Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-L/A-19960712-00097 for Launch Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICAT—ONS COMMISSION                       Approved by OMB
                                                                         FCC REMIT’]ANCE ADVICE                                           Expires 228/97

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                                                                                         Ecemercon JUL 1 5 1996
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@©co                      T
 International Communications
                                                                                               Robert A. Mansbach
                                                                                                 Senior Division Counsel

                                                                                                 6560 Rock Spring Drive
                                                                                                   Bethesda, MD 20817
                                                                                               Telephone 301 214 3459
                                                                                                     Fax 801 214 7145
                                                July 12,   1996


                                                                        JUL 7 6 1996
              ;  ;                                ;                  Satellite Policy Branch
    Mr.      William F.            Caton,      Acting Secretary       international Aureat
    Federal Communications Commission
    1919 M Street,                 N.W.,    Room 222
    Washington,                 D.C.   20554

                                 ATTN:     Thomas S. Tycz, Chief
                                           Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
                                           International Bureau

                                   RE:     Inmarsat—3      (F—2)   Launch Authorization Request

    Dear Mr.            Caton:

         COMSAT Corporation ("COMSAT"), by its COMSAT Mobile
    Communications business unit, hereby applies for such authority
    as may be necessary to participate in the launch, positioning and
    in—orbit testing of the Inmarsat—3 (F—2) spacecraft.‘ The
    Inmarsat—3 (F—2) spacecraft is currently under construction at
    Lockheed Martin Corporation and is expected to be delivered in
    July 1996.  Current plans call for the launch of the spacecraft
    to take place on August 31, 1996 on a Proton launch vehicle.


               Barring in—orbit contingencies in the present Inmarsat space
    segment prior to launch, the Inmarsat—3 (F—2) spacecraft will be
    located at 15.5° W.L. and will serve as the primary Inmarsat

         ‘    The Commission has authorized COMSAT to participate in
    Inmarsat‘s procurement of the first five Inmarsat—3 satellites.
    See CommunicationsSatelliteCorp., 7 FCC Rced 6278 (1992); Comsat
   Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order (DA 96—742), released May 13,
    1996 .

                                     —2 —

operational satellite for the Atlantic Ocean Region—East (AOR—
East) to support Inmarsat maritime, aceronautical, and land mobile
satellite services in that region.  It will be backed up by the
Inmarsat—2    (F—2)   satellite   located at   170 W.   L.,   which will   serve
as the primary spare for the AOR—East.


      The spacecraft will be placed directly into geostationary
orbit at 2700 W.L. by the Proton launch vehicle.   It will be
drifted to a temporary location at 3320 W.L. and the tests of the
spacecraft bus will be conducted during that initial drift
period.   The communications payload tests will be conducted at
the temporary location and are expected to take only about two
weeks. After the tests have been successfully completed, the
spacecraft will be drifted to its operating location at
15,.50 W. L. in the AOR—East.  The drift will take about 10 days
after completion of the in—orbit tests.


     The estimated costs associated with the F—2 spacecraft are
as follows:
                                                  Real Year $

Cost of spacecraft manufacture
(including delivery price, engineering
changes and amendments)                                       $   69.2 million

Launch support services                                            2.6 million

Performance incentives                                            25.2 million

Lease interest costs,      capitalized                            23.2 million

Launch services                                                   35.5 million

Launch insurance                                                   8.0 million

Consultancy                                                        2.6 million

In—house costs                                                     8.2 million

             Total Inmarsat                                   $174.5 million

     2    Based on COMSAT‘s internal capitalization rate for the
Inmarsat third generation satellite program.

            Total COMSAT (based on current
            ownership share of 23%)                       40 .1 million

     Accordingly COMSAT request such authority as may be
necessary to participate in Inmarsat‘s launch of the Inmarsat—3
(F—2) satellite, to participate in the test program described
herein, and to position the spacecraft at 15.50 West Longitude.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               COMSAT   CORPORATION
                               COMSAT Mobile Communications

                                    RObbert A. Mansbach
                                    Its Attorney

cc:   Fern Jarmulnek
      Sylvia Lam

Document Created: 2016-11-07 18:04:59
Document Modified: 2016-11-07 18:04:59

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