Attachment 1997House of Rep let

1997House of Rep let

LETTER submitted by House Representative Bill Goodling



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                       <om.                                      Room 2263
      BILL GOODLING                                                | /’ég .                             RayBurn House Orfice Buioing
  19teDiatrict, PENNSYLVANIA                                           e                                  Tecernone: (202) 225—5836
    TOLL FREE DISTRICT NUMBER:                                                                                cistRict orfices:
           800—432—1811                                                                                       Feperar Buioing
                      .                                                        bgs                        200 South Geonce Streer
            CHAIRMAN:                                                  JJifl\‘\ <                            York, PA 17405—9999
   COMMITTEE oN ECONOMIC                                                 *
AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES                                                        ,                       Chamsen Buitoing

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                                        Congress of the Hnitedb States                                   "anot    iroantm
                                                                                                          140 Bacrimone Strreer
                                                   bouse of Representatibes                              cul
                                                   wafl)mgtfln, EQZ 20515""‘3819                                2020 Yaue Avenue
                                                                                                          CampP Hic, PA 17011—5456
                                                                                                            44 Freoerick Street
                                                                                                          Hanover, PA 17331—3598
                                                             March 27, 1997

         The Honorable Reed Hundt
                                                                                                       (1¢ f@k
         Chairman                                                                                               4/ /7
         Federal Communications Commissio                                                                                      Y
          1919 M Street, NW             _            <                                                                     P
         Room 814                                                                                                            6&
         Washington, D.C. 20554                                                             *                            {(

                                 RE:   Norris Satellite Communications, Inc.
                                       Application for Review
                                       File Nos.         54—DSS—P/L—90

         Dear Chairman Hundt:

               On behalf of Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. I urge you to grant the Application for
         Review filed in the above referenced matter.

                 As you are aware, Norris is a pioneer in proposing use of Ka—band satellite technology. It
         has expended significant time and resources in development of a satellite to be launched pursuant
         to the terms of its initial authorization. See Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., 7 ECC Red
         4289 (1992), recon. den. 9 FCC Red 7370 (1993). However, as more fully outlined in the
         Application for Review, it has been unable to complete the construction given the uncertainties
         concomitant to various pending rulemaking proceedings.

                   The Chief of the International Bureau rescinded Norris‘ authorization based on his belief
         that Notrris‘ agreements with its prime contractor comprised an indefinite, contingent contract.
         There is, however, substantial evidence that significant payments have been made on the contract
         and that extensive work has been completed to date. The request for extension of milestone
         deadlines was also denied.

                                            THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE OF RECYCLED FIBERS

        Given your history of lenience and understanding regarding the typical delays and other
problems associated with such pioneering efforts, and the fact that the delays are understandable
given the pending rulemaking proceedings, together with the certain harm which will result if
Norris loses its priority status to recent applicants, the Commission should reinstate Norris‘
authorization and allow it to complete the substantial construction already in progress.

                                           \             —

                                                 J   ¢

                                               BILL GOODLING
                                               Member of Congress

P.S.   T‘d also like to call your attention to the fact that during this time Mr. Norris was under
tremendous pressure due to the illness and eventual passing of his wife.


Document Created: 2014-09-12 14:55:09
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 14:55:09

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