Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Sirius and XM Radio



This document pretains to SAT-L/A-19930115-00010 for Launch Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            WILEY. REIN & FIELDING
                                           7758 K   STREET   N   W

                                       NASHINGTON     D C    20006

                                            202     713—7000

JENNIFER HIN DN                                                                               Fac§imicE
 (202) 719—4975                                                                           202      V«’?Q‘;:_TGS
JHiNDIN@wAF com                           October 6, 2000

                                                                                Hte{le uyk
Ms. Magalie Roman—Salas                                                                       .
Secretary                                                                           oct       » 2000
Federal Communications Commission                                               l    e    e
                                                                           W_; Nowme®Eonlk VtS
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                                            whice #o n c
Washington, DC 20554

               Re:     Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM Radio Inc.

Dear Ms. Salas:

       Enclosed please find a joint letter of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (formerly CD Radio Inc.)
and XM Radio Inc. (formerly American Mobile Radio Corporation) confirming their compliance
with the Federal Communications Commission‘s receiver design requirements for satellite digital
audio radio service.

       Please address all questions and responsive filings to this letter to:

Carl R. Frank                                         Lon C. Levin
Wiley, Rein & Fielding                                c/o Bruce Jacobs
1776 K Street, NW.                                    Shaw Pittman
Washington, DC 2006                                   2300 N. Street, N.W.
                                                      Washington, DC 20037

       Thank you.


                                               Jennifer Hindin
ce:    Ronald Repasi
       Rockie Patterson
       Rosalee Chiara

XM Satellite Radio Inc.                                      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
1500 Eckington Place, NE                                     1221 Avenue of the Americas
    Washington, DC 20002                                     New York, NY 10020

                                         October 6, 2000

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                Re:    Compliance with the Commission‘s Satellite DARS Interoperable
                       Receiver Design Requirements

Dear Ms. Salas:

       Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius," formerly CD Radio Inc.) and XM Radio Inc. ("XM."
formerly American Mobile Radio Corporation) jointly submit this letter to confirm their
compliance with the Federal Communications Commission‘s ("FCC" or "Commission") receiver
design requirements for satellite digital audio radio service ("satellite DARS" or "SDARS").


         In October 1997, the Commussion granted two satellite DARS authorizations; one to
Sirius and one to XM. Simus‘ license contained the following interoperability condition:

                IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization is subject to
                certification by [Sirius] that its final receiver design is
                interoperable with respect to [XM‘s] Satellite Digital Audio Radio
                Service system final receiver design.‘

|        Satellite CD Radio, Inc., Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate
Two Satellites in the Digital Audio Radio Service, 13 F.C.C. Red 7971, 7995 (Oct. 10, 1997)
(Order and Authorization) ("Sirius Authorization").

      XM‘s license contained virtually the same interoperability condition:

                     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization is subject to
                     certification by [XM] that its final user receiver design is
                     interoperable with respect to [Sirius‘] Satellite Digital Audio Radio
                     Service system final design.‘

  Similarly, Section 25.144(a)(3)(ii) of the Commission‘s Rules requires each applicant for a
  satellite DARS system to:

                    Certify that its satellite DARS system includes a receiver that will
                    permit end users to access all licensed satellite DARS systems that
                    are operational or under construction.

           In sum, the Commission‘s rules and the SDARS licenses require each licensee to certify
  that its system includes a receiver designed to access the two licensed SDARS systems. Sirius
  and XM each filed the requisite certification with the FCC after winning the satellite DARS
  auction‘ and updated these certifications with each subsequent amendment to their applications.
  As described below, this letter confirms Sirius‘ and XM‘s continued compliance with the FCC‘s
  receiver design requirements as they prepare to enter into service.


         Sirius and XM have made great progress toward the development of their satellite DARS
  systems. At this time, both licensees plan to begin providing commercial satellite DARS by May
  2001, nearly two and one half years in advance of the FCC‘s milestone for entry—into—service.
—Siriushasalreadylauncheditsfirst twosatellites andisscheduled—to launchitsthird in
  November. XM‘s first satellite launch is scheduled for December.

         American Mobile Radio Corporation, Application for Authority to Construct, Launch.
  and Operate Two Satellites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, 13 F.C.C. Red 8$829,
  8851 (Oct. 16, 1997) (Order and Authorization) ("XM Authorization").

  >       Satellite CD Radio, Inc., Application to Launch and Operate a Digital Audio Radio
  Satellite Service in the 2320—2332.5 MHz Frequency Band, 49/50—DSS—P/L—90; 58/59—DSS—
  AMEND—90; 44/45—DSS—AMEND—92 (filed May 16, 1997) (Submission and Amendment);
  American Mobile Radio Corporation, For a System Authorization in the 2.3 GHz Satellite
  Digital Audio Radio Service, 26/27—DSS—LA—93; 10/11—DSS—P—93; 72 SAT—AMEND—97 (filed
  May 16, 1997) (Amendment).

       Despite independent original development of their satellite DARS systems, Sirius and
XM have introduced substantial technological overlap.‘* This technological coordination enables
an interoperable receiver design. Simply put, a Sirtus circuit board and an XM circuit board.
each containing their own receiver, can be housed within a single casing. The result, from a
consumer perspective, is an integrated two—receiver unit capable of accessing either licensee‘s
satellite DARS programming.

       Sirius and XM, however, do not control the actual manufacture, distribution and sale of
receivers. Both companies license their receiver technology to radio manufacturers and rely
upon such manufacturers to produce satellite DARS receivers. They also depend upon
automakers to gain access to the automobile production process for installation of the receivers
and retailers to access the market for receivers installed in existing vehicles. In exchange for
assuming the risk of introducing new SDARS radios, automakers initially required Simius and
XM to enter into exclusive agreements. XM and Sinus initially signed individually negotiated
arrangements with U.S. automakers because of the demand for quick design, production, and
introduction of satellite DARS receivers combined with a need for access to automobiles. Doing
so enabled the licensees to focus on their primary business operations—the development and
provision of satellite DARS programming to the public.

         At the early stages of satellite DARS, radio and automakers may respond to uncertain
market demand by initially offering radios capable of receiving transmissions from a single
satellite DARS licensee.° As previously indicated to the Commuission, this is in part due to the
higher cost and production time for two—receiver radios and the several year delay associated
with the development of a unified standard for SDARS radios (discussed below). By responding
to XM‘s and Sirius‘ fast—approaching entry—into—service dates with an introductory offering of
single—receiver radios, automakers will enable consumers to benefit from SDARS quickly and

*      For example, both Sirius and XM will divide their respective bands in thirds, use Coded
Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation ("COFDM") for their terrestrial repeater
modulations, and employ Time Division Modulation ("TDM") for their spacecraft—to—Earth
downlinks. XM originally proposed to use FDMA modulation, while Sirius originally planned
to employ CDMA.

5       Sirius and XM also have provided the manufacturers the means to produce interoperable

°       Sirius and XM have entered into agreements with several automakers for the installation
of single—mode radios that radio manufacturers are currently developing. These agreements will
enable consumers to begin receiving satellite DARS programming immediately upon Sirius‘ or
XM‘s commencement of commercial service. Sirius‘ alliances are with DaimlerChrysler
Corporation, Ford Motor Company, BMW of North America, Inc., Freightliner Corporation and
 Mercedes Benz USA, Inc. XM has agreements with General Motors Corporation and
Freightliner Corporation. However, the licensees have agreed that all future agreements with
automakers will require installation of interoperable radios.

economically. In contrast, if automakers offered only two—receiver or unified standard radios at
the outset, it would either increase costs or delay services, neither of which would be in the
public interest.‘ XM and Sirius are optimistic, however, that manufacturers are recognizing the
imminent demand for satellite DARS and will adopt the unified standard for satellite radios.


         On February 16, 2000, Sirius and XM signed an agreement to develop a unified standard
for satellite radios to enable consumers to purchase economically one radio capable of receiving
both Sinus‘ and XM‘s services. This unified standard will detail the technology to be employed
by manufacturers of dual—mode radios. The technology for this unified standard will be jointly
developed, funded and owned by the two companies. Sirius and XM expect to invest an
aggregate of $25 million to complete the technology development related to this unified
standard. In addition, XM and Sirius will work together to promote adoption of the new standard
by creating a service mark for satellite radio. As part of this agreement, Sirius and XM have
licensed their intellectual property to one another, have agreed to license any non—core
technology, including non—essential features of their systems, to one another at commercially
reasonable rates and have resolved the previous patent litigation between them.

        Given the current time required for chip design, development and fabrication, Sirius and
XM anticipate that economic interoperable chips capable of receiving both services will be
produced in volume in mid 2004. The receiver manufacturers will begin producing the new
radios and marketing thereafter. The companies also have agreed to introduce interoperable
radios in a phased approach. Prior to the commercial availability of an interoperable chipset,
customers will be able to purchase an interim interoperable radio with a common wiring harness,
head unit, and possibly antenna, and an interchangeable trunk mounted box containing the
unique processing elements for either company‘s wave form. The companies anticipate that
customers desining both services could install two boxes.

        Both companies are working with their automobile and radio manufacturing partners to
integrate this new unified standard and, to insure the public realizes the benefits of interoperable
radios, have agreed that future agreements with automakers and radio manufacturers will specify
the unified satellite radio standard. Furthermore, Sirius and XM have agreed that future
agreements with retail and automotive distribution partners will be on a non—exclusive basis.
Therefore the two licensees have an economic incentive to deploy quickly interoperable

7       See Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in
the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, 12 FCC Red 5754 (paras. 10—17) (recognizing the
substantial public interest benefits of satellite DARS).

        Through this collaborative effort to produce a unified standard for satellite radios. Sirius
and XM will offer manufacturers the means to produce cheaper and smaller interoperable
receivers. The FCC gave the satellite DARS licensees the freedom to integrate ever—advancing
technological developments into their interoperable receiver design when it decided not to
"mandate the use of one form of technology."" Sirius and XM are pleased to notify the
Commussion that they are taking advantage of this opportunity so that consumers will pay less for
smaller interoperable receivers in the future.


       By this letter, Sirius and XM reconfirm for the Commission their compliance with the
interoperable receiver design condition in their respective licenses and Section 25.144(a)(3)(ii).


                                               Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

                                                 obert D. Briskman
                                               Executive Vice President, Engineering

                                               XM Radi

                                             _A oi P          pf y _3

                                               John R. Wormington
                                               Senior Vice President, Engineering and Operations

8       Satellite DARS Licensing Order, 12 F.C.C. Red at 5797.

Document Created: 2007-03-26 12:55:30
Document Modified: 2007-03-26 12:55:30

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