Attachment 1999United Nations L

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


UNITED NATIONS LIAISON .                                          BUREAU DE LIAISON DES
 OFFICE WITH THE OAU                                            NATIONS UNIES AVEC L‘OUA

                                                      Date: 29 March 1999
                                                      Ref: UNLO/OCHA/GEN/O04/21/99

          Re:    Amendment of AfriSpace, Inc.‘s Application for Authority to Construct,
                 Launch and Operate a Sub—regional Africa and Middle Eastern Satellite
                 Sound Broadcasting Transmission System, File No. CSS—90—017[IBFS File
          ~—>.   No.   SAT—LOA—19900723—00002];        Amendment       File   No.   SAT—AMD—
                 19990125—00016 (Call Sign 52367)

 Dear Ms. Salas,

       The United Nations Liaison Office with the Organization of African Unity wishes to
 express its support for the AfriSapce Inc. application that is currently pending before the
 FCC. The mission of the UNOCHA is to promote humanitarian action and policy
 coordination, advocacy and exchange of information on humanitarian issues. We have a
 wider collaboration with African Members States of the Organization in the exchange of
 information via the OAU forum.

         Our Organization is extremely interested in utilizing a service such as the AfriSpace
 project in order to advise and participate in direct audio broadcasting transmission
 capabilities throughout Africa in so far as advocating for the proper understanding of
 humanitarian law is concerned. We would avail ourselves of such a system to develop and
 maintain communication with other field offices and development programs. We are also
 fully supportive of an enhanced provision of distance learning programming in Africa.

      For the above reasohs, we stroAneg urge the Commission to approve the
 Amendment of AfriSpace, Inc.‘s application.


                                                        ferra Shiawi
                                             Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer

 Ms. Marjorie Roman Salas
 Federal Communications Commission
 The Portals, 445—12"" Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C.20554
 U.S.A.                    .

Document Created: 2015-06-04 15:54:36
Document Modified: 2015-06-04 15:54:36

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