Attachment MO&O





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19880128-00046 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


FCC 89-257                    Federal Communications Commission Record                              4 FCC Rcd No. 17

                                                                    MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER
                    Before the
         Federal Communications Commission                  Adopted: August 2,1989;         Released: August 15, 1989
               Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                               By the Commission: Commissioner Dennis issuing a
 In re Applications of
                                                               1. On February 3, 1988, the Commission issued a Pub-
 CONTINENTAL                                    DBS-87-01   lic Notice (Report No. DBS-SA) accepting for filing the
 SATELLITE                                                  applications for Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") sys-
 CORPORATION                                                tems of Continental Satellite Corporation ("Continental")
                                                            and Echostar Satellite Corporation ("Echostar"). A cut-
                                                            off date of April 8, 1988 was established for the filing of
 ECHOSTAR                                       DBS-88-01   any additional applications to be considered with them.
 SATELLITE                                                  O n April 8, 1988, new applications for DBS systems were
 CORPORATION                                                filed by DIRECTSAT Corporation ("Directsat") and
                                                            TEMPO Satellite, Inc. ("Tempo").' O n the same date,
  DIRECTSAT                                     DBS-58-02   Direct Broadcast Satellite Corporation ("DBSCorp"),
  CORPORATION                                               which had earlier requested an extension of its condi-
                                                            tional construction permit, requested consideration as a
                                                            new applicant in the event its extension request were to
 ORBITAL                                        DBS-88-03   be denied. Also on that date, applications for modification
 BROADCASTING                                               of existing DBS construction permits were filed by Ad-
 COMPANY                                                    vanced Communications Corporation ("Advanced"), Unit-
                                                            ed States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc. (YJSSB"),
 TEMPO                                          DBS-88-04   and by Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("Hughes");
 SATELLITE,                                                 and Continental modified its pending application.
 INC.                                                          2. The Association of Maximum Service Telecasters
                                                            ("AMST") has filed "Comments" opposing each of the
                                                            subject applications, and the National Black Media Coali-
 DIRECT BROADCAST                               DBS-88-08   tion ("NBMC") has filed a petition to deny the applica-
 SATELLITE                                                  tions of Advanced, DBSCorp, Hughes, Orbital, and USSB.
 CORPORATION                                                In addition, petitions to deny Tempo's application have
                                                            been filed by Advanced, by the Wireless Cable Association
 For Construction Permits for New                           ("Wireless Cable"), and by the National Association for
 Direct Broadcast Satellite Systems;                        Better Broadcasting and the Telecommunications Re-
                                                            search and Action Center ("NABB/TRAC"). The Motion
                                                            Picture Association of America ("MPAA") filed an un-
 ADVANCED                                  DBS-88-05-MP     timely and unauthorized pleading opposing Tempo's ap-
 COMMUNICATIONS                                             plication. Finally, GTE Spacenet ("GTE") has filed
 CORPORATION                                                comments in response to the applications of Echostar and
                                                            Continental, which apply to the other applications as
 UNITED STATES                             DBS-88-06-MP     well.
 SATELLITE BROADCASTING                                        3. On October 19, 1988, the Commission staff directed
 COMPANY, INC.                                              a letter to all DBS permittees and applicants requesting
                                                            their comments on the Commission's policy for allocating
                                                            DBS channels and orbital locations. Responses were sub-
 HUGHES                                    DBS-88-07-MP     mitted by most of the DBS entities, including technical
 COMMUNICATIONS                                             studies by two, and several replies to those responses were
 GALAXY. INC.                                               also filed.
                                                               4. This Order first considers orbital assignments and
 For Modification of Construction Permits for               service areas in light of the advancements in transmission
 Direct Broadcast Satellite Systems.                        technology and systems for DBS, as well as the increased
                                                            demand for the DBS orbitlspectrum resource presented by
 In re Permit of                                            the subject applications. The Order concludes that half-
                                                            CONUS signals* will be allocated only in eastlwest pairs,
                                                            with eastern half-CONUS service permitted only from the
 DOMINION VIDEO                                             four DBS orbital locations furthest east and western half-
 SATELLITE, INC.                                            CONUS service permitted only from the four DES orbital
                                                            locations furthest west. (See paragraphs 7, 8 , below.) The
 Modification of Construction Permit for                    outstanding authorizations at variance with this allocation
 Direct Broadcast Satellite System.                         policy will be modified to conform. (See paragraphs 12 -
                                                            14, below.) Full-CONUS signals will also be authorized
                                                            from those orbital locations from which such service is
                                                            feasible and in keeping with United States treaty
                                                            obligations. (See paragraphs 9, 10, below.) This Order also

4 FCC Rcd No. 17                Federal Communications Commission Record                                             FCC 89-257

considers and denies a request filed by Advanced seeking
an allocation at the same orbital location as Hughes to
                                                                         Haw CONUS Service
                                                                          7. To date, the Commission has authorized DBS oper-
reuse the same channels as Hughes. (See paragraphs 15,                 ators to transmit complementary half-CONUS signals that,
16, below.) This Order then considers the qualifications of            when combined, would provide signal coverage over thc
each of these applicants and the availability of requested             entire Continental United States.‘ As noted, the United
DBS facilities, and disposes of these applications and asso-           States has eight orbital locations from which to transmit
ciated petitions to deny. All of the applications except               DBS service in the 12.2 - 12.7 GHz band. Given the
Tempo’s are granted to the extent possible, with all ap-               transmission and reception technology and equipment
plicants receiving a reservation for a pro-rata share of the           available currently and in the foreseeable future, three of
orbitkhannel allocations available. (See paragraphs 54 -               the domestic DBS orbital locations, 1OloW, llOoW,and
57, below.) Action on Tempo’s application is withheld                  1 1 9 w , are suitable for delivering DBS service to an part
pending further consideration of its qualifications, with its          of the continental United States; one location, 61.5&, is
pro-rata share of the remaining allocations also held in               suitable for service into the eastern United States but only
reserv4 pending the outcome of the further consider-                   marginally suitable for service into the western United
ations. (See paragraphs 53, 56, below.)                                States; and four locations, 1 4 8 w , WOW, 166’W and
                                                                       1 7  5 w, are suitable for DBS service only to the western
                                                                       United States. Thus, while the western United States can
             ORBITAL ALLOCATIONS AND                                   be covered from seven or eight of the eight orbital loca-
                  SERVICE AREAS                                        tions, the eastern United States can be covered only from
                                                                       the four “eastern“ orbital locations. Consequently, a west-
  Background                                                           ern orbital location, which can serve only the western
   5. The basis for domestic DBS allocation policies is                United States, can be part of a national system only when
provided by the Region 2 Plan (Appendices 30 and 30(a),                used in conjunction with one of the eastern locations
ITU Radio Regulations). This Plan provides, in pertinent               serving the eastern United States. As a result, every time
part, for service to eastern areas of the continental United           an eastern locatiodchannel is allocated, a western loca-
States from each of four “eastern” orbital locations                   tiodchannel becomes unavailable for use as part of a
(61.5OW, lOlW, llO%, and 119OW) and to western areas                   nationwide system, whether o r not that western loca-
from each of four “western” orbital locations (148”,                   tiodchannel is actually utilized to deliver a DBS signal?
157%’, 166”, and 175%’). The Commission has granted                    In light of this, it is clearly evident that to permit an
authorizations for proposed systems which are at variance              eastern channel to provide a service that is limited to
with the Plan; e.g., the operation of two satellites at the            western half-CONUS utilizes that spectrudorbit resource
same orbital location, with one satellite serving the east-            less intensely.6 The number of potential DBS operators
ern part of the country and one serving the western part               that can be accommodated is correspondingly reduced, as
of the country. Such proposals were permitted, to the                  well.
extent they did not violate the interference parameters                   8. As emphasized particularly by Hughes, the Commis-
established in the Plan, in order to afford permittees the             sion is also concerned that DBS service can be imple-
maximum flexibility in designing and implementing their                mented in a commercially successful manner. Thus,
services, both to take advantage of changes in technology              balanced against the concern for intensive utilization of
and to present the most efficient or effective service from            the orbitfspectrum resource are the economic and operat-
a business per~pective.~   Initially, the limited number of            ing efficiencies achieved for individual operators, which
applicants and channels requested, coupled with the flexi-             would correspondingly benefit consumers, by colocating
bility of the provisions of the Region 2 Plan, provided                eastern and western half-CONUS channels and satellites at
significant latitude in defining and characterizing propos-            the orbital locations suitable for such operation (10lw.
als for use of the DBS spectrum/orbit resource and in                  llO%’,     and 119%’).     Colocating satellites reduces the
allocation of that resource. This policy of maximum flexi-             number of uplink facilities required to transmit to the
bility in allocations was intended to contribute to the                satellites, simplifies the design of any spare satellite which
ability of early DBS participants to initiate this new ser-            might be built, and increases the flexibility an operator
vice expeditiously, as well as efficiently or economically.            would enjoy in delivering its service, particularly if a loss
   6. With the applications under consideration in this                of transponder(s) or satellite required reconfiguration of
Order, the demand for channellorbit allocations far ex-                signals. Nevertheless, in light of the current demand for
ceeds the available supply. Furthermore, those permittees              DBS facilities, these benefits are not sufficient to justify
who were expected to be operational, or nearly oper-                   the considerable, and possibly critical, reduction in the
ational, by now, have not achieved that goal and have                  allocations which could be made to each of the applicants
requested, or are in need of, authority to modify their                and the corresponding reduction in the number of poten-
authorizations to permit additional time to implement                  tial channels of service available to the public, both of
their systems. Under these circumstances, and in recogni-              which would result from permitting colocation of eastern
tion of the rights and equities attendant to the various               and western half-CONUS signals. Moreover, many of the
applicants and permittees at issue in this Order, certain              benefits claimed for colocated half-CONUS channels will
aspects of the allocation policy must be refined in order              be achievable with the probable introduction of full-
to assure an equitable and more efficient allocation of the            CONUS service, as discussed in paragraphs 9, 10, below.’
DBS resource among the qualified and competing ap-                     Consequently, orbitkhannel allocations will not be made
plicants. As discussed in the following sections, the neces-           without regard to their effect on the overall availability of
sary refinements in the allocation policy will reduce                  remaining allocations suitable for nationwide DBS ser-
flexibility in some respects, but enhance it in more mean-             vice, and western half-CONUS service will not be
ingful respects.                                                       permitted from “eastern“ orbital locations.


4 FCC Rcd No. 17                  Federal Communications Commission Record                                                 FCC 89-257

based on its modification application, and can obtain                     systems. Continental projects expenses of $410 million to
further additional channels, if it deems it necessay; e.g.,               build and launch three satellites. NRG Datacom, Inc.
by merger or by purchase of another party's permit.                       expects to raise the necessary funds for Continental
                                                                          through equity issues.
   Duplicate Orbital Assignments
   15. Prior to the recent emphasis on full-CONUS chan-                      Echostar Satellite Corporation
nels becoming the common mode of operation, Advanced                         20. Echostar is a Colorado corporation incorporated for
requested orbitkhannel allocations to mirror Hughes' cur-                 the purpose, among other more general purposes, of con-
rent allocations, proposing to use the same channels as                   structing, launching, and operating a DBS system. It is
Hughes to serve the opposite half of the U.S. with each                   79% owned by Echosphere Corporation, which it states is
channel as Hughes would serve. That is, if Hughes would                   one of the largest distributors of home satellite receive
serve the western U.S. with even channels and the eastern                 equipment in the United States. The remaining stock is
US. with odd channels, Advanced would serve the west-                     owned by two individuals, one of whom is the president
ern U.S. with odd channels and eastern US. with even                      of Echosphere. Echostar is legally qualified to hold a DBS
channels, while operating from the same orbital location                  authorization.
as Hughes. Advanced claimed that this is possible using                      21. Echostar proposes to launch two satellites, with
digital transmission technology, although it would have to                each serving half-CONUS with sixteen channels at 100
give up some service to the central US., losing approxi-                  watts each, for an EIRP of at least 51 dBW at edge of
mately five percent bf the U.S. population. It also claimed               coverage. It may also provide spot beam service to
that if Hughes were to use digital transmission technology                unspecified discrete market areas. It expects to be able to
as well, no service would be lost. Hughes has strenuously                 provide "limited" full-CONUS service on an emergency
opposed Advanced's request.                                               basis, if necessary. Echostar apparently does not intend to
   16. Advanced's proposal, even if technically sound,                    serve any areas outside the 48 continental states. (Its pre-
would not be possible to effectuate in conjunction with                   ferred orbital positions are 61.5'W and 148@W, unless
full-CONUS operations, as authorized in this Order.                       other positions currently held by others become avail-
Based on Advanced's modification application and its                      able.) Echostar proposes to build one on-ground spare,
comments in connection with the orbital allocation, issue,                and provide six-for-four transponder redundancy. Six
it appears that Advanced is more interested in pursuing                   channels would be eclipse protected at full power (or
full-CONUS operations than colocated, mirror-image half-                  more channels at lesser power) by battery.
CONUS operations. Consequently, the request will be                          22. Echostar proposes to program some of its capacity
considered moot and it will be dismissed without preju-                   and lease some on a non-common carrier basis. It projects
dice.                                                                     total costs for three satellites, two launches, ground facili-
                                                                          ties and support and one year marketing and operations
                                                                          to total $496 million. Echostar's parent, Echosphere, has
        DESCRIPTION OF NEW APPLICATIONS                                   committed to finance the construction and continued op-
                                                                          eration. Echosphere enjoys a $50 million line of credit
   Continental Satellite Corporation                                      and will finance the remaining costs with additional debt
   17. Continental is a California corporation incorporated               and with equity offerings. Merril Lynch and Hanifen,
for the purpose of constructing, launching, and operating                 Imhoff, Inc. have indicated their interest in raising the
a DBS system. All of its principals are identified in its                 necessary additional funds through equity offerings, and
application, and Continental is legally qualified to hold a               Hanifen has expressed its expectation that the funds can
DBS authorization.                                                        be raised successfully. In addition, Scott Science and
   18. Continental proposes to launch three satellites, with              Technology, a satellite financing, construction and launch
one serving the eastern half of the continental United                    manager, has expressed its expectation that the necessary
States ("half-CONUS") and one serving western half-                       funds can be raised.
CONUS with sixteen channels each, and one serving the
full continental United States (Yull-CONUS") with eight                      DIRECTSAT Corporation
channels. The half-CONUS satellites would operate at 100                     23. Directsat is 77% owned by SSE Telecom, Inc., a
watts per channel, for an effective isotropic radiated pow-               telecommunications company which specializes in satel-
er ("EIRP'') of 51 dBW for all channels on all satellites.                lite technology. The remainder of its stock is held by
The power and signal strength levels for the full-CONUS                   three individuals. The officers and directors of Directsat
satellite are not specified. Continental apparently does not              and SSE are identified, as well as the shareholders of
intend to serve any areas outside the 48 continenta! states.              Directsat and the cognizable shareholders of SSE.
(Continental's preferred orbital positions are 61.5 W and                 Directsat is legally qualified to hold a DBS authorization.
148% for the half-CONUS satellites and 1          1O w for the               24. Directsat proposes to launch two satellites, with
full-CONUS satellite.) Continental's satellites would have                each serving half-CONUS with sixteen channels at 100
24-for-16 transponder redundancy and full eclipse protec-                 watts each, for an EIRP of at least 51 dBW at edge of
tion from stored (battery) power. Continental proposes to                 coverage. Directsat apparently does not intend to serve
build one on-ground spare.                                                any areas outside the 48 continental states. (Its preferred
   19. Continental proposes to program some of its capac-                 orbital positions are lOloW and 148W.) Directsat pro-
ity (including "value-oriented, alternative" channels), and               poses to build one on-ground spare, and provide six-
to lease some, presumably on a non-common carrier ba-                     for-four transponder redundancy. A battery would power
sis. It states that it will actively participate in a variety of          an unspecified number of channels through eclipse
research and development projects intended to enhance                     periods.
the quality and amount of video services offerred via DBS


H X ' W.Zfi7                             Federal Communications Commission Record                                           4 FCC Rcd No. 17

    1 4 Ihtci.twt l)iopow> to lease all of its transponder                       request, during which time the Commission refrained
c q ) o r i t ~ io pioginni packapeis and other businesses that                  from taking any unnecessary negative action. DBSCorp
w t ~ i i l t i w t v c i n d i v i d u a l receive dish owners, as well as to   has not satisfied the due diligence requirement, even be-
t h w p i i n itling \ales. training and other video materials                   latedly (or made any significant progress of which we are
io h ~ ~ i i e \and      \      educational organizations. It specifically       aware), and its subject conditional construction permit
rxl)cc 1 4 I O target cable television program suppliers, public                 will be canceled.  7

111 oii(lLri\t ing m t t o n operators, High Definition Television                  30. During the cut-off period for the subject applica-
("I I 1 ) l V") broadcasters, as well as ancillary "business"                    tions, DBSCorp requested that if its extension request
X I vice pioviders. Estimated expenses for construction and                      were denied and its permit canceled, it be considered as a
 hunch aggregate to approximately $320 million for the                           new applicant with the current group. Had DBSCorp's
two-wtelltte system, with another $14 million estimated                          extension request been acted upon previously, it could
f o r first year operations. Directsat proposes to finance its                   have applied o n time in a more routine fashion. Accord-
operation, without reliance on revenues. with the assis-                         ingly, its application will now be considered with the
tance of PaineWebber Incorporated and Strategic Re-                              current group, and assigned File No. DBS-88-08.22
search, Inc. PaineWebber and Strategic Research have                                31. DBSCorp is a corporation formed for the purpose
both expressed their interest in raising the required funds,                     of providing DES service, and has n o other business
with Strategic Research expressing its opinion, based on                         activities. Its primary principals are Kansas City Southern
experience in supporting other telecommunications ven-                           Industries, Inc., a company with operations in transporta-
tures, that the financing is feasible and attainable.                            tion, financial services, real estate, and broadcasting, and
                                                                                 several individuals involved in communications and tech-
   TEMPO Satellite, Inc.                                                         nologies industries. DBSCorp has previously been found
   26. Tempo is wholly-owned by TEMPO Enterprises,                               legally qualified; there is no information upon which to
Inc., which is wholly-owned by Tele-Communications,                              reconsider that finding.
lnc. (TCI"), a publicly held company engaged primarily                              32. DBSCorp proposes to launch two satellites, with
in the cable television business, with licenses for a variety                    each serving half-CONUS with sixteen channels at 100
of other communications services. The principals of all                          watts each, for an EIRP of 51 dBW at edge of coverage.
companies are identified in this or other incorporated                           Its spacecraft will be designed to provide quarter-CONUS
applications. Tempo's legal qualifications are further dis-                      service on demand, and it requests authorization to utilize
cussed in paragraphs 49 - 53, infra.                                             up to four channels for spot beam coverage for regional
   27. Tempo proposes to launch two satellites, with each                        broadcasts and for increasing EIRP for HDTV. (Its pre-
serving half-CONUS or full-CONUS with sixteen chan-                              ferred orbital positions are llOoW and 1 4 8 w . ) DBSCorp
nels at 100 watts each or eight channels at 200 watts each,                      does not plan to build a spare satellite. DBSCorp's sat-
for an EIRP of 51 dBW or 48 dBW, depending o n con-                              ellites will provide nine-for-six transponder redundancy,
figuration. Tempo would also serve Puerto Rico and the                           and one third of its channels will be eclipse protected.
Virgin Islands. (Its preferred orbital positions are 1lOoW                          33. DBSCorp proposes to lease its transponder capacity
for each satellite.) Tempo proposes to build one on-                             on a non-common carrier basis. It lists anticipated ex-
ground spare, and provide six-for-four transponder redun-                        penses totalling $524 million to put its system into opera-
dancy. Up to six channels on each satellite will be eclipse                      tion. It has entered an agreement with a securities
protected for service at full power, or more channels will                       company which states its expectation of raising the neces-
be provided lesser power, by battery.                                            sary funds through a combination of debt and equity
   28. Tempo proposes to operate and program its facilities                      placements.
as a non-common carrier, and to provide half of its
channels for "free" and half on a subscription and/or
pay-per-view basis. Tempo estimates costs of approximate-                                   DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION
ly $500 million to launch and operate its two-satellite                                            APPLICATIONS
system for one year. Tempo proposes to finance its ven-
ture with funds from "operating income, equity contri-                              Advanced Communications Corporation
buted by principals, and loans to be secured as required."                          34. Advanced is currently authorized to build and op-
Also, "the total debt of $1.3 billion will be supported by                       erate two satellites, with each serving half-CONUS, in-
starting equity of $250 million [with] further equity to be                      cluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, with sixteen
raised over a five-year period as required supported by the                      channels at 125 watts each for an EIRP of "at least" 5 1
assets of the corporation." Tempo's parent, TCI, explicitly                      dBW. (In conjunction with this Order, Advanced is al-
states its intention to support Tempo's venture.                                 located the sixteen odd-numbered channels at 110%' and
                                                                                 at 148w.23(See n. 42, infra.)) Advanced has no provision
   Direct Broadcast Satellite Corporation                                        for a spare satellite. Advanced would have six-for-four
   29. DBSCorp has held a construction permit since Oc-                          transponder redundancy, and up to six channels on each
tober 3, 1986. That permit was granted with the condition                        satellite will be eclipse protected for service at full power,
I hat IIBSCorp begin construction or secure a construction                       or more channels will be provided lesser power, by bat-
contract within within one year of that date?' Unable to                         tery.
meet that requirement, DBSCorp requested an additional                              35. Advanced has modified its proposal, seeking author-
year. citing its vigorous efforts, including past involvement                    ity to operate each of its thirty-two channels over
in the earlier development of DBS, and a variety of                              full-CONUS (from a suitable orbital location). It asserts
circumslances which i t believes now make it more possi-                         that this is a minor change. In support of its request, it
hlc to succeed. I t contended that an additional year would                      relates that its satellite builder (GE Astro-Space Division)
give it the o p p o r t u n i t y to pursue promising new business               is "confident that full-CONUS coverage from their Series
oppoi-tunicies. More than one year has elapsed since that

4 FCC RcQ NO. 17-                Federal Communications Commission Record                                        w 89457

5000 spacecraft to receiving antennas two feet in diameter          40. Hughes now seeks authority to opcratc thirty-two
with at least minimum EIRP power levels can be pro-              full-CONUS channels on a full-time basis with IkO-wrtl
vided." GE Astro later submitted a letter stating that it is     W A ' s , for a claimed EIRP of 52 dBW at edpc of
capable of providing a DBS system that could provide             coverage. All channels will be eclipse protected by battery
full-CONUS service at a 51 to 52 dBW signal strength on          backup. It also seeks authority to use 3 mHz of the
the ground. Advanced's most recent amendment states              channel guardbands of each channel to expand each chan-
that channels will be operated at either 130 or 260 watts,       nel from 24 mHz to 27 mHz wide, in order to facilitele
with fewer channels operated if the higher power is used.        transmission of high definition television ("HDTV") sig-
(Advanced requests an allocation of all thirty-two chan-         nals. In conjunction with this request, it also requests
nels at llOoW; sixteen of those channels are being al-           modification of the specific channels assigned to each of
located to it pursuant to its earlier appli~ation.'~             its satellites for more efficient channel pairings.26 Hughes'
   36. Consistent with the analysis of DBS allocations           request, as Advanced's, constitutes a major amendment."
policy set out in paragraphs 7 - 10, supra, this request
constitutes a major amendment of Advanced's existing
permit. As explained- in the earlier discussion, Advanced's                        PETITIONS TO DENY
progosed change from thirty-two half-CONUS channels to
thirty-two full-CONUS channels would double the                    Association of Maximum Service Telecasters
orbitkhannel allocations its system would consume, ahd it          41. AMST opposed all of the applications, contending
must be considered as a major change. Advanced's cur-            that no new authorizations should be permitted in the
rent authorization for sixteen pairs of half-CONUS chan-
nels is convertible to only sixteen full-CONUS channels
                                                                 12.2 12.7 GHz band while that spectrum is being consid-
                                                                 ered for terrestrial Advanced Television Service ('*A,'*).
as a minor modification. Advanced did not pay the filing         The allocation of this spectrum for DBS is wellsettled,
fee required for a major amendment in the DBS service,           and mere "consideration" of other uses, in the absence of
believing its request to be a minor amendment, for which         an allocation Rule Making, does not warrant withholding
there is no filing fee. As the Commission's DBS allocation       authorizations that are consistent with the allocation.
policy explained in this Order had not been explicitly           Moreover, the most recent Commission statement regard-
stated at the time Advanced filed its amendment, Ad-             ing "consideration" of this spectrum for ATV is that this
vanced will not be faulted or penalized for its failure to       spectrum is not suitable for terrestrial ATV use. Tentative
recognize its modification as a major amendment, and             Decision and Further Notice of Inquiry in MM Docket No.
will be permitted to pay its filing fee late, without penalty,   87-268, 3 FCC Rcd 6520, 6530-31 (1988). Accordingly,
within fifteen days of the release date of this Order.           AMST's petition will be denied?'

   United States Satellite                                         GTE Spacenet
Broadcasting Company, Inc.                                          42. GTE has requested that the Commission institute a
   37. USSB is currently authorized to build and operate         Rule Making to redefine the distinction between Fixed
two satellites, with each serving half-CONUS with eight          Satellite Service ("FSS") and DBS service. It asks, al-
channels at 240 watts each for an EIRP of approximately          ternately, that the Commission uphold the limitations on
54 dBW. (USSB has been allocated eight even channels at          nonconforming usesz9and analyze the subject applications
110%' for eastern service and at 148OW for western ser-          with those limitations in mind.
vice.)                                                              43. Applications in any service are always fully scrutini-
   38. USSB now proposes to operate each channel at 260          zed in all respects, including the propriety of any pro-
watts, for half-CONUS signals with an EIRP of approxi-           posed service. None of the current applicants k proposing
mately 55 dBW at edge of coverage and full-CONUS                 service at odds with the provisions for DBS service or the
signals with an EIRP of approximately 52 dBW a! edge of          Commission's decision in United States Satellite Broadcast-
coverage. It seeks authority to operate its 110%' satellite      ing Company, Inc., 1 FCC Rcd 977, supra. Accordingly, it
at full-CONUS until its 148%' satellite is placed in opera-      is not appropriate to resolve issues regarding alternate
tion. USSB will not build a spare satellite. It will have        uses here. As stated in n. 12, supra, comments are being
seven-for-four transponder redundancy. It will have 75%          solicited on the subject of offering additional services
eclipse protection, so that six channels of each eight can       from western DBS orbital locations.
operate at full power or all eight channels can operate at
75% power. This request constitutes a minor amendment.             National Black Media Coalition
USSB also states that it may seek reallocation of its 148%'
satellite to 1low if satellite colocation is permitted by the      44. NBMC has filed petitions to deny several of the
omm mission.^^                                                   subject applications on the basis that each has failed to
                                                                 meet its Equal Employment Opportunity obligations.
                                                                 NBMC insists that EEO enforcement is especially impor-
  Hughes Communications Galary, Inc.                             tant for DBS, which is only now putting together a
   39. Hughes is currently authorized to build and operate       workforce. It further argues that several applicants have
two satellites, with each serving half-CONUS with sixteen        deliberately ignored the rule, even after having been ap-
channels at 100 watts each for an EIRP of 51 dBW.                prised by NBMC of the alleged shortcoming, and that this
(Hughes has been allocated all of the channels (thirty-two)      is evidence of intent to discriminate. It contends that
at lOl@W, sixteen for eastern service and sixteen for west-      because common carriers and cable systems operators, as
ern service, with full-CONUS operation permitted on an           well as broadcasters, are subject to EEO regulation by the
"emergency" basis.) Hughes has no plans for a spare              Commission, no DBS applicant should be exempted from
satellite. Hughes does plan full eclipse protection for all      compliance by disclaiming any intent to operate as a
channels, and will have a 24-for-16 transponder redun-           broadcaster. Each applicant will be discussed below.

                                Federal Communications Commission Record                                       4 FCC Rcd No. 17

    4 5 . DHSCorp. N B M C points out that DBSCorp submit-          sions, however, no DBS applicant governed by the rule
tccl no EEO program with its subject application.                   which failed to file a program or whose program did not
I)I3SCorp adamantly disavows an intent to discriminate. It          comply with the exact provisions of the rule will be
inninrains that i t is not yet an operational company, that         disqualified or designated for hearing. Rather, the applica-
i t will make its employment policy explicit and detailed           tions which are granted will be conditioned on full com-
when it enters the marketplace for employees, and that it           pliance with the provisions of Section 100.51(b) of the
w i l l comply with all Commission policies in effect at that       rules within thirty days of the release of this Order.’*
     46. Advanced, Hughes, and USSB. NBMC charges that                Petitions Against Tempo
each of these applicants has neglected to list any minority            49. Petitions to deny Tempo’s application have been
o r female organizations from which it will recruit em-             filed by the National Association for Better Broadcasting
 ployees, or any minority media in which it will advertise          and the Telecommunications Research and Action Center
 for employees. In addition, Hughes and USSB have not               (“NABB/TRAC”), by the Wireless Cable Association
 listed ‘minority and female educational institutions from          (“Wireless Cable”), and by Ad~anced.’~In addition, the
 which it will recruit employees. All three applicants re-          Mass Media Bureau sent a letter to TCI regarding TCI’s
spond that they were found qualified when their original            applications to acquire three broadcast stations in con-
permits were issued, and that their EEO compliance                  junction with its takeover of TEMPO Enterprises, Inc.
should not now be reviewed in conjunction with the                  (Tempo’s former parent),34 requesting further information
 modification applications they have filed. Hughes and              regarding TCI’s conduct in Jefferson City, Missouri, more
Advanced contend that the €EO rules for DBS do not                  fully discussed immediately below. TCI’s response to that
apply to them, as they do not intend to operate as broad-           letter and NABBERAC’s reply to that response are con-
casters. Hughes insists that its parent’s corporate policy,         sidered with the petitions and related pleadings in this
which was submitted, complies with Commission require-              proceeding.
ments even without specific recruitment sources, and re-               SO. Wireless Cable and Advanced assert that TCI’s ex-
fers to that parent’s long record of compliance with EEO            tensive cable system holdings, coupled with its earth sta-
 requirements as a government contractor to rebut the               tion (satellite uplink) facilities and its interests in at least
charge of discriminatory intent. Advanced points out that           twelve cable progammers, would result in undue con-
 no specific facts are alleged indicating intentional dis-          centration of control in the video services marketplace if
crimination.                                                        a DBS system were added to its holdings. They both refer
     47. Resolution. The EEO rules for cable systems and            to various public statements by industry participants and
common carriers, cited by NBMC, do not apply to the                 observers that the cable industry, and TCI in particular,
 DBS service. The Commission adopted specific EEO rules             has deliberately denied programming to its competitors,
for the DBS service, and those rules apply only to those            and that TCI has used its considerable market power and
 DBS entities which would operate as broadcaster^.^'                its interests in programming sources to negotiate preferen-
 Moreover, the Commission’s determination to limit the              tial or exclusive programming contracts, preventing al-
 application of EEO rules in the DBS service to DBS                 ternate outlets from competing effectively, or at all.
 broadcasters was affirmed in Report and Order in Gen.              Allowing an additional outlet source to TCI would exacer-
 Docket No. 85-305, 2 FCC Rcd 1001, n. 3 (1987); aff’d,             bate the problem, according to these petitioners. They
National Association for Better Broadcasting v. FCC, 849            both further maintain that the Commisison’s policy goal
 F.2d 665 (D.C. Cir. 1988). To the extent petitions disagree        of diversity would be thwarted by granting a DBS permit
 with those Rule Making decisions, the proper course                to Tempo. Advanced cites TCI’s conduct in a cable fran-
 would be to file a petition for Rule Making. Under exist-          chise renewal proceeding in Jefferson City, Missouri as
 ing rules, however, only DBS operators which will Op-              evidence of TCI’s willingness to abuse a monopoly posi-
erate as broadcasters are subject to EEO requirements               tion. In that case, a $35.6 million verdict was rendered
and, in accordance with those rules, EEO requirements,              against TCI on alternate verdict of violation of federal
will not be extended to other DBS operators in the con-             antitrust law and tortious interference with business under
 text of this licensing proceeding. Accordingly, only ap-           Missouri law.3s NABBnRAC cites the same case as evi-
 plicants intending to operate as broadcasters are required         dence that TCI lacks the requisite character to be a DBS
to file Model EEO Programs, as provided by the rule. (47            permittee.
 C.F.R. !j100.51(~).)~~                                                51. Tempo responds that the Commission has already
     48. For any such applicant uncertain of the ultimate           decided not to impose a cross-ownership restriction on
 location of many of its facilities, specification of nation-       DBS, and appropriately so. It remarks that all claims of
 wide recruitment sources and media, and any prominent              past anticompetitive conduct by cable system operators
 educational institutions will be appropriate, as done by           are anecdotal and hearsay, and contends that any con-
 several other applicants. Nationwide recruitment is com-           cerns of future abuse are merely speculative. It contends
 monplace, particularly for upper management jobs, and if           that existing antitrust law and Commission oversight are
 i t is desirable or appropriate for these entities, a nation-      sufficient to prevent any conduct that is illegal or delete-
 wide affirmative action effort is equally appropriate, re-         rious to the DBS industry and its customers. It insists that
 gardless o f the ultimate headquarters location. As                its conduct in Jefferson City, Missouri is outside the scope
 geographic locations do become more certain, EEO Pro-              of Commission purview under its recently stated policy
 grams should be further refined when appropriate. Com-             guidelines in Character Qualifications Policy Statement, 102
 pliance with current EEO provisions is equally important           FCC2d 1179 (1986), recon. denied 1 FCC Rcd 421 (1986).
 for previously authorized DBS permittees intending to              It also contends that its application for a DBS permit is
operate as broadcasters. and they will be required to come          not encompassed by the Character Policy. It finally main-
 into compliance with the current rules. Given the pre-
 vious uncertainty over the pertinence of the EEO provi-


4 FCC Rcd   No. 17              Federal Communications Commission Record

tains that even if the misconduct in Jefferson City were               each of the remaining permittees seeking new or sddi-
subject to consideration, it would not cast doubt on Tem-              tional channels would then receive for its new or modi-
po’s qualifications to hold a DBS authorization.                       fication application a total of thirty-two new or addilionel
   52. The prospect of an increase in the concentration of             channels. Finally, any comparative procedure adopted and
control of video entertainment sources and outlets which               utilized would likely be designed, in significant part, to
would result from TCI’s acquisition of a DBS system                    compare the applicants’ actual ability and willingness IO
through Tempo does not warrant denial or designation for               construct and operate their systems. The most immediate
hearing of Tempo’s application. To the contrary, in fact,              and concrete demonstration of that willingness and abil-
Tempo’s participation could well accelerate the initiation             ity, however, will be the timely initiation of construction
of DBS service by bringing valuable marketplace exper-                 of satellites, according to the procedures recently clari-
ience and presence and possibly enhancing access to pro-               fied.38 The grant of these authorizations, as set out below,
gramming. As Tempo argues, existing antitrust law and                  will require an actual demonstration of, rather than con-
Commission oversight are sufficient to prevent any con-                jectural argument regarding, the willingness and ability to
duct that is illegal or deleterious to the DBS industry and            construct. Any and all of those parties which can and will
its “customers, or to operators and customers in the other             proceed under these standards will end up with specific
video entertainment distribution industries as well.                   allocations. In the event that all of the permittees main-
   53. With regard to Tempo’s fitness to be a DBS li-                  tain their permits, and some of them determine that the
censee, however, petitioners have raised potentially se-               resulting systems, smaller than req~ested,’~are not ten-
rious questions stemming from the misconduct of                        able, they are free to seek Commission approval to com-
Tempo’s parent, TCI, requiring examination and consider-               bine assignments and resources through merger or
ation by the Commission of the facts and circumstances                 buyout. Commission consideration of any such combina-
surrounding TCI’s conduct in the Jefferson City cable                  tion will include an assessment of its competitive effects
franchise renewal case. The Mass Media Bureau is sending               and other relevant factors. Accordingly, the public interest
a letter to Tempo requesting additional information con-               will be best served by partial grant of all of the applica-
cerning that conduct and any additional arguments con-                 tions, as described below, rather than setting these ap-
cerning its relevance to and impact on Tempo’s subject                 plications for a comparative proceeding.
application. While this matter is being further considered,               56. The eligible cut-off applicants’ collective requests
is not necessary to delay action on other pending applica-             would require 240 of the available DBS half-CONUS
tions which can be granted. Accordingly, the                           channeyorbit allocations. However, on1 160 half-CONUS
orbitlspectrum resource required to satisfy Tempo’s ser-               orbitkhannel allocations are available!g In recognition of
vice proposal will be held in              pending the result          the equal rights of these applicants to the available alloca-
of further inquiry into its qualifications to hold a DBS               tions, each of the seven new and modification applicants
authorization.                                                         will be granted an equal number of orbitlchannel reserva-
                                                                       tions from the available supply. This will permit the
                                                                       reservation of 22 half-CONUS orbitlchannel assignments
          DISPOSITION OF APPLICATIONS                                  for each applicant.41 As previously stated, if the permit of
  54. Each of the other applicants is fully qualified to               any of these applicants, or of any of the current
hold the DBS authorization it seeks. However, the avail-               permittees, is surrendered or canceled, the remaining
able allocations are not sufficient to fully satisfy the               permittees from this group will have the first right to
orbitkpectrum requests of all of the applications. Each of             additional allocations, apportioned equally, up to the
the applicants has an equal right to consideration for the             number requested in their applications.
requested facilities. Accordingly, each application seeking               57. The conditional construction permits granted herein
new or additional channels should be granted only to the               will authorize the permittees to proceed with the con-
extent that it is possible to award an equal number of                 struction of their systems and will be conditioned on each
general orbitlchannel reservations to each applicant. Addi-            permittee’s due diligence in beginning construction, or
tionally, in the event the permit of any of these ap-                  completing contracting for construction of its satellite(s)
plicants, or of any of the current permittees, is                      within one year, and beginning operation within six years,
surrendered or canceled, the remaining permittees from                 of the date of release of this Order (47 C.F.R. $10.19(b)).
this group will have the first right to additional alloca-             Specific orbital positions and channels will be assigned to
tions, apportioned equally, up to the number requested in              each permittee upon its demonstration of due diligence
their applications. Specific allocations will be awarded, as           on a firstcome, first-served basis, as has been the proce-
always, on a first-come, first-served basis, as each ap-               dure for past applicants, DBS Processing Procedures, supra.
plicant demonstrates due diligen~e.~’                                     58. All of the permittees are specifically referred to the
   55. This authorization policy permits the continued                 recent discussion of standards regarding the adequacy of
participation of all of the applicants and also provides for           construction contracts in satisfaction of the due diligence
the most prompt disposition of these applications, so that             requirement, and the subsequent monitoring of construc-
direct construction efforts can begin at the earliest possi-           tion progress under those contracts. Specifically, due dili-
ble time. The prime alternate procedure would be to                    gence showings must include regular specific construction
evaluate comparatively all of the applications to deter-               progress milestones to facilitate monitoring of progress
mine which should be granted in their entirety and which               and financial commitment throughout the construction
should be denied. Creation and utilization of any com-                 process sufficient to determine whether meaningful levels
parative procedure would likely result in considerable                 of advancement have occurred. Also, any changes in the
delay and the expenditure of substantial Commission and                timetable must be reported and explained. United States
applicant resources. Moreover, a comparative proceeding                Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc., supra, 3 FCC Rcd at
could well prove to have been unnecessary. If two of the               6861 (1988).
current or new permittees surrenders or loses its permit,


FCC 89-257                      Federal Communications Commission Record                                        4 FCC Rcd No. 17

   59. Hughes’ request for 27-MHz-wide channels will be                                   ORDERING CLAUSES
denied. The DBS channel designation scheme already has                    62. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, That the petitions
some overlap between channels, relying on cross-polariza-              to deny filed by the Association of Maximum Service
tion to neutralize the negative effect of that amount of               Telecasters, by the National Black Media Coalition, by the
overlap. Moreover, the Region 2 Plan for DBS specifies                 Wireless Cable Association, and by Advanced Commu-
that all odd channels be located at +0.2’ and all even                 nications Corporation ARE DENIED.
channels at -0.2’ from the nominal orbital position. Thus                 63. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That action on the
some channel origination points would be moved by 0.4’.                petition to deny filed by the National Association for
Hughes has not submitted information from which to                     Better Broadcasting and the Telecommunications Re-
ascertain the effects, if any, its proposed variant operation          search and Action Center IS DEFERRED pending fur-
would have on other domestic or foreign DBS operations,                ther consideration of the application for DBS facilities
including possible operations from the same orbital loca-              filed by TEMPO Satellite, I ~ c . ~ ~
tion by another entity. In the absence of a conclusion that
there would be no adverse effect, a compelling justifica-                 64. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the DBS ap-
tion is needed to warrant authorization of such an opera-              plication of Continental Satellite Corporation IS GRANT-
tion. Hughes’ only specific justification, that it would use           E D IN PART to provide service from two or more
a wider channel bandwidth to implement HDTV is under-                  satellites delivering 11 channels to each half of the con-
cut in its recent biannual progress report, wherein it                 tinental United States, or from one o r more satellites
indirectly indicated that it has not determined the                    delivering 11 channels to the entire continental United
bandwidth o r channel configuration it would require for               States, as described in this Order and its application, File
HDTV. It also acknowledged that HDTV is deliverable                    No. DBS-87-01, subject to the following conditions and
over a 24-MHz-wide channel at a higher power. Should                   provisions:
Hughes wish to continue to pursue this channelization
scheme, it should submit a technical analysis and/or a                    (a) This grant does not include launch a n d o r oper-
justification for authorizing such an operation.                          ational authority for any phase of the proposal;
                                                                          (b) This grant does not include the assignment of
                                                                          frequencies or orbital positions for any satellite; and
                           CONTRACTS                                      (c) The applicant must proceed with the construc-
     60. In the Order clarifying the due diligence standard               tion of its system with due diligence, as defined in
and modifying the -Commission’s satellite construction                    Section 100.19 of the Commission’s Rules (47
monitoring procedures for DBS, existing permittees were                   C.F.R. 8100.19); and
required to update information regarding their existing                   (d) The applicant will receive reservations for addi-
construction contracts, in conformance with the clarified                 tional channels, up to the total number of half-
requirements. Id. Advanced requested permission to delay                  CONUS channels necessary to fulfill the proposal in
filing pending resolution of the issues affecting the DBS                 its application, if DBS allocations are surrendered
allocation policy, which occurs in this Order. Dominion’s                 by other permittees or canceled by the Commission.
submission did not include specific construction
milestones, and its payment timetable appears contingent                  65. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the DBS ap-
on the issuance of this Order. USSB’s submission does                  plication of EchoStar Satellite Corporation IS GRANTED
not include construction milestones in sufficient number               IN PART to provide service from two or more satellites
or frequency to permit effective monitoring of its con-                delivering 11 channels to each half of the continental
struction progress, and USSB neither specifies that all                United States, or from one or more satellites delivering 11
other provisions are as earlier submitted nor submits                  channels to the entire continental United States, as de-
changed provisions. Hughes’ construction progress line                 scribed in this Order and its application, File No. DBS-
chart lacks sufficient clarity or detail regarding satellite           88-01, subject to conditions and provisions (a), (b), (c),
construction. In any event, the specifications in all of               and (d) in paragraph 64, above.
those contracts, and the corresponding timetables, may                    66. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the DBS ap-
well be affected by the provisions in this Order. Con-                 plication of DIRECTSAT Corporation IS GRANTED IN
sequently, Dominion, USSB, Hughes, and Advanced will                   PART to provide service from two or more satellites
be required to file within sixty days of the release of this           delivering 11 channels to each half of the continental
Order, updated information regarding their construction                United States, or from one or more satellites delivering 11
contracts and timetables.                                              channels to the entire continental United States, as de-
     61. From the system descriptions in several applica-              scribed in this Order and its application, File No. DBS-
tions, it appears possible that Hughes and Advanced may                88-02, subject to conditions and provisions (a), (b), (c),
have already under contract satellite capacity sufficient to           and (d) in paragraph 64, above.
meet their authorizations as modified herein. Those                       67. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the Request for
pcrmittees are encouraged to demonstrate at the earliest               Extension of Time filed by Direct Broadcast Satellite Cor-
possible opportunity that they have satisfied the due dili-            poration IS DENIED and its outstanding conditional con-
gcnce rcquirement for the additional facilities granted in             struction permit IS CANCELLED, and that its pending
this Order, and to request the additional specific alloca-             DBS application IS GRANTED IN PART to provide ser-
t i o n s they desire. If both parties make such a demonstra-          vice from two or more satellites delivering 11 channels to
t i o n , their allocation requests will be considered in the          each half of the continental United States, or from one or
ordcr o f their original contracts.42                                  more satellites delivering 11 channels to the entire con-
                                                                       tinental United States, as described in this Order and its
                                                                       application, File No. DBS-88-08, subject to conditions and


4 FCC Hcd   Nu. 17               Federal Communications Commission Record                                               FCC 89-257

kmmisions (a), (b), (c), and (d) in paragraph 64, above,           paragraph 64, above, and the condition that Hughes file
nnd the condition that DBSCorp file within thirty days             within thirty days either an Equal Employment Opporlu-
either a n Equal Employment Opportunity Program that               nity Program, specifically designed for Hughes' DBS oper-
1) sets out the corporation's general policy with respect to       ations, that 1) Sets out the corporation's general policy
EEO and affirms that the corporation has adopted an                with respect to EEO and affirms that the corporation has
EEO program; 2) designates the official who will have              adopted an EEO program; 2) designates the official who
responsibility for implementing the corporation's pro-             will have responsibility for implementing the corpora-
gram; 3) sets out how the corporation's EEO program                tion's program; 3) sets out how the corporation's EEO
will be disseminated to present and future employees; 4)           program will be disseminated to present and future em-
lists specific recruitment sources, including minority and         ployees; and, 4) lists specific recruitment sources, includ-
women's organizations, educational institutions and media          ing minority and women's organizations, educational
that the corporation will use to attract qualified minority        institutions and media that the corporation will use to
and female applicants whenever a job opportunity occurs,           attract qualified minority and female applicants whenever
or-an amendment to its application stating clearly wheth-          a job opportunity occurs, or or an amendment to its
er"% intends to operate as a broadcaster on any channel            application stating clearly whether it intends to operate as
authorized and explaining its intended manner of opera-            a broadcaster on any channel authorized and explaining
 tion on all channels, consistent with that stated intention.      its intended manner of operation on all channels, consis-
     68. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the application               tent with that stated intention.
 for modification of DBS facilities of Advanced Commu-                71. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That Dominion Vid-
 nications Corporation IS GRANTED IN PART to provide               eo Satellite, Inc., United States Satellite Broadcasting
service from additional satellites as required, to deliver 11      Company, Inc., Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.,
 additional channels (27 total) to each half of the continen-      and Advanced Communications Corporation SHALL
 tal United States or 11 additional channels (27 total) to         SUBMIT, within sixty days of the date of this Order,
 the entire continental United States, as described in this        additional information regarding the status of their sat-
 Order and its applications, File No. DBS-88-05-MP, sub-           ellite construction contracts and timetables, as provided in
 ject to conditions and provisions (a), (b), (c), and (d) in        paragraph 60, above.
 paragraph 64, above; the condition that Advanced file                72. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That Dominion Vid-
 within fifteen days the required filing fee for a major            eo Satellite, Inc. SHALL SUBMIT, within twenty days of
 modification application in the DBS service, as provided           the release of this Order, its specification of the eight
 in paragraph 36, supra; and the condition that Advanced            channels it wishes to retain at 119% and its request for
 file within thirty days either a list of specific recruitment      eight channels at a western orbital location.
 sources, including minority and women's organizations                73. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That Hughes Com-
 and specific media which have significant circulation or           munications Galaxy, Inc. SHALL SUBMIT, within thirty
 are of particular interest to minorities and women, that           days of the release of this Order, its specification of the
 the corporation will use to attract qualified minority and         sixteen channels it wishes to retain at 101%' and its
 female applicants whenever a job opportunity occurs, or            request for sixteen channels at a western orbital location.
  an amendment to its application stating clearly whether it           74. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the request of
  intends to operate as a broadcaster on any channel au-            Advanced Communications Corporation for an allocation
  thorized and explaining its intended manner of operation          of all thirty-two channels at lOloW IS DISMISSED with-
  on all channels, consistent with that stated intention.           out prejudice.
     69. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the application                   75. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the request of
  for modification of DBS facilities of United States Satellite     Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for authorization to
  Broadcasting Company, Inc. IS GRANTED to provide                  operate its DBS facilities with channels that are 27 MHz
  service from two satellites each to deliver eight channels        wide IS DENIED.
  to half of the continental United States, with the first
  satellite launched and operational to deliver eight chan-
  nels to the entire continental United States until such               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
  time as the second satellite is operational, as described in
  this Order and its application, File No. DBS-88-06-MP,
  subject to the condition that USSB file within thirty days
  a list of specific recruitment sources, including minority
  and women's organizations, educational institutions with              Donna R. Searcy
  significant minority and female enrollments, and media                Secretary
  which have significant circulation or are of particular
   interest to minorities and women that the company will
   use to attract qualified minority and female applicants                                      FOOTNOTES
  whenever a job opportunity occurs.                                    * Orbital Broadcasting Company also filed an application on
      70. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the application                 that date (DBS-88-03),   but voluntarily withdrew the application
   for modification of DBS facilities of Hughes Communica-            on June 19, 1989.
   tions Galaxy, Inc. IS GRANTED IN PART to provide                     * Signals from DBS satellites which cover half of the con-
   service frdm additional satellites as required, to deliver 11      tinental United States are referred to as "half-CONUS'' signals;
   additional channels (27 total) to each half of the continen-       similarly, those which cover the entire continental United
   tal United States or 11 additional channels (27 total) to          States are referred to as "full-CONUS" signals.
   the entire continental United States, as described in this             See, eg., Satellite Synduakd Systems, IN., 99 FCC2d 1369,
   Order and its applications, File No. DBS-88-07-MP, sub-            1378 (1984).
   ject to conditions and provisions (a), (b), (c), and (d) in


,   W C 119.287                        Federal Communications Commission Record                                                 4 FCC Rcd No. 17

      ' 1 % (.omniiwion
               ~            has also authorized quarter-CONUS sig-               assume elliptical beams and a full-CONUS boresite power of 56
    nal\, and will continue to do so where such authorization is                 dBW. Based on these worst case assumptions, interference con-
    rppropriately rcqucsred. However, such delivery is apparently                sequences which are potentially severe enough to require the
    considered obmlcte. and there appear to be no present plans to               agreement of another administration for a Plan modification
    opcrorc in 5uch a mode. Ouarter-CONUS signals do not affect                  occur at only two or three test points (out of nearly 16,000,
    thc various analyses in this Order, and will not be further                  according to Hughes' estimate). At several other test points, the
    nicniioned i n this Order. The Commission also once authorized               interference increases are within the limits which would permit
    a limited number of full-CONUS signals to be operated at high                unilateral Plan modification. As stated above, these results are
    power by the first DBS entity (Satellite Television Corporation).            based on worst case assumptions regarding power levels and
    at a time when few DBS applicants existed and few operational                beam parameters, necessitated by capability limitations of the
    standards had been established. CBS, Inc., 99 FCC2d 565, 574                 computer programs of NASA and Telesat. It is likely that when
    (1984). STC surrendered its DBS permit on February 9. 1988,                  actual systems are modeled as specifically proposed, the thresh-
    and the permit was canceled on February 19, 1988; the Commis-                old criteria for the simpler and more desireable lnterim Systems
    sion has made no additional full-CONUS authorizations since                  notification procedures may be met without requiring Plan
    that time. The propriety and efficacy of full-CONUS authoriza-               modification or consent from other administrations. In any case,
    tions h further discussed in paragraphs 9, 10, below.                        these calculations will be made when final operational plans are
      '  Such allocations could still be useful for other purposes, as           established by DBS operators, and any appropriate action can be
                                                                                 taken at that time.
    discussed in paragraph 10, below.
         Eg., if two eastern channels are used to provide one eastern                 It is arguable whether an adequate full-CONUS signal can be
    half-CONUS and one western half-CONUS signal, two western                    delivered from 61.5%. It will be left to any operator at that
    channels are spent as well, while only one nationwide channel                location to make such a determination.
    of service is delivered. However, if the same two eastern chan-                 lo The three orbital locations can provide a total of % chan-
    nels are each used to provide eastern half-CONUS service and                 nels of DBS service nationwide when operated full-CONUS (32
    two corresponding western channels are used to provide western               channels at each of three locations). Adding the 32 channels of
    half-CONUS service, two nationwide channels of service are                   nationwide service deliverable from 61.5OW paired with chan-
    delivered. The overall impact of such allocations would be con-              nels from a western location (or from 32 full-CONUS channels
    siderable. The locations 101 OW, llOoW, and 119OW collectively               at 61.5%)'.    a total of 128 channels of DBS service could be
    have 96 channels for DBS service (32 channels at each of three               delivered nationwide. This provides for the same number of
    locations). If half of those channels were used for eastern half-            nationwide channels as if allocations were made for half-
    CONUS service and half for western half-CONUS service, there                 CONUS signals only in east/west pairs. (Compare n. 6. supra.)
    would be 48 channels of nationwide DBS service provided from                       Authorization of full-CONUS signals is not a concession to
    those locations. At the same time, three of the four western                 lower power flux density levels. The requirement that power
    orbital locations would stand useless for purposes of providing              levels be adequate for reception by relatively small and inexpen-
    part of a nationwide DBS service, as they would be suitable                  sive receive equipment remains a key ingredient of DBS service.
    solely for western service, with only one remaining location                 United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc., 1 FCC Rcd
    available for providing a complementary eastern service                      977, 979 (1986): satellite Syndicated Systems, Inc., supra at
    (61.5OW). Adding the 32 channels of nationwide DBS service                   1379-84. Full-CONUS signals cover roughly twice as much area
    delivered from that remaining eastlwest pair, a total of 80 chan-            as half-CONUS signals, and thus require roughly twice the
    nels could be delivered nationwide. However, if western half-                power input to maintain the same power flux density at points
    CONUS service is prohibited from eastern locations. those three              on the ground. Le.. if a half-CONUS channel would require 100
    eastern orbital locations, in conjunction with three western                 watts to produce a 51 dBW signal; a full-CONUS channel would
    locations providing complementary western half-CONUS ser-                    require roughly 200 watts to produce a 51 dBW signal. Thus two
    vice, would be parts of systems which could provide 96 nation-               half-CONUS signals and one full-CONUS signal require
    wide DBS channels. Adding the 32 channels of nationwide DBS                  roughly the same amount of total power to be produced in and
    service delivered from the remaining east(61.50W)/west pair, a               delivered from orbit. Consequently, conversion to full-CONUS
    total of 128 channels could be delivered nationwide.                         channels will not reduce appreciably the total amount of power
      '  Several of the DBS entities supported the proposition adopt-            that must be generated and delivered, or the consequent amount
    ed here, prohibiting western half-CONUS service from the east-               of space platform capacity that is required for each nationwide
    ern orbital locations under current circumstances. Those that                DBS channel. However, the number of discrete satellites could
    opposed the proposition appeared to object narrowly to a com-                possibly be reduced if satellites can be built sufficiently large to
    plete prohibition of all western United States service from an               provide the double power capacity required for full-CONUS
    eastern location, which the DBS allocation policy would not do               operations, and one large satellite may be easier and cheaper to
    under the provisions stated here. Western service as a compo-                design, build, launch and operate than two smaller satellites.
    nent of a full-CONUS signal will be permitted from eastern                   Even if double-powered satellites are not available, and two
    orbital locations, as further discussed in paragraphs 9, 10, below.          satellites with full-CONUS channels remain necessary to deliver
      '  Hughes submitted a study on January 17, supplemented on                 the same service that otherwise would have been delivered from
                                                                                 two satellites with half-CONUS channels, there is some effi-
    January 31, 1989. which will be referred to as the NASA study,
    and USSB submitted a study on January 17. 1989. which will be                ciency involved in designing and building multiple satellites
    referred to as the Telesat study. These studies use computer                 (possibly including back-up capacity) for operation in similar
    models to predict the intereference levels at the test points                configurations from the same orbital location. There can be
    established in the Region 2 Plan which would occur from                      other operational economies as well, of various degrees of sig-
    simultaneous full-CONUS transmissions at 101%. 11Ow, and                     nificance, such as reduction in terrestrial facilities, and in-
     119 "W, and also the additional cumulative effect of operation              creased flexibility in normal and emergency operations. In any
    from 61.5%.'    The computer models are derived from those used              event, as there appears no adverse consequence to the public or
    by the international Frequency Registration Board (''IFRB") in               other operators, each DBS operator will be permitted to make
    establishing the Region 2 Plan and its parameters. The studies               its own decision as to its mode of signal delivery.


                                     Federal Communications Commission Record                                             4 FCC Rcd No. 17

       Onc wtrlliic is currently authorized to carry even channels               37 The continued interchangeability of DBS allocations is
nrid ttir othrr         10carry odd channels, in accord with the Region       discussed in paragraph 11, supra. Specific orbidchannel alloca-
2 Plan. Hughes now requests that channels 1, 2, 5 , 6, 9, 10. 13,             tions are made for each permittee upon its submission of a
1.1, 17. 18. 21. 22. 25. 26. 29. and 30 be assigned to one satellite,         showing that it has satisfied the first part of the due diligence
w l t r ihc other channels on the other satellite.                            requirement (47 C.F.R. 9 lOO.l9(b)) by beginning construction or
        A l t h o u g h Hughes stated its belief that its proposed modi-      completing contracting for construction of its satellites.
fication is a minor amendment, it nonetheless submitted a filing                 38 United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc., 3 FCC
k c with the amendment "should it be necessary."                              Rcd 6858 (1988).
  ''   Several parties have challenged AMST's standing. Given the                39 It may be notable that two current permittees have systems
disposition of this matter, the question of standing need not be              comprised of 16 half-CONUS channels.
further addressed.                                                               40 There are a total of 256 half-CONUS orbidchannel alloca-
   29 United States Satellite Broadcasting Co., Inc., 1 FCC Rcd 977           tions which can be made from the United States' orbital loca-
(1986). recon. denied, 2 FCC Rcd 3642 (1987). This Order pro-                 tions assigned under the Region 2 Plan (eight orbital locations
viQes that DBS licensees may use their DBS facilities for ser-                with thirty-two channels each). Two permittees already are
vices other than direct-to-home video services on a limited basis             assigned or reserved thirty-two channels each and two others
under certain circumstances.                                                  are already assigned sixteen channels each, for a total of 96
        47 C.F.R. 5100.51 provides in pertinent part: "(a) General            half-CONUS orbitkhannel allocations already assigned, leaving
policy. Equal opportunity in employment shall be afforded [by]                 160 available.
all licensees or permittees of direct broadcast satellite stations               41    Six individual half-CONUS channels will remain
licensed as broadcasters to all qualified persons, and no person               unallocated. In view of the requirement to allocate half-CONUS
shall be discriminated against in employment. . ."   .                        channels in pairs and the existence of seven applicants. these
        It must be noted that even in the absence of a specific rule          channels cannot be allocated equitably at this time. They will be
requiring particular affirmative action recruitment activities. all           allocated if and when additional channels become available for
DBS operators are governed by federal statutes regarding dis-                 allocation or the number of applicants from this group seeking
crimination in employment practices.                                          additional channels under their instant applications is reduced
                                                                              to the point that equitable distribution is possible.
   32 From the contested applications. only USSB's intention
regarding its utlimate mode of operation is clear. USSB has                     '*  Advanced's most recent allocation request consistent with
stated that it is "committed to providing advertiser supported                the allocation policy, submitted November 18, 1986, has been
television programming to all residents of the United States.                 analyzed and found grantable. Consequently, the Mass Media
USSB Application at 5. Advanced, in its Opposition to NBMC'S                  Bureau will send under separate cover an instrument of au-
petition to deny, states that it will operate on a subscription                thorization allocating to Advanced the odd-numbered channels
basis and refers to a statement to that effect in its original                at 110%' and at 148%'.
application. That original application, however, contemplated a                  43 Eleven pairs of half-CONUS channels are held in reserve,
system of a different technical configuration with far fewer                   pending final action on Tempo's application.
channels that the system authorized as a result of this Order.
Hughes' opposition pleading similarly states that it has already
been authorized to selectively lease its transponders on a non-                                 SEPARATE STATEMENT
common carrier basis. Hughes' proposed system has also evolved                                      OF
considerably since that time. DBSC's proposed system has also                         COMMISSIONER PATRICIA DIAZ DENNIS
increased in size since its original system was projected to be
operated on a common carrier basis. None of these applicants                    I n Re: Applications in the Direct Broadcast Satellite
has made a specific representation which necessarily precludes                (DBS) Service for Construction Permits for New Systems
 its operation as a broadcaster on any of its channels of operation           and for Modification of Construction Permits for Au-
which are under consideration in this Order. In the absence of                thorized Systems, Filed by the Fifth Round of DBS Ap-
such a representation regarding its intended mode of operation,               plicants, and Petitions to Deny Certain of Those
and an explanation of its intended manner of operation on all                 Applications.
channels consistent with that claim, full compliance with the
EEO rules will be required.                                                     I write separately to explain m y views on potential
    33 A reply to Tempo's opposition to the petitions to deny was             concentration of control i n DBS.
 late-filed by the Motion Picture Association of America
("MPAA"), which had not filed a petition to deny. It will be                     W e have no rules governing agreements between DBS
considered like an informal objection under Section 73.3587 of                permittees to acquire or merge channel allocations. I
our rules. (47 C.F.R. 573.3587.) All of the arguments raised are              agree with m y colleagues that it would b e premature to
 fully encompassed by the petitions to deny considered here, and              adopt them at this stage. Nevertheless, I would be recep-
 MPAA's objection will not be further addressed individually.                 tive to adopting rules if t h e DBS industry develops.
         BTC-880120EA. BTCCT-880120KP. and BTCCT-880216K.J                       Since first authorizing DBS service i n 1982, the Com-
 for transfer of stations WTPO(AM), Conyers, Georgia.                         mission has purposely imposed the lightest possible
 WIHT(TV), Ann Arbor, Michigan, and KGCT-TV. Tulsa, Okla-                     regulation. The cost of providing service is extremely
 homa were later withdrawn, and those stations were transfered                high; the prospects for DBS are uncertain. A n elaborate
 to another entity.                                                           regulatory structure would further add to t h e cost of
   ''   Central Telecommunications, Inc. v. TCI Cablevision, 610 F.           entering what is still a risky business.
 Supp. 891 (W.D. Mo. 1985), affd, 800 F.2d 711 (8th Cir. 1986),                  Our DES policies seek to provide incentives to make
 ccri. denied 480 US. 910 (1987).                                             the huge capital investments required to introduce ser-
   ''   See paragraphs 54 - 56, below, regarding the pro-rata reduc-          vice. W e allocate channels conditionally, based on a re-
 tion of all applicants' requests for facilities.                             quirement to act diligently in proceeding toward a


                                                              Commission Record   FCC 89-257

    I   Wc assign specific channels, on a firstcome, first-
       basis, only to those applicants that demonstrate
       ve exercised due diligence.
      h1,4 stage, we also permit applicants to combine
        en& through merger or buyout, subject to Com-
         approval. We have declined to adopt rules limit-
         number of channels that any one permittee may
        We have no experience on which to predict how
      channels may be required to make a DBS system
  nmically feasible. It would be premature to adopt a
       oviding, for example, that no applicant may accu-
        more than 64 half-CONUS channels.
          w, we will review merger or buyout agreements
          -by-case basis. In reviewing those agreements, we
     c guided in part by the effect of the combination on
  petition in the DBS business and, more generally, in
    ideo programming business.
  remain committed to promoting diversity and com-
  ion throughout the mass media. If DBS matures, I
  Id be interested in adopting rules to promote those
    5 . Yet at this point, I would rather take a permissive
prortch to DBS than devise a perfectly competitive
  el on paper that may bear no relation to the eco-
   Le challenges facing the intrepid DBS pioneers.

Document Created: 2004-01-14 17:22:13
Document Modified: 2004-01-14 17:22:13

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