Attachment 1998CD Radio letter

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                       OCT 1 9 1998
                                 WILEY.REIN & FIELDING
                                                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISS:ON
                                                                                       OFFICE OF TE SECRETARY
                                              1 776 K STREET.   N W

                                           WASHINGTON.   D T    2000s

                                                2021 4e9—7900

  CAaARL 2   FRANK                                                                     Fage: muge
   $B¢:.                                                                  tage) ago—Toas
                                              October 19. 1998

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission                                                    _i.fj_‘é:-_ P rilke
1919 M Street, NW., Room 222                                                                  Tess s
Washington, DC 20554

                     Re:   Satellite CD Radio, Inc.                              To Ziadtisl
                           File Nos. 71—SAT—AMEND—97, 49/50—D8SS—P/LA—905, "#=~
                                   58/59—DSS—AMEND—90, $/9—DSS—AMEND—92,
                                   12/13—DSS—AMEND—92, 44/55—DSS—AMEND—92,
                                   42—SAT—AMEND—95, 71—SAT—AMEND—97

Dear Ms. Salas:

        In a letter dated October 8, 1998, the National Association of Broadcasters‘ ("NAB")
notified the FCC that Satellite CD Radio, Inc.‘s ("CD Radio") Quarterly Report on Form 10—Q, filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commussion ("SEC"), indicates proposed technical modifications
to its plans for providing a satellite digital audio radio service ("DARS").‘ The NAB also requested
that the Commission require CD Radio and American Mobile Radio Corporation ("AMRC"), the
other DARS licensee, to disclose their current technical plans. CD Radio takes seriously its need to
apprise the Commission of its technical plans as it moves forward with the deployment of its
satellite DARS system. Further, CD Radio notes the NAB position that fundamental changes in
technical plans would need to be reported to the Commission for evaluation under the public interest
standard. CD Radio is preparing an amendment with the detailed technical data.

      However, the standard requiring the report of such proposed changes to the Securities and
Exchange Commission is far different from the stringent technical requirements that guide a formal
request for modifications pursuant to the Commission‘s Rules. Under Section 25.114, the
Commission requires a "concrete proposal for Commission evaluation" and that the application
must "be complete in all pertinent details‘" — standards far different from those of the SEC. CD
Radio recently has completed its detailed technical design changes and will shortly file an

‘ See Letter from Henry L. Baumann, Exec. V.P. — Law & Regulatory Affairs, NAB, to Magalie
Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC 2 (filed Oct. 8, 1998).

* 47 C.F.R. § 25.114.

 Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
 October 19, 1998
 Page 2

application requesting the necessary modification to its license. CD Radio‘s contemplated
modifications will fully comport with the Satellite DARS technical rules. In particular, CD Radio‘s
use ofterrestrial repeaters, with which the NAB seems most concerned, and adherence to the FCC
mandated milestone schedule will not change.

        It should come as no surprise that CD Radio would enhance its initial technical plans. As
the Commussion is well aware, technological changes affecting the satellite industry have been quite
dramatic. In fact, the Commission itself noted specifically that "DARS technology was rapidly
evolving, but was not yet fully developed."" CD Radio intends to take advantage of those changes
and developments in this technology to proviue its future customers with substantially better service
and further enhance the public interest benefits underpinning the provision ofsatellite DARS.

        In sum, CD Radio shortly will file a request to modify its technical plans containing the
sufficient detail, analysis, and technical information to satisfy the Commission‘s standards. At that
time, the NAB, along with any other interested party, will have the opportunity to comment and
discuss these changes in the context of the public interest standard.


                                   / / ' ’L”
                                  ‘             C7i                      ———_—>
                                              Carl R. Frank
                                              Daniel J. Smith
                                               WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                               1776 K Street, N.W.
                                               Washington, DC 20006
                                               (202) 429—7000
                                              Its Attorneys

ce:    FCC Commissioners
       Roy J. Stewart, Chief, Mass Media Bureau
       Regina Keeney, Chief, International Bureau
       Bruce D. Jacobs, Counsel for AMSC
      Henry L. Baumann, Exec. V.P. Law & Regulatory, NAB

‘ Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310—2360
MHz Frequency Band, 11 FCC Red 1, 36 (1995) (NPRM); see also Geostar Corp., 60 Rad. Reg. 2d
1725, 1728 n.8 (1986) ("We have consistently noted the dynamic nature of the satellite industry and
changes or improvements ... are not to be discouraged.").

Document Created: 2014-09-05 14:54:09
Document Modified: 2014-09-05 14:54:09

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