Attachment 1995Motorola consoli

1995Motorola consoli

PETITION submitted by Motorola

Consolidated Petition for clarification and/or reconsideration


This document pretains to SAT-L/A-19941116-00074 for Launch Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the                                                                                                     MAR — 2 1995
                           Washington, D.C.                                                                                 20554           FEDERAL COMHUNIEETIONS comulssion
                                                                                                                                                 OFFICE OF TiE SECRETARY

                                           e Ne ue Nur Nt Nusr Nt Ne Nt Nut Nut tut tut Nut Nt tut Nt Ne‘ Nut ut tut
In the Matter of the
     Applications of:

TRW INC.                                                                                                               File Nos.    20—DSS—P—91(12)

LORAL/QUALCOMM PARTNERSHIP,         L.P.                                                                               File Nos. 19—DSS—P—91(48)
                                                                                                                                 21—SAT—MISC—9§~5——— u:
For Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate Low Earth
Orbit Satellite Systems to
Provide Mobile Satellite
Services in the 1610—1626.5/
2483.5—2500 MHz Bands.


             Motorola Satellite Communications,                                                                                     Inc.   ("Motorola"}

hereby petitions the Bureau for clarification and/or

reconsideration of certain aspects of the Orders and

Authorizations issued to TRW Inc.                                                                                      ("TRW")   and Loral/Qualcomnm

Partnership,     L.P.   ("LQP")   in the above—captioned proceedings. /

1/     See TRW Inc.,    DA 95—130   (released January 31,                                                                                  1995),
erratum, DA 95—371 (released February 28, 1995); Loral/Qualcomnm
Partnership, L.P., DA 95—128 (released January 31, 1995),
erratum, DA 95—373 (released February 28, 1995).  Motorola
believes that the recently released errata to TRW‘s and LQP‘s
Authorization Orders adequately address another issue of concern
to it regarding the Commission‘s interim band sharing plan.  As
the Commission is aware, Motorola has petitioned for
reconsideration of the decision to impose such a plan on all MSS
licensees irrespective of the need to protect GLONASS operations
in the United States.        In the Matter of the Commission‘s Rules to


These orders grant authority to TRW and LQP to construct,       launch

and operate mobile satellite systems in a portion of the 1610—

1626.5 MHz and 2483.5—2500 MHz bands on a private carriage

             Motorola raises only two relatively minor,   although

important,    issues for the Bureau to reconsider and/or clarify

with respect to the TRW and LQP authorization orders.       First,   as

the Bureau is aware,    in the rulemaking proceeding on licensing

and service rules for the 1.6 and 2.4 GHz MSS bands,      the

Commission initially proposed an automatic 3.1 MHz reduction to

the CDMA side of the service link spectrum in the event that only

one CDMA licensee proceeded with the construction and

17   (...continued)
Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite
Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands,
9 FCC Rced. 5936 (1994) ("Big LEO Report & Order‘").  See Petition
for Clarification and Partial Reconsideration of Motorola
Satellite Communications, Inc. (Nov. 21, 1994).    LQP also has
requested reconsideration of this aspect of the Big LFEO Report &
Order.  See Petition for Clarification and Partial
Reconsideration of LQP (Nov. 21, 1994).  As revised, Motorola
understands that all three of the Big LEO Authorization Orders
now remain subject to an interim band sharing plan "and
revisions, if any, adopted in response to pending petitions to
reconsider that plan."  See e.g., TRW Erratum, at § 24. Thus, if
the Commission were to decide to eliminate this plan on
reconsideration of the Bigq LEO Report & Order,   none of these
authorizations would remain subject to any interim band plan.        If
Motorola‘s interpretation of these orders, as revised, is
incorrect, then it hereby requests further clarification and/or

2/  Motorola has been granted similar authority to construct,
launch and operate a mobile satellite system comprised of 66
space stations and 12 in—orbit spares in a portion of the 1610—
1626.5 MHz band on a bidirectional basis.   See Motorola Satellite
Ccommunications, Inc., DA 95—131 (released January 31, 1995),
erratum, DA 95—372 (released February 28, 1995).

 implementation of its system.*    The Commission ultimately chose

"to defer any decision with respect to the 3.1 MHz between

1618.25 and 1621.35 MHz" based upon a belief that the various

portions of the 1.6 GHz MSS band may not prove to be equivalent

due to interservice sharing requirements and potential foreign

system coordination concerns.*‘    The Commission,   however,    did

not rule out the possibility of reassigning this 3.1 MHz of

spectrum in the future in light of "the circumstances that have

developed at that time."*"    In order to quarantee that any

future modifications to its band sharing plan can be made in an

efficient and effective manner,    the authorizations of each of the

CDMA licensees must be expressly conditioned upon the potential

loss of the use of 3.1 MHz of spectrum between 1618.25 and

1621.35 MHz.Y
           Second,   each of these authorizations must also be

conditioned upon the milestone dates specified in the Big LEO

Report & Order for initiating construction,    completing

construction and initiating operation of the respective satellite

3/   See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,   9 FCC Red.   1094,    1112
T{ 33—34 (1994) .
4/   gee Big LEO Report & Order, at «C 55.
2    ta.
&/   This condition should not place any undue burden on either
TRW or LQOP since the system designs of both licensees contemplate
the channelization of their service link spectrum into 2.5 MHz
and 1.25 MHz CDMA channels, respectively.   A loss of 3.1 MHz of
uplink spectrum would result in the loss of 3 channels for LQP
and 1 channel for TRW; however, each of these systems would
obtain a resulting benefit in overall system capacity by not
having to share its spectrum on a co—frequency basis with any
other system operator.

systens.   Indeed, the Commission contemplated that such

implementation milestones would become a condition of each

authorization."    It appears that the Bureau inadvertently

failed to include these milestones     in all of the authorizations.

           Accordingly, Motorola requests that the Bureau

expressly subject the TRW and LQP system authorizations to the

following conditions:

           IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization
           is conditioned upon the requirement that
           [LQP/TRW] construct its satellite system in
           such a manner as to allow for any possible
           reduction in the amount of operational
           spectrum available for its use in the United
           States as contemplated by In the Matter of
           Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to
           Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a
           Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—
           1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands,    9    FCC
           Rcd. 5936, € 55 (1994);

           IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization
           is conditioned upon the satisfactory
           completion of the following implementation
                                       Years from Unconditional
           Milestone                   Grant of this Authorization

           Begin Construction of
           First Two Satellites                  1 Year

           Begin Construction of
           Remaining Satellites                  3 Years

           Complete Construction of
           First Two Satellites                 4 Years

           Entire Authorized Systenm
           Operational                           6 Years

           The failure to meet any one of these
           milestones shall result in this authorization
           being declared null and void.

U   gSee Big LEO Report & Order, at { 189.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               MOTOROLA SATELLITE
                                 COoMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Michael D. Kennedy
                               PhilipL. Malet.
Vice President and Director,   Alfred M. Mamlet
  Regqgulatory Relations       Pantelis Michalopoulos
Barry Lambergman
Manager, Satellite             STEPTOE & JOHNSON
  Regulatory Affairs           1330 Connecticut Ave.,     N.W.
MOTOROLA INC.                  Washington, D.C.   20036
Ssuite 400                     (202) 429—6239
1350 I Street,     N.W.
Washington, D.C.      20005
(202) 371—6900
                               Its Attorneys

Date:   March 2,   1995

                                   sERVICE LIST

           I, Philip L. Malet, hereby certify that the foregoing
Petition was served by first—class mail, postage prepaid,   this
2nd day of March, 1995, on the following persons:

*    Chairman Reed E. Hundt
     Federal Communications Commission
    Room   814
    1919 M Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

*    Commissioner James H. Quello
     Federal, Communications Commission
    Room 802
     1919 M Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

*   Commissioner Andrew C.          Barrett
    Federal Communications Commission
    Room   826
    1919 M Street,       N.W.
    Washington,     D.C.   20554

*   Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong
    Federal Communications Commission
    1919 M Street,       N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

*   Commissioner Susan Ness
    Federal Communications Commission
    1919   M   Street,   N.W.
    Washington,     D.C.   20554

*   Karen Brinkmann
    Special Assistant
    Office of the Chairman
    Federal Communications Commission
    Room 814
    1919 M Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

*   Scott Blake Harris
    Chief, International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission
    Room 658
    1919 M Street,       N.W.
    Washington,     D.C.    20554

  Thomas TyCcZ
  Chief, Satellite and
  Radiocommunication Division
— International Bureau
  Stop Code 0800B
  Federal Communications Commission
 2000 M Street,    N.W.
 Washington,    D.C.    20554

 Cecily C. Holiday
 Deputy Chief, Satellite and
 Radiocommunication Division
 International Bureau
 Stop Code O800B
 Federal Communications Commission
 2000 M Street,    N.W.
Washington,     D.C.    20554

 Fern J.    Jarmulnek
 Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
 International Bureau
 Stop Code O800B
 Federal    Communications Commission
 2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington,     D.C.    20554

Karl Kensinger
Satellite Radio Branch
International Bureau
Stop Code 0800B
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street,     N.W.
Washington,     D.C.    20554

William Kennard
General Counsel
Federal Communications Commission
Room 614
1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington,    D.C.     20554

Bruce D.    Jacobs,     Esquire
Glenn S. Richards, Esquire
Fisher Wayland Cooper Leader
 & Zaragoza L.L.P.
2001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20006—1851
 (Counsel   for AMSC)

Lon C. Levin
Vice President
American Mobile Satellite Corp.
10802 Parkridge Blvda.
Reston,   VA      22091

Robert A. Mazer, Esquire
Rosenman & Colin
1300 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
(Counsel for Constellation)

Leslie Taylor, Esquire
Leslie Taylor Associates
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda,   MD     20817—4302
(Counsel for Loral Qualcomnm)

John T.   Scott,    III,    Esquire
William Wallace, Esquire
Crowell & Moring
1001 Pennsylvania Ave.,         N.W.
Washington, D.C.          20004—2505
(Counsel for Loral Qualcomm)

Dale Gallimore,      Esquire
Loral Qualcomm
7375 Executive Place,         Suite 101
Seabrook, MD   20706

Norman P. Leventhal, Esquire
Raul R. Rodriqguez,        Esquire
Stephen D. Baruch,         Esquire
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2000 K Street, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington, D.C.  20006—1809
(Counsel for TRW Inc.)

Jill Stern,      Esquire
Norman J. Fry, Esquire
Shaw,   Pittman,    Potts & Trowbridge
2300 N Street,      N.W.
Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20037
(Counsel for Ellipsat)

Gerald Hellman
Vice President, Policy
& International Programs
Mobile Communications Holdings,   Inc.
1120 19th Street,      N.W.
Washington,   D.C.     20036

Gary Epstein,    Esquire
John P. Janka, Esquire
Latham & Watkins
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20004
(Counsel for Hughes)

Walter H. Sonnenfeldt, Esquire
4904 Ertter Drive
Rockville, Md.  20852
(Counsel for Video/Phone)

John S. Hannon, Esquire
Nancy J. Thompson, Esquire
COMSAT Mobile Communications
22300 COMSAT Drive
Clarksburg, MD       20871

Delivery by hand.

Document Created: 2015-03-24 17:21:38
Document Modified: 2015-03-24 17:21:38

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