Attachment 1997Request for expe

1997Request for expe

REQUEST submitted by Norris

Request For Expedited Consideration


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                   OCT —8 1997
                                           Before the                                                            issiDN
                                    Washington, DC 20554

In re

                                                            Sue! Nume! Nuse! Nuss!
NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS, NC.                                                 File Nos.   54—DSS—P/L—90
Authorization to Construct, Launch,

                                                            Nue! Numt!
and Operate Satellites in the Ka—Band

To:     The Commission                                                                                ool &


        Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., (Norris) by counsel and pursuant to 47 C.F.R.

§1.41, hereby respectfully requests that the Commission expedite consideration of the

Application for Review, as supplemented, currently pending before the Commission in the

above—captioned matter. In the more than 17 months during which the appeal has been pending,

Norris has suffered extreme uncertainty, hardship, and loss of business opportunities.

        Norris was the first applicant for a license to provide fixed—satellite service (FSS) from

a geostationary—satellite orbit (GSO) system in the Ka—band. In 1992, the Commission granted

Norris‘ application and assigned it an orbital slot at 90° West Longitude. See Norris Satellite

Communications, Inc., 7 ECC Red 4289 (1992), recon. den. 9 FCC Red 7370 (1993). The

authorization included a milestone schedule which set deadlines for commencement of

construction, completion of construction, and launch.

        Upon Norris‘ petition, submitted simultaneously with its application, the Commission

issued two Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) contemplating reallocation of the Ka—band

frequencies. Amendment of Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s Rules to Upgrade to Primary

Status the Secondary Mobile—Satellite Service Allocation at 19.7—20.2 GHz and 29.5—30.0 GHz,

7 FCC Red 5626 (1992); Rule Making to Amend Part 1 and Part 21 of the Commission‘s Rules

to Redesignate the 27.5—29.5 GHz Frequency Band and to Establish Rules and Policiesfor Local

Multipoint Distribution Service, 8 FCC Red 557 (1993).

       Given the uncertainties imposed by the Ka—band reallocation proceedings, Norris sought,

and was granted, a 6—month extension of the required completion and launch dates. Because the

proceedings had still not been resolved by the end of the extension, Norris again requested a

delay in its milestone deadlines. However, that request was denied by the International Bureau

in an Order rescinding the Norris authorization and declaring the orbital slot available for

reassignment. 11 FCC Red 5402 (1996). Norris timely filed an Application for Review on April

15, 1996. A Supplement to Application for Review was filed May 23, 1996; a Second

Supplement to Application for Review was filed August 15, 1996; and a Third Supplement to

Application for Review was filed April 2, 1997. The appeal is currently pending before the full


       During the period in which Norris was unable to proceed with construction due to

inevitable uncertainties regarding ultimate use of the band, several applications for FSS GSO

authorizations were filed. The International Bureau ultimately issued a general Order assigning

orbital slots to each of 13 applicants, Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the

Ka—Band, DA 97—967, released May 9, 1997, together with individual Orders and Authorizations

granting licenses to the applicants. Comm, Inc., DA 97—968, released May 9, 1997; EchoStar

Satellite Corp., DA 97—969, released May 9, 1997; GE American Communications, Inc., DA

97—970, released May 9, 1997; Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., DA 97—971, released May

9, 1997; KaStar Satellite Communications Corp., DA 97—972, released May 9, 1997; Lockheed

Martin Corporation, DA 97—973, released May 9, 1997; Loral Space & Communications Ltd.,

DA 97—974, released May 9, 1997; Morning Star Satellite Company, L.L.C., DA 97—975,

released May 9, 1997; NetSat28 Company, L.L.C., DA 97—976, released May 9, 1997; Orion

Network Systems, Inc., DA 97—977, released May 9, 1997; PanAmSat Licensee Corp., DA 97—

978, released May 9, 1997; Orion Atlantic, L. P., DA 97—979, released May 9, 1997; VisionStar,

Inc., DA 97—980, released May 9, 1997.

       Although Norris‘ authorization was rescinded by the International Bureau on the ground

that Norris had been unable to finish construction due to uncertainties in operational

requirements,   fully 6 of the 13 Ka—band licenses granted in May 1997 have no

construction/launch milestones for the same reason. All of the May 1997 authorizations, as

originally granted, are summarized in a table attached hereto as EXHIBIT 1.

       Although the recent grantees are able to secure financing, establish clientele, and

commence construction, the pendency of Norris‘ Application for Review has completely

prevented Norris from making any such efforts. Given the nature of the industry, Norris‘

inability to act during this crucial start—up phase imposes a severe handicap on the pioneer in the

field. This hardship is doubly harsh in that several of the recent grantees are expressly

authorized to go forward in anticipation of ultimate resolution of the reallocation proceedings,

despite the same uncertainties which resulted in the rescission of Norris‘ license.

       Norris is a small company with limited resources. The extreme delay in Commission

action upon its Application for Review has caused it to lose important financing opportunities

and clientele. It will be further harmed if it is unable to complete construction and deploy its

satellites before, or at least simultaneously with, the recent grantees. Accordingly, Norris

respectfully asks that the Commission expedite consideration of the pending Application for

Review submitted in the above—captioned matter. (Norris notes that, in various pleadings

previously submitted to the Commission, Norris has expressed its unconditional willingness to

accept alternate orbital slots which would offer the same CONUS coverage Norris would have

enjoyed under its former allotment which is apparently incompatible with the present slot

assignment plan.)

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS, NC.

                                   5o fi70e 8| ASM   MA            _/A   /5
                            By: 0                ie                /686(&61/
                                    Christopher D.\Imlay
                                    Dan. Warnock
                                    BOOTH FRERET IMLAY & TEPPER, P.C.
                                    5101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
                                    Suite 307
                                    Washington, DC 20016—4120
                                    (202) 686—9600

                            By:    ue
                                    / .

                                    Eugene T. Smith


                                    Law Offices of Eugene T. Smith
                                    715 G Street, SE
                                    Washington, DC 20003
                                    (202) 347—2363

October 8, 1997

                                                                                                   EXHIBIT 1

                                 1997 Ka—BAND SATELLITE AUTHORIZATIONS

    Applicant                Frequencies                                                            Slots
                                                                 Const       Const   Launch

_                                                                Begun       Ended            ppppouocunrnnnee

Comm, Inc.           19.7—20.2                    NONE (until resolution of freq issues)       91°W, 87°W,
(DA 97—968)          (+250 MHz in 17.7—18.8)                                                   T77°W, T5°W
                     28.35—28.6, 29.5—30.0

EchoStar Satellite   19.7—20.2                    NONE (until resolution of freq issues)       121°W, 83°W
Corp.!               29.5—30.0
(DA 97—969)

GE American          19.7—20.2                    1st unit       5/98      4/02      5102      105°W, 85°W,
Communications,      (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)      1st @ other    5/99      4/02      5/02      17°W
Inc.                 28.35—28.6, 29.25—30.0         sites                                      56°E, 114.5°P
(DA 97—970)                                       Co—located    5/99         10/04   11704

Hughes               19.7—20.2                    NONE (until resolution of freq issues)       101°wW, 99°W,
Communications       (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)                                                   67°W, 49°W
Galaxy, Inc.         28.35—28.6, 29.25—29.9                                                    25°E, 36°E,
(DA 97—971)                                                                                    40°E, 48°E,
                                                                                               54°E, 101°E,
                                                                                               111°E, 124.5°E,
                                                                                               149°E, 164°E,
KaStar Satellite     19.7—20.2                    NONE (until resolution of freq issues)       109.2°W, 73°W
Communications       (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)
Corp.                29.5—30.0
(DA 97—972)          (+500 MHz in 28.35—28.60 /

          ‘ All applicants except EchoStar sought, and were granted, non—common carrier status.
      EchoStar sought, and was granted, common carrier status for some of its services and non—
      common carrier status for the rest.

          > The Order and Authorization, §30, states that the Commission had assigned GE Americom
      a slot at 114.5° W.L. However, the Slot Assignment Order indicates that GE Americom is
      assigned a slot at 114.5° E.L. and there is no slot assignment at 114.5° W.L.

          ‘ The text of the Order and Authorization, {18, states that the Commission will grant
      Hughes‘ request for 29.25—30.0. However, the Ordering Clause, {36, designates only 29.25—

                                 1997 Ka—BAND SATELLITE AUTHORIZATIONS

     Applicant               Frequencies                                                                  Slots
       PP                         °4                               Const        Const   Launch
                                                                   Begun        Ended
rennnonnennannennnnaiinnninnnnninnnnnnnnatentnns                                                 icmnoomnnnenninennmert |

 Lockheed Martin     19.7—20.2                     NONE (until resolution of freq issues)         97°W, 21.5°W
 Corporation         (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)                                                      38°E, 130°E,
 (DA 97—973)         28.35—28.6, 29.25—29.5°                                                       175.25°E
 Loral Space &       19.7—20.2                     NONE (until resolution of freq issues)         115°W
 Communications      (+250 MHz in 17.7—18.8)                                                      28°E, 105.5°E
 Ltd.                28.35—28.6, 29.5—30.0
 (DA 97—974)
 Morning Star        19.7—20.2                     1st satellite   5/98     4/02        5/02      147°W, 62°W
 Satellite           300 MHz in 28.35—28.6 /       1st satellite   5/99     4/02        5/02      30°E, 107.5°E
 Company,            29.25—30.0                    @ other site
 (DA 97—975)
 NetSat28            19.7—20.2                                     5/98     4/02        5/02      95 °W
 Company,            (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)
 LL.C.               28.35—28.6, 29.25—30.0
 (DA 97—976)
 Orion Network       19.7—20.2                     Orion F7        5/98     4/02        5/02      s9°W, s1°W,
 Systems, Inc.       (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)       Orion F8        5/99     4/02        5/02      78°E
 (DA 97—977)         28.35—28.6, 29.25—30.0        Orion F9        5/99     4/02        5/02
 PanAmSat            19.7—20.2                     PAS 10          5/98     4/02        5/02       125°W, 58°W®
 Licensee Corp.      (+250 MHz in 17.7—18.8)       PAS 11          5/99     4/02        5/02
 (DA 97—978)         28.35—28.6, 29.5—30.0
 Orion Atlantic,     19.7—20.2                                     5/98     4/02        5102      47°W
 L.P.                (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)
 (DA 97—979)         28.35—28.6, 29.25—30.0
 VisionStar, Inc.    19.7—20.2                                     5/98     4/02        5/02       113°W
 (DA 97—980)         (+500 MHz in 17.7—18.8)
                     28.35—28.6, 29.25—30.0

          * The text of the Order and Authorization, {17, states that the Commission will grant
       Lockheed Martin‘s request for 29.25—30.0. However, the Ordering Clause, $34, only grants use
       of 29.25—29.5.

            ° The Order and Authorization, 28, states that the Commission had assigned Orion Network
       Systems a slot at 78° W.L. However, the Slot Assignment Order indicates that Orion Network
       Systems is assigned a slot at 78° E.L. and there is no slot assignment at 78° W.L.

            ° The Order and Authorization, $26, states that the Commission had assigned PanAmSat a
       slot at 58° E.L. However, the Slot Assignment Order indicates that PanAmSat is assigned a slot
       at 58° W.L. and there is no slot assignment at 58° E.L.

                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION
was mailed, postage prepaid, this 8th day of October, 1997, to the following:

*   The Honorable Reed E. Hundt                 David G. O‘Neil, Esq.
    Chairmain                                   Counsel to Ka—Star Satellite Communications
    Federal Communications Commission           Corp.
                                                Rini Coran & Lancellotta, P.A.
*   The Honorable James E. Quello               1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    Commissioner                                Suite 900
    Federal Communications Commission           Washington, DC 20036

*   The Honorable Rachelle B. Chong             Raymond G. Bender, Jr., Esq.
    Commissioner                                Counsel to Lockheed Martin Corporation
    Federal Communications Commission           Dow, Lohnes & Albertson P.L.L.C.
                                                1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
*   The Honorable Susan Ness                    Suite 800
    Commissioner                                Washington, DC 20036—6802
    Federal Communications Commission
                                                Andrew R. D‘Uva, Esq.
*   Peter F. Cowhey, Chief                      Counsel to Loral Space & Communications Ltd.
    International Bureau                        Willkie Farr & Gallagher
    Federal Communications Commission           1155 21st Street, NW
                                                Suite 600
Pantelis Michalopoulos, Esq.                    Washington, DC 20036—3384
Counsel to Comm, Inc.
Steptoe & Johnson                               Francis L. Young, Esq.
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW                     Counsel to Morning Star Satellite Company,
Washington, DC 20036                            L.L.C.
                                                Young & Jatlow
David Moskowitz, Esq.                           2300 N Street, NW
Vice President and Legal Counsel                Suite 600
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                  Washington, DC 20037
90 Inverness Circle East
Englewood, CO 80112                             Albert Shuldiner, Esq.
                                                Counsel to NetSat 28 Company, L.L.C.
Karis A. Hastings, Esq.                         Vinson & Elkins
Counsel to GE American Communications, Inc.     1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Hogan & Hartson, L.L.P.                         Washington, DC 20004—1008
555 13th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004—1109                       Julian L. Shepard, Esq.
                                                Counsel to Orion Network Systems, Inc., and
John P. Janka, Esq.                             Orion Atlantic, L.P.
Counsel to Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.   Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson & Hand,
Latham & Watkins                                Chartered
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                    901 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004—2505                       Suite 700
                                                Washington, DC 20005—2301

Daniel S. Goldberg, Esq.
Counsel to PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright
1229 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Michael R. Gardner, Esq.
Counsel to VisionStar, Inc.
Law Offices of Michael Gardner, PC
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036

* via hand delivery                    Vik \/          AMct {L
                                     Dair‘ Warnock |

Document Created: 2014-09-12 14:52:01
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 14:52:01

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