Attachment 2002Loral-res to Orb

2002Loral-res to Orb

LETTER submitted by Loral Space



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19870331-00061 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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       Space & Communications Ltd.

           1755 Jefferson Davis Hwy.                                                            |                                         John P. Stern
                            Suite 1007                                                                                                                    C
           Arington, VA 22202—3501                                                                                                        Deputy General Counsel
                       (703) 414—1060
                 Fax: (703) 414—1079

                                                                      July 22, 2002

           Mr. Don Abelson
           Chief, International Bureau
           Federal Communications Commission
           445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—C750
           Washington, DC 20554

           Re: Loral Space & Communications Ltd. Authorization for a Ku— and Iéa—band Satellite
                  at 47° W.L. (FCC File Nos. CSS—$3—002—P—(M) and SAT—MOD—20000104—00045)

                  Columbia Communications Corporation Application for Authority to Construct,
                 Launch and Operate a trans—Atlantic Satellite System (FCC File Nos. SAT—LOA—
                  19870331—00061; SAT—AMD—19990511—00052; and SAT—MOD—19990511—00051)

           Dear Mr. Abelson:

                    I write on behalf of Loral Space & Communications Ltd. (Loral) in response to a
           letter to you from counsel for Orbital Resources, LLC (Orbital) dated July 8, 2002
           regarding Loral‘s Ku—band authorization at 47° W.L. (Rodriguez Letter)." Orbital lacks
           authority to request that the International Bureau vacate an order that denied an _
           application by Columbia Communications Corporation (Columbia) to operate Ku—band
           capacity at 47° W.L. Moreover, the request is untimely and it lacks any basis or merit.

                 ~ First, Orbital, not Columbia, sent this letter requesting that the Commission vacate
           an order denying Columbia‘s application for Ku—band authority at 47° W.L. and asking
           the Commission to "reinstate [Columbia‘s] application for consideration on its merits,
            and expeditiously grant Columbia authority to operate Ku—band capacity at 47° W.L. as

            ! Letter from Raul R. Rodriguez and David S. Keir, Counsel to Orbital Resources, LLC, to Don Abelson,
            Chief, Internarional Bureau, Federal Communications Commission Re Loral Space & Communications
            Ltd. Authorization for a Ku— and Ka—band Sateilite at 47° W.L. (FCC File Nos. CSS—83—002—P—(M) and
            SAT—MOD—20000104—00045), Columbia Communications Corporation Application for Authority to
            Construct, Launch And Operate a Trans—Atlantic Satellite System (FCC File Nos. SAT—LOA—19870331—
            00061; SAT—AMD—19990511—00052; and SAT—MOD—19990511—00051), dated July 8, 2002 (Rodriguez
            Letter).                                                                                              .

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Mr. Don Abelson                                           n C                                                 *
July 22, 2002
Page 2
part of a C—/Ku—band hybrid spacecraft, consistent with its 1999 modification
application."" As the Rodriguez Letter notes, in September 2000 control of Columbia
was transferred to GE Americom (now SES Americom)." Orbital and its principals ——
Mr. Clifford Laughton and Mr. Kenneth Gross —— the former sole shareholders of
Columbia —— no longer own or control Columbia Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Keir no longer
represent Columbia. In response to the filing of the Rodriguez Letter, counsel for
Columbia stated: "The former owners of Columbia don‘t speak for Columbia in
proceedings at the FCC or elsewhere.""

        The Rodriguez Letter explains that Mr. Laughton and Mr. Gross "retained rights
to future payments in the event that additional authority is granted to Columbia as a result
of the applications that were ?endmg in September 2000, including the request for
Atlantic Ku—band authority.""" Regardless of the financial interests of Columbia‘s former
owners in reviving a closed and settled issue in an application filed by Columbia; the
Commissionshouldevaluate the type of request made by the Rodriguez Letter only if it
comes from Columbia.

        Second, Columbia has made no such request and it wouldhave been untimely had
it done so. Indeed, Columbia‘s most recent filing with respect to adjusting its
construction milestones at 37.5° W.L. and 47° W.L. for its C—band authorizations makes
no mention of the hybrid C—band/Ku—band satellite at 47° W.L. that the Rodriguez Letter
posits, nor does it reference any request for reinstatement of Columbia‘s rejected
application for Ku—band at 47° W.L.° This is for good reason: On May 22, 2001 the
Commission rejected Columbia‘s petition for reconsderanon of the original order that
denied Columbia‘s request to use 47° W.L. for Ku—band.‘ Columbia‘s pending petition
for reconsideration," referred to repeatedly and misleadingly in the Rodriguez letter, only
seeks reconsideration ofthe portion of the Reconsideration Order in which the
Commission clarified that it had also rejected Columbia‘s 1987 application for Ku—band
authority at 49° W.L. (which Columbia had subsequently amended to request 47° WL.J
Columbia‘s right to appeal the denial of Ku—band authority at 47° W.L. is now exhausted.

        Third, even ifthe Commission were to consider the request by Orbital appropriate
and deem it timely, the Rodriguez Letter provides no basis or additional facts that support
the request. Orbital asserts both that Loral has failed to meet its construction completion

* Rodriguez Letter, p. 8
* Rodriguez Letter, p. 2.
* Orbital Resources Urges FCC To Reassign Loral License, Commumcanons Daily (11 July 2002) at para
6, Attachment 1.
* Rodriguez Letter, p. 2.
® In the Marter of Columbia Communicarions Corporation, Application for Modification of Authorization
to launch and Operate a C—band Satellite at 47° W.L., SAT—MOD 20020517—00079 (May 10, 2002).
" Order and Order on Reconsideration, Columbia Communications Corporation, 16 FCC Red. 10867 (IB
2001)(Reconsideration Order).
* In the Matter of Columbia Communications Corporation, Application for Authority to Construct Launch
and Operate a Trans—Atlantic Satellite System Positioned at 49° W.L.., Petition for Reconsideration of
Columbia Communications Corporation, File No. SAT—LOA-1987033 1—00061(June 21, 2001) at pp. 2, 10.
? Reconsideration Order at paras30—32.

    Mr. DonAbelson
    July 22, 2002
    Page 3
    and launch milestones for its Ka—band authorization at 47° W.L. and that Loral‘s separate
    Ku—band and Ka—band authorizations at that location have been automatically cancelled
    for such alleged failure. In the Rodriguez Letter, Orbital omits key facts and gets other
    ones wrong. Its argument fails.

           _ Neither Loral‘s Ku—band license at 47° W.L. nor its Ka—band license at that
    location have been cancelled or revoked, either automatically, as the Letter proclaims,m
    or by Commission action. In the Reconsideration Order the Commission restated that the
    Ku—band license it granted to Loral‘s predecessor in interest, Orion Satellite Corporation
    (Orion), at 47° W.L. "did not require [the licensee] to meet specified deadlines for
    beginning construction, completing construction and launchingits satellite. It contained
    no other conditions allowing us to revoke the license on the basis of the construction _
    status."" After the Commission issued this license it awarded a Ka—band license to Orion
    for a Ku—/Ka—band hybrid satellite in a separate order, and imposed construction
    rmilestones, including a launch milestone of May 2002, with respect to the Ka—band
    payload on that satellite."" The Commission has repeatedly found that the
    com:ix}encement of construction milestone for Loral‘s Ka—band license at 47° W.L. was
    met." _

            Following Loral‘s subsequent acquisition of Orion, Loral requested modification
    of the Orion Ka—band satellite licenses to add inter—satellite links (ISLs) and requested
    extensions of the launch milestone of May 2002 commensurate with milestones that had
    yet to be established forother Ka—band licensees that had requested ISLs.‘* The
    Commission has repeatedly said that Ka—band licensees that had requested ISLs, as Loral
    did, could not be requiredto proceed with construction until the Commission acted on
    such requests."* This is the reason that the Commission assigned milestone construction
    completion/launch milestones to those licensees only after its January 2001 orders
    granting ISL requests and assigning ISL spectrum to Loral and other first round Ka—band
    licensees. In May2001 the Commission denied Loral‘s associated Ka—band milestone
    extension request.‘" Loral‘s petition for reconsideration of that denial has been pending
    at the Commission since June 2001.‘"

    Rodngua Letter, p. 7.
    " Reconsideration Order at para. 8.
    2 In re Orion Atlantic, LP., Application for Modification ofAuthority to Add Ka—band Capacity to its Ku—
    band Orion F—2 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red 1416, 1426 (para 32) (IB 1997).
    * Reconsideration Order at paras. 9—16; Columbia Modification Order, 15 FCC Red. at 15569, para. 6.

    " Loral CyberStar, Inc. Applications for Modification, File Nos. SAT—MOD—20000104—00042/43/44/45
    (January 4, 2000).                           |
    * In re Loral Space & Communications Ltd. Application for Authority to Construct, Launch, and Operate a
    Ka—band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red 4592 (1998)
    at para. 27.
    * In re Loral Space & Communications Corporation Request for Extension ofTime to Construct, Launch,
    and Operate a Ka—band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service, File Nos. SAT—MOD SAT—MOD—
    20000104—00042/43/44/45, Order, DA 01—1287 (IB 2001).
     In the Mater ofLoral Space & Communications Corporation, Request for Extension of Time to
    Construct, Launch and Operate a Ka—band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellfte Service, File Nos. SAT—
_   MOD—2000104—00042/43/4/45, Petition For Reconsideration (June 25, 2001).

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                   Mr. Don Abelson
                   July 22, 2002
                   Page 4

                            In the interim, Loral has informed the Commission that it has halted construction
                   pending Commission action on its Petition for Reconsideration and that it anticipates that
                   it can complete construction of its Ku—band/Ka—band hybrid at 47° W.L. within 36 months
                   of a Commission order granting its Petition for Reconsideration.‘*

                                Even if the Commission‘s Ka—band milestone extension denials are affirmed in an
                    order on reconsideration and upon appeal, Loral will retain its Ku—band authorization at _
                   47° W.L., which has never had milestones, and Loral would redesign the satellite to
                   elimminate the Ka—band payload and proceed with construction of a Ku—band—ounly satellite.

                           In sum, Orbital‘s request is unauthorized by Columbia, the company whose
                   rejected application Orbital seeks to revive long after the application proceeding and
                   Columbia‘s — not Orbital‘s — right to appeal has been exhausted. Orbital has neither
                   ownership nor control of Columbia and cannot stand in Columbia‘s shoes. It seeks here
                   only to enrich its principal owners. As discussed above, the substance of the Rodriguez
                   Letter‘s request is wholly without merit. The Commuission should summarily reject this
                   unauthorized, untimely and unsupported request.

                                                                                             John P. Stem

                    ce:         Raul R. Rodnguez
                                David S$. Keir
                                Stephen Bell
                                Philip Spector
                                David Lidstone
                                Tara Guinta
                                Thomas Tycz
                                Cassandra Thomas
                                Jennifer Gilsenan
                                Howard Griboff
                                Clifford Laughton
                                Kenneth Gross

                    " Letter from John Stern to Jennifer Gilsenan, Chief Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau, Federal _
                    Communications Commission, Re Ku— and Ka—band Authorizations at 47° W.L., dated March 12, 2002,
                    Attachment 2.

Mr. Don Abelson
July 22, 2002

                  ATTACHMENT 1

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  523 words
  11 July 2002
  Communications Daily
  Volume 22; Issue 133
  (c) Copyright 2002 Warren Communications News, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 FCC should reassign Loral license for Ka—band and Ku—band service at 47 W to
  Columbia Communications because Loral has failed to meet May milestone to launch
 satellite, Orbital Resources said in letter Mon. to International Bureau (IB) Chief Don
 Abetson. It said Loral‘s failure to put satellite in service had direct impact on Columbia
 application toprovide Ku—band service in Atiantic Ocean Region. Loral license at 47 W
 was primary reason Commission rejected Columbia application. Columbia petition for
 reconsideration is pending at FCC, Orbital said: Commission has set precedent for
 action by suspending EchoStar license under similar circumstances (CD July 2 p4).
  Loral spokesman had no comment.

 There‘s no valid license for 47 W so Caommission should grant Columbia Ku—band
 application and allow company to modify license to operate C—band satellite at location
 as well, Orbital said. It‘s pushing FCC for decision because principal shareholders
 Ciffford Laughton and Kenneth Gross still have "Amancial imterest" in Columbia, which
  was sold to GE Amenicorn, which later was acquired by SES Astra. Laughton and
_ Gross own rights to future payments from SES Americom if Columbia receives
  authority for Atlantic Ku—band satellite, fillng said.
  Loral has had 17 years to bring satellite into operation and "the day of reckoning has
 finally arrived," Orbital filing said, Commission should consuk Quartery Launch
  Reports (QLR) published by Futron Corp. for FAA to determine whether satellite had
 been launched or scheduled to be launched between July 1, 2001 to June 4, 2002,
 Orbital said, and QLR Reports in Jan., April, July and Oct. didn‘t list any Loral
 spacecraft. Loral‘s request to extend milestones in June/July 2001 for completion and
  launch beyond April/May 2002 make it cbvious company doesn‘t "have any near—term
  plans," filing said.

  Orbital said Columbia recently filed applications to re—order timing of launches in
  region, including new satellite into 37.5 W orbital siot to meet immediate need for
  follow—on capacity and recommencing procurement forreplacement sateliite at 47 W
  that won‘t be required to provide service for several more years, it said. Columbia
  projects Nov. 2002 milestone for construction. Prompt grant of Columbia‘s previously
  rejected modification request would allow it to launch hybrid C—band/Ku—band satellite
  in advance of milestone, Orbital said, supporting Commission policies recogmzmg
  technical and operational benefits of hybrid satellites.
  Columbia has sought Ku—band orbital slot in Atlantic Region since 1983 to compete for
  international satellite services, Orbital said, and it wouldn‘t cause interference to other
  operators and would serve pubtic interest by providing "ong—promised, but never

developed" Ku—band service. K said FCC should act on license request by Nov. 1 to
promote fastest introduction of "long—delayed" Ku—band service at 47 W.
Orbital Resources letter "wasn‘t authorized by Columbia Communications or parent
SES Americom," SES attorney Phil Spector said: "The former owners of Columbia
don‘t speak for Columbia in proceedings at the FCC or elsewhere." Spector refused
comment on whether he supported suspension of Loral license. —— Bruce Branch

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CCC   Mr. Don Abelson
      July 22, 2002

                        ATTACHMENT 2

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‘            LORAL
              Space & Communications Ltd.

                   1755 Jefferson Davis HMwy.                                                                                                  John P. Stern
                                 Suite 1007
                  Arlington, VA 22202—3501                                                                                                     Deputy General Counsel
                               (703) 414—1060
                          Fax: (703) 414—1079

                                                                              March 12, 2002

                   Jennifer Gilsenan                                                                                               2o   s
                   Chief, Satellite Policy Braunch                                                                            —         *
                   Satellite Division                                                                                  ‘
                   International Bureau
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   445 12" Street. S.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                  | Re:       Ku— and Ka—band Authorizations at 47° W.L.

                  ~— Dear Ms. Gilsenan:

                          At your request I write regarding the launch schedule for Loral‘s hybrid KwKa—
                   band satellite for 47° W.L. As you know, the Commission first authorized Loral‘s
                   predecessor in mtcrest, Orion Satellite Corporauon, at this location to use Ku—band
                   frequencies only.‘ The Commission did not impose any construction or launch
                   milestones with respect to the Ku—band authorization.              —

                            Subsequently, in the first Ka—band processing round, the Commission granted
                   Orion‘s request to modify the authorization to add a Ka—band payload and it established
                   construction completion and launch rmlestones April 2002 and May 2002 respecnvcly =—
                   — associated with the Ka—band authorization.* Following its acquisition of Orion," Loral
                   filed a request to modify its authorization to add inter—satellite links (ISLs) and to extend
                   the Ka—band milestones at 47° W.L. commensurate with the milestones that would be set
                   for other Ka—band licensees once the Commission authorized the use of ISLs and
                   designated ISL spectrum. Design work on Loral‘s satellite at 47° W.L. was suspended
                   pending the Commission‘s consideration of whether to grant Loral authorization to add
                    ISLs and, if so, at what frequencies. Indeed, the International Bureau had early on
                   recognized that until it identified and assigned ISL spectrum for Ka—band licencees that

                    * In re Orion Satellite Corporation Request for Final Authority to Construct,
                   L@ and Operate an International Communications Satellite System, Order, 6 Fee Red. 4201 (1991).
                   *wfireOrion Atlantic, L.P. Application for Modification of Authority to Add Ka—band Capacity to its Ku—
                    band    F—2 Satellite, 13 FCC Red. 1416 (1997).
                    LoralSpace & Communications Ltd. And Orion Network Systems, Inc. et. al., Order and Authorization,
                    13 FCC Red. 4592 (1998).

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                         had requested ISLs those licensees could not proceed with design and construction of
                        ‘their satellites.*

                                   The Commission granted Loral‘s ISL modification request early last year, just
                         sixteen months before the original launch milestone. Then just four months later, in May
                         2001, the Commission denied Loral‘s associated milestone extension request, leaving
                         Loral exactly one year in which to complete design, construction and launch of its
                         satellite, an impossible task. In June 2001, Loral filed a currently pending petition for
                         reconsideration ofthe milestone extension denial.

                               Work on the hybrid satellite for 47° W.L. remains suspended pending
                       Commission consideration and resolution of the petition for reconsideration. Because the
                    _. design and construction of a Ku—/Ka—band hybrid satellite is substantially different from
                       that of Ku—band satellite it is not possible to proceed with construction of a dedicated Ku—
                         band satellite and simply add on the Ka—band payload should the Commission grant
                         Loral‘s petition for reconsideration. Should the Commission grant Loral‘s
                         reconsideration petition and extend Loral‘s Ka—band construction completion and launch
                         milestone, Loral anticipates completing construction and launching and operating a
                         hybrid Ku—/Ka—band satellite at 47° W.L. within 36 months of the Commission‘s
                         decision. Last year the Commission established in—operation milestones of mid—2005 for
                         other Ka—band licensees that have been authorized to use ISLs, giving them more than 48
                         months to launch and operate their satellites.

                                   Please contact me if you have any additional questions with regard to 47° W.L.


                                                                               John Stem

                         cc: Howard Griboff

                                       —                                                                     {‘.

                         * See In reLoral Sgace & Communications Ltd. Agghcauon for Authomv :o Construct, Launch and
                         @crate a Ka—Band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red.
                        4592 (1998) paragraph 27.

Document Created: 2019-04-09 05:10:15
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 05:10:15

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