Attachment 1999Ethiopian Televi

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                Ref No.

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    26 March 1999

    Ms. Marjorie Roman Salas
    Federal Communications Commission
    The Portals
    445—12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

    Re:     Amendment of AfriSpace, Inc.‘s Application for Authority to Construct, Launch
            and Operate a Subregional Africa and Middle Eastern Satellite Sound
           Broadcasting Transmission System, File No. CSS—90—017 [IBFS File No. SAT—
           LOA——19900723—00002]; Amendment File No. SAT—AMD—19990125—00016
           (Call Sign 52367)

    Dear Ms. Salas:

    Since 1991 Ethiopia has undertaken a step unprecedented in the country‘s long history: to
    initiate the establishment of a constitutional democracy. Cultivation of a democratic
    culture calls for citizens and communities competent both to understand debates in public
    policy and to appraise government‘s ability to formulate and implement effective policies.
    In a largely rural society with limited literacy, TV and especially radio are favored agents
    of public information. Ethiopia‘s embrace of federalism, entitling regional governments
    to use local languages in education and public service, further increases the burden TV
    and radio must bear in ensuring citizen access to information.

    In the light of Ethiopia‘s changing political landscape and the resultant growth in the
    demand for public information, access to modern communication technologies is

I am acquainted with AfriSpace technology and its rich potential. AfriSpace‘s proposed
satellite broadcasting system, no doubt the first in Affrica, will greatly advance the scope
and quality of public information that can reach rural and culturally pluralist

I therefore urge approval of AfriSpace‘s application.

Sincerely Yours,

Salome Tadesse
General Manager
Ethiopian Radio and Television

Document Created: 2015-05-18 16:45:25
Document Modified: 2015-05-18 16:45:25

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