Attachment 1991Comments of Radi

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                              Before the
                       Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                       NOV 13 1991
In re Application of                                                             FCC MAIL BRANCH
                                                              File Nos.
SATELLITE CD RADIO, INC.                                      49/50—DSS—P/LA—90. =~
For Authority to Construct,                                   44/45—DSS—AMEND—92
    .   and. Operate
                  — a Digital                                                                               x
Audio Radio Service


    Radio Satellite Corporation ("RSC") hereby submits its Comments on
the above—referenced application of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. ("SCR"),
pursuant to the Commission‘s Report No. DS—1244, DA 92—1408, released
October 13, 1992.
   RSC believes that all DAR systems should be capable of operating at
variable data rates and should provide for return (mobile—to—ground
station) links.                                        |
   RSC designed the RadioSat system in 1989 to provide a wide array of
integrated communications and navigation services to consumers‘ through
MSAT.2 RSC first publicly described the RadioSat system on May 7,
1990.3 and filed a RadioSat ground station application on May 22, 1990.
   The RadioSat application showed how MSAT, the mobile satellite
system under construction by Telesat Mobile, Inc. ("TMI) in Canada and
the American Mobile Satellite Corporation ("AMSC") in the U.S., could
provide DAR services. It showed how multiple data rates could be

1 See attached flier, "Car Radio of the Future." Also, see the attached article from Microwave Journal,
  "Mobile Satellite Communications for Consumers," November 1991.
   Radio Satellite Corporation will send its Car Radio of the Future video describing the RadioSat system
   free to anyone requesting it.
2 Zuliani, Michael J. and Gary K. Noreen, "Mobile Satellite Service: A North American Perspective,"
  39th IAF, Bangalore, India, October 1988.
3 Noreen, Gary K., "Mobile Satellite Broadcast System Design," pp. 233—236, Proceedings of tfie 40th
   IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, May 6—9, 1990, Orlando, Florida.

                                                                                                     Page 2

accommodated — a key development, since talk channels require less than a
quarter the data rate of stereo music channels.
   The RadioSat application was highly innovative in several key ways:
1) It was an application for a Mobile Satellite Service in an existing band
     using an authorized satellite, so it required neither a new allocation nor
   the processing of mutually exclusive applications.
2) It would provide a wide array of integrated services of much greater
   value to consumers than just a few more radio channels.
3) It would use satellites already under construction that should be in
    service at least 6 years before any new DAR satellite system.
   The original SCR application lacked these features. Instead, it was
limited to audio entertainment distribution only — just a small subset of
mobile satellite services — and to a single data rate. It required an
investment of hundreds of millions of dollars and the launch of a new
geostationary satellite limited to digital audio broadcasting. It required a
new allocation, thus a new rulemaking by the FCC. It would require the
FCC to process mutually exclusive applications.
   In its notable limitations, the SCR proposal was remarkably similar to
that of Geostar. This was not surprising, since many of SCR‘s principals
and attorneys played the same roles for Geostar: the Chairman of SCR,
Martin Rothblatt, was formerly President of now—defunct Geostar
Corporation, and Robert Briskman, President of SCR, was also from
    Like SCR, Geostar proposed to launch a network of satellites to provide
an artificially limited set of services to mobiles — in the case of Geostar, it
was position determination; with SCR, it was digital audio broadcasting.
Both Geostar and SCR requested enormous amounts of spectrum for their
limited services. Both Geostar and SCR characterized their services as
"new" ones requiring special action from the Commission, but in both
cases, the services were subsets of geostationary Mobile Satellite Service.
    Both Geostar and SCR were represented by Richard Wiley. Not
surprisingly, the Commission rushed in near—record time to award a license
to Geostar,4 and now appears about to do the same to SCR.
    Geostar went bankrupt last year. After racking up a debt of $100
million, and going through $80 million of equity financing, its assets were
sold in auction for $397,000, and its license was "sold" for $100,000.5

4 ‘The Commission‘s rulings on Geostar were characterized by hallucinatory statements about the
    "advanced state" of Geostar‘s proposal and by an extreme aversion to consider any rational alternatives.
5    Mobile Satellite News;, January 1992.

                                                                                                 Page 3

    The Geostar fiasco scared potential investors away from the mobile
satellite industry, making it difficult for legitimate ventures to raise money.
It was entirely avoidable. The severe deficiencies of Geostar‘s approach
were well documented early in the Commission‘s proceedings on Geostar.5
    SCR limited the services it proposed to provide so that it could claim a
Pioneer‘s Preference. This is an approach that defies logic outside the
FCC, but a similar strategy worked for Geostar. Geostar managed to
define itself as something other than MSS, and managed to get the
Commission to process its application separately in spite of the obvious
fallacy of the claim. SCR is taking the same approach, and apparently
getting away with it.
    By artificially limiting the services it will provide, SCR is limiting its
potential market. A similar artificial limitation in the current DOMSAT
industry would have prevented most operators from shifting their
operations from long distance telephony to video distribution when they
were preempted by fiber optic networks. It would have destroyed the
DOMSAT industry. This approach is also contrary to everything the
Commission did in the geostationary MSS proceeding, where it said it
wanted to encourage innovative use of the spectrum. It appears to have
been taken simply to qualify SCR for Pioneer‘s Preference. |
    SCR has amended its application to include some of the data broadcast
services originally proposed by RSC; However, it is now limited to just
satellite—to—mobile transmissions at one data rate — a severe handicap in the
    To avoid another fiasco, RSC recommends that DAR systems have two
key additional features:
1) Variable data rates. If a talk channel requires just 16 kbps while stereo
   music requires 64 kbps, it would be quite wasteful to force voice
   channels to use 64 kbps channels. Similarly, if 64 kbps channels prove
   adequate for many stations, it would be foolish to force all users into
   256 kbps "CD quality" channels.           ‘
2) A return link (from mobiles to a network center) allows many useful
    new services. Given the Commission‘s plan for a one—way DAR
    service, this deficiency will be more difficult to correct. The return
    link could be provided by an "MSS" operator, though in a different
    frequency band.

6 Comments of Transit Communications, Inc., Gen. Docket No. $4—689, RM—4426, December 17, 1984.
  TCI noted that the services proposed by Geostar could be provided through a single satellite mobile
  satellite system with integrated GPS receivers, while using just 3% of the spectrum required by Geostar.
  This is, in fact, how TMI, Inmarsat and AMSC are now providing all the services Geostar promised.

                                                                                             Page 4

    RSC believes that DAR systems incapable of operating at variable data
rates would be highly wasteful of spectrum (as well as of satellite power)
and should not be permitted.
    It is understandable that neither SCR nor the Commission want to
include return links in DAR because that would remove any remaining
facade over the fiction that DAR is a new service. RSC believes additional
geostationary MSS operators are desperately needed in any event" — even if
it means giving SCR an undeserved Pioneer‘s Preference.

                                          Respectfully Submitted,

                                          RADIO SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                          By:      Darve           M. /L/L@WW\/
                                                   Gary K Noreen
                                                   Chairman & CEO

1167 North Holliston Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91109

(818) 791—3951

November 12, 1992

7 ‘TMI and Inmarsat have been supportive of the RadioSat proposal. Unfortunately, AMSC — the
  monopoly geostationary MSS operator licensed by the FCC — blocked RSC from developing the
  RadioSat system. As a result, RSC was forced to suspend operations at the end of 1991. RSC filed a
  lawsuit against AMSC in Federal court in the District of Columbia in February 1992 charging
  numerous violations of communications and antitrust law; the suit is currently in mediation. Gary
  Noreen, the founder of RSC, was forced to leave the mobile satellite industry and now leads
  telecommunications design and development for an advanced mission to Mars at the Jet Propulsion

    Car Radio of the Future
Radio Satellite Corporation designed the RadioSat system to provide integrated com—
munications and navigation services to consumers, including:
*   nationwide interactive digital audio entertainment;
*   data broadcasts, including traffic advisories, weather reports, travel databases,
    and stock and sport updates;
*   precision navigation; and
*   two—way voice and data communications.
The RadioSat system requires an MSAT satellite, to be launched in 1994, and GPS,
the satellite—based navigation system used in Desert Storm.

                       Classical | Educational                    Kidi

                       Talk|       |News|          Rock|        |Jazz

                       Country              |CSMm         |SPORTS

By integrating complementary services into low—cost car radios, the RadioSat system
provides utility far beyond the simple addition of functions.

*   Integration of two—way data communications with audio broadcasting enables
    direct response to broadcast solicitations, permitting consumers to order adver—
    tised products and services or to respond to polls simply by pushing a button.

*   Integration of precision navigation with data broadcasting enables the display of
    vehicle location and current traffic hazards and congestion on a digital map, which
    the driver can use to optimize travel plans.

*   Integration of precision navigation with two—way communications permits users to
    request emergency assistance from their vehicles and to automatically mform
    emergency agencies precisely where their vehicles are located.
*   Integration of two—way data and voice communications permits transmission of
    voice pages to and from mobiles, along with positive acknowledgments.
With its highly flexible design, the RadioSatsystem can easily accommodate new
services conceived and developed in the future.

 For more information about the RadioSat system and a free video showing a
 computer simulation of the car radio of the future, call Radio Satellite Corporation|
 at (818) 791—3951 or write us at 1167 N. Holliston Ave., Pasadena, CA 91104.

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         x   h   im:¢                   a


                    Mobile Satellite Communicati
                                                                                                                         Gary K. Noreen
                                                                                                                     Radio Satellite Corp.
                                                                                                                         Long Beach, CA
                 Introduction                                                                               system (GPS), which is a US gov—                                                           congestion on a digital map, which
                    This paper reviews the capabili—                                                        ernment satellite—based navigation                                                         the driver can use to optimize travel
                 ties of MSAT and describes the                                                             system. It will provide the smart car                                                      plans. Integration of two—way com—
                 RadioSatt system. The RadioSat                                                             of the future with extensive, flexible                                                     munications with precision naviga—
                 system, which is currently under de—                                                       communication capabilities.                                                                tion will permit users to request
                 velopment, will provide integrated                                                            RadioSat services are provided                                                          emergency assistance from their
                 communications and navigation                                                              with a single, low cost user—friendly                                                     vehicles and will allow them to in—
                 services to consumers, including                                                           mobile radio at a cost far below that                                                      form emergency agencies automat—
                 nationwide digital audio broadcasts;                                                       of providing each service indepen—                                                         ically of the precise location of their
                 data broadcasts, such as traffic ad—                                                       dently and with utility far beyond the                                                     vehicles. Integration of two—way data
                 visories, weather reports, travel                                                          simple addition of functions. For ex—                                                      and voice communications will per—
                 databases, and stock and sports                                                            ample, integration of two—way data                                                         mit transmission of voice pages to
                 updates; precision navigation; and ©                                                       communications with audio broad—                                                           and from mobiles, along with pos—
                 two—way voice and data communi—                                                            casting will enable direct response                                                        itive acknowledgements.
                 cations. Low cost mobile satellite ra—                                                     to broadcast solicitations, permit—
                 dios will be designed to replace ex—                                                       ting consumers to order advertised
                 isting car radios and are expected                                                          products and services or to respond
                 to become a popular mass market                                                            to polls simply by pushing a button.
                 product. The RadioSat system will                                                          Also, integration of precision navi—
                 use MSAT satellites," shown in Fig—                                                        gation and data broadcasting will
                 ure 1 and scheduled for launch in                                                          enable the display of vehicle loca—
                 1994, and the global positioning                                                           tion and current traffic hazards and

                                                                                        p—~ wose ome mas com ome es mee cme
                                                                                                                             Bs wrnr mm m sans come tuss ooen mae mame tate mane mm mre ons aum d

                                                                                                             RSC NETWORK
                                                      gom in n man men oo ons on mt m sn es m mee ce men

                                                                                                            FIXED STATIONS
                                                             | —B —8 —B—B


                                                                                                            BASE STATION

                                                                                                            BASE STATION

                                 AMSC NETWORK                                                               RADIO SATELLITE
                                CONTROL CENTER                                                             NETWORK CENTER

                                     Fig. 1 The RadioSat system.                                                                                                                                    Fig. 2 The MSAT satellite.

                 {RadioSat is a trademark of Radio Satellite

                 ©1991 by Horizon House Publications, Inc. Reproduced by permission.                                                                                                                 MICROWAVE JOURNAL «e NOVEMBER 1991

[« [ MSAT                                       entire capacity of an Inmarsat II
                                                could support only a single such                                MSAT (1994)
   _     The MSAT satellite system will
                                                channel; each MSAT satellite is                          INMARSAT II1 (1994)
       yrelay communications between
                                                capable of supporting 100 chan—                               AUssaAt (1991)
       mobiles throughout North America                                                                   INMARSAT 1 (1990)
       and fixed earth stations. One            nels.
                                                   MSAT receive system perform—                        INTELSAT MCS (1982)
       MSAT satellite is under construc—                                                                     MARECS (1981)
       tion for Telesat Mobile, Inc., which     ance also is much better than pre—
                                                vious satellites, permitting addi—                           MARISAT (1976)
       will operate MSAT in Canada. A
       second satellite is under construc—      tional new services. Receive sys—                                              0   05   _i   1.5   _2

       tion for the American Mobile Satel—      tem performance of commercial L—                       Fig. 5 MSAT Receive System performance
       lite Corporation, the US MSAT op—        band satellites, expressed as mo—                                    (G/T) (17K.
       erator. Each MSAT satellite can          bile antenna gain (G) divided by
       provide coverage throughout              receive system temperature (T), is                     Mobile Satellite Economics
       North America. They will back up         shown in Figure 5. The high re—
                                                ceive system performance of                             The economics of MSAT can be
       each other.                                                                                    best understood by considering
          Each MSAT satellite employs a         MSAT permits the transmission of
                                                voice using an omnidirectional mo—                    each MSAT satellite as a repeater
       pair of 6 by 5 m elliptical reflectors                                                         22,300 miles high. The extreme
       to concentrate coverage over             bile antenna and a two W amplifier.
                                                   Each MSAT satellite can send                       height of MSAT satellites has two
       North America, as shown in Figure
                                                dozens of audio broadcasts using                      key economic consequences.
       2. Separate transmit and receive                                                               First, it is much more expensive to
       antennas are used to minimize            only a fraction of its total capacity. It
                                                can also support a wide array of                      construct and operate a repeater
       passive intermodulation, a fre—
                                                other new mobile satellite ser—                       22,300 miles high, than a repeater
       quent problem with this class of                                                               100 ft high, a typical terrestrial
       satellite. Each satellite uses a         vices. Which services ultimately
                                                come to fruition depends largely                      tower height. Thus, the cost per
       Hughes 601 three—axis stabilized                                                               channe! of MSAT is far greater
       bus with a design life of 15 years.      on their relative economic menits.
                                                                                                      than the cost per channel of a
          Allcommunications between                                                                   typical terrestrial repeater. Each
       satellites and mobiles are at L—                                                               MSAT service must earn much
       band. All communications to mo—                           TABLE I                              higher revenue per channel than
       biles are sent through fixed Ku—                    MSAT FREQUENCIES                           that required to pay for terrestrial
       band earth stations to the satel—                                                              repeaters. Secondly, a repeater
       lites, which transpond the signals       Satellite—to—Mobile 11530.0—1559.0 MHz
                                                                                                      22,300 miles high can cover hun—
       to L—band, amplify them and re—          Mobile—to—Satellite [1631.5—1660.5 MHz
                                                Satellite—to—Fixed          (10.75—10.95 GHz          dreds or thousands of times the
       transmit them to mobiles. Similarly,
                                                 Fixed—to—Satellite         (13.0—13.15               area of a repeater 100 ft high. This
       all mobiles transmit at L—band to                                                              attribute of MSAT provides the
                                                                            and 13.2—13.25 GHz
       the satellite, which transponds L—
                                                                                                      means for generating the high
       band signals to Ku—band, amplifies                                                             revenue per channel required for
       them and retransmits them for re—                                                              mobile satellite communications.
       ception by fixed Ku—band earth                                                                   To justify the high cost of MSAT
       stations. Table 1 lists the MSAT                                                               channels, it is necessary either to
       frequencies.                                                                                   charge a higher price per mobile or
          Four beams cover the contigu—                                                               to support far more mobiles per
       ~ous US and Canada, correspond—
                                                                                                      channel than terrestrial systems.
       ing roughly to one beam per time
                                                                                                        Two—way voice services require
       zone, as shown in Figure 3. A                                                                  the first of these approaches.
       separate beam covers Mexico and
                                                                                                      Such services support a relatively
       the Caribbean. Other beams cover                                                               small number of users, typically
       Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                             100 or less, on each channel.
          The radiated power of a satellite                                                           Therefore, users of two—way
       system is expressed as Effective                                                               MSAT voice services must pay
       Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP).                                                               much more per unit airtime for the
       The aggregate EIRP of each                      Fig. 3 MSAT L—band coverage.
                                                                                                      use of MSAT than for terrestrial—
       MSAT satellite is 500 kW, as                                                                   based systems, except in areas
       shown in Figure 4, three orders of                                                             with low population densities.
                                                         MSAT (1994)
       magnitude higher than Marisat,             INMARSAT III (1994)                                   The second of these ap—
       the first commercial satellite de—              AUSSAT (1991)
                                                                                                      proaches can result in the creation
                                                   INMARSAT If (1990)
       signed for mobile communica—             INTELSAT MCS (1982)                                   of mass—market consumer prod—
       tions.                                         MARECS (1981)
                                                      MARISAT (1976)
                                                                                                >     ucts and services. Point—to—multi—
          MSAT has the unique ability to                                o     100 200 300 400 ~       point services and point—to—point
       broadcast commercial audio pro—                                                                data communications exemplify
       gramming through satellites direct—                                                            this approach.
                                                 Fig. 4 Effective isotropic radiated power
       ly to mobiles with small, inexpen—                             (kW).                              Point—to—muiltipoint mobile ser—
       sive antennas. This requires an                                                                vices, such as audio and data broad—
       EIRP of 5 kW per channel. The                                                                  casts, are effectively provided

                                                                                                    MICROWAVE JOURNAL e NOVEMBER 1991

                                                                                                                    You can order Beethoven: The 9
                                                                                              AM/FM                 Symphonies for forty doltars by
                             AMPLIFIER                            AM/FM/DAB RECEIVER         ANTENNA                pressing the Order button or by
     SPEAKERS                                                                                                       saying Order.

                                                                                                                 l Speak l               information       Order_] :

                                                AUDIO DIGITIZER,          SATELLITE                                          F4 Stop     1eees               Auto
                                             COMPRESSOR, CODER &           SECTION                             Redioset""    J¥
      OPTIONAL                                                                                                                    Radio F3 Map    Data     imweers
                                             MODULATOR (OPTIONAL)                                                                                          teamse ts
                                                                                                                Power             co 5R ca«mdcnlon:&\ Emugem.y-}

                            AUDIO DECOM—                  DATA                                                              Fig. 8 Interactive radio.
                            PRESSOR & D/A               CODER &           (OPTIONAL)
   CONTROLS/                                                                GPS
                                                  DATA                   MICROCHIP                               To: Daddy.
   KEYBOARD                                    PROCESSING                {OPTIONAL)                              From: Celeste.
                                               & CONTROL                                     L—BAND              Please pick up milk, cheese, ice
                                                                                                                 cream, and turkey on your way home.
   OPTIONAL                                                                                 ANTENNA
    DISPLAY                                                                                 ASSEMBLY
                           RADIOSAT               TDM
                                              DEMODULATOR                                    ANTENNA
    OPTIONAL                                   & DECODER
     DIGITAL                                                               SATELLITE         SWITCH,
    INTERFACE                                  ASSIGNABLE                      RF            FILTER &                                     Communications
                                              DEMODULATOR                 ELECTRONICS          LNA
                                               & DECODER
                                                                                                             Fig. 9 Alphanumeric paging with positive
                            Fig. 6 A schematic diagram of RadioSat‘s mobile radio.
                                                                                                            processing and control functions.
                                                                   mental cost of adding channels to        The RSM also includes a data coder
                                                                   individual sites.                        and modulator for use with an op—
       Classical!         1 CSN |   \News®     | Talk                                                       tional transmitter.
                                                                   The RadioSat System                        A global positioning system mi—
      [Country, Rock ; Sports                     FM                                                        crochip (GPSM) can be added to the
                                                                     The RadioSat system was opti—
       [fiid's'      .Educationefl        Jazz       AM              mized for services that support          radio for precision navigation. This
                                                                   enormous numbers of mobiles on           chip uses GPS broadcasts and nav—
               T   Stop                             Auto           each MSAT channel.? This system          igation information sent through the
                               Map     Data        musle
                                                  sures            exemplifies how the capabilities of      company‘s TDM channel to esti—
                                                                   MSAT can be used to produce new          mate mobile position with 5 m accu—
                                                                   consumer services and products.          racy. The GPS frequency at
     Fig. 7 User interface radio display.                            The design objective was to inte—      1575.42 MHz is between the MSAT
                                                                   grate all mobile satellite services      satellite—to—mobile and mobile—to—
through MSAT. Since MSAT covers                                    with consumer potential into one         satellite frequency bands. This
an area hundreds of times larger                                   low cost mobile radio. Low cost is       proximity makes it possible for a
than terrestrial broadcast systems,                                achieved by integrating all the re—      GPS receiver to share the antenna
tens of millions of mobiles in                                     quired electronics into a few inte—      and front end with a RadioSat mo—
hundreds of markets can potentially                                grated circuits, permitting mass pro—    bile radio.
receive each channel. Thus, the                                    duction. By providing many inte—
much larger potential audience of                                  grated services to consumers in one      User Interface
MSAT offsets its relatively high cost                              radio, the attractiveness of the radio     The capabilities of the RadioSat
per channel.                                                       to consumers is maximized, result—       system are best understood by con—
  MSAT can also provide point—to—                                  ing in large potential market size.      sidering how it will operate in a typ—
point data communications at a low—                                With a large market, production          ical car. A computer model is shown
er cost than terrestrial networks. Al—                             costs are minimized.                     that simulates a satellite radio in—
phanumeric paging and two—way                                                                               stalled into a double—height dash—
‘messaging services support very       RadioSat Mobile Radios                                               board stot. The model features a set
large numbers of mobiles on each          in addition to the AM/FM receiver                                 of fixed buttons on the bottom and
channel. Terrestrial systems cannot    sections of a conventional radio,                                    a touch screen on top. The model
take advantage of this efficiency; the each satellite radio incorporates an                                 can be operated on a hands—and—
limited range of terrestrial repeaters L—band satellite RF section and a                                    eyes—off basis. It accepts voice
limits the number of mobiles           custom RadioSat microchip (RSM),                                     commands in place of pressing but—
reached by each repeater. Thus, the    as shown in Figure 6. The RSM in—                                    tons and can speak through voice
high cost of supporting large ~cludes demodulators and decoders                                             synthesis to convey messages re—
numbers of repeater sites domi—        for both channels and an audio de—                                   ceived.
nates the cost of terrestrial mobile   compressor, and provides data                                          Figure 7 shows the model display
data systems, rather than the incre—                                                                        after pushing the radio button.


                                                                                                                                         tance that includes precise location
                                                                                                                                         information as shown in Figure 12.
     . Travel ;
                  —   o7
                      | Stocks | | Weather |
                                                                                                                                         Acknowledgments can be sent back
                       C_J        ____J                                                                                                  to the driver, advising that the mes—
     ' Sports :       Road Advisories :                                                                                                  sage has been received and telling
                                                                                                                                         how long it will take for assistance
                                                                                   arteene                                               to arrive.
                                                      TD          .eP     Stop                  Eie Auto &                                  The RadioSat system is designed
                                                                          Radio                   Map      Data        RETSNINOCR        to enable easy use of data commu—
                                                F3 Power                      co                Communications KEEmergency               nications because data is much less
                                                                                                                                         expensive than voice through the
     Fig. 10 Data broadcast options.                        Fig. 11 Tornado alert showing car                                            satellite. Voice, cellular telephone
                                                                   and tornado on map.
                                                                                                                                         through the satellite, can be pro—
Channels broadcast over the satel—                                                                                                       vided with add—on equipment, as
lite system are identified by format                          [                    |                                                     shown in Figure 13. Drivers will have
                                                              |    Police          |                Ambulance
rather than call letters. Selecting AM                        c____]                                                                     the ability to send short canned data
or FM results in a sereen with tuning                                                                                                    messages, as shown in Figure 14, or
controls.                                                          | Fire |                                AAA                           with an attached computer key—
   The two—way RadioSat system al—                                                                                                       board, will have the ability to send
lows users to respond directly to                                                                                         Auto           more complicated messages.
broadcast solicitations. For exam—                                                               Map      Data           ©mw

ple, after playing a piece of music,                                                            Communications          Emergency        Conclusion
the announcer can state that a CD                                                                                                           The launch of the first MSAT sat—
containing that music can be pur—                          Fig. 12 Emergency communications.                                             ellite in 1994 will open dramatic new
chased by pressing the order button                                                                                                      opportunities to communications
on the radio. A data transmission                                                                                                        equipment manutfacturers. The Ra—
accompanying the statement would                                  Volce                               Data                               dioSat system will use MSAT to pro—
generate the display shown in Fig—                          Telephone                            Canned Messages [
                                                                                                                                         vide a low cost, highly flexible two—
ure 8. By simply pressing the button,                                                                                                    way communications capability for
the driver sends a short data signal                        !Dlspatch                           ISubscribe Compos;]                      consumers that can be adapted to
back through the satellite to the                                                                                                        many new applications. M
ground facilities, which provides in—                               ~     Stop                                             Auto
formation identifying the driver and                                                                                     Cim

the advertisement that promoted the                                          cCO                                        Emergency
                                                                                                                                          1.   Gary K. Noreen, "MSAT: Mobile Commu—
response. This feature can be used                                                                                                             nications Throughout North America,"
to order products, services, infor—             Fig. 13 Two—way communications options.                                                        39th IEEE Vehicular Technology Confer—
mation and samples; contribute                                                                                                                 ence, San Francisco, CA, May, 1989.
funds to public radio programmers                                                                                                        2.    Gary K. Noreen, "Mobile Satellite Broad—
or other organizations; and to re—                                                                                                             cast System Design," 40th IEEE Vehic—
                                                 i‘                Address               | Send             Message                            ular Technology Conference, Orlando,
spond to listener polls.                                   Gmy_____O)                            {fwilbeilSmntesisae                           May 7 to 10. 1990. Also, see Gary K.
  All radios are individually ad~—               J         [Xine                                 1 will be 15 minutes early    /* l}           Noreen, "An Integrated Mobile Satellite

dressable, so alphanumeric paging                                                                1 will be 30 minutes early    ‘   §           Broadcast, Paging, Communications

messages can be sent to drivers, as
                                                                                                 I will be 15 minutes late         :s
                                                                                                                                               and Navigation System," 40th IEEE
                                                                                                 t will be 39 minutes fate     Ig| E2
                                                                                                                                               Broadcast Symposium, September 7,
shown in Figure 9. Pages sent over               chrwressumon
                                                                                                                  "'""""M’%                    1990.
                                                                   Ts g:‘ Stap E                                          Auto     BE
the RadioSat system can be ac—

                                                                        F Radio l MapE omj

knowledged, unlike any other pag—                                                                                                        Gary K. Noreen

                                                                        F2 co               R Communications iémergencyj

ing system.                                                                                                                              received his BS and
   Satellite radios can receive a va—                                                                                                    MS degrees in elec—
                                                             Fig. 14 Canned message screen.                                              trical engineering
riety of data broadcasts, some inte—
                                                                                                                                         from the University of
grated into the navigation or emer—                                                                                                      Washington and
gency alert systems. Some simply                                                                                                         Carnegie—Mellon
                                               with uncorrected GPS. Second, the
provide information that may be of                                                                                                       University, respec—
                                               RadioSat system can broadcast                                                             tively. In 1989 he
interest, such as selected stock
                                               warnings of natural disasters,                                                            organized Radio
quotations or sports scores, as                                                                                                          Satellite Corp. and
                                               chemical spills and traffic accidents
shown in Figure 10.                                                                                                                      currently he is chair—
                                               to motorists. Each radio can alert
  The data broadcast capabilities of                                                                                                     man and CEO. Radio Satellite Corp provides
                                               the driver if the warning concerns                                                        integrated mobile satellite communications
the RadioSat system enhance GPS
receivers in two distinct ways. First,
                                               something in the driver‘s area. The                                                       services to consumers. Since 1983, Noreen
                                               warning can be displayed on a map,                                                        has been president of Transit Communica—
by using GPS differential correc—                                                                                                        tions Inc. (TCl). Prior to forming TCI, Noreen
                                               as shown in Figure11, similar to
tions sent through the RadioSat sys—                                                                                                     designed communications systems for ad—
tem, each radio can determine its
                                               those provided today in car naviga—                                                       vanced interplanetary space missions and for
position to within a couple of meters,
                                               tion systems, so that the driver can                                                      MSS at NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
                                               consider alternative routes to avoid                                                      where he was leader of the land mobile sat—
as opposed to 100 m uncertainty
                                               hazards. In the event of trouble, the                                                     ellite service study team. He is an AMSC
                                               driver can send a request for assis—                                                      board member and a member of Tau Beta Pi,
                                                                                                                                         IEEE and AIAA.
                                                                                                                                        MICROWAVE JOURNAL e NOVEMBER 1991

Document Created: 2014-09-08 14:20:25
Document Modified: 2014-09-08 14:20:25

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