Attachment 1999Commercial Bank

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                             COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA

                EVP/AD/11/99                                            March 31, 1999

                Ms. Marjorie Roman Salas
                Federal Communications Commission
                The Portals
                445—12th Street, SW.
                Washington, D.C. 20554

                              Re:—     Amendment ofAfriSpace, Inc.‘s Applicationfor Authority to
                                       Construct, Launch and Operate a Subregional Africa and
                                       Middle Eastern Satellite Sound Broadcasting Transmission
                                       System,FileNo.CSS—90—017[IBFS FileNo.SAT—LOA—19900723—
                                       00002]; Amendment File No. SAT—AMD—19990125—00016
                                       (Call Sign 52367)
            Dear Ms. Salas,

            I am writing this letter in support of AfriSpace‘s application to initiate a satellite
            broadcast systemfor Africa and the Middle East.

            Pursuant to the fall of the military rule in 1991, Ethiopia has embarked on a bold
            experiment in political democracy and the liberalization of the economy. The
            Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, the largest commercial bank in the country, has
            spearheaded efforts in regards to implementing the reform and modernization of the
            financial sector, paving the wayfor complete deregulation offinancial markets in the.
            nextfew years.

            4A crucial corollary offinancial deregulation is the introduction of modern systems of
            communication that enable effective communication with international institutions as
            well as with customers in remote rural areas of the country. I strongly believe that
            the communication technology offered by AfriSpace will greatly enhance our efforts
            to reach our customers andprospects in all corner of the country.

            I therefore support AfriSpace‘s application most enthusiastically and wish them
            success in their noble endeavor

P. O. Box 255             TELEPHONE                CA B LE              210374.#i050           asi—scsrien
ADDIS ABABA               §1—50—04, 515000         ETHIOBANK            21037 B, 21078         31 —1 —5f 78 6

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   Phekch chik hP¥ th4P HhAPPkL                                                         '
      osat neerid tha YPTTT
           Abba Paulos
    \ PATRIARCH OF ETHIOPIA                 _
andEchegue of the see ofSt. Teklehaimanot

        Ms. Marorie Roman Salas
        Federal Communications Commission
        The Portals, 445—12th Street, S.W.
        Washington, D.C. 20554

              Re: Amendment of AfriSpace, Inc.‘s Application for Authority to
                  Construct, Launch and Operate a Sub—regional Africa and Middle
                  Eastern Satellite Sound Broadcasting Transmission System, File No.
                  CSS—90—017 [IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—19900723—00002]; Amend—
                   ment File No. SAT—AMD—19990125—00016 (Call Sign 52367)

              DNear Ms., Salas:
              it is well known that Ethiopia is among the first communities to accept the
       Canristian faith. The rare manuscripts, monasteries, and churches of Ethiopia
       attest to the weaith of Ethiopia‘s Christian heritage. The Ethiopian Orthodox
       Church stretches far beyond Ethiopia. Our churches in Jerusalem, in the
       Americas, and in the West Indies are famous sites of worship and pilgrimage.
              The Church‘s work of bringing the Gospel to the faithful here and
       elsewhere can be greatly eased by access to modern communication
       technology. Likewise, the Chureh‘s important mission to better the earthly well—
       being of individuals and communities, particularly the poor, can be carried out
       more effectively through advanced means of communication.
              The Ethiopian Orthodox Church‘s mission to minister to the eternal and
       earthly needs of humanity will be helped by the communication system proposed
       by AfriSpace.
              trecommend approval of AfnSpaces innovative proposal

Document Created: 2015-05-18 16:41:50
Document Modified: 2015-05-18 16:41:50

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