Attachment 1990Petition to Deny

1990Petition to Deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by GE American

Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900215-00008 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                        Before the                                                                          RECENED
                  Washington , D. C. 20554
                                      0                                                                       APR s3 0 1990

                %                 mies msyIAF— GAAvrild                                                       al Communications Commission
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In the Matter of the Application of


For Authority to Construct and Launch                                                                 File No. 20—
One Hybrid Domestic Communications                                                                    DSS—P/LA—90
Satellite, Galaxy VII(H), to Operate in
Both the C and Ku Bands to Serve as a
Replacement for the SBS8—4 Satellite and
as a Substitute for the Galazxy VI Satellite

        GE American Communications,        Inc.      ("GE Americom")

hereby petitions to deny the above—captioned application

of Hughes Communications Galazy,        Inc.   ("HCG") and

Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation ("STLC") for                                                                             o

authority to construct,-launch and operate a new hybrid

domestic communications satellite at 91° W.L., to be
designated Galazy VII(H).   The application states that

Galaxy VII(H) will be a "replacefi;nt“ for STLC‘s current
SBS—4 satellite at Ku—band and a "substitute" for HCG‘s

Galaxy VI satellite (formerly Westar VI—S) at C—band.

        The application raises a number of serious

questions concerning HCG‘s intentions regarding its use of

orbital positions and the future location of certain

of its satellites which, we believe,    require denial.

These are enumerated herein.        >

           HCG states that it plans to launch Galaxy VI into

91° W.L.   in June 1990 as the replacement for Westar III in

C=band at that location.     Apparently, Galaxy VI will stay

at 91° W.L. only until "late 1991" when it will be shifted
to 99° wW.L.   (HCG Application, p.10, n.l2)   Thus,   it

appears that the C—band position at 91° W.L, will be left

open for at least a year until December 1992 (and possibly

longer) when the Galaxy VII(H) satellite covered by this

application would become available.*
           As the Commission is aware, HCG already has been

granted an 1l8—month extension of time to launch Galaxzy VI

and position it at 91° W.L., over the objection of another

party, UnionCorp., 3 FCC Rod 6792, 6794 (released

* Indeed, HCG seems to be trying to "bootstrap" itself
into an argument for early Commission authorization of
Galaxy VII(H) by maintaining that a need exists to restore
C—band service at 91° W.L. as soon as possible since it
will be moving Galaxzy VI out of that position,. However,
there has been no C~band service provided by HCG at 91°
W.L. since at least June 1989 and no plans on HCG‘s part
to restore such service on a permanent basis earlier than
1993 .

Nov. 25,   1988), on the principal ground that that

gatellite represented "a logical replacement" for the
Westar III C—band satellite operatindqat that location.*
1t now appears that, at most, Galazy VI will be at 91° for

18 months before moving elsewhere, leaving ng permanent

C—=band capacity at 91° until very late 1992 or early 1993,
when Galaxy VII(CH) becomes available,             assuming this

application were granted and timely implemented.

           The approach being taken by HCG vioilates the

letter and intent of the Commission‘s policy against

"warchousing" of orbital siots.             1985OrhitalAssionment

Order, 50 Fed. Reg. 3§228 (Aug. 30, 1985), at Para 21.               As
recently stated by the COmmiSSiOn:';We do not allow

licensees to hold locations for satellites that they may

appiy for in the future." > Assianment Order,
5 FCC Red.   179,        182   (released January 11,   1990).   By

holding the 91° W.L. position at C—band for the new Galazy
VII(H) satellite, being applied forcthe first time

«According to a member of the Commission‘s staff, Westar
III is not now in commercial use, has not been for some
time and is considered "retired."  Therefore, service
continuity in C—band at 91° W.L. has been lost already and
HCG has no plan to restore it on a permanent basis for
approximately 3 more years.            The PCC‘s
                      Oof June 30, 1989 shows all Westar
III transponders as being inactive as of June 22, 1989.

              wee   _>

     here, rather than using it for Galazy VI, HCG would be

     getting the very advantage which-fihis polilcy was intanded

     to discourage were this application to be granted in its
     present form.                The 91° W.L. position at C—band is now

     effectively vacanmt, has been vacant for approximately a

     year and, except for the relatively brief period Galazy VI

     now will spen@ there, will be vacant until 1993.*                              The
     approach being taken in this application also would give
     HCG the additional advantage of getting another desirable

     hybrid location outside of a reqgular orbital assignment

     processing round.                     Accordingly, there is ample

     justification for the Com&ission to require that 91° W.L.

     be returned to the pool for reassignment.                              Certainly,

     there is no justification for HCG to keep this position

     under its control from 1989 to 1993, without a
     fully—operational C—band satellite being committed

     permanently for use there.
                       HCG appears to be pursuing a strategy designed to
     retain desirable orbital positions, such as 91° W.L.,
     notwithstanding their underuse or nonugse, while continuing

     to ask for new ones.**                          This strategy involves more than

     " Since Westar III was very lightly loaded for an extanded
     period prior to its removal from active service, HCG in
     reality has been holding this spot "in regerve" for an
     even longer period.

     ** For example, in the 1990ProcessingOrder, HCG received
     the C—band position at 81° W.L., previously assigned to GE
    Americom, for Galaxy 5—B.                               5 FCC Red at 182,

on indragts   0s   n   Piitenm   Snfi cdinnidfie ies rleltPcs ie l es

routine, nonecontroversial actions, as HCG would have them

characterized.      HCG‘s requests to ieilign its satellites

in this application should be looked at to insure

compliance with the policies against warehousing and

awarding of orbital assignments oqutside of a regular

procesging round.     Otherwise, HCG will be able to keep

increasging its already disproportionate share of prime arc

locationgs,* deprive other sapplicants of the opportunity to

use these locations and thereby place an undue restraint

on competition in the domestic satellite market.

     2.        ]            30          «_

          After Galaxy VI is moved out of 99°, following

its "temporary" stay there from "late 1991" until
"mid—199%3"   (HCG Applicaticn at 9—10), HCG contends that

"folne potential orbital location for Galazxy VI is 72°,
where it could serve as a replacemént for HCG‘s Galaxy II

satellite...."     (HCG Application at 10)   As the Commission

is aware, 72° W.L. at C—band is the present orbital

* Of the 10 C—band and Ku—band eastern arc positions
between 91° and 99°, six are now assigned to HCG (or will
be after the completion of the HCG takeover of STLC).

location of GE Americom‘s operational Satcom 2R satellite,

which has a currently—projected end—of—life of January,

1995.    As the Commission further és-aware, Galazy II is

assigned to and operating at 74° wW.L.

            We strongly object to,   and formally seek denial

of,   any request by HCG to acquire the C—band position at

72° W.L. as a "home" for Galaxy VI while that position is

occupied by Satcom 2R or a replacement.*          Satcom 2R is a

major carrier of U.S. Government traffic and an important

link in various Defenge Department communications

systems.     There is no public interest justification to

move this satellite prior—to its end—of—life to
accommodate HCG.
            If HCG is seeking any position for Galaxy VI,

other than 74° W.L.,    such action should be taken only as

part of a new processing round,      in which the assignment of

Galaxzy VI will be considered on its merits together with
assignment requests of others.       Certainly,   as GE Americom

stressed in its comments of February 26,      1990,   in

* It may be that HCG‘s reference to 72° W.L.        as a
potential location for Galaxy VI in 1993 was made in
error.     However, since SBS—~—6 is now at that location, we
cannot ignore the possibility that HCG is attempting to
create a potential hybrid location for itself at 72°.

connection with HCG‘s request to move Galaxy VI to 99°

wW.L.   (File No. 13—DS8—ML—90), HCG should not, by virtue of

having an in—orbit satellite, receivea preference over
other applicants in obtaining another orbital location.*

Despite HCG‘s statements that it would not seek any such

preference (Reply of March 13,       1990 in connection with

Filse No.    13—DSS—ML=90 at 2),   it continues to pursue a

strategy to improve its orbital assignments by these means.

        3.   SBS—4
             The way the HCG Appilication is drafted,   it

appears that the SBS—4 satellite, now at 91° W.L. will be

retired when Galazxy VII(H) becomes"éperational.        The
application states in several places that,       at Ku—band,

Galaxy VII(H) will be "merely for replacement" of §SBS—4

and does not indicate any follow—on use for SBS~4 or ask

for another orbital position for that satellite.         It is

* HCG acknowledges that, were it to seek another location
for Galaxzy VI, this would "trigger" a new processing
round.   HCG Application at 12, n. 15.

our understanding, however, that SBS—4 should have at
least a year or more of life left.after the proposed

operational date of Galazy VII(HQ'ih early 1993.*
          While no other orbital assignment for SBS—4

presently is being sought, based on the other actions

being taken by HCG in this application, the Commission
should take appropriate measures to assure that HCG does

not receive any preference in obtaining such an asgignment
if it should seek one at a later date.     Certainly, HCG
should not be allowed to place $BS—4 "temporarily" at

another prime location that may be open at the time of

launch of Galaxzy VII(H)   as part of an sttempt to hold onto

that location for another yet unféquested permanent

satellite to be positioned there years later.
           As in the casecof Galaxy VI, if an already
assiqgned orbital location qgnnot be found for SBS—4, a

request by HCG for a new or additional orbital location
for that satellite should only be congidered as part of a

new processing round.

«The generally accepted end—of—life for §BS—4 within the
industry is August 1994 (Broadcagsting, July 17, 1989,
p.38).   The approximate lifespan of SBS—4 is confirmed by
filings of Salomon Brothers, the satellite‘s owner,     in
connection with GE Americom‘s application to locate the
K—3 satellite at 91° W.L.    See Reply Comments of Salomon
Brothers Holding Co., Inc., dated April 4, 1988, in
sconnection with Filse Nos. 1970—DS8&—MP/ML—86 atal., at 13.

     4.    Conclusion
           This application involves a sigqgnificant change
from HCG‘s previously—filed plans —for the use of 91° W.L.,
on which the Commission based its determinstion to
continue HCG‘s# right to retain that position at CG—band.
Under the circumstances, this application should not be

granted.    Rather, in order to be congistent with

Commission policies governing the assignment of the U.S.

orbital arc,   the Commission should require that 91° W.L.

be returned to the pool of orbital positions available for

agsszignment in a new processing round.    Certainly, HCG
should not be allowed to use the present procseding to

parlay its already advantageous position with respect to
orbital location aésiqnments into an even stronger one,

without going through thevrigors of the Commission‘s

comparative processing progadures.

           Official notice fiay be taken of all facts upon

which this Petition to Deny relies.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            GE AMBEBRICAN COMMUNICATIONS,   INC,.


                                     Philip V. Otero
                            y _Chanby, n P
                                    Charles M. Lehrhnaupt
                                     Its Attorneys

                        —— Four Research Way
                           ‘Princeton, N. J.   08540
                            (609)   987—4013
April 30, 1990

                                                                    """   ~~l t

     I, VERONICA F., KILKEARY, hereby certify that on this

30th day of April, 1990, copies of the foregoing "COMMENTS
OF GE AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS,     INC.,." were mailed, postage

prepaid, to the following:

                  * James R.   Keegan,   Esq.
                   Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
                   Common Carrier Bureau
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   2025 M Street N.W.,      Room 6324
                   Washinyton, D.C. 20554

                   Cecily C. Holiday, Esq.
                   Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
                   Common Carrier Bureau
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   2025 M. Street, N.W., Room 6324
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Mr. Eddy W. Hartenstein
                   Senior Vice President
                   Hughes Communications Galaxzxy,      Inc.
                   1990 Grand Avenue
                   El Segundo, CA 90245

                   Gary M. Epstein, Esq.
                   James F. Rogers, Esq.
                   John P. Janka, Esq.
                   Latham & Watkins
                   Suite 1300
                   1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20004

* Hand Delivery

William D. English, Esq.
Satellite Transponder Leaging Corporation
8280 Greensboro Drive
Suite 605
McLean, VA 22102

          Doprmeae %
            VERONICA F KILK

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Document Modified: 2014-08-20 16:53:19

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