Attachment 1997Commission ltr j

1997Commission ltr j

LETTER submitted by FCC

Correspondence to the Honorable Bill Goodling


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                     Federal Communications Commission
                           Washington, D.C. 20554
                                  July 16, 1997

Honorable Bill Goodling
Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515—3819

            Re:      Norris Satellite Communications,           Inc.
              (File Nos.   54—DSS—P/L—90      and 54—DSS—P—90);        AT&T
            Corporation (File No. 156—162—SAT—P/LA—95) ; Comm,
            Inc. (File No. 163—166—SAT—P/LA—95); EchoStar Satellite
            Corporation (File No. 167/168—SAT—P/LA—95); GE American
            Communications, Inc. (File No. 169—173—SAT—P/LA—95) ;
            Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. (File Nos. 3/4—DSS—
            P/LA;    CSS—94—021—025;       174—181    SAT—AMEND—95) ;     KaStar
            Satellite Communications Corp. (File No. 127—SAT—P/LA—
            95) ; Lockheed Martin Corporation (File No. 182—186—SAT—
            P/LA—95) ; Loral Aerospace Holdings, Inc. (File Nos.
            109—SAT—P/LA—95;          110—SAT—P—95;    187—SAT—AMEND—95;         and
            188/189—SAT—P/LA—95); Morning Star Satellite Co.,
            L.L.C.    (File No.       190—193—SAT—P/LA—95);      NetSat     28   (File
            No.   194—SAT—P/LA—95); Orion Network Systems,                Inc.    (File
            No.   195—197—SAT—P/LA/95); PanAmSat Corporation                  (File
            Nos. 117—SAT—AMEND—95; 198/199—SAT—P/LA—95) ;                 and
            VisionStar, Inc. (File No. 200—SAT—P/LA—95)

Dear Representative Goodling:

This is in reference to your letter of March 27, 1997 to Chairman
Hundt relating to Norris Satellite Corporation‘s April 15, 1996,
Application for Review, which seeks Commission review of an
International Bureau Order voiding and nullifying its 1992
authorization to construct, launch, and operate a Ka—band
satellite system at 90 degrees, W.L.  See Norris Satellite
Communications, Inc., 11 FCC Red 5402 (Int‘l Bur. 1996) . Your
letter was forwarded to this office for handling in accordance
with the Commission‘s ex parte rules.

Under the ex parte rules in effect at the time of your letter,
the Norris application proceeding was deemed a restricted
proceeding.    Public Notice,         "Common Carrier Bureau Announces
Restricted Adjudicative Proceeding Regarding Applications at
27.5—30.0 GHz     (Ka—Band),"     9   FCC Red 2081     (CCB   1994).   As   such,      no
written communications directed to the merits or outcome of the
proceedings could be made unless served on the other parties.
Further,   although circumstances have occurred that warrant
modification of the original scope of the ex parte restrictions

 of that public notice, the Norris application continues to be
 closely interrelated with recently granted geostationary
 satellite orbit applications, captioned above, to provide fixed
 satellite service in the Ka—band.  See Public Notice,
 "Clarification of Ex Parte Status of 28 GHz Ka—Band Application
Proceedings", DA 97—1490 (Int‘l Bur. July 15,       1997)   (copy
enclosed) .   These applications are interrelated because a
sufficient number of clear orbital locations may not exist if all
of the applications, including that of Norris, were to be
granted.    Therefore, the Norris proceeding and these other
interrelated applications will continue to be considered mutually
exclusive for purposes of the Commission‘s ex parte rules.  As a
consequence,   all written presentations concerning the merits of
these proceedings are prohibited unless served on the parties to
these proceedings.

Because it appears that your letter was not served on all the
parties to these interrelated application proceedings,         in
accordance with Section 1.1212 of the Commission‘s Rules,           47
C.F.R.   § 1.1212(d),   a copy of your letter shall be associated
with but not made a part of the record of the proceeding.  In
addition, parties to the above—captioned application proceedings
shall be apprised of this presentation through issuance of a
public notice in accordance with Section 1.1212(f), 47 C.F.R.            §
1.1212 (£) .

It should be noted that it is of course permissible under the
Commission‘s ex parte rules for you to re—submit your letter if
it is served (and shows service) on the parties to the
application proceedings.  Enclosed is a list of the parties to
the Norris and related application proceedings.

Finally, you may be assured that the Commission will closely
examine all the materials in the official record of this
proceeding in order to determine which course of action will best
serve the public interest,    convenience,    and necessity.


                                  e Q.T
                                 John I. Riffer
                                 Assistant General  "Counsel
                                 Administrative Law Division


                                                                                                    DA 97—1490

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                   1919 M STREET N.W.
                    WASHINGTON, DC 20554

  News media Information 202/418—0500   Recorded listing of releases and texts 202/418—2222.

  Report No. SPB—87                                                                      Released: July 15, 1997

                                   APPLICATION PROCEEDINGS

         This Public Notice is intended to clarify the ex parte status of applications filed in
 several inter—related Commission proceedings involving the 28 GHz frequency band. As the
 Commission stated in a Public Notice released on April 20, 1994, Public Notice, 9 FCC Red
 2081 (1994)("Public Notice"), over 450 entities had filed applications requesting authority to
 operate radio facilities in the 28 GHz band. These applications involved three different       '
 services: (1) the local multipoint distribution service ("LMDS"); (2) the fixed—satellite service
 ("FSS"); and (3) fixed feeder links for the mobile—satellite service ("MSS"). In the Public
 Notice, the Commission announced that these applications were mutually exclusive and that ex
 parte presentations were prohibited with respect to these applications under 47 C.F.R. §

            Since that time, the Commission has issued a Report and Order adopting a band
 segmentation plan that designates discrete frequencies for LMDS operations, MSS feeder link
 operations. and FSS operations. The plan further subdivides the designated FSS spectrum into
 specific frequencies for geostationary—satellite ("GSO®") FSS satellites and for non—
 geostationary satellite orbit ("NGSO®") FSS satellites. Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21,
 and 235 of the Commission‘s Rules, 11 FCC Red 19005 (1996). No petitions for
 reconsideration were filed with respect to the band segmentation plan. For this reason. if the
 frequency band designated for a service (LMDS. MSS Feeder Link, GSO—FSS, or NGSO—
 FSS) for which authorization is sought differs from the band designated for a service of
 another application. we will no longer treat those applications as mutually exclusive.

         Applications within the same band or service may, however, still be mutually
 exclusive.    Mutual exclusivity could arise as a consequence of requests for overlapping
 frequencies made in the same service band or for other reasons. We wish to clarify, for


                                                                                    DA 97—1490

example, that certain satellite applications that are pending in the 28 GHz band will be treated
as mutually exclusive. Specifically. in 1992. the Commission granted Norris Satellite
Communications, Inc. a license to construct and operate a GSO—FSS system in the 28 GHz
band. See Norris Satellite Communications. Inc.., 7 FCC Red 4289 (1992). In 1996, the
International Bureau revoked Norris‘s license for failure to implement the system in
compliance with the milestone schedule required by its license. See Norris Satellite
Communications. 11 FCC Red 5402 (Int‘l Bur. 1996). Norris subsequently filed an
Application for Review of the Bureau‘s Order and its appeal is pending before the
Commission.     The International Bureau,. under delegated authority, has also granted 15
licenses for first—round GSO—FSS applicants in the 28 GHz frequency band. reassigning the
orbit location that had been assigned to Norris to a new licensee. Assignment of Orbital
Locations to Space Stations in the Ka—Band. DA 97—967 (rel.. May 9. 1997). On May 23.
1997. Norris filed a request for stay of the Assignment Order.

         If the Norris application were to be reinstated on appeal. there may be an insufficient
number of orbit locations to accommodate all of the other first—round GSO—FSS licensees.
Therefore, the Notris and GSO—FSS applications will be treated as mutually exclusive for ex
parte purposes. Accordingly, ex parte presentations concerning the merits or the outcome of
any of these inter—related applications will be prohibited until the application proceedings are
no longer subject to administrative reconsideration or review or judicial review. 47 C.F.R. §§
1.1202 (d)(1). 1.208. An ex parte presentation is any communication (spoken or written)
directed to the merits or outcome of a proceeding made to a Commissioner. a Commissioner‘s
assistant. or decision—making staff member. that. if written, is not served on other parties to
the proceeding or. if oral, is made without advance notice and an opportunity for all parties to
be present.

For further information contact, Chris Murphy. International Bureau (202) 418—2373.

                          KA—BAND SATELLITE APPLICANTS

AT&T Corporation

Robert Dughi,     Esq.
295 North Maple Avenue
Room 3134CL
Basking Ridge, N.J.        07920

Morning Star Satellite Co.,           L.L.C.

Francis L. Young,        Esq.
Young & Jatlow
2300 N Street,     N.W.
Suite 600
Washington,    D.C.      20037

NetSat 28

Robert A. Mazer, Esq.
Albert Shuldiner, Esq.
Vinson & Elkins
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue,          N.W.
Suite 700
Washington,    D.C.      20004—1008

KaStar Satellite Communications Corp.

Stephen E.    Coran,     Esq.
Rini   & Coran,   P.C.
Dupont Circle Building
1350 Connecticut Avenue,         N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, D.C.  20036

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Raymond G. Bender, Jr., Esq.
Thomas K. Gump, Esq.
Dow, Lohnes, & Albertson
1255 23rd Street,        N.W.
Washington, D.C.         20037—1194

Hugheé Communications Galaxy,             Inc.

Gary M Epstein, Esq.
John P. Janka, Esq.

Latham & Watkins
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington,      D.C.    20004—2505

Loral Aerospace Holdings,              Inc.

Philip L.      Verveer,    Esq.
Michele R.      Pistone, Esq.
Wilkie, Farr & Gallagher
Three Lafayette Center
1155 21st Street, N.W.
Washington D.C.  20036—3384

VisionStar,      Inc.

Michael R.      Gardner,       Esq.
Charles R. Milkis, Esq.
Rafael G.      Prohias.,       Esq.
Law Offices of Michael R. Gardner
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite    710
Washington,      D.C.     22036

PanAmSat Corporation

Henry Goldberg,         Esq.
Goldberg, Godles, Weiner & Wright
1220    19th Street,      N.W.
Washington, D.C.          20036

Orion Network Systems,            Inc.

Thomas J.      Keller
Julian L.      Shepard
Verner, Lipfert,         Bernhard,       McPherson   & Hand
901 15th Street,         N.W.
Washington,     D.C.      20005—2301

GE American Communications,               Inc.

Alexander P. Humphrey IV,              Esq.
General Electric Company
1750 Old Meadow Road
McLean,   VA    22102—4300

Comm,   Inc.

Philip L. Malet, Esq.
Steptoe & Johnson
1330 Connecticut Avenue,              N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20036

EchoStar Satellite Corporation

Charles E. Ergen, President
David K. Moskowitz, Vice President and Legal Counsel
90   Inverness Circle East
Englewood,   CO   80112

Document Created: 2014-09-12 14:57:33
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 14:57:33

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