Attachment 1993Opposition of Mo

1993Opposition of Mo

OPPOSITION submitted by Motorola

Opposition to Petition For Reconsideration


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the                                                                    MAR 22 1993
                               Washington, DC                                           20554

                                                                                                                      MAR 9 4 1998

                                            ns Nut Nt Nut Nt Net Nut Nut Nt Nut Nut
In the Matter of the
    Applications of                                                                                             POMESTIC FACH TiEs
                                                                                                                              T Olvisioy
                                                                                                                 SATELLITE RaDiO Branc))
NORRIS SATELLITE                                                                            File Nos.   54—DSS—P/L—9
  COMMUNICATIONS,       INC.                                                                            55—DSS—P—90

For Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate Communications
Satellites in the Ka—Band

         OPPOSITION OF MOTOROLA SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,                                                      INC.

             Motorola Satellite Communications,                                                  Inc.   ("Motorola")

hereby opposes the petition of Norris Satellite Communications,

Inc.    ("Norris")    for reconsideration of the Commission‘s Order and

Authorization,       7 FCC Red 4289    (released July 7,                                              1992)    ("Order")

in the above—captioned proceeding.                                                    In the Order, the Commission

authorized Norris to construct two domestic communications

satellites to operate in the 19.7—20.2 GHz and 29.5—30.0 GHz

bands.     Norris has separately petitioned the Commission to

allocate the 19.7—20.2 GHz and 29.5—30.0 GHz bands to "general

satellite service."        Notice of Proposed Rule Making,                                                    7 FCC Red

5626    (1992).   In its latest Petition, Norris seeks additional

authorization to operate in the 19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5 GHz

bands,    for a total of 700 MHz in each direction."

/      Motorola is an interested party to this proceeding as an                                                                        —
applicant that has requested authority to construct a low—earth
orbit Mobile—Satellite Service ("MSS") system called IRIDIUM®"
with feeder links in the 19.4—19.6 GHz and 29.1—29.3 GHz bands.
See Application of Motorola for the IRIDIUM®" System;                                                         File
Nos.   9—DSS—P—91(87),     CSS—91—010    (Dec.                                         3,   1990) .

                                   _ 3 —

             Norris‘ Petition should be denied for the following

reasons:     first, Norris never applied for any authority to

operate in the 19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5 GHz bands.         Second,

Norris has not shown that it could meet the power flux density

("PFD")    limits established for the 19.5—19.7 GHz band.     Third,    as

a financially unqualified applicant, Norris should not be

permitted to warehouse spectrum currently being sought by |

financially qualified MSS applicants for satellite system feeder

links.     Fourth,   Norris has not established a need for the

additional requested spectrum.

             FOR THE 19.5—19.7 GHz AND 29.3—29.5 GHZz BANDS

             One can search Norris‘ Application in vain for a clear

indication that it desired any authority to operate in the

19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5 GHz bands.        Even in its Petition,

Norris could not point to any such request in its Application,

claiming only that:

            The Transponder Frequency and Polarization Plan,
            including description of the bands 19.5—20.2 GHz
            and 29.3—30.0 GHz,   as well as channel spacing of
            29.12 GHz, is described on page of II—7 of the
            Technical Section of the application.

Norris‘ Petition at 3.      A mere description of the Transponder

Frequency and Polarization Plan in the Technical Section of an

Application can hardly be sufficient to provide notice to the

Commission, Motorola or other interested parties that Norris

desired authority to operate in the 19.5—19.7 GHz and

                                   _—o 3 _

 29.3—29.5 GHz bands.*     Norris‘ failure to make a clear request

 for such authority more than justifies the Commission‘s original

decision and the denial of the Petition.

            LIMITS FOR THE 19.5—1i19.7 GHz BAND

            There are no PFD limits in the 19.7—20.2 GHz band,

where the Commission authorized Norris to operate.?         However,

there are PFD limits in the 19.5—19.7 GHz band, where Norris now

seeks additional authorization.*‘        These PFD limits were

established to protect terrestrial point—to—point service in the

18.8—19.7 GHz band.      Norris did not show in its Application or

Petition that its proposed system would meet these PFD limits.

Such a failure to address this critical interference and sharing

issue further evidences the lack of support for Norris‘ belated

attempt to expand its authorization.

            More importantly, there is no assurance that Norris can

meet the PFD limits established for the 19.5—19.7 GHz band.

Since Norris has made no showing that it could comply with the

governing PFD limits,     even if it had made such a request,    the

Commission would have been justified in limiting Norris‘

authorization to the 19.7—20.2 GHz band and the corresponding

29.5—30.0 GHz band.

*     Although, as paragraph 4 of the Order seems to suggest,
Norris may have requested authority to construct NorStar I with
an extended bandwidth capability (19.5—19.7 GHz and 29.3—29.5
GHz), the Commission correctly recognized that the Application
provided no notice that Norris ever requested authority to
operate in these bands.

3/    Order and Authorization n.    6.

4/    47 C.F.R.   § 25.208(c).

                                      — 4 —

            19.5=19.7 GHZ BAND

            The Commission found that Norris did not meet its

financial qualification standards.            Order at ¢ 7.     Norris sought

to justify a waiver of the rules on the ground that it would "not

preclude use of the requested frequencies by another qualified

applicant."      Order at § 7.                                         _
            Waiver of financial qualifications is warranted only in

"special circumstances."         Order at f 8.     The Commission granted a

waiver for Norris to operate in the 19.7—20.2 GHz and

29.5—30.0 GHz bands because it "was the only commercial FSS

applicant in a new and vacant frequency band."             Order at ¢f 9.    In

granting this waiver,     the Commission found that a "key

consideration is that this waiver will not preclude additional

entities from implementing their own systems in this band."

order at f 10.

            The Commission‘s rationale for granting to Norris a

financial qualification waiver does not apply to the

19.5—19.7 GHz band.      As the Commission is well aware from its

submission of coordination material (Appendix 3)              to the IFRB,

Motorola intends to use the overlapping 19.4—19.6 GHz band for

its IRIDIUM®" system gateway feeder downlinks.           There is a

substantial likelihood of interference from Norris‘ proposed

operations in the 19.5—19.7 GHz band to the IRIDIUM®"             system‘s

operation in the 19.4—19.6 GHz band.*"           Thus, permitting Norris,

5/  This interference issue is currently being considered in the
negotiated rulemaking proceeding established to —consider rules
for MSS systems above 1 GHZz.         See Public Notice,      Report
No.   DS—1265   {December 15,    1992) .

                                   — 5 _—

an applicant with no financial qualifications,         to operate in the

19.5—19.7 GHz band could preclude a financially qualified

applicant —— Motorola —— from using this band for its MSS feeder

link.   For this reason,     a waiver of the Commission‘s financial

qualifications standards for operation in the 19.5—19.7 GHz band

is not justified.


             Finally, the Petition should be denied because Norris

has not shown a need for an additional 400 MHz of spectrunm.

Norris attempts to justify its claim for this spectrum by stating

that its projected income statement assumed that 24 transponders

of 24 MHz each, requiring a total bandwidth of 576 MHz, would be

available.     Petition at 3.    There are at least two problems with

this argument.     First, according to Norris, not all of this

capacity is necessary for the system to be financially viable.

Norris estimates the capital cost of constructing and launching

its system to be $190 million, while its revenue stream is

projected to total $630 million.       Order at § 5.    Thus,   based on

Norris‘ own projections,      its proposed system would appear to be

viable even if it did not obtain authority to operate in the

additional spectrum requested in its Petition.

             Second,   there is no basis for assuming that Norris

could effectively utilize all of the spectrum it has requested.

It has not presented the Commission with a lease or other

agreement for transponder capacity, Order at J 7,        or otherwise

submitted documentation of firm customer commitments.

            Since Norris could be financially viable with the

spectrum it already has been assigned,      and since there is no

evidence that Norris can fill all of its authorized transponders,

there is no reason to grant its Petition.


            Norris‘   Petition should be denied.       Norris did not

request authority in its Application to operate in the additional

bandwidth it now seeks.     Nor has Norris shown that it can meet

the PFD limits in the 19.5—19.7 GHz band.       And,     since Norris is

not financially qualified,     it should not be permitted to

warehouse valuable spectrum being sought by others who are fully

qualified to use the requested bands.       Finally, Norris has not

demonstrated that it needs additional spectrunm.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       MOTOROLA SATELLITE
                                       COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Michaeéel D. Kennedy
                                         OJD.S     *
                                       Philip L. Malet

Director, Reqgulatory Relations        Alfred M.   Mamlet
Motorola Inc.                          SsSTEPTOE & JOHNSON
Suite 400                              1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
1350 I Street, N.W.                    Washington, D.C.   20036
Washington, D.C.    20005              (202) 429—3000
(202) 371—6900

March 22,   1993                       Its Attorneys

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I, Alfred M. Mamlet, hereby certify that on this

22nd day of March,         1993,   I caused copies of the Opposition of

Motorola Satellite Communications,             Inc.    to Petition for

Reconsideration to be served, via first class mail, postage

prepaid,    to the following persons:

Cecily C. Holiday                              Bruce D.     Jacobs,    Esq.
Chief, Satellite Radio Branch                  Fisher, Wayland, Cooper
Common Carrier Bureau                              & Leader
Federal Communications                         Suite 800
  Commission                                   1255 23rdad Street,      N.W.
Room 6324                                      Washington, DC         20037
2025 M Street,      N.W.
Washington,    DC    20554                     Mitchell F. Brecher, Esq.
                                               Down & Cleary
Thomas TyCcz                                   Ssuite 850
Deputy Chief, Domestic                         1275 K Street, N.W.
Facilities Division                            Washington, DC  20005
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications                         Norman P. Leventhal, Esq.
  Commission                                   Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
Room 6010                                      Ssuite 600
2025 M Street,      N.W.                       2000 K Street, N.W.
Washington,    DC    20554                     Washington, DC         20006

Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.                         Mr.    Charles T.    Force
6800 Carlynn Court                             Associate Administrator
Bethesda, MD  20817                              for Space Operations
                                               National Aeronautics and
Lon C. Levin, Esq.                               Space Administration
American Mobile Satellite                      400 Maryland Avenue,           S.W.
  Corp.                                        Washington,     DC     20546
4th Floor
1150 Connecticut Avenue,           N.W.
Washington, DC  20036

                                          fl’ Ww{       A   j,%b) flw‘/&j\
                                          Alfr%fl M. Mamlet

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:58:13
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:58:13

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