Attachment 1999UNESCO letter ma

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



   K [ S t                       United Nations Educatnonal Scientific and Cultural Organization
  "-—                        Organisation Des Nations Unies pour 1Education, la Science et la Cultur
  P.o.Bof 1177
  Tdephone No.: 51 39 53
                            51 72 00
  Tédex: 976—21029 ECA
  Fax: (251—1) S1—14—14                                                  12 March 1999
         (251—1) 51—44—16

 Ms Marjorie Roman Salas
 Federal Communications Commission
 The Portals
~ 445—12thStreet, SW
 Washington, DC 20554

 Re:       Amendment of AfriSpace Inc.‘s Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and
           Operate a Sub—regional Africa and Middle Eastern Satellite Sound Broadcasting
           Transmission System, File N° CSS—90—017

 Dear Ms Salas,

         The UNESCO Culture of Peace Programme in Addis Ababa wishes to express its support
 for the AfriSpace Inc. Application that is currently pending before the FCC.

         As you might know, UNESCO has always been at the forefront of initiatives to support the
 free flow of informations, the democratization of access to the new information technologies and
 their use in the field of education, development and peace building. It is why, within the framework
 of the UN System—wide Special Initiative on Africa launched by The United Nations in 1996,
 UNESCO has been designated as the lead Agency for the implementation of the Component of the
 Initiative dealing with "Communications for Peace Building". It is also in this context that we are
 actually collaborating with Worldspace Foundation in the creation of an African Learning Channel
 and the development of radio programmes on culture of peace for Africa.

        An information system, such as that proposed by AffiSpace and inaugurated by the recent
 launch of the AffriStar Satellite, will surely facilitate the joint efforts of Affrican Nations and
 International Community to build a development—serving African Information Society.

           For the above reasons, we strongly recommend that the Federal Commumcanons
 Commission extend its approval to the AfriS »ace applcation.

                                                                        Yours sincerely,

                                                                        Dr. Ali Moussa Iye
                                                                        Culture of Peace Programme
                                                                        UNESCO, Addis Ababa

Document Created: 2015-06-04 15:55:33
Document Modified: 2015-06-04 15:55:33

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