Attachment Public Notice DA 90-

Public Notice DA 90-

PUBLIC NOTICE submitted by FCC

DA 90-1156


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900518-00034 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  Federal Communications Commission                                                       DA 90—1156

                                     Before the                                                  Frequency         Bandwidth         Polarization
              Federal Communications Commission                           user—to—
                          Washington, D.C. 20554                          satellite              1618.25 MHz        16.5 MHz         LHCP
                               PUBLIC NOTICE                              user                   2491.75 MHz       16.5 MHz          RHCP

                               Report No. DS—999                          telemetry/
                                 P                                        beacon                 5141.5 MHz        1.0 MHz           Horizontal
                                          Released: September 4, 1990     satellite—to—
                                                                          center                 5183 (or          16.5 MHz          Horizontal
    COMMON CARRIER SERVICES INFORMATION                                                          5174.25) MHz
  By the Chief. Common Carrier Bureau:                                    beacon                 5224.5 MHz        1.0 MHz           Horizontal
            2oul.          .                      .         22.     20.   telecommand            6526.5 MHz        3.0 MHz           Vertical
  Upon initial review, the International Facilities Divi—                                        6536.5 MHz
sion and the Satellite Radio Branch have found the fol—
lowing applications acceptable for filing. The Commission                 control center—
reserves the right to return these applications, if, upon                 to satellite  .f2.875 (or   16.5 MHz      Vertical
further examination,. it is determined that they are defec—                             6555.5) MHz
tive and not in conformance with the Commission‘s rules                   Geostar states that the proposed design will result in a
and policies.                                                             small reduction in satellite EIRP and G/T compared to
                                                                          the values specified for the dedicated RDSS satellites as
  GEOSTAR POSITIONING                       File Nos. 46—DSS—P/LA—90      initially authorized and will not increase the potential for
  CORPORATION                                           48—DSS—P/LA—90
                                                                          interference to any other user of the spectrum. Geostar
                                                                          also states that the satellites will be capable of supporting
                                                      43—DSS—MP/ML—90     hand—held user terminals and providing position deter—
                                                      44—DSS—MP/ML—90     mination by range measurements obtained through two
                                                        51—DSS—EXT—90     satellites       and    altitude      information      obtained     from       a
                                                        52—DSS—EXT—90     digitized        terrain   map     or   on—board      altimeter.      Finally.
                                                                          Geostar requests the following amended schedules for
                                                       CSS—90—012 (ML)
                                                                          completing construction of and launching Geostars 1A
                                                       CSS—90—013 (ML)
                                                                          and 1B and the following implementation schedules for
                                                       CSS—90—014 (ML)    Geostars 1B and 2B:
                                                                                                 Begin             Complete
Geostar Positioning Corporation (Geostar) has applied to                                         Construction     Construction       Launch
construct           and         launch      two       new     dedicated
                                                                          Geostar     1A                          October     1993   December     1993
radiodetermination satellite service (RDSS) satellites ——                 Geostar     1B         January 1991     October     1993   December     1993
Geostars 1B and 2B. Geostar has also applied to modify                    Geostar     2A                          October     1994   December     1994
its first two dedicated RDSS satellites as authorized in                  Geostar     2B         October 1991     October     1994   December     1994
Geostar Corporation, Mimeo No. 6144 (released August 7.
1986), —— Geostars 1A and 1B. Geostar proposes to co—                       GEOSTAR POSITIONING File Nos. 45—DSS—MP/ML—90
locate Geostars 1A and 1B and Geostars 2A and 2B. In
                                                                            CORPORATION                     53—DSS—EXT—90
addition. each satellite pair is to be launched together on
the same payload assist module. Each of the dedicated
RDSS satellites is to carry one inbound channel and one                   Geostar proposes to modify the license for its third dedi—
outbound channel and will have a single 3.5° by 7°                        cated RDSS satellite —— Geostar 3 —— as authorized in
coverage pattern that can be repointed while the satellite                Geostar Corporation, Mimeo No. 6144 (released August 7.
is in—orbit to serve user terminals either in the contiguous              1986). to conform the satellite—to—control cemer frequen—
U.S. or in other points of the western hemisphere. The                    cies to the allocations made at the 1987 World Admin—
following frequency bands are requested:                                  istrative        Radio         Conference     for      Mobile       Services
                                                                          (MobileWARC—87). Specifically. Geostar requests a shift
                                                                          in the assigned frequencies for this link from 5117—5183
                                                                          MHz to 5150—5216 MHz. All other parameters of the 5
                                                                          GHz satellite—to—control center link are to remain the
                                                                          same as authorized. In addition, Geostar requests an ex—
                                                                          tension of Geostar 3‘s construction completion milestone
                                                                          until October 1995 and its launch milestone until Decem—
                                                                          ber 1995.
                                                                            Comments or petitions concerning.—these applications
                                                                          may be filed on or before October 10, 1990. Replies may
                                                                          be filed on or before October 31, 1990. Responses may be

 DA 90—1156                             Federal Communications Commission

 filed on or before November 14, 1990. Interested parties          sen 7
 should submit an original and six copies of any document
 filed in response to this notice.
    Copies of this application, as well as any pleadings filed
  pursuant to this notice, will be available for inspection in
  the International Facilities Division Public Reference
  Room, Room 533. 1919 M Street, N.W.. Washington.
  D.C. and in the Domestic Facilities Public Reference
  Room, Room 6218, 2025 M Street, NW.,. Washington.
    For further information, contact Fern Jarmulnek at
~ (202) 632—1624 or John Coles at (202) 632—7265.


Document Created: 2014-09-04 14:00:35
Document Modified: 2014-09-04 14:00:35

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