6.   Continuing with the specific references to 29.3 and 19.5,

the Technical Showing at page II—1 states:

          "The satellite is desiqgned to receive in the band 29.3—30.0
     GHz and transmit in the band 19.5—20.2 GHz."

     7.      Under    Section     2.2.2      "Transponder    Frequency      and

Polarization Plan" specific reference is to "channels in the band

19,500 to 20,200 MHz."     Further in that section,          the Application

states that the "receive band is 29,300 to 30,000 MHz."

     Those specific references refute Motorola‘s contention that it

"searched in vain" for those references, unless Motorola‘s experts

heads were buried in sand and never read the Application.                It is

Motorola‘s   apparent   contention    that    the   Frequency   Plan   is    an

obscure document of small importance to the application, when in

fact it is the very heart of the application.               The Petition for

Reconsideration referred to that Frequency Plan because it is so

powerfully significant in the entire process.           The Frequency Plan

irrefutably recites the requested 700 MHz: it is dispositive.

        Further in that same section, the Application states that the

24 transponders will have a "spacing of 29.12 MHz between centers."

Multiplication             confirms      the     request    as being for                700 MHz,    and

Motorola can multiply.               If not, then the specific figures of 19,500

and 29,300 provide spceific notice that cannot be ignored.

        8.     Other references in the Application include Figure I—G;

Part     II,        Fiqgure   2,     and    page       II—3,    and        II—6.         Terrestrial

interference is discussed on page I—26, with yet another statement

that    the        utilized frequencies include down                   to 19.5 GHz and 29.3

GHz.     Motorola‘s sole argument is that there is no indication of

Norris‘ "desire to operate" in these frequencies.                                  Unless there is

an "operation" there can be no "interference."                                The Opposition is

a specious word game exercise.

        II.         With    regard    to    the    PFD     limits,     attached           is   Norris‘

Exhibit        1    demonstrating          that    it    meets       the    PFD     limits.         The

Opposition           is    technically         inaccurate      and    had     they        raised    the

question initially, the technical answer would have eliminated this

issue in timely manner.               This is actually a derivative issue.                         Once

established that there was adequate notice of Norris‘ request for

700 MHz, Motorola‘s failure to file a Petition to Deny based on the

PFD issue is equally eliminated.                         The fact that there is no PFD

issue    demonstrates          that        this   entire       Opposition          is    technically

specious.           A PFD challenge is ridiculous.

        III.        Motorola claims the waiver of financial qualifications

is     not     appropriate         for     the    entire       700    MHz     bandwidth.            The

Commission          has    already ruled          on    this   issue,        and    the    reasoning

previously used applies equally here.                  The entire argument presumes

that Motorola itself will obtain authority for 100 MHz from 19.5 —

19.6   which    at   this     time    has    not been      granted.      It     is    a    self—

promotion      for   Motorola.             Motorola   is     attempting       to     have    the

Commission accept        as fact       that Motorola has already obtained a

license they do not have.              Norris applied first, and has obtained

a license.      The logic of the Commission‘s waiver is based on the

Application, and there is still no other FSS application on file.

(See Order, footnote 17 and related reasoning in the Order).

       Motorola argues that there is interference potential with its

IRIDIUM system between 19.5 and 19.6 GHz.                      —(Opposition at p. 4).

Based on this arqgument Motorola jumps to the conclusion that Norris

has "no financial qualifications" and could preclude a "financially

qualified applicant" from using this band.                    All of the Commission‘s

reasoning      in    granting        the    waiver    are     ignored     in       Motorola‘s

argument.       In    addition,        the     technical      capabilities           and    cost

efficiencies of the services to be provided by NorStar I is also

iqgnored by Motorola.          Finances flow to cost efficiencies.

       Motorola      cannot    deny that          its Iridium satellites will               not

actually    "utilize"         the    100    MHz    claimed    to   be   an     interference

between 19.5 and 19.6 GHz.                 Instead, their real argument is that

their low—tech,        low power satellites require                 "extra protection"

against interference in this margin even though Motorola will not

use it.     This arqument by Motorola represents the worst technical

argument that can be asserted: they seek exclusion of usage of a

frequency merely because              their system they are marketing is so

inefficient.      This is contrary to the public interest.             There is no

need to review the Motorola application to rule on the financial

qualifications of NorStar I, but their costs and efficiencies are

swamped by the NorStar capabilities;                NorStar I will     launch    and

operate because it is so massively cost—effective that there is no

way for its financial incentives to fail.                 The Commission agreed;

the waiver was granted.             A University that pays $100 million to

connect a fiber optic network (plus additional annual operational

costs)     cannot compete against the NorStar I cost of $1/4 million

annually for the same data transmission levels.                 The Commission‘s

rulings are binding; it has properly waived financial issues.

        Motorola acts as if its massive representation on each FCC

working     group,      and   its    massive    financial    marketing       program

justifies the conclusion that the FCC should simply do whatever

Motorola "applies for" even if not granted and even when it is not

clear that it will ever be granted in the bandwidths suggested.

Norris objects to inefficiency.             Norris objects to requiring 200

MHz   of    irreplaceable     frequency     bands    to   remain    unused   merely

because Motorola wants          to design      an inefficient      systém that    it

wants to have        "buffered" and because they have a huge marketing

campaign     to   convince private      investors     to put    good money into

inefficient technologies which will be obsolete if implemented.

        Motorola seeks preferential treatment for its unlicensed low

orbit      "proposed"     Iridium     satellites     over    the    higher     orbit

geostationary satellites such as NorStar I.                The Motorola system —

which is not approved — has the burden of proving that Motorola

will   not     interfere     with    the   approved      Norstar     I.    NorStar       I    is

approved in geostationary.

       Article 29, Sec. II in RR 2613 states in part:

             "Non—geostationary space stations shall cease or reduce to
       a negligible level their emissions ... whenever there is
       insufficient angular separation between non—geostationary
       satellites and geostationary satellites."

       The Motorola argument that their unlicensed system should be

given precedence over a system that can provide business services

for less       than   1%   of existing cost           is hopelessly        unpersuasive.

NorStar I is the U.S. technological flagship.

       The only reason to respond is because of Motorola‘s massive

marketing      capabilities,        and massive          representation      on    all       FCC

working groups.         Norris and its related interests are prepared to

deal    with     this      agenda    if    necessary.          Industrial         —America‘s

"economies       of     scale"      have     been   replaced         by   "economies          of

technological         innovation."           Norris      is    the    cutting      edge       of

technologic innovation, as is known by all involved technocrats,

including those employed by Motorola.                    The financial realities are

so dramatic that there is simply no rational argument against the

financial capability of the Norris application.

       The Commission has already ruled on the issue of waiver of

financial      qualifications,         and    it    is   not   an    issue   in     Norris‘

Petition for Reconsideration.                As a matter of law, Norris contends

that this issue is not a proper matter to even be considered.                             Even

if it is,      the merits of the Commission‘s findings and rulings on

this issue apply to the entire 700 MHz of bandwidth.

        IV.   Motorola contends that Norris hasn‘t demonstrated a need

for the entire 700 MHz requested.                     That argument is technically

preposterous.       NorStar I is the commercial follow—up to NASA‘s ACTS

satellite       which    has    already       cost    U.S.     taxpayers     $1   Billion.

Norris‘ assets are "at risk" without waiting for the ACTS results.

NASA agrees that         the NorStar I will            utilize the frequencies at

issue.        Motorola    argues      to   eliminate     huge portions        of Norris‘

business as recited in the business plan, including supercomputers.

        Let us assume,      arguendo,         that Motorola is correct — no need

for     NorStar‘s    services         exist    for    the     entire   700    MHz.     The

inevitable consequence is that there is no possibility for NorStar

to provide the supercomputer transmission rates, and all the other

leading countries will outstrip the United States.                           There is no

other alternative,.            All    other countries will be operating with

satellite transmission of supercomputing technology at less than 1%

of the cost for similar U.S. operations.                     The underlying reason for

such a preposterous result would be that Motorola has a tremendous

overhead of marketing personnel, marketing money, and FCC working

group participants which improperly interfere with efficiency and

international business realities.                    It is a future for the United

States which makes the               "S&L policy debacle" pale by comparison.

One cannot deny objective technological innovation as represented

by NorStar I and its progeny.                 The Business plan demonstrates the

need.     The    "need" is not in question;                 the question is who will

assume the risk,         and the answer is Norris.

                                           Respectfully submitted,


                                     NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                     BY COUNSEL
   422&%&& /522$%¥45—
Mr. Wayne Hartke
Hartke & Hartke
7637 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, Va. 22043
Telephone: 703—734—2810

May 27,   1993

                          Certificate of Service

     I    hereby   certify   that    a   copy      of   the   foregoing       Reply   to
Motorola‘s   Opposition      was   mailed     by   first      class   mail,    postage
prepaid on this 28th day of May, 1993 to the following:

Cicily C. Holiday                             Bruce D. Jacobs, Esq.
Chief, Satellite Radio Branch                 Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader
Common Carrier Bureau                         Suite 800
Federal Communications Commission             1255 23rd Street, N.W.
Room 6324                                     Washington, D.C. 20037
2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                        Mitchell F. Brecher, Esq.
                                              Down & Cleary
Thomas Tycz                                   Suite 850
Deputy Chief, Domestic                        1275 K Street, N.W.
Facilities Division                           Washington, D.C. 20005
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission             Norman P. Leventhal, Esq.
Room 6010                                     Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2025 M Street, N.W.                           Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20554                        2000 K Street, N.W.

Lon C. Leven, Esq.                            Mr. Charles T. Force
American Mobil Satellite Corp.                Associate Administrator for
4th Floor                                     Space Operations
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.                 National Aeronautics and
Washington, D.C. 20036                         Space Administration
                                              400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Mr. Alfred M. Mamlet                          Washington, D.C. 20546
Steptoe and Johnson
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036



   ag—e7—93 i§:13        THEO maunomaTIs                           4144 »g2
                                           6 C3       T    IO l
     I hereby cartify that I am the technic:lly qualified person
responsible        for   preparation        of     the    eng:neering    information
contained in the foregoing Reply to Oppositicoi1; that I am familiar
with Parts    21    and 25    of the Commission‘s Rtles           and Reqgulations;
that I have either prepared or reviewed the en jineering informmation
contained in the RNeply; and that it is complets and accuratse to the
baest of my knowledge and belief.                 This Corti: ilcation applies with
particularity to the attachment of Bxhifii.t 1 ts the Reply, which is
the Power Flux Density limits exhibit.
     Dataed this 27th day of May,             1993.
                                              _2              c ..
                                           Norris Sate@llit: Communications, Iuc.
                                           By: Theo Mavroratis

 . d5—e7—S3 ig:14          THED mAurRomaTIs                             144 pg3


a) EIRP @ beom canter (GaBwW)

5) Energy dispersal @ 20 MHz (dB)                                                   73

o3 Conversion to 1 MHz (d4B)

d}> Downlink path loss (d8B)                                                      210

e) Gain of a sq. meter antenna @ downlink frequency (dBi/sq. meter)                47

f) Power flux density (dBW/sq. meter/ 1 MHz)                                      «111
   {(Noté:  f=a—b+0—d+e)

g) TV limit for alevation angles greater than 25 degrees (dBW/sq. meter}] MHz2)   ~105
  {Note: Smaltest serviceaibie elevation angle > 25 degrees)

) Margin (GBw/sq. meter/1 MHz)
 (Note: h=g—f ; Positive margin signifies compliance with iTU limits)

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:57:01
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:57:01

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