Attachment 1999AIDDA letter mar

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             African Institutefor Democratic
                                                          Deliberation & Action
                                                                          (AIDDA)           AIDDA
                                       PO Boxz 2469, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
                                                     telephone: +251—1—714665

21 March 1999

Ms Marorie Roman Salas
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission
The Portals, 445 12th Street SW
Washington DC, 20554

Dear Ms Salas,

Re:     In the matter of Application of AfriSpace Inc. for Authority to Launch and Operate a Satellite
        Sound Broadcasting Transmission System, File no. CSS—90—017 [IBFS file no. SAT—LOA—
        19900723—00002]; Amendment file no. SAT—AMD—19990125—00016 (Call Sign 52367)

The African Institute for Democratic Deliberation and Action, AIDDA, is dedicated to reflection and
practice regarding the problems and possibilities raised by transitional democracy on the African continent.
As such, our primary concern is with the creation of space for public debate and education in relation to
these issues. In particular we are concerned with the establishment of fora which reach beyond urban and
elite populations, and which operate outside the governmental sphere.

As a consequence of this, AIDDA perceives the current crisis of inaccessibility of the rural majority to
information and debate regarding transitional democracy — and many other issues — as the fundamental
obstacle to the development of its work.

In the light of this AIDDA views the proposal of AfriSpace for the provision of radio programming to Africa
via satellite as uniquely placed to contribute to the establishment of infrastructure which will facilitate
widespread public understanding and debate regarding issues of critical and universal importance.

For this reason, AIDDA urges the Federal Communications Commission to give favourable consideration to
the Application of AffriSpace for authority to construct, launch, and operate a Sub—regional Africa and
Middle Eastern Satellite Sound Broadcasting Transmission System.

Please do not hesitate to contact AIDDA at the address detailed above should you require additional
information or confirmation.

Yburs   sincerely,

Document Created: 2015-05-18 13:59:21
Document Modified: 2015-05-18 13:59:21

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