Attachment 1990Public Notice DA

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               ~<—~;~Federal Communications Commission                                         DA 90—1462

                                                                   and/or dismissed if not found to be in accordance with
                        _ Before the                               the Commission‘s rules and regulations or other require—
             Federal Communications Commission                     ments.                                              ©
                   Washington, D.C. 20554                            For further information, contact Rosalee Chiara at
                                                                   (202) 634—1624.

                       PUBLIC NOTICE                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                   Released: October 19, 1990

   Report No. DS—1015

         Digital Audio Radio Service Satellite System
               Application Tendered for Filing

   Satellite CD                  File Nos. 49/50—DSS—P/LA—90
   Radio, Inc.                          58/59—DSS—AMEND—90

    Satellite CD Radia._ Inc. has tendered for filing an ap—
 plication to construct. launch and operate a digital audio
 radio service satellite system consisting of the following:
 two 6000—watt geostationary satellites, an undetermined
 number of urban—area terrestrial repeaters, an earth sta—
 tion for feeder links and for telemetry, telecommand and
 control, terrestrial links for delivery of programming to
 the feeder link earth station and numerous individual
 radio receivers. The system is intended to provide CD
 quality radio service throughout the U.S. CD Radio pro—
 poses to transmit redio programming from up to 66 radio
 stations via land—lines to the feeder link station where it
 will be uplinked to the space station using the 30 GHz
 frequency band. The signals will be downlinked to the
 individual receivers using the 1470—1530 MHz frequency
 bands. At the same time the feeder link‘station is trans—
 mitting programming to the satellites, it will send the
 same programming to a network of ground repeaters in
 urban. areas. Individual radio receivers will automatically
select the stronger signal —— satellite or terrestrial —— carry—
ing the same programming. CD Radio proposes to offer
its service on a non—common carrier basis by selling tran—
sponders to both terrestrial broadcasters and non—broad—
casters providing sif®écription or pay—per—listen services.
This application has not yet been accepted for filing.
   CD Radio has also filed a Petition for Rule Making (See
 RM—7400) to allocate, on a primary basis, the 1470—1530
MHz frequencies it proposes to use to downlink its pro—
gramming. in addition, the Commission has released a
‘ Notice of Inquiry, (Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules
 with Regard :o the Establishment and Regulation of New
‘Digital Audio Radio Services, FCC 90—281 (released August
21, 1990)), seeking comment on the development and
implementation of new digital radio services in general.
Action on CD Radio‘s application will be affected by the
disposition of its Petition for Rule Making as well as any
action taken in connection with the Notice of Inquiry.
   Comments or petitions regarding CD Radio‘s applica—
tion may be filed on or before November 30, 1990. Re—
plies and oppositions may be filed on or before December
14, 1990. Copies of this application are available for pub—
lic inspection in Room 6220, 2025 M Street NW., Wash—
ington, D.C. 20554. The application listed is subject to
further consideration and review and may be returned

Document Created: 2014-09-09 11:20:42
Document Modified: 2014-09-09 11:20:42

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