Attachment 1997Commission ltr j

1997Commission ltr j

LETTER submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                               Washington, D.C. 20554
NE                                    July 16, 1997

 Christopher D.       Imlay, Esq.
 Booth, Freret,       Imlay & Tepper,         P.C.
 1233   M Street,     N.W.
 Suite 204
 Waslihiington,   D.C.    20036—2304

              Re:     Norris Satellite Communications,               Inc.
              (File Nos.      54—DSS—P/L—90          and 54—DSS—P—90) ;      AT&T
              Corporation (File No. 156—162—SAT—P/LA—95) ; Comm,
              Inc. (File No. 163—166—SAT—P/LA—95); EchoStar Satellite
              Corporation      (File No.       167/168—SAT—P/LA—95);          GE American
              Communications,         Inc.    (File No.    169—173—SAT—P/LA—95) ;
              Hughes Communications Galaxy,               Inc.    (File Nos.       3/4—DSS—
              P/LA;      CSS—94—021—025;       174—181 SAT—AMEND—95) ;          KaStar
              Satellite Communications Corp. (File No. 127—SAT—P/LA—
              95) ; Lockheed Martin Corporation (File No. 182—186—SAT—
              P/LA—95); Loral Aerospace Holdings,                 Inc.      (File Nos.
              109—SAT—P/LA—95;            110—SAT—P—95;    187—SAT—AMEND—95;            and
              188/189—SAT—P/LA—95);            Morning Star Satellite Co.,
             L. L.C.      (File No.       190—193—SAT—P/LA—95);       NetSat       28   (File
             No.    194—SAT—P/LA—95); Orion Network Systems, Inc. (File
             No.    195—197—SAT—P/LA/95); PanAmSat Corporation (File
            *Nos. 117—SAT—AMEND—95; 198/199—SAT—P/LA—95) ;                     and
             VisionStar, Inc.  (File No. 200—SAT—P/LA—95)

 Dear Mr.   Imlay:

 This is in reference to your letter of May 13, 1997, to Ms.
 Rosalee Chiara, Esq., International Bureau, relating to Norris
 Satellite Corporation‘s pending application for review which
 seeks Commission review of an International Bureau Order voiding
 and nullifying its 1992 authorization to construct, launch, and
 operate a Ka—band satellite system at 90 degrees, W.L. See Norris
 Satellite Communications, Inc., 11 FCC Red 5402 (Int‘l Bur.
 1996) . Your letter was forwarded to this office for appropriate
 handling in accordance with the Commission‘s ex parte rules.

Under the ex parte rules in effect at the time of your letter,
the Norris application proceeding was deemed a restricted
proceeding. Public Notice, "Common Carrier Bureau Announces
Restricted Adjudicative Proceeding Regarding Applications at
 27.5—30.0 GHz      (Ka—Band),"       9   FCC Red 2081     (CCB   1994) .     As   such,      no
written communications directed to the merits or outcome of the
proceedings could be made unless served on the other parties.
Further, although circumstances have occurred that warrant
modification of the original scope of the ex parte restrictions

 of that public notice, the Norris application continues to be
 closely interrelated with recently granted geostationary
 satellite orbit applications,           captioned above,    to provide fixed
 satellite service in the Ka—band.  See Public Notice,
 "Clarification of Ex Parte Status of 28 GHz Ka—Band Application
 Proceedings", DA 97—1490       (Int‘l Bur. July 15,        1997)   {copy
 enclosed) .   These applications are interrelated because a
 sufficient number of clear orbital locations may not exist if all
 of the applications, including that of Norris, were to be
 granted.    Therefore, the Norris proceeding and these other
 interrelated applications will continue to be considered mutually
 exclusive for purposes of the Commission‘s ex parte rules.   As a
 consequence, all written presentations concerning the merits of
 these proceedings are prohibited unless served on the parties to
 these proceedings.

Because it appears that your letter was not served on all the
parties to these interrelated application proceedings, in
accordance with Section 1.1212 of the Commission‘s Rules, 4~
 C.F.R.   § 1.1212(d),    a copy of your letter shall be associated
with but not made a part of the record of the proceeding.   In
addition, parties to the above—captioned application proceedings
shall be apprised of this presentation through issuance of a
public notice in accordance with Section 1.1212(f), 47 C.F.R. §
1.1212 (f) .


                                        oAAllcd   .

                                        John I. Riffe
                                        Assistant General    Counsel
                                  ~_—   Administrative Law Division


Steve Bailey:   OGC/Ad.Law
CC:   File, Attorney File, Reading File, Susan Steiman, Suzanne Tetreault,
      Maureen Duignan, Joel Kaufman, Lawrence Schaffner

Document Created: 2014-09-12 15:00:11
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 15:00:11

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