Attachment 1992Response of AMSC

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                BEFORE THE                        dEC 15 1992

     Federal Communications COmMMiS&I@Mu   noscomsso
                                      OFFICEOFTHESECRETARY               tm   2/
                              WASHINGTON, D.C.                    Lo

In re Application of

SATELLITE CD RADIO,    INC.              File Nos.

For Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate a Digital
Audio Radio Service Satellite
system in the 2310—2360 MHz


     AMSC Subsidiary Corporation      ("AMSC"), by its attorneys,

hereby submits its Response concerning the above—referenced

application of Satellite CD Radio, Inc.          ("SCDR") to operate a

Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS") satellite system.


     SsCDR‘s application seeks authority to operate a satellite

system that would provide digital audio radio programming to

subscribers.    SCDR‘s programming would be transmitted to its

satellites using feeder links in the 7035—7055 MHz band.           It

would be downlinked to subscribers using frequencies in the 2310—

2360 MHz portion of a band (2310—2390 MHz) allocated domestically

to aeronautical telemetry.      SCDR‘s system would employ two

widely—spaced geostationary satellites, each using 8 MHz of

downlink spectrum on the same polarization, for a total of 16


MHz.      SCDR states in its application that frequency reuse is

possible using orthogonal polarization.

        On November 13, 1992, AMSC filed Comments on the SCDR

application.        AMSC noted that there is a critical need for

additional spectrum for the full development of MSS in the United

states.     AMSC demonstrated that a full 50 MHz allocation to DARS

from the 2310—2390 MHz band overlooked the utility of either (1i)

reserving a portion of the band for reassignment of some

aeronautical telemetry systems that are currently using the 1515—

1525 MHz band that was allocated to MSS in Region 2 at the 1992

World Administrative Radio Conferencey or            (ii)}   allocating 10

MHz of the available spectrum for a new domestic MSS downlink.

        While AMSC expressed no opposition to the institution of

DARS,    it questioned whether 50 MHz of spectrum is necessary for

the service.        AMSC urged the Commission to ensure that DARS

  1/      At the request of the U.S., WARC—92 adopted a footnote
          limiting MSS use of the 1492—1525 MHz band in the United
          States.     See RR 722B.    AMSC believes, however, that the U.S.
          could not have intended to impose on itself an unconditional
          bar on use of this band by a U.S. MSS system,           and that the
          Commission therefore retains the flexibility to assign these
          frequencies to a domestic MSS system.  AMSC has submitted
          several analyses showing that MSS systems can share this
          band with aeronautical telemetry users, and has proposed
          that the Commission assign the 1515—1525 MHz band to AMSC
          and condition its use on AMSC‘s formulating a solution for
          sharing with aeronautical telemetry.  See Comments of AMSC,
          ET Docket No. 92—28 (December 4, 1992), at 17—18; see also
          Consolidated Opposition of AMSC to Petition to Deny, File
          Nos.   15/16—DSS—MP—91     (January 31,   1992), Annex to Technical
          Appendix; Further Reply of AMSC, RM—7400 (October 18, 1990),
          Technical Appendix.


systems are assigned only so much spectrum as required to provide

their proposed service.       This would ensure that at least a

portion of the 2310—2360 MHz band would remain available to

alleviate the chronic shortage of domestic MSS spectrum.              AMSC

pointed out that SCDR requests far more spectrum in this band

than it needs.      Using the polarization reuse capability that it

claims, SCDR‘s proposed system could effectively use as little as

8 MHz total.

       Numerous parties filed comments or petitions urging the

denial of SCDR‘s application.y          A number of these parties

questioned the technical feasibility of SCDR‘s proposed
system.=~    Primosphere Limited Partnership ("Primosphere")

.argued that SCDR‘s ownership structure violates the alien

  2/    See Petition to Deny of Robert D. Augsberg (November 9,
         1992); Petition to Deny of Anthony V. Bono (November 12,
         1992);   Comments of Digital Cable Radio       (November 13,    1992)
         ("Digital Cable Radio Comments"}; Petition to Deny or Defer
         of the "Joint Parties"     (November 13,     1992);    Petition to Deny
         of Tim McDbermott (November 12, 1992); Petition to Deny of
        Ralph McBride (November 12, 1992); National Association of
        Broadcasters‘ Petition to Deny (November 13, 1992) ("NAB
         Petition")}); Petition to Deny of Primosphere Limited
         Partnership    (November 13,   1992)   ("Primosphere Petition");
         Petition to Deny of Jan Stott (November 13, 1992); Comments
         of the Radio Operators Caucus (November 13, 1992); Comments
         of International Radio Satellite Corporation (November 12,
         1992)    ("Radiosat International Comments");         Comments of Radio
        Satellite Corporation (November 13, 1992)          ("RSC Comments").
        See also Reply Comment of Association for Maximum Service
        Television,    Inc.   (December 1,   1992).

  3/    See Digital Radio Cable Comments at 8—9,          10—1l; NAB Petition
         at 9—10; Primosphere Petition at 10; Radiosat International
        Comments at 5; RSC Comments at 3.


ownership restrictions of the Communications Act and the

Commission‘s Rules.     Primosphere Petition at 4—8.      Digital Cable

Radio also claimed that SCDR is not entitled to the Pioneer‘s

Preference it seeks.     Digital Cable Radio Comments at 14—15.

        SsCDR filed a pleading responding to the comments and

petitions against its application.        See SCDR‘s Opposition to:—

Petitions to Deny and Response to Comments (December 1, 1992)

("SCDR Opposition").     SCDR dismisses AMSC‘s concern about the

need for available frequencies in the 2310—2360 MHz band to

alleviate the MSS spectrum shortage, claiming that MSS "has

access to all the spectrum it needs."         SCDR Opposition at 17—18.

sCDR,    however, does not challenge AMSC‘s observation that SCDR

can operate its system using as little as 8 MHz of spectrum.

        sCDR claims that its system "will provide the best—quality

service to the American public while using the minimum practical

amount of spectrum."      Id. at 36.     SCDR further asserts that

Primosphere‘s impermissible alien ownership allegations are based

on an outdated FCC Form 430 and that, in any event, the alien

ownership restrictions of the Communications Act do not apply to

SCDR‘s subscriber—based system.        Id. at 24—26.   SCDR also alleges

that it is too late to challenge its request for a Pioneer‘s


Preference and that SCDR deserves such a preference.            Id. at 27—

30 .*


        I.     SsCDR‘s System is Spectrum Inefficient

        SsCDR claims that its system will provide thirty channels of

DARS service.       However, as shown in the attached Technical

Appendix,      SCDR‘s satellites will be able to generate at most half

the power necessary for the system to produce its claimed

capacity.       To make matters worse,      even the much lower power level

that SCDR‘s satellites actually can produce would be achieved

only by operating the satellite transmitters at saturation level,

as SCDR proposes.        This will produce spurious emissions that are

likely to exceed permissible levels,           and therefore cause

interference to SCDR‘s own uplinks (which would operate on

harmonic frequencies), other DARS systems, and existing users of

SCDR‘s downlink band and other bands.

  4/         An affiliate of AMSC, American Mobile Radio Corporation
             ("AMRC"), is today filing an application for authority to
             construct, launch and operate two high—power satellites to
             provide DARS to all fifty United States, Puerto Rico and the
             U.S. Virgin Islands.  The filing of AMRC‘s DARS application
             is consistent with AMSC‘s position that all 50 MHz of the
             2310—2360 MHz band should not be used for DARS and that DARS
             systems should be required to operate in a spectrum
             efficient manner.  Indeed, AMRC‘s proposed system would use
             only 10 MHz of spectrum in the upper 25 MHz of the 2310—2360
             MHz band to provide more capacity than SCDR‘s system and
             would cover more of the United States.


      Moreover, SCDR‘s proposed system is wasteful of spectrum.

sCDR proposes to employ two satellites,   each using distinct 8 MHz

frequency bands separated by 20 MHz, to transmit the same

programming.   The attached Technical Appendix shows, however,

that this frequency diversity proposal does not yield enough gain

to justify the use of double the spectrum for the same program.

      sCDR claims that using orthogonal polarizations, its system

can share the 16 MHz it intends to use with other DARS systems.

As noted above, however, orthogonal polarization is not an

effective means of enabling spectrum sharing between DARS

systems.   As discussed in the attached Technical Appendix, cross—

polarization between multiple DARS systems on overlépping

frequencies will result in severe interference between the

systems.   Nonetheless, the attached Technical Appendix shows

that, as AMSC has suggested previously, SCDR can use orthogonal

polarization to operate its own redundant satellites on the same

frequency, thereby reducing the amount of spectrum SCDR needs to

as little as 8 MHz.   Indeed, when considered with the need to

reduce power, and therefore capacity, to limit spurious emission

levels, polarization diversity could enabie SsCDR to operate with

less than 4 MHz of spectrum.

II.   SCDR Violates the Alien Ownership Restrictions

      AMSC agrees with Primosphere that SCDR‘s ownership structure

violates the alien ownership restrictions of the Communications

                                   —7 _

Act and the Commission‘s Rules.       Section 310(b)(4)    of the

Communications Act flatly prohibits a "broadcast or common

carrier or aeronautical en route or aeronautical fixed radio

station license" from being granted to

             any corporation directly or indirectly controlled by
             any other corporation of which any officer or more than
             one—fourth of the directors are aliens,      or of which
             more than one—fourth of the capital stock is owned of
             record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by
             a foreign government or representative thereof, or by
             any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign
             country, if the Commission finds that the public
             interest will be served by the refusal or revocation of
             such license.

     According to an amendment to SCDR‘s application filed on

December 14, 1992, SCDR is now a wholly owned subsidiary of CD

Radio Inc.    ("CDR").   The amendment indicates that nearly 40% of

CDR‘s stock is owned by non—U.S. citizens.       Moreover, two of

CDR‘s six directors —— Mr. David Margolese and Mr. Charles Dalfen

—— are citizens of Canada.      As more than 25% of CDR‘s stock is

held by an alien and more than one—fourth of CDR‘s directors are

aliens, SCDR‘s ownership structure is in direct violation of

section 310(b)(4).       SCDR has offered no reason why the grant of

its application would nonetheless serve the public interest.

     There is no merit to SCDR‘s argument that the alien

ownership restrictions do not apply to its proposed system.

SsCDR‘s subscriber satellite broadcasting service is analogous to

Direct Broadcast Satellite and other subscription video services

whose licensees are subject to Section 310(b) regardless of the


service‘s reqgulatory classification.         See Subscription Video

Sservices,   4 FCC Rced 4948   (1989);   Section 100.11 of the

Commission‘s Rules.

III. SCDR‘s Pioneer‘s Preference Request Should Be Opened to
     Renewed Scrutiny

      AMSC disagrees with SCDR that SCDR‘s request for a Pioneer‘s

Preference is no longer subject to challenge.          SCDR has amended

its application since the initial deadline for comments on its

Pioneer‘s Preference request.        Moreover,   the Commission has    for

the first time established a date for filing competing DARS

applications, and has only recently adopted an NPRM proposing an

. allocation for DARS.    The public interest would be served by

permitting further comment on SCDR‘s Pioneer‘s Preference request

in light of these recent developments and AMSC reserves the right

to file comments on SCDR‘s request at a later date.

IV.   Spectrum in the 2310—2360 MHz Band Can and Should
      Be Made Available to Ameliorate the Shortage of
      MSS Spectrum

      While AMSC supports the concept of using satellites to

provide a full range of services,          including broadcast services,

it continues to urge the Commission, while it goes forward with

the DARS proceeding, to give full consideration to making a

portion of the 2310—2360 MHz band available either for relocation

of aeronautical telemetry facilities presently operating in the


1492—1525 MHz band, or alternatively, as downlink spectrum for a

U.S.   MSS system.

       SCDR is wrong that AMSC has access to "all the spectrum it

needs."        AMSC has shown many times that more than thirty

different MSS systems worldwide plan to operate in the 28 MHz of

spectrum presently assigned to AMSC.            Based on AMSC‘s experiéence

in the international coordination process, it is unlikely that

more than a fraction of the spectrum presently assigned to AMSC

can be coordinated successfully.y            While AMSC has sought

authority to operate in the bands presently allocated

domestically to the Radiodetermination Satellite Service,               five

other entities seek to operate non—geostationary MSS systems in

these bands.        Moreover,   other bands allocated to MSS at WARC—92,

such as 1930—2010/2120—2200 MHz and 2500—2520/2670—2690 MHz,                  are

allocated domestically to terrestrial systems with which MSS

sharing is not currently feasible, and these bands therefore are

not likely to be available for MSS use for some time.               Thus,

access to downlink spectrum in the 1492—1525 MHz band or,

alternatively, the 2310—2360 MHz band, is of great importance to

the full development of the U.S. MSS system.

  5/      See, e.g., Comments of AMSC, ET Docket No. 92—28 (December
          4,    1992); Comments of AMSC,     Gen.   Docket No.   90—314, ET
          Docket No. 92—100 (November 9, 1992); Comments of AMSC, NTIA
          Docket No. 920532—2132 (November 6, 1992); Comments of AMSC,
          ET Docket No. 92—9 (June 8, 1992); Petition of AMSC, RM—7806
          (June 3, 1991); Comments of AMSC, Gen.          Docket No.   89—554
          (December 3, 1990).



        AMSC believes that even considering the DARS applications

being filed, there will remain ample spectrum to help alleviate

the critical need for MSS spectrum.                 AMRC‘s DARS system requires

only 10 MHz of the 2310—2360 MHz band.                     SCDR‘s proposed system is

technically and legally flawed, and in any event can operate with

only 8 MHz or even less.                Even assuming that several other DARS

applications are filed, AMSC expects that a substantial amount of

spectrum in the band will be available for the relocation of

aeronautical telemetry facilities or as an MSS downlink.                        AMSC

reiterates that the Commission should allocate to DARS only so

much spectrum as is necessary for DARS systems to provide

adequate service.            The remaining spectrum should be made

available to meet the pressing need for domestic MSS spectrum.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION
                                                       Pauap y

Brucfifp Jacdbs      i                               zin L_HMom _[q/ alm
                                                   Lon C. Levin
Glenn /S. Richardas                                Vice President and
Gregory L. Masters                                   Regulatory Counsel
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader                   AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
1255 23rd Street,           N.W.                   1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 800                                          Fourth Floor
Washington, D.C.            20037                  Washington, D.C.     20036
(202)       659—3494                               (202)    331—5858

Dated:       December      15,   1992


                            TECHNICAL APPENDIX


     This Appendix addresses technical issues concerning the
application of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. ("SCDR") for authority to
construct, launch and operate a Digital Audio Radio Service
("DARS")      satellite system.

     section I of this Appendix shows that the claimed 30—channel
capacity of SCDR‘s system is overstated.  Specifically, SCDR‘s
proposed satellites have power sufficient to produce only about
half that capacity.  Moreover, SCDR‘s satellites can achieve even
these much lower power levels only by operating at saturation.
This will produce spurious emissions that are likely to exceed
permissible levels,      and therefore to cause interference to DARS
systems operating on nearby frequencies, existing users of SCDR‘s
downlink band and other bands, and even SCDR‘s own uplinks.

     Section II demonstrates that the gain from operating two
redundant satellites, transmitting the same programming on
separate 8 MHz frequency bands, is too minimal to justify SCDR‘s
proposal to take up a full 16 MHz of spectrum.

     Finally, Section III shows that SCDR‘s proposal to
accommodate independent DARS systems on the same frequencies
using orthogonal polarizations is unworkable, and will result
only in severe mutual interference between systems.  As AMSC has
suggested previously, however, SCDR can use orthogonal
polarization to reduce the spectrum usage of its own system.


     The satellites proposed by SCDR have power sufficient to
produce only slightly more than half of SCDR‘s claimed thirty—
channel capacity, and further capacity reduction is needed to
assure that spurious emissions will be sufficiently suppressed to
avoid interference to other DARS systems as well as systems in
other services, including systems operating at or near the
harmonics of the proposed fundamental frequencies.~" There is a

     1/     See SCDR Compendium of Applications and Restatement of
            Petition for Rulemaking (September 25, 1992) ("SCDR
            Compendium"}), at 21, 23 and 32.  SCDR contends that its
            emissions will comport with Section 25.202(g) of the
            Commission‘s Rules.   SCDR Compendium, at 28.  This Rule

power shortage of at least 50%     from the proposed transmitters
despite the proposed saturated     operation, even if over—optimistic
assumptions are made regarding     satellite transmission losses,
power storage and conditioning     efficiency, and power requirements
of other subsystems.   Moreover,    simple corrections to SCDR‘s
stated capacity level will not eliminate the onerous spurious
emissions that would be generated by the saturated transmitters,
the power output combining network, and other parasitic satellite
elements that are exposed to the high power densities of SCDR‘s
single time division multiplex (TDM) carrier.  Reducing the
attempted satellite capacity by more than 50% may be the only
practical way to reduce spurious emissions and the associated
interference to acceptable levels without making major
modifications to the space segment.

     As an initial matter, it is evident that even with operation
at saturation, SCDR‘s system cannot achieve anywhere near its
stated 2.3 GHz antenna input power of 1000 watts, and thus SCDR
has overstated its satellite capacity even without considering
the power reductions needed to reduce spurious emissions.  The
stated end of life solar array output power is 1814 watts.   SCDR
Compendium, at 32.  Assuming over—optimistically that the power
handling efficiency is 90%, 1633 watts of prime power can be
delivered to spacecraft subsystems.  Further assuming over—
optimistically that only 100 watts is required by the attitude
control subsystem,   7 GHz receiver,    command receiver and
processor, telemetry transmitter and processor, and all other
subsystems except for the 2.3 GHz transmitters, 1533 watts of
prime power would be available to the bank of 16 transmitters
generating the 2.3 GHz downlink signals.       On the other hand, the
total RF output of the transmitter would have to be at least 1259
watts, given that the power delivered to the antenna feed is
stated to be 1000 watts and assuming a net loss of only 1 dB for
the waveguide, power combiner network, and other elements between
the transmitter output ports and the feed.  Consequently, under
these idealistic circumstances, the transmitters would have to
operate at 82% efficiency, which is more than twice the
efficiency level obtained from operating spacecraft solid state
or travelling wave tube amplifiers at saturation.  Consequently,
less than one—half of SCDR‘s stated antenna input power and
capacity can be achieved.

       requires suppression of spurious emissions by 25 GB at
       frequencies separated from the assigned frequency by up to
       100% of the authorized bandwidth, and suppression must
       exceed 43 dB plus 10 log (power) at frequencies separated
       from the assigned frequency by more than 250% of the
       authorized bandwidth.  An even greater level of suppression
       is required in the event that harmful interference is caused
       by emissions outside the authorized bandwidth.


     Although the SCDR Compendium of Applications does not
provide sufficient information to estimate the absolute levels of
spurious emissions that would be generated (e.g., basic
parameters such as the type of transmitters used, prime power
delivered to the transmitters, and method of power combining are
omitted from the application}, the spurious emission levels
obviously will be inordinately high —— much higher than those of
other satellites.  Operation of a transmitter at or near
saturation produces spurious emissions at levels exceeding those
produced by operation in the more linear region used in other
satellite systems.  These powerful transmitter—produced spurious
emissions may be somewhat attenuated by the power combining .
network, but the combining network itself will generate spurious
emissions as a result of its non—linearities.  The non—
linearities of the waveguide,   coupler,   isolator,   polarizer,
antenna feed, and antenna surface will further add to the
spurious emissions.  These passively generated spurious emission
levels will exceed the norm as a result 2f concentration of all
signal power into one 3.97 Mbps carrier.~" The saturated
transmitter operating mode, high power density, and power
combining network proposed by SCDR are highly likely to result in
violation of the Commission‘s spurious emission limits.

     In addition to causing interference to other DARS systems
operating on nearby frequencies, the spurious emissions from the
proposed SCDR satellites could interfere with systems in the
Fixed, Mobile and Radiolocation services in the 2300—2450 MHz
band, as well as systems operating near second harmonics in the
4500—4800 MHz band (e.g., sensitive troposcatter systems), near
third harmonics in the 5925—7075 MHz band (e.g., line—of—sight
radio—relay systems), and so forth.  In fact, SCDR‘s third
harmonic emissions from its 2345 MHz downlink would §everely
interfere with SCDR‘s associated uplink at 7045 MHz.~

2/   For example,   the power of a third order harmonic is
     proportional to the cube of the power in the fundamental
     emission.  Thus, concentrating all the power in a single
     carrier containing 30 TDM channels produces far greater
     harmonic emission power than would 30 individual carriers
     that each have 1/30th the total power.

3/   Even if the third harmonic emissions of SCDR‘s proposed 2345
     MHz transmissions were well suppressed, they would be co—
     channel with the less powerful uplink transmissions centered
     at 7045 MHz.  These spurious emissions would consume most of
     the available downlink transmission power and prevent any
     reception of the attempted broadcasts.  The third harmonic
     of 2345 MHz is 7035 MHz, whereas SCDR proposes an uplink
     frequency of 7045 MHz.  SCDR Compendium, at 23.   Analog and
     noise—like signals of bandwidth B at the fundamental


     Ssignificant frequency diversity gain is not achieved in
addition to the gain from spatial diversity (i.e., angle or path
diversity) in the redundant transmission scheme proposed by SCDR;
thus,    SCDR‘s proposed use of two 8 MHz frequency bands for
redundant transmissions provides little benefit and wastes
spectrum.  The ineffectiveness of the proposed frequency
diversity stems from the high correlation of fading of two
signals having 20 MHz frequency separation.  This correlation is
much higher than that associated with path diversity, so the
joint reduction in fading from path and frequency diversity is
not much greater than the reduction in fading due solely to path
diversity.  For example, assuming an average delay spread of 4
nanoseconds due to multipath propagation at 2.3 GHz, which is
typical of many operating environments, the coherence bandwidth
is about 40 MHz (i.e., signals separated by 40 MHz undergo fading
with a correlation of 0.5).  Thus, signals separated by only 20
MHz are more highly correlated (i.e., they tend to fade at the
same time) and the associated frequency diversity gain is low.
In contrast, two angle diversity paths produce signals that are
virtually uncorrelated in most environments.

3/ (...continued)
        frequency are spread to a bandwidth of 3B centered at the
        third harmonic; however, lesser spreading can occur with
        digital signals.  SCDR‘s digital uplink and downlink signal
        bandwidths are 20 MHz and 8 MHz, respectively.   Thus, the
        third harmonic replica of the fundamental spacecraft
        emission occupies a bandwidth spanning at least 7031—7039
        MHz and as much as 7023—7047 MHz, either of which overlap
        with the uplink bandwidth spanning 7035—7055 MHz.   Thus,
        half of the entire third harmonic of the downlink emission
        is received in the uplink passband at a power level on the
        order of —90 dBW (i.e., assuming a waveqguide filter yielding
        at least 60 dB suppression of the third harmonic, resulting
        in —50 dBW EIRP at the third harmonic toward the concentric
        7 GHz antenna, assuming 20 dB edge taper from the 2.3 GHz
        feed emitting a 7 GHz signal, and assuming about 40 dB of
        other coupling and filter losses).  In contrast, the desired
        7 GHz uplink signal is received at a power level of —96.4
        iBW,lassuming operation at the saturation power flux density


     sCDR proposes a frequency plan for DARS that would assign
overlapping spectrum to DARS systems using orthogonal circular
polarizations.  Such a scheme, however, is not workable, because
it would,result in unacceptable interference among the
systems.~     Antennas suitable for mobile reception have low
levels of cross—polarization discrimination   ("XPD")   in many
directions, which severely limits the isolation between cross—
polarized systems.  Moreover, substantial depolarization of the
signal itself occurs for significant percentages of the time and
locations as a result of various propagation mechanisms; thus,
even theoretically perfect receiver antennas cannot provide high
isolation against orthogonally polarized transmissions.  As a
result,   the net XPD in a DARS channel has a low average value and
high variability that would cause signals on one polarization to
interfere with independent, overlapping signals on the orthogonal

      DARS transmissions will be circularly polarized in order to
avoid thg, need for polarization tracking at the receiving earth
station.="  Low gain mobile receiving antennas also will

4/     Satellite CD Radio estimates that 20 dB of polarization
       isolation can be achieved between orthogonally polarized
       DARS systems.  SCDR Compendium, at 63.   This estimate is
       based on the polarization isolation achieved in satellite
       systems using earth stations with large reflector antennas
       that provide both high polarization purity and high
       discrimination against multipath signals.   Neither of these
       attributes are achieved in DARS systems.

5/     The ionospheric effect known as Faraday rotation twists the
       polarization vector of signals on satellite transmission
       paths such that a linearly polarized signal becomes
       reoriented. Consequently, a linearly polarized signal
       reaching an earth station may be unaligned with the
       polarization of a linearly polarized earth station antenna,
       which can substantially reduce the effective antenna gain.
       A circularly polarized receiver antenna could be used to
       receive the the linearly polarized signal, but only at the
       expense of an effective gain reduction of about 3 dB.
       Alternatively, a linearly polarized antenna with
       polarization tracking can be used to maintain alignment with
       a linearly polarized signal, but this is generally practical
       only for large antennas.  In contrast, Faraday rotation of a
       circularly polarized signal has no effect on the effective

generally be "circularly" polarized, but will have voltage axial
ratios averaging 2 dB or higher (i.e., elliptical polarization)
over all impinging line—of—sight signal paths and exceeding 6 dB
in some directions.   While these axial ratios will not
substantially reduce the antenna gain toward a circularly co—
polarized desired signal, the gain toward an orthogonally
polarized interfering signal will also be significantly high.
These antenna polarization axial ratios yield average XPD levels
of about 15 dB and XPD levels lower than 10 dB will occur in some
directions.   To make matters worse, an orthogonally polarized
signal transmitted by another satellite is depolarized and
sometimes even reversed by various propagation phenomena,
particularl& multipath, which results in woefully low net channel
XPD levels.—~   Measurements show that even at optimistically
high elevation angles, the average net XPD would be only about 6
dB and even lower XPD values would,. occur for significant
percentages of time and locations.,~   Assuming equal power is
transmitted in orthogonally polarized co—channel desired and
interfering signals, the co—channel carrier—to—interference (C/I)
power ratio levels will be lower than 6 dB for substantial
percentages of the time and locations and even lower if fading of
the desired signal is considered.    Operation at these low C/I
levels among overlapping co—polarized signals in separate DARS
systems would result in severe mutual interference.   Thus,
frequency overlap must be avoided among independent systems in
order to achieve filter discrimination adequate to offset the low
C/I levels.

     gain of a circularly co—polarized receiving antenna provided
     that the signal‘s polarization ellipse has a low axial

6/   Polarization reversal occurs due to multipath on signal
     paths having elevation angles that are less than the
     Brewster angle, which can exceed 20° over land.  This
     results from the concommitant 180° phase shift of only the
     vertical component of the multipath signal and the
     relatively high power levels of the multipath signals that
     occur at low elevation angles for substantial percentages of
     the time and locations.  Other phenomena also can produce
     polarization reversal.

7/   See, e.g., J. Butterworth, Propagation Data for Land Mobile
     Satellite Systems (May 1985) (published in Proceedings of
     NAPEX VIII, June 20—21, 1985, University of British
     Columbia, Vancouver, Canada).  The reported measurements
     using a crossed drooping dipole antenna show median XPD
     levels of 1 dB, 2 dB and 5 dB and full depolarization (0 dB
     XPD) for 45%, 30%, and 10% of the time and locations at
     elevation angles of 10°, 20° and 30°, respectively.


     Nonetheless, as suggested in AMSC‘s previous comments on the
sCDR application, SCDR could operate its own system‘s redundant
satellite transmissions on a co—channel basis using orthogonal
polarizations because receiver processing techniques are
available to properly operate with both angle and polarization
diversity.   See Comments of AMSC (November 13,   1992),   at 6—7.
specifically, SCDR could implement both angular and polarization
diversity using receiver technologies developed for combating
multipath degradation in the mobile—satellite service ("MSS").
Thus, while separate DARS systems cannot achieve frequency reuse
through implementation of orthogonal polarizations, SCDR can
employ orthogonal polarization to halve the amount of spectrum
its own system uses.  Moreover, when the need to reduce power,
and therefore capacity, to limit spurious emission levels (as
described above) is considered, polarization diversity could
enable SCDR to operate with less than 4 MHz of spectrum.


     I,   Thomas M.   Sullivan,    do hereby declare as follows:

     1.     I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical

Engineering and have taken numerous post—graduate courses in

Physics and Electrical Engineering.

     2.     I am presently employed by Atlantic Research

Corporation and was formerly employed by the IIT Research

Institute, DoD Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center.

     3.     I am qualified to evaluate the foregoing Response of

AMSC Subsidiary Corporation.         I am familiar with Part 25 and

other relevant parts of the Commission‘s Rules and Regqgulations.

     4.     I have participated in the development of standards and

criteria for space and terrestrial services in the CCIR for over

fifteen (15) years.

     5.     I served as Technical Advisor to the U.S.        Delegation to

WARC—92 and participated in sessions of WARC—92 addressing

frequency sharing and other technical matters.

     6.     I have been involved in the preparation of and have

reviewed the foregoing Response of AMSC Subsidiary Corporation.

The technical facts contained therein are accurate to the best of

my knowledge and belief.

     Under penalty of perjury, the foregoing is true and correct.

 Decem(er 15,1792                         *)                       ‘
     Date                                       Thomas M.   Sullivan

                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Valerie A. Mack, a secretary in the law firm of Fisher,

Wayland, Cooper and Leader, do hereby certify that true copies of

the foregoing "Response of AMSC Subsidiary Corporation" were sent

this 15th day of December, 1992, by first class United States

mail, postage prepaid,    to the following:

               Richard E. Wiley
               Michael Yourshaw
               Carl R. Frank
               Wiley, Rein & Fielding
               1776 K Street, N.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20006

               John M. Seavey
               Seavey Engineering Associates, Inc.
               135 King Street
               Cohasset, MA  02025

               Joseph Jones
               Interstate Media
               10680 West Pico Boulevard
               suite 444
               Los Angeles, CA  90064

               Dr. Jack W. Mitchell
               Wisconsin Public Radio
               821 University Avenue
               Madison, WIL      —53706—1496

               Joseph N. Pelton
               University of Colorado at Boulder
               Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program
               Engineering Center, OT 2—41
               Campus Box 530
               Boulder, CO       80309—0530

               Peter J.    Schaffer
               All Pro Sports and Entertainment, Inc.
               1999 Broadway, Suite 3125
               Denver, CO  80202

               Bryan Kim
               New World Sky Media
               553 South Street, #312
               Glendale,    CA    91202

Tim McDermott
P.0O0. Box 187
Humble, TX     77347

Ralph H.     McBride
P.0. Box 820
Bridge City, TX         77611

Leon Collins
702 H Street, N.W.
wWashington, D.C.  20001

Douglas A. Heydon
Arianespace,     Inc.
700 13th Street, N.W.
suite 230
wWashington, D.C.        20005

Charles F. Engel
Rollins Hudig Hall
13873 Park Center Road
Suite 201
Herndon, VA  22071

Robert L. Johnstone
J Boats, Inc.
30 Walnut Street
Newport, RIL     02840

Craig C. Todd
Dolby Laboratories
100 Potrero Avenue
san Francisco, CA  94103

H.J.   Masoni
Hughes Space and Communications Company
P.0. Box 92919
Los Angeles, CA         90009

Rolfe Larson
Minnesota Public Radio
45 East Seventh Street
St. Paul, MN  55101

Jan Stott
KVST Radio
Huntsville, TX         77340

Aware, Inc.
1 Memorial Drive
Fourth Floor
Cambridge, MA  02142

James B. Bailey
Techsonic Industries,    Inc
One Humminbird Lane
Lake Eufaula, AL     36027

Charles Reutter
Com$Stream Corporation
104 East Bay View Drive
Annapolis, MD    21403

Henry C. Rock II
The Right—Roc Group
331 West 57th Street
New York, NY    10019

Dr. Frank R. Arams
LNR Communications, Inc.
180 Marcus Boulevard
Hauppauge, NY  11788

John E.   Fiorini III
Gardner, Carton & Douglas
1301 K Street, N.W.
Suite 900, East Tower
washington, D.C.  20005

Howard M. Liberman
Gerald Stevens—Kittner
Arter & Hadden
1801 K Street, N.W.
suite 400 K
Washington, D.C.     20006

Leslie A. Taylor
Leslie Taylor Associates
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, MD 20817—4302

steven A.   Lerman
Ssally A. Buckman
David S. Keir
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2000 K Street, N.W.
Ssuite 600
Washington, D.C.     20006


David J. Del Beccaro
Digital Cable Radio
2200 Byberry Road
Hatboro, PA 19040

Henry L. Baumann
Valerie Schulte
National Association of Broadcasters
1771 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.      20036

Gary K. Noreen
Radio Satellite Corporation
1167 North Holliston Avenue
Pasadena, CA      91109

Lysle B. Gray
American Boat and Yacht Council
3069 Solomon‘s Island Road
E@gewater, MD      21037

Bernard Korman
American Society of Composers, Authors &
ASCAP Building
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY  10023

David E. Leibowitz
Jennifer L. Bendall
Recording Industry Association of America, Inc.
1020 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.   20036

Douglas J. Minster
4400 East West Highway, #930
Bethesda, MD 20814

wWw.   Theodore Pierson,   Jr.
1200 18th Street, N.W.
wWashington, D.C.     20036

Theodore A. Miles
Karen Christensen
Don Lockett
Mary Lou Joseph
Mary Beth Schwartz
Mike Starling
National Public Radio
2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.      20036


Jonathan D. Blake
Gregory M.   Schmidt
Charles W.   Logan
Covington & Burling
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
P.0O. Box 7566
Washington, D.C.       20044

Julian L. Shepard
victor Tawil
Association for Maximum Service Television,                                     Inc.
1400 l6th Street, N.W.
suite 610
Washington, D.C.       20036

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                                  ValeriekA.                        Mack

Document Created: 2014-09-08 14:18:08
Document Modified: 2014-09-08 14:18:08

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