Attachment 1992New World Sky Me

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00036 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                NEW WORLD SKY MEDIA
                              553 South Street, #312
                                Glendale, CA 91202

                                                NOV 12 19g0

                                   Federal Cgmmum
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                                            Office of the Se        e}
                                                            cretary _ on

November 9,    1992

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                          \=C
1919 M Street NW
Washington, D.C.      20554

Attn:         Office of   the    Secretary

Dear Secretary:

Enclosed please find the original and nine (9) copies of the
comments of New World Sky Media in support of Application 44/45—


Bry,  Kim

BBK : j lc

                                       Before the
                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATFQ%%fgggggésION
                                Washington, D.Ci*                     45                             O

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                                                    Office of the Secreiary_ Hsgion

In    the matter of                      )                               4
the Application of                       )
sATELLITE      CD    RADIO,   INC.       )           File      Nos.          49/50—DSS—P/LA—90
                                         )                                      58/59—DSS—AMEND—90,
For Authority to Construct,              )                                      44 /45—DSS—AMEND—92
Launch and Operate Space                 )                                      RM—7400
Stations for the Provision      )
of Digital Audio Radio Services)

To:             The Commission

       We are New World Sky Media,                Inc.    (NWSM)        located at Glendale,

California,         organized to broadcast to the Korean Community in

Korean language through Digital Audio Radio Service                                     (DARS) working

in conjunction with Satellite CD Radio,                       Inc.       (SCDR).

        It is imperative that the United States remains the pioneer

and leader in DARS and any Gdelays or opposition to its development

and application should not be allowed.                        Time is critical in any new

technological developments,           therefore,           the launching of the

Satellite      for S—Band      should be done as            soon as possible.                  It will

open doors for U.S.           DARS technology to once again promote a

dominance in the world market and allow NWSM to begin serving

Korean—Americans .

       NWSM was organized with the following objectives:

        1.      By serving 1.3MM Korean—Americans currently residing in

the U.S. with Korean language broadcast,                        preserving the Korean

Cultural Heritage and promoting variety within U.S.                                     culture.

        2.      Provide information in politics,                      economy,            societal

issues,      culture,    legal issues,   and customs of the United States to


Korean—Americans for expansion in under—standing of the nation of

U.S.   and function as a guide to becoming closer to the main—line

group of the U.S.       thereby eliminating the misunderstandings which

lead to strife.

       3.      By utilizing DARS,   a uniform G@issemination of

information could be accomplished to anywhere in the U.S.              including

remote areas not previously served by present broadcast systems

which would reach Korean—American enclaves isolated by language


       4 .     By providing Broddcast Emergency Service to all parts of

the nation in the Korean language,            we would be able to alert

promptly and serve public interest.

       we support SCDR in that it presents a unique and innovative

system.      This   system will promote U.S.      competiveness   through the

further development of DARS,        the evolution of the system and

technical offshoots,       and the ability of American businesses and

consumers to contribute to and benefit from these developments.                 We

believe the SCDR has stated many areas where American businesses

could benefit,       including satellite construction,      satellite launch,

manufacturing of equipment and installation.             This means more jobs

for United States citizens and would improve our current economic


       We agree with SCDR that the DARS system as proposed by SCDR in

the Application permits the potential incorporation of modulation

standards for digital audio broadcasting which have not yet been

adopted.      This flexibility is useful so that the satellite and

terrestrial—DARS could have the greatest amount of compatibiltiy.

This inter—operability would allow the satellite and terrestrial

                                       _3 _

systems to be compatible from a modulation perspective.              The result

of such commonality is that consumer receivers will be less

complicated and available for lower cost due to efficiencies of

production.      This is an importnt aspect of the SCDR Application

since it does not necessitate the development and sale of receivers

which are solely dedicated       to satellite—DARS but which are,       except

for the antenna and interface,       potentially usable with the

modulation standards which are adopted and eployed by terrestrial

digital broadcasting.

       This element bf the SCDR Application results in lower cost

receivers for the consumer and compatibility with and augmentation

of terrestrial digital broadcasting.            The creation of these options

by the flexibility inherent in the SCDR Application is beneficial

to consumers,     manufacturers,   and programmers of DARS.        It will

allow more people to benefit from the SCDR DARS technology and from

other DARS programmers.

       Consumers have become familiar with digital sound through

compact discs and they are aware of a vast difference between

digital recording as compared to an analog system.            We believe that

U.S.   consumers are ready for digital broadcasting systems and once

DARS   is   initiated,   it will be very welcome by most     consumers.


       Throughout history, mankind has consistantly strived for

improvements in quality of living.            More specifically,   regarding

communication technology,       no single person,     or country has ever

been able to delay its development,           and to oppose the development

would be a step against the flow of history.

                                      _3 .—

       We believe that SCDR‘s proposed DARS system would serve public

interest reducing the geographical and cultural differences with

improved sound quality   to the   listners   in   the   entire   nation,   not   to

mention the benefit of increased jobs.       We hope the commission will

approve SCDR‘s Application.


 ryan  ¥ Kim

BBK : j 1c

Document Created: 2014-09-04 17:33:35
Document Modified: 2014-09-04 17:33:35

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