Attachment 1999Bank of Abyssini

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


        h Q d i2                  4 4n                                BANK OF ABYSSINIA

                                                                                               APR 2 2 1999
       26 March 1999
                                                                                        Fedoral CommunicationsGommussion
                                                                                                Cifice of Secrotary
       Ms. Magorie Roman Salas
       Federal Communications Commission
       The Portals
       445—12th Street, S.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:       Amendment of AffriSpace, Inc.‘s Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and
                 Operate a Subregional Africa and Middle Eastern Satellite Sound Broadcasting
                 Transmission System, File No. CSS—90—017 [IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—19900723—
                 00002]; Amendment File No. SAT—AMD—19990125—00016 (Call Sign 52367)

       Dear Ms. Salas,

       In my capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Abyssinia, I am writing
       in support of AfriSpace‘s proposal to institute a satellite broadcast system for Africa and the
       Middle East.

      Following nearly two decades of a command economy under the former regime, Ethiopia has
      recently introduced a market—oriented management of its economy. Among the steps taken in this
      direction is the encouragement of private banking. My own bank is among the pioneers in this
      exciting and challenging venture. As is well known, modern banking services rely upon effective
      global communication technologies. The scope and effectiveness of our services depend on
      speedy and reliable access to our clients. To realize the rich potential of private banking in
      Ethiopia, our bank needs to make itself known to households throughout the vast stretch of rural
      Ethiopia and to clients in neighboring countries in the sub—region.

      In these and related »ways the modern communications system proposed by AfriSpace would be a
      most valuable aid to the private banking sector emerging in Ethiopia.

      I therefore urge approval of AfriSpace‘s timely proposal.

      Sincerely Yours,

             7   ¢.¢CW
       ekalign Gedamu            i
      Chairman and Chief Exec
      Bank of Abyssinia

T 51 41 30— 15 99 66
  Telex: 21997                       FAX: 251—1—51 15 75               E4 12947 — Addis Ababa, Ethiopla

Document Created: 2015-06-04 15:46:52
Document Modified: 2015-06-04 15:46:52

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