Attachment 1995Motorola consoli

1995Motorola consoli

REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by Motorola

Consolidated Reply To Opposition


This document pretains to SAT-L/A-19941116-00074 for Launch Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                              Before the                                                                     "**»...
                   FEDERAL CQMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIQNY                                                                                     %mg&quummmgfiqmwfixfl
                       Washington, D.C.                                                                     20554                e         ~   OFFICEOFSECRETARY

                                      ve ye y se s se se e se h Ns mt ts mt Nt ut Aut Nt us Nus mz
In the Matter of the
 Applications of:

TRW INC.                                                                                             File Nos.       20—DSS—P—91(12)

LORAL/QUALCOMM PARTNERSHIP,    L.P.                                                                  File Nos.       19—DSS—P—91(48)
For Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate Low Earth
Orbit Satellite Systems to
Provide Mobile Satellite
Services in the 1610—1626.5/
2483.5—2500 MHZz Bands.


           Pursuant to Section 1.106(h)                                                                     of the Commission‘s Rules,

Motorola Satellite Communications,                                                                   Inc.    ("Motorola")                hereby

submits its consolidated Reply to the Oppositions to its

Consolidated Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration in

the above—captioned proceedings.!‘/                                                                  In its Petition, Motorola

1/   gee Consolidated Opposition to Petitions for
Reconsideration,    filed by Loral/Qualcomm Partnership, L.P.
(Mar. 13, 1995);    Consolidated Opposition to Petitions for
Reconsideration,    filed by TRW Inc. (Mar. 15, 1995) .

asked the Bureau to place the following two additional conditions

on the Orders and Authorizations issued to TRW Inc.               ("TRW")       and.

Loral/Qualcomm Partnership,      L.P.   ("LQopP") :#

     (1)    A requirement that these applicants construct their
            respective satellite systems in such a manner as to
            allow for the possible reduction in the amount of
            operational spectrum available for their use in the
            United States; and

     (2)    A requirement that these applicants satisfactorily
            complete the Commission‘s implementation milestones for
            this service.

The Oppositions of TRW and LQP reflect a basic misunderstanding

of the substance of Motorola‘s Petition and misinterpret the

rules and policies set forth in the Commission‘s Big LEO Report &


            With respect to the first request, Motorola merely

desires that the Bureau explicitly condition TRW‘s and LQP‘s

authorizations in a manner which gives the Commission the

flexibility to later change its spectrum sharing plan,                  as

contemplated in the Biqg LEO Report & Order.           Indeed, neither

licensee disputes that the Commission initially proposed an

automatic 3.1 MHz reduction to the CDMA side of the service link

spectrum in the event that only one CDMA licensee proceeded with

¥/   See TRW Inc., DA 95—130 (released January 31, 1995),
erratum, DA 95—371 (released February 28, 1995); Loral/Qualconmm
Partnership, L.P., DA 95—128 (released January 31, 1995),
erratum, DA 95—373 (released February 28, 1995) .

3/  In the Matter of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules
and Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite Service in the
1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500    MHz   Frequency    Bands,   9   FCC   Red.    5936
(1994)    ("Big LEO Report & Order").

the construction and implementation of its system,*/ that the

Commission ultimately chose "to defer any decision with respect

to the 3.1 MHz between 1618.25 and 1621.35 MHz,"y but that the

Commission did not rule out the possibility of reassigning this

3.1 MHz of spectrum in the future in light of "the circumstances

that have developed at that time.""    Nor do these licensees

contest Motorola‘s assertion that such a condition would not

place any undue burden on them since their system designs

contemplate the channelization of service link spectrum,         and

since the loss of any uplink channels would not adversely affect

their overall system capacity because they no longer would have

to share their spectrum on a co—frequency basis with up to three

other system operators.

           Contrary to LQP‘s and TRW‘s assertions, Motorola‘s

request is not in the nature of a petition to reconsider the

Commission‘s Big LEO band sharing plan.       Motorola accepts the

Commission‘s decision to "defer" a decision on the 3.1 MHz of L—

band spectrum, subject to later review based upon the

circumstances at that time.   The Commission did not rule out the

possibility of revisiting its band sharing plan; rather,         it put

all of the parties on notice that it would consider amending its

spectrum plan if the circumstances so warranted.         Both TRW and

LQP must plan on such an eventuality now,      and not be heard later

4/   See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,   9   FCC Red.   1094,   1112
T 33—34 (1994).

Y    See Biqg LEO Report & Order, at € 55.

6/   Ia.

to argue that their system designs are unable to accommodate a

change in the Commission‘s band sharing plan."     Indeed,   TRW

"recognizes that its license may be modified by the Commission if

the Commission ultimately decides that a single CDMA provider

does not need this spectrum."}    An express condition would

eliminate any remaining arguments that the CDMA licensees might

make regarding the effect that any loss of uplink channels would

have on their respective business plans.*

          With respect to Motorola‘s second request; it appears

that the parties agree on the need for implementation milestones

as part of each licensee‘s final authorization.    TRW "recognizes

that it must meet the milestone requirements established by the

Commission," and apparently would not object to the inclusion of

those requirements in its final authorization so long as all of

the other Big LEO licensees are treated the same. 19/   Similarly,

L    LQP also challenges the accuracy of certain statements which
appeared in a recent addition of IRIDIUM Today (Vol.    1, #2 1995) .
Motorola stands by these statements and believes that they
accurately reflect the fact that the Commission has left open the
possibility that an additional 3.1 MHz of L—band spectrum may be
made available for its use should only one CDMA system become

&/   cCconsolidated Opposition of TRW, at 12—13.

2/   It could be argued that the requested condition is already
subsumed within an existing condition in each of the Bureau‘s
authorizations, namely that "the temporary assignment of any
orbital planes, or of any particular frequencies, to
[Loral/Qualcomm Partnership, L.P./TRW Inc.] is subject to change
by summary order of the Commission on 30 days‘ notice and does
not confer any permanent right to use the orbit and spectrum."
LQP Authorization Order, at [ 32 (emphasis added); TRW
Authorization Order, at [ 30 (emphasis added).  If the Bureau
were to confirm this interpretation, then there might not be any
need for a separate condition in these authorizations.

2    consolidated Opposition of TRW, at 13.

LQP appears to recognize that the Big LEO Report & Order

contemplated that milestone timetables would become a condition

of each licensee‘s authorization."‘     LQP further states that

"it has no objection to including them in the unconditional

authorization" as long as they are included for all

licensees .¥
             Motorola‘s requested condition contemplates the

inclusion of implementation milestones tied to the "unconditional

grant" of each licensee‘s authorization, and it does not object

to the inclusion of a similar condition in its authorization.

Accordingly, the Bureau should add this condition to each

licensee‘s authorization in accordance with the rules and

policies established in the Biqg LEO Report & Order.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      MOTOROLA SATELLITE
                                        CcOMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Michael D. Kennedy
Vice President and Director,
                                      PHilip L. Malet
                                      Alfred M. Manmlet
  Regulatory Relations                Pantelis Michalopoulos
Barry Lambergman                      Marc Paul
Manager, Satellite                    STEPTOE & JOHNSON
  Requlatory Affairs                  1330 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
MOTOROLA, INC.                        Washington, D.C. 20036
Suite 400                             (202)   429—6239
1350 I Street,       N.W.
Washington, D.C.        20005
(202)    371—6900
                                      Its Attorneys

Date:    March 22,    1995

1/      consolidated Opposition of LQP, at 6—7.

12/     I4. at 7 n.2.

                       CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              1, Marc A. Paul, hereby certify that the foregoing Motorola‘s
Consolidated Reply To Oppositions was served, via first class mail (except where
indicated), postage prepaid, this 22nd day of March, 1995, on the following:

*     Chairman Reed E. Hundt
      Federal Communications Commission
      Room 814
      1919 M Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20554

      Commissioner James H. Quello
      Federal Communications Commission
      Room 802
      1919 M Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20554

*     Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong
      Federal Communications Commission
      Room 844
      1919 M Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20554

*     Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett
      Federal Communications Commission
      Room 826
      1919 M Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20554

*     Commissioner Susan B. Ness
      Federal Communications Commission
      Room 832
      1919 M Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20554

* Via Hand Delivery

*   .—_   Scott Blake Harris, Chief
           Office of the Bureau Chief
          International Bureau
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 800, Stop Code 0800
          2000 M Street, NW.
          Washington, DC 20554

*         Karl Kensinger
          Legal Advisor
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 800, Stop Code 0800
          2000 M Street, NW.
          Washington, DC 20554

*         William E. Kennard, Esq.
          General Counsel
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 614B
          1919 M Street, NW.
          Washington, DC 20554

*         Karen Brinkman
          Special Assistant
          Office of the Chairman
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 814
          1919 M Street, NW.
          Washington, DC 20554

*         Thomas S. Tycz, Chief
          Satellite & Radiocommunications Division
          International Bureau
          Federal Communications Commission
          Room 800, Stop Code 0800B
          2000 M Street, NW.
          Washington, DC 20554

* Via Hand Delivery                         —2 —

*   >   Cecily C. Holiday, Deputy Chief
        Satellite & Radiocommunications Division
        International Bureau
        Federal Communications Commission
        Room 800, Stop Code 0800B
        2000 M Street, NW.
        Washington, DC 20554

*       Fern J. Jarmulnek, Chief
        Satellite Radio Branch
        International Bureau
        Federal Communications Commission
        Room 800, Stop Code 0800B
        2000 M Street, NW.
        Washington, DC 20554

*       Bruce D. Jacobs, Esq.
        Glenn S. Richards, Esq.
        Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza, L.L.P.
        Suite 400
        2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
        Washington, DC 20006

*       Lon C. Levin
        Vice President and Regulatory Counsel
        AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
        10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
        Reston, VA 22091

*       Norman P. Leventhal
        Raul R. Rodriguez
        Stephen D. Baruch
        Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
        Suite 600
        2000 K Street, NW.
        Washington, DC 20006—1809

* Via Hand Delivery                       — 3—

*     John T. Scott, II
      Willtam D. Wallace
      Stephen M. Byers
      10th Floor North
      1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
      Washington, DC 20004

*     Robert A. Mazer
      Rosenman & Colin
      Suite 200
      1300 19th Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20036

*     Jill Stern, Esq.
      Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
      2nd Floor
      2300 N Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20037

      Leslie Taylor
      Leslie Taylor Associates
      6800 Carlynn Court
      Bethesda, MD 20817—4302

      Dale Gallimore
      Loral Qualcomm
      Suite 101
      7375 Executive Place
      Seabrook, MD 20706

      Gerald Hellman, Vice President
      Policy & International Programs
      Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.
      1120 19th Street, NW.
      Washington, DC 20036

* Via Hand Delivery                       —4 —

      Gary Epstein
      John P. Janka
      Latham & Watkins
      1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
     Washington, DC 20036

      Waliter H. Sonnenfeldt
      4904 Ertter Drive
      Rockville, MD 20852

      John S. Hannon
      Nancy J. Thompson
      COMSAT Mobile Communications
      22300 COMSAT Drive
      Clarksburg, MD 20871

                                              PMuw Th_

                                      Marc A. Pfiul

* Via Hand Delivery                    —5 —

Document Created: 2015-03-24 17:41:04
Document Modified: 2015-03-24 17:41:04

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