Attachment 1991Amendment to app

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


C             fTpLL & N &n ehonmw y >

                             Before the              es
               Federal Communications Commission ;s~ _
                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

Applications of
Satellite CD Radio Inc.
for Authority to Construct             Efle No. 44 [50—808ss—PBILA~—40
Launch and Operate a
Digital Audio Radio
Satellite System


     Satellite CD Radio Inc. ("CCD Radio") hereby amends its above—
referenced Digital Audio Radio Service application to reduce its
broadcasting satellite sound service (BSS—Sound) frequency request
and to add a generic mobile satellite service (MSS) frequency request
to provide a Subscription Digital Radio Service (SDRS). There is no
change in CD Radio‘s legal, technical nor financial qualifications,
and no change to its system description other than a substitution of
some proposed generic MSS spectrum for some generic BSS—Sound
spectrum, and a request to provide Subscription Digital Radio
Service (SDRS) in addition to DAR service. In addition, CD Radio
has been able to reduce its total frequency request from 60 MHz to
only 50 MHz, thereby freeing up demand on vital spectrum. The
specific frequencybands now requested are:


1493—1525 MHz = BSS(Sound) Spectrum for DAR [32 MHz totall
1626.5—1644.5 MHz = MSS Spectrum for SDRS [18 MHz total]


Since filing its Application for Digital Audio Radio Service on May
18, 1990, CD Radio has made repeated efforts to enhance spectrum
efficiency in the 1500 MHz region by demonstrating its ability to
share with existing users of the spectrum. CD Radio has filed with
the Commission demonstrations that it could share co—channel with
existing 1500 MHz frequency users (See Petition of Satellite CD
Radio Inc., May 18, 1990, Exhibit A.) CD Radio has also filed with
the Commission quantitative analyses demonstrating that existing
1500 MHz frequency users could occupy half their spectrum at no
additional cost and with no loss of operational flexibility.
Notwithstanding these proofs, CD Radio appreciates that it is
extremely difficult for the Commission to enforce sharing in a shared
Government/Non—Government frequency band such as 1500 MHz.
Hence the Commission‘s WARC—92 proposal for Digital Audio Radio
in the 1500 MHz band contemplates sharing of only 32 MHz of
spectrum, from 1493—1525 MHz, well under the 60 MHz of
bandwidth requested by CD Radio.

Since the time of the Commission‘s WARC—92 proposals, CD Radio
has undertaken further extensive technical analyses and market
research to determine the feasibility of a reduced bandwidth
allocation to Digital Audio Radio. One of the results of these studies


was evidence of a large market demand for a non—broadcast
Subscription Digital Radio Service (SDRS).           In this service,
customers pay a monthly and/or data fee to access a point—to—
multipoint stream of premium digital radio services. Among the
SDRS services CD Radio hereby requests authority to provide are:

    *   Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) daté regarding
        travel conditions, geo—coded digital mobile yellow pages
        updates, and regularly revised optimal routing software for
        vehicle navigation systems (ten 256 kb/s channels; 3 MHz);

    *   Continuing Education Service in which professional update
        information for a variety of disciplines will be transmitted to
        mobile, fixed and portable radio receivers for real—time or
        delayed access (six 256 kb/s channels; 2 MHz);

    *    Electronic Magazine Services in which weekly or monthly
        electronic editions of data for new personal electronics
        products such as the Sony CD Watchman, and advanced
        electronic notebooks will be delivered (three 256 kb/s
        channels; 1 MHz);

    e   Premium Audio Services in which persons with intense
        preferences for certain audio preferences are willing to pay
        a monthly fee in order to receive selections (ten 256 kb/s
        channels; 3 MHz).

For example, as General Motors noted in their Comments in
support of DAR:

           While the public discussion to date on DAR has
           obviously concentrated on delivery of aural
           broadcast channels, the digital nature of DAR

           can, with proper foresight, also be used to
           meet other information needs of the modern
           driver. DAR sub—channels will likely prove to
           be a valuable way to disseminate update
           information to users of the "Intelligent Vehicle
           Highway Systems" (IVHS). For example, a
           sub—channel on the DAR system could be used
           to provide Real Time Traffic information
           ("RITTI") to help alleviate congestion. Using
           the inherent point—to—multipoint dissemina—
           tion characteristics of DAR may allow a
           significant reduction in the need for two—way
           communications to implement IVHS services.

CD Radio‘s financial and business models demonstrated that the
above—described subscription digital radio services would contribute
an equivalent amount of revenue and earnings as would the sale of |
digital radio channels to "spacecasters" i.e., to those programming
for a general audience. Furthermore, the technical characteristics of
the above—described subscription digital radio service channels are
no different from CD Radio‘s DAR channels in terms of power,


channel speed, and modulation.        Because the above—described
subscriber channels are consistent with the Commission‘s "generic"‘
approach to defining Mobile Satellite Service, CD Radio believes it
can meet a substantial amount of its spectrum requirements from
frequencies proposed to be allocated to the new general Mobile
Satellite Service. Accordingly, CD Radio is able to reduce its request
for proposed BSS—Sound spectrum from 1470—1530 MHz [60 MHz]to
the 1493—1525 MHz band [32 MHz] proposed by the Commission, by
amending its application to also add to its spacecraft the 1626.5—
1644.5 [18 MHz] MHz band proposed by the Commission for generic
MSS. The net result is a reduction from 60 MHz to 50 MHz [32 + 18
MHz] in demand for bandwidth in the L band region.

In summary, pressed by the vigorous opposition of existing 1500
MHz band occupants to sharing 60 MHz of spectrum as originally
applied for by CD Radio, we have decided to ameliorate this
situation by reducing our 1500 MHz band request to only the 32 MHz
proposed by the FCC, and partially compensating with 18 MHz of L—
band spectrum above 1626.5 MHz. Concomitantly, the CD Radio
spacecraft will now provide a hybrid mix of digital services with
Digital Audio Radio Service channels being sold in the BSS—Sound
frequencies, and Subscription Digital Radio Service channels being
sold in the generic MSS frequencies.        In essence, CD Radio‘s
satellites will have hybrid BSS—Sound/generic MSS capabilities.


As demonstrated in the Technical Annex hereto, the CD Radio

amendment will not cause harmful interference to any currently
authorized systems. Indeed, the CD Radio system will increase
orbit/spectrum efficiency substantially by reusing over the United
States the frequencies used by the Inmarsat System. As the FCC has
already proposed in its pending RM—6459:

     "We believe that the provision of MSS in this band could
     lead to more efficient orbit and spectrum utilization. In
     particular, any spectrum that becomes available
     domestically may be used to offer satellite service
     providers the opportunity to provide the public with new
     and unique services." FCC 90—63 at Y 23.

The reason that CD Radio will not cause harmful interference in the
1626.5—1644.5 MHz band is that CD Radio will downlink in this band,
while the only other licensed satellite operator, Inmarsat, is
uplinking in this band. Hence, the only interference possibilities are
from the CD Radio satellite into Inmarsat satellites, and from
Inmarsat user terminals into CD Radio user terminals.         As the
Technical Annex shows, the CD Radio satellite transmitters,
operating at 30 watts with highly shaped beams, have no possibility
of causing interference into co—channel receivers on Inmarsat
satellites as close as 10 degrees away, or on the opposite side of the
earth. The Technical Annex also explains that since Inmarsat user


terminals receive at 1530—1545 MHz, and the CD Radio satellite
transmits at 1626.5—1644.5 MHz, there is no possibility of CD Radio
interfering with reception of any Inmarsat signals by any Inmarsat
user terminal. Finally, although the Technical Annex does indicate
that side lobes from Inmarsat user terminals can cause harmful
interference to CD Radio user terminals, since the Inmarsat user
terminals transmit at the same 1626.5—1644.5 MHz band that CD
Radio user terminals receive, CD Radio believes such interferences
cases will be limited, and hereby states its agreement to accept and
not complain of any such interference.

CD Radio understands that its proposal operates an MSS link with
the opposite directionality as specified in the Table of Allocations, but
we believe the Commission should revisit this issue and revise its
previous reluctance to permit generic directionality. As explained
above, the CD Radio proposal causes no interference with Inmarsat.
Concern for interference was the reason the FCC proposed to reject
the request of Geostar Messaging Corporation for bi—directionality
in the Mobile Satellite Service. Since CD Radio does not present the
interference problems posed by GMC‘s proposed use of the 1530
MHz band for a user terminal uplink, there is no reason for the
Commission to not approve CD Radio‘s use of the 1626.5—1644.5
MHz band for a satellite downlink. Indeed, the CD Radio proposal
adds substantially to orbit/spectrum efficiency without any
countervailing increase in harmful interference to Inmarsat.

A further benefit of the CD Radio amendment is that it frees up the
Inmarsat pair, that of 1530—1545 MHz for bi—directional use by
Iridium. As the Commission is aware, the Iridium System, like the
CD Radio system, does not require paired bands between satellites
and user terminals. As such, both of these systems are much more
orbit/spectrum efficient than the AMSC system.           Indeed, co—
authorization of CD Radio and Iridium is readily possible since each
system requires only one link of the currently unassigned two links of
Inmarsat bandwidth over land areas.


The United States is vitally in need of a competitive alternative to
AMSC‘s monopoly on MSS in the 1645.5—1660.0 and 1545—1560 MHz
bands.   As the Commission has long been aware, the absence of
vigorous competition breeds disregard for the public interest. The
Commission noted in its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to establish
generic MSS in the band CD Radio is applying for hereby that: "a
generic MSS allocation will provide fléxibility to new satellite
service providers in developing systems to meet the needs of all
mobile users."   FCC 90—63 at [ 24.    CD Radio is a new satellite
service provider, as compared to AMSC, that has been organized to
meet the needs of point—to—multipoint mobile users not well—covered,
or covered at—all, by the switched point—to—point architecture of the
AMSC system.

CD Radio initially applied to construct, launch and operate a new
design Digital Audio Radio Satellite System because no other
satellite system in orbit or planned, including that of AMSC, was
capable technically or economically of providing 256 kb/s channels, to
omnidirectional antennas, at the market—driven lease rate of $100
per hour. As CD Radio has previously pointed out to the FCC, and
never been challenged by AMSC, at the publicized rates of AMSC ——
which vary from $1/minute to $10/minute for 4800 bps channels —— it
would cost a programmer from $3,000 per hour to $30,000 per hour
to offer the same service that CD Radio can provide for $100 per
hour. Furthermore, CD Radio has also demonstrated that very few
programmers could afford to pay anything near AMSC‘s rates and
that, indeed, the industry average is very close to CD Radio‘s rate of
$100 per hour. The reason for this is a fundamental difference in
satellite design and business philosophies between CD Radio and
AMSC, plus perhaps the current monopoly position of AMSC.
Consequently, it is obvious that there is a need for a generic mobile
satellite service alternative to AMSC at least in the area of point—to—
multipoint satellite services.

The Commission‘s experience with cellular competition, albeit
limited to two providers, has shown clearly the benefits to the
consumer of direct competition. CD Radio respectfully urges the
Commission to consider this favorable experience in authorizing CD
Radio to compete with AMSC in providing point—to—multipoint
subscriber digital radio services. The public will end up the winner,
as always has been the case, when competition stimulates creative


enefgy and business incentives. In this case, however, the need for
competition is prima facie since AMSC is apparently not technically
or economically capable of serving the market need for 256 kb/s
mobile point—to—multipoint digital channels at rates in the range of
$100 per hour.

In this regard, it should also be pointed out that AMSC does not
require the Inmarsat bandwidth at 1626.5 MHz. Recent studies of
the FCC IAC and the CCIR have shown that existing MSS
allocations and generic RDSS allocations would provide 87% of the
bandwidth the MSS industry itself projects to the year 2010,
excluding demand compensated for with Qualcomm—type Ku—band
systems, Orbcom—type VHF LEO systems, and ACTS Mobile
Terminal—type Ka—band systems.         Considering that most LMSS
today is provided at Ku—band by Qualcomm —— and that further
reductions in Ku—band mobile equipment and service costs are
expected, the industry‘s own MSS requirements forecast to the year
2010 is satisfied many times over (there is 500 MHz of Ku—band
capacity every 2 degrees, reusable in each polarization). When one
adds the mobile voice capability of Ka band, and the 1 GHz of
bandwidth allocated there, plus the enormous spectrum efficiencies
of Tridium—type systems, it becomes evident that there is no shortage
of bandwidth for AMSC to expand into.



This Amendment has only a incidental impact CD Radio‘s System
Design other than the reduction in total bandwidth transmitted from
60 to 50 MHz, and a substitution of frequencies above 1626.5 MHz
for those previously requested below 1493 MHz. The key changes
are as follows:

    e   All CD Radio receivers will tune to 1493—1525 MHz, 1626.6—

        1644.5 MHz, plus any terrestrial digital audio radio band
        allocated by the FCC;

    e    As originally applied, all CD Radio receivers will be "smart
        electronics" devices, capable of locking onto whichever
        carrier is being received, and displaying the appropriate
        information for that carrier;

    *   CD Radio receivers will now also include unique ID codes
        enabling the Subscription Digital Radio services to address
        only those radios which are paying for the services;

    e   Although there will be a slight increase in satellite power
        associated with transmitting 1626.5 MHz frequencies as
        opposed to lower 1400 MHz band frequencies, this power
        increase is more than offset by the 18% reduction in
        bandwidth transmitted from 60 MHz to 50 MHz.


     *   There will also be a corresponding reduction in feeder link
         requirements at Ka band from 60 MHz to only 50 MHz.

     e   CD Radio will continue to operate as a private carrier,
         selling a portion of its capacity to general audience
         programmers (those frequencies below 1525 MHz) and the
         balance of its capacity to subscription digital radio services
         (those frequencies above 1626.5 MHz).


Should the Commission determine that CD Radio must be licensed
as a common carrier or any other regulatory classification, CD
Radio agrees to accept licensing under such conditions.

Should the Commission ultimately adopt rules for the 1626.5—1644.5
MHz band different from those requested in this Application, CD
Radio agrees to comply with whichever rules the Commission does,
in fact, finally adopt.


CD Radio waives all claim of right to the frequencies requested
herein as opposed to the regulatory power of the United States,
including the Federal Communications Commission.

                     Respectfully Submitted,

                     SATELLITE CD RADIO INC.
                     Peter J. Dolan
                     800 K Street, NW.
                     South Building
                    Washington, D.C. 20001—8000


Document Created: 2014-09-08 14:21:46
Document Modified: 2014-09-08 14:21:46

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