Attachment 1997Norris letter ma

1997Norris letter ma

LETTER submitted by Norris Satellite

Requesting clarification


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            BOOTH, FRERET, IMLAY & TEPPER, PC.
                                                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW

CHRISTOPHER D. MLAY                                                              1233 20TH STREET, N.W., SUTTE 204
cary 5 TEPPER                                       May 13, 1997                     WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—2304
ROBERT M. BOOTH, JR. (1911—1981)
JULLAN P. FRERET (RETRED)                                                               TELEPHONE: (202) 296—910¢
                                                                                         FACSIMILE: (202) 293—1319
     Via Hand Delivery

    Rosalee Chiara, Esquirse
    International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission
    2000      M Street,            N.W.,    Room   516
    Washington,           D.C.       20554

                                           Re:   Pending Application for Review,                Norris
                                           Satellite Communications,            Inc.;      Reinstatement
                                           of Authorization to Construct,               Launch,     and
                                           Operate Satellites in the Ka—Band;                 File Nos.
                                           54—DSS—P/L—90, and 54—DSS—P—90.

    Dear Ms.          Chiara:

         You will   recall that the undersigned represents> Norris
    Satellite Communications, Inc. I am attempting to clarify certain
    information provided to me by your office over the past two weeks.
    Sspecifically, you informed me,; on May 7, 1997, that your office, in
    coordination with the Office of the General Counsel, had determined
    that the above—refsrenced Application for Review is a Restricted
    Proceeding within the meaning of 47 C.F.R. §1.1208, and thersfore
    it is impossible for me or representatives of my client to meet
   with       the      International               Bursau,    or       with   the    offices       of    the
   Commissioners,              to discuss matters related to the proceeding.

             However, the Commission‘s actions of last week relative to the
   assignment of orbital locations to space stations in the Ka—Band,
   (See, the Order, DA—97—967, adopted May 8, 1997, and released May
   9, 1997) and the grants of thirteen Ka—Band satellite applications
   on the same date, make the determination that Norris‘ Application
   for Review is a Restricted Proceeding difficult to understand.

        You informed me on Monday, May 5, 1997, at a time when I was
   attempting to establish a meeting with Mr. Cowhey and with the
   Office of Commissioner Quello that there was concern that this was
   a Restricted Proceeding. You indicated that there would be a public
   notice        to     that        effect       released     "in      the    next   few    days".       You
   confirmed the determination by a telephone call to me on May 7,
   1997,      and at that time stated that there would be no public notice
   issued. I asked you whether the determination was based on concerns
   of mutual exclusivity between Norris‘ reinstatement request and
   other Ka—Band applicants, and as I recall, you indicated in the
   affirmative, though y8u did not elaborate on the basis for the

 Rosalee Chiara,     Esquire
 May 13, 1997
 Page Two

     The very next day, the Bureau adopted the Order on Assiqgnment
of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Ka—Band, DA 97—967,
and separately granted sach of the pending applications for Ka—Band
authorizations,  but the Commission took no action on Norris‘!
Application for Review. Apparently the Bureau perceives no mutual
exclusivity between any of those granted applications, or the
orbital spacing Order on the one hand, and the Norris Application
for Review on the other hand. If that is the case, in what respect
is   the    unopposed     Norris    Application     for    Review       a   Restricted

        While the   Bursau   has,   by   its   actions    of May   8,    1997,   tilted
the playing field competitively against Norris and in favor of the
gqgranted applicants, and has by its actions apparently made it
impossible to reinstate the 90—degree orbital spacing previously
gqgranted to Norris, your office has at the same time determined that
Norris can do nothing to attempt to catch up, by determining,
without any written confirmation or elaboration,                   that Norris        is
precluded from any attempt to urge the grant of its Application for
Review,  or     even to discuss            the matter substantively with
appropriate      Commission staff.          Your Getermination stands to
seriously préjudice the legal            and   competitive posture          of   Norris
Satellite Communications, Inc.

     Please, without further delay, inform the undersigned in
writing of the basis or bases for the determination that the
unopposed Norris      Satellite Communications,            Inc.    Application       for
Review is a Restricteod Proceeding pursuant to Section 1.1208 of the
Commission‘s Rules, in view of the grants released May 9, 1997. In
this respect,    it is notable that Norris Satellite representatives
and prior counsel for Norris met in June of 1996 on this same
subject with the offices of Commissioners Chong, and Ness, and
later with the office of Commissioner Quello. The undersigned, with
representatives      of    Norris    Satellite,      visited       the      Office   of
Commissioner Ness, to discuss             the reinstatement         of the Norris
Satellite Communications, Inc.            authorization, in         April of this

Rosalee Chiara,     Esquire
May 13,   1997
Page Three

     Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter and
anticipated response.

                                     Yours very truly,

ce:   William E.   Kennard,   Esq.
      Peter F.   Cowhey,   Esq.
      Rudolfo M. Baca, Esq.
      Mr. John Norris
      Dr. Ben Armstrong
      Dr. Barry Brian

Document Created: 2014-09-12 14:59:19
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 14:59:19

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