Attachment 1993Opposition of TR

1993Opposition of TR


Opposition to Petititon for Reconsideration


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       BEFORETHE                                              RECEIVED
       Federal Communications Commission MA 2 8 1993
                                WaSHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                  FEDERAL COMKUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                              OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

In the Matter of the Applications of

NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,                     INC.        File Nos.        54—DSS—P/L—90

Application for Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate Communications
Satellites in the Ka—Band                                                                  JUN       2 19?5

                                                                                      DOMESTIC FACILITIES DIVIStON
To:    The Commission                                                                   SATELLITERADIO BRANCH

                     OPPOSITION OF TRW,                INC.    TO NORRIS
                         SATELLITE    COMMUNICATIONS,                INC.‘S
                           PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION

             TRW Inc.      ("TRW"),        by its attorneys,            pursuant to Section

1.106(g) of the Commission‘s Rules, hereby opposes the Petition for

Reconsideration            ("Petition")              filed       by      Norris         Satellite

Communications,      Inc.      ("Norris")       in the above—captioned proceeding.

Norris    seeks     reconsideration              of     the     Commission‘s          Order        and

Authorization, 7          FCC Red     4289      (1992)        ("Order")       which authorizes

Norris to construct, launch and operate two domestic communications

satellites    to    operate      in    the      19.7—20.2        GHz        and   29.5—30.0        GHz

frequencies       (the    "Ka—band"        or    the        "20/30    GHz     band").         In   its

Petition, Norris seeks additional authority to operate in the 19.5—

19.7   GHz   and   29.3—29.5         GHz    bands       which        would    bring     its    total

authorization      up     to   700    MHz       in    both     the     uplink     and     downlink

directions.        As set forth more fully below, Norris has failed to

U      TRW is an interested party to this proceeding as an
       applicant that has requested authority to construct a low—


demonstrate        a    legitimate    need       for    the   additional       requested

spectrum.         Accordingly,      Norris‘      Petition     is   not    justified        and

should therefore be summarily denied.


              In its original application for authority to construct,

launch      and    operate    a    commercial      domestic        "general    satellite

service"      ("GSS")      system     in   the      Ka—band,4‘      Norris     requested

authority to operate its system using 700 MHz of spectrum in both

the uplink and downlink direction.s‘                    However,    in its Order,          the

Commission authorized Norris‘ use of 500 MHz in each direction ——

19.7—20.2 GHz for satellite—to—earth transmissions and 20.5—30.0

GHz   for   earth—to—satellite        transmissions.           Order,     7   FCC   Red ét

4292.       Norris     is now requesting         that   the Commission modify its

authorization to permit it to operate on an additional 200 MHz of

spectrum     in    both    the    uplink   and     downlink    directions          because,

U (...continued)
        Earth orbit       ("LEO") Mobile—Satellite Service               ("MSS")    system
        called Odyssey which proposes to use the 20/30 GHz band for
        its feeder link operations.  See Application of TRW, Inc.
        for the Odyssey System (File Nos. 20—DSS—P—91(12)                     CSS—91—
        015) filed May 31, 1991.
2       Although Norris applied to provide GSS                (i.e., a combination
        of fixed—mobile— and broadcast—satellite services), because
        the requested frequencies (i.e, 19.7—20.2 GHz (downlink) and
        29.5—30.0 GHz ({uplink)) are allocated on a primary basis to
        fixed—satellite serivce ("FSS"), Norris requested the
        Commission to proceed with the processing of the FSS portion
        of its application.

3       See Application of Norris Satellite Communications,                        Inc.,
        filed July 16, 1990.

                                              —3 —

according    to    Norris,       "[(t)lhe   Commission        erroneously         stated    that

Norris intended to utilize only 500 MHz of the proposed bandwidth

on    its satellite and provided no explanation for its failure to

authorize the facilities as applied for."                          Petition at iii.

            As     discussed       herein,         Norris‘    request       for     additional

spectrum is nothing more than a premature,                         overreaching request,

which,    if granted,      will likely adversely impact TRW,                       as well as

other prospective MSS or FSS providers,                       by further reducing the

amount of spectrum available in the Ka—band, a frequency band that

is rapidly becoming congested.                Specifically, Norris has failed to

justify sufficiently its             request         for   the additional          400 MHz    of

spectrum.        This    failure    is more glaring in view of                    the growing

demand for use of the Ka—band and the uncertainty that exists as to

whether Norris‘ proposed system is progressing in accordance with

the   schedule     set    forth    in   the    Commission‘s         Order    or,    even more

importantly,      whether the system will                  ever be    fully implemented.

Accordingly,      the Commission should deny Norris‘                      Petition.


            Beyond its contention that the                     "Commission erroneously

stated    that    Norris     intended         to     use    only    500    MHz...,"       Norris

provides but a single justification for its request for additional

spectrum —— i.e.,         that its projected income statement is premised

on the availability of twenty—four transponders,                          each using 24 MHiz

of    spectrum,    and    that     "with      only    500    MHz    available       ...    fewer

transponders       would     be     available,         accommodations          of     wideband

                                                    — 4 —

applications might be more difficult, and prices to end users would

be higher."         Petition at 3,            11.           Norris‘ unsupported speculative

assertion is hardly sufficient justification for its bold request

for 400 MHz of additional spectrum above and beyond the frequencies

already authorized.

              Norris‘      Petition is          completely void of                      clear evidence

that    the    technical         feasibility                or        economic    viability         of   its

proposed system           is    in any way            threatened by               the     "shortage"      of

spectrum.+         The    lack of       adequate             justification           is    particularly

problematic       in     view    of    the    uncertainty                 that    exists       as   to   the

current status of Norris‘                satellite system.                       In this regard,         TRW

notes that, pursuant to the Commission‘s Order, Norris is required

to   commence     construction           of    its          first       satellite       by July       1993.

Order    at    4292.           Despite        this,              it     remains     unclear         whether

construction       will        begin     as     required                or   whether       a    satellite

construction contract is even currently in place.

              Moreover, Norris has yet to provide the Commission with

any definitive evidence, in the way of executed lease agreements or

firm customer commitments, that would substantiate its request for

additiofial spectrum.                  Simply put,            Norris has not shown that the

1000 MHz already allocated for its satellite system is inadequate.

Further,      with little or no basis upon which to predict customer

       Even if Norris‘ request for additional spectrum is not
       granted by the Commission, Norris estimates that the capital
       costs of constructing and launching its system will be $190
       million, and anticipates a lifetime revenue stream of $630
       million.        Order at 4289—90.

                                                —5 .

demand   or    estimate          the     availability          of     transponder         capacity

(including capacity offered by other potential FSS providers),                                     it

would be difficult to determine, at this juncture, whether end—user

prices will necessarily be higher as is being claimed by Norris.

Petition at 11.

              In view of Norris‘            failure to demonstrate a clear need

for   additional          frequencies,          especially       in     light    of      the     ever

increasing demand for use of the 20/30 GHz band as discussed below,

it would be entirely premature to grant Norris‘                            Petition at this

point.      Accordingly,           the    Commission           should     deny     the     subject



              Since Norris‘ application was granted, there has been a

marked   increase         in    demand    for    use    of    the     Ka—band.""         These   new

competing demands for use of the Ka—band must be considered by the

Commission      in     addressing         Norris‘           ill—supported          request       for

additional frequencies.

              First,      as noted in the Commission‘s Order,                       several      LEO

MSS applicants, including Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc.,

propose to use the 20/30 GHz band for their feeder link operations.

Order at 4290,       n.    9;   see also note          1,    supra.     TRW also intends to

      When the Commission granted Norris‘ application, it noted
      that the Ka—band was essentially "fallow" and that Norris
      was the lone applicant proposing to provide commercial FSS.
      Order at 4290.


use     the   20/30     MHz      band    for   its   feeder        link    operations.         In

addition,     Calling Communications Corporation                         ("Calling")      who has

filed an opposition in the instant proceeding,*© plans to file an

application seeking FCC authority to construct, launch and operate

a domestic and international satellite system using a significant

amount of spectrum in the 17.7—19.7 GHz and 27.5—219.5 GHz bands.

According to Calling,             "[slome of this spectrum will be able to be

shared with other proposed satellite systems and other spectrum

will not."        Calling Opposition at 2—3,                6.

              The Ka—band will also be used by the experimental NASA

Advanced      Communications            Technology        Satellite       ("ACTS")       program.

ACTS, which is scheduled to be launched in the very near term, will

operate its uplinks at 28.97—29.87 GHz and its downlinks at 19.25—

20.15     GHz.        It    is    anticipated        that        the    ACTS     program    will,

consistent       with       its    intended     purpose,          encourage        the    further

development of commercial FSS use in the Ka—band.

              Other        potential      users      of     the        Ka—band    include     the

providers of certain broadcast—satellite services ("BSS") and a new

local multipoint distribution service ("LMDS").                           Specifically, with

respect to BSS,            there is a possibility that the Ka—band will be

used,    both nationally and internationally,                          for the provision of

feeder links in connection with high definition broadcast satellite

&       See Opposition of Calling Communications Corporation,                              filed
        May 13, 1993 ("Calling Opposition") .

                                         —7 —

service.*        In   addition,    the   Commission            recently     proposed    to

redesignate the 27.5—29%.5 GHz band for 1mps .$                       Although LMDS is

strictly a terrestrial service, frequency coordination between LMDS

and space seqgment providers may be required if such providers are

both operating in the same geographic area.                      To this extent,       the

impact    of   this   additional   service        as    well    as    the   other above—

mentioned proposed uses       of   the    Ka—band,        must be assessed by the

Commission prior to acting on Norris‘                  Petition.


               On the basis of the foregoing, the Commission should find

that Norris has failed to establish adequate justification for its

request for additional spectrum.                Accordingly,         TRW respectfully

L     The 27.5—30.0 GHz band has been allocated on a world—wide
      basis for BSS feeder links.  See World Administrative Radio
      Conference 1992 Final Acts at 27.

&¥    See Rulemaking to Amend Part 1 and Part 21 of the
      Commission‘s Rules to Redesiqgnate the 27.5—29.5 GHz
      Frequency Band and to Establish Rules and Policies for Local
      Multipoint Distribution Service, Notice of Propogsed Rule
      Making,     8 FCC Red 557    (1993) .

                                       — g—

urges     the     Commission   to   deny   Norris‘     Petition     as   a     wholly

unwarranted request.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              TRW INC.

                                                Noprman P. Leventhal
                                                Raul R.   Rodriqguez
                                                A.B.   Cruz   III

                                                 Leventhal,     Senter & Lerman
                                                 Suite 600
                                                 2000 K Street,     NW
                                                 Washington, DC        20006
                                                 {(202) 429—8970

May 28,    1993                                Its Attorneys

                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I, Sharon Krantzman, hereby certify that true and correct

copies of the foregoing document were sent by first—class, postage

prepaid mail,    this 28th day of May,         1993,   to the following:

          Wayne Hartke,       Esquire
          Hartke    & Hartke
          7637 Leesburg Pike
          Falls Church, VA 22043

          Cicily C. Holiday, Chief
          Satellite Radio Branch
          Common Carrier Buresau
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room  6324
          2025 M Street,       NW
          Washington,    DC     20554

          Thomas Tycz, Deputy Chief
          Facilities Division
          Common Carrier Bureau
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 6010
          2025 M Street,       NW
          Washington,    DC     20554

          Lon C.   Levin,     Esquire
          American Mobil Satellite Corp.
          4th Floor
          1150 Connecticut Avenue,            NW
          Washington, DC        20036

          Alfred M. Mamlet, Esquire
          Steptoe & Johnson
          1330 Connecticut Avenue,            NW
          Washington, DC        20036

          Bruce D.    Jacobs,       Esquire
          Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader
          Suite 800
          1255 23rd Street,         NW
          Washington, DC        20037

          Mitchell F. Brecher,           Esquire
          Down & Cleary
          Suite 850
          1275   K Street,     NW
          Washington, DC        20005

Mr. Charles T. Force
Associate Administrator for
  Space Operations
National Aeronautics and Space
400 Maryland Avenue,       SW
Washington,   DC   20546

                                Q/fm m fijmc
                                Sharon Krantzman

Document Created: 2014-09-12 14:03:08
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 14:03:08

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