Attachment deferral


REQUEST submitted by Intelsat North America LLC



This document pretains to SAT-ASG-20030728-00139 for Assignment on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     BEFORE THE
                                 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 RECEIVED                           - ~c~
In the Matter of

Loral Satellite, Inc.
(Debtor-in-Possession) and
Loral SpaceCom Corporation
                         Assignors,                             File Nos.    SAT-ASG-20030728-00 138

Intelsat North America LLC,
                         Assignee,                                  APR 1 3 2004
                                                                      Poky Branch
Application for Consent to Assignments                            International Bweau
of Space Station Authorizations                                                I

To the International Bureau:


       Intelsat North America LLC (“Intelsat”), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.41 of

the rules of the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”),’ hereby

requests a deferral of the requirement that it notify certain former customers of Loral that

services defined as “additional services’72are being provided to them pursuant to a grant of

  47 C.F.R. 0 1.41 (2003) (“Except where formal procedures are required under the provisions of
this chapter, requests for action may be submitted informally”).
  Section 68 1(a)( 12)(B) of the ORBIT Act defines “additional services” to mean “for
INTELSAT, direct-to-home (DTH) or direct broadcast satellite (DBS) video services, or services
in the Ka or V bands.” Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International
Telecommunications Act, Pub. L. No. 106-180, 1 14 Stat. 48, 5 68 1(a)( 12)(B) (2000) (“ORBIT
Act”), as amended, Pub. L. No. 107-233, 116 Stat. 1480 (2002).

     special temporary authority              Intelsat seeks deferral of this customer notice requirement

                                                                      pending Application for
     until 10 days after the Commission resolves SES Americom’s (LcSESyy)

     re vie^,^ which challenges the grant of STA and has placed the issue of the ORBIT Act’s
     “additional services” restriction squarely before the full Commission.’ Grant of this request will

     serve the public interest because Intelsat cannot provide affected customers with clear guidance

     regarding Intelsat’s authority to provide “additional services”-the   intent of the notice

     requirement-until   the Commission completes its review.

     I.     BACKGROUND

            In the Loral/Intelsat Order, the International Bureau (“Bureau”) granted Intelsat STA to

     continue providing direct-to-home (“DTH”) services to former customers of Loral following

     Intelsat’s acquisition of certain Loral satellites. In connection with the STA grant, the Bureau

     required Intelsat to notify such customers that Intelsat is providing service pursuant to STA:

                    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Intelsat North America must
                    notify current customers of Loral who are providing DTH services
                    (or other “additional services” as defined under the ORBIT Act), in
                    writing, and within 30 days of the consummation of the transaction
                    authorized by this Order and Authorization. that DTH service (or
                    other “additional services” as defined under the ORBIT Act) is
                    now being provided under a grant of Special Temporary Authority
                    as specified in this Order and Authorization.6


  See Loral Satellite, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor-in-
Possession), Assignors and Intelsat North America, LLC, Assignee, Applications for Consent to
Assignments of Space Station Authorizations and Petition for Declaratory Ruling Under Section
31 O(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, Order and Authorization, DA 04-357,165 (Intl.
Bur. rel. Feb. 11,2004) (“Loral/Intelsat Order”), as amended, Supplemental Order, DA 04-612
(Intl. Bur. rel. Mar. 4, 2004).
  SES AMERICOM, Inc., Application for Review, File Nos. SAT-ASG-20030728-00138/00139
(filed Mar. 12, 2004) (“Applicationfor Review”).
 Section 602(a) of the ORBIT Act prohibits Intelsat from providing additional services until it
has “privatized in accordance with the requirements of [the ORBIT Act].” ORBIT Act, 9 602(a).

     Supplemental Order, 110.


Intelsat and Loral consummated their transaction on March 17,2004 and thus the deadline for

Intelsat to send this customer notice currently is Friday, April 16, 2004.7

           On March 12,2004, SES filed an Application for Review challenging, inter alia, the

l a h l n e s s of the Bureau’s decision to grant Intelsat STA. SES claimed that Section 602(a) of

the ORBIT Act explicitly prohibits Intelsat’s from providing “additional services,” even on a

temporary basis, until it completes its initial public offering (“IPO”). SES also sought expedited

review, in part, of its Application for Review and immediate vacatur of Intelskt’s STA.’

           In its opposition to SES’s Application for Review, Intelsat noted that the former

intergovernmental organization, INTELSAT, has already “privatized” in accordance with the Act

and thus Intelsat is fully qualified to provide “additional services” under Section 602(a).’

Intelsat further explained that the full Commission properly has interpreted Section 602(a) of the

ORBIT Act not to forbid pre-IPO “additional services” and has permitted Inmarsat full licensing

authority to offer such services, subject to Inmarsat conducting a future IPO. As a result, the

Bureau’s prohibition on Intelsat’s provision of “additional services” prior to ronducting its IPO

was ultra vires” and thus procedurally ineffective. Accordingly, Intelsat requested that the

Commission remedy the Bureau’s disparate treatment of Intelsat by granting Intelsat full and

’ The Loral/Intelsat Order initially required Intelsat to provide such customer notice within 30
days of release of that order. See Loral/Intelsat .Order, 7 65. The Supplemental Order amended
the Loral/Intelsat Order to require Intelsat to provide notice 30 days after consummation of the
transaction. See Supplemental Order, 7 9.
  See Application for Review at 20-24; see also SES Americom Motion for Expedited
Consideration in Part of Application for Review, File Nos. SAT-ASG-20030728-00 138/139
(filed Mar.12,2004).
 Intelsat North America LLC, Opposition to Application for Review, File Nos. SAT-ASG-
20030728-001 38/00139 (filed Mar. 29,2004) (“Opposition”).
     47 C.F.R. 50.261(b)( l)(ii)-(iii).

 non-temporary authority to use the Loral satellites for the provision of additional services subject

 to a subsequent IPO.

           Currently, thus, the full Commission has pending before it requests from Intelsat and SES

 that seek directly opposite action with respect to Intelsat’s STA. There are at least three possible

 outcomes. The FCC could: ( 1 ) vacate Intelsat’s STA as requested by SES; (2) uphold the

 Bureau’s grant of STA to Intelsat; or (3) grant Intelsat full licensing authority to provide

 additional services. While Intelsat strongly believes that it will prevail on the merits, there is no

way to predict the FCC’s substantive decision. Furthermore, there is no established date for the

FCC to issue its decision.

          The Commission should defer the deadline for Intelsat to notify certain “additional

services’’ customers that it is offering service pursuant to STA until 10 days following resolution

of SES’s Application for Review. Any notice delivered prior to that time would not provide

customers with clear guidance on the proper duration of Intelsat’s authority to provide

“additional services.” On the other hand, deferring the notice requirement until the Commission

resolves the legal uncertainty surrounding Intelsat’s provision of “additional services” would

better serve the original intent of the notice requirement.

          The Bureau imposed the customer notice requirement on the understanding that Intelsat’s

STA would expire in 180 days, on September 13,2004, and that Intelsat would have to cease

providing “additional services” at that time, unless Intelsat successfully completed the IPO

process required by the ORBIT Act. The ORBIT Act requires Intelsat to conduct an IPO by June

     See Opposition at 3. SES’s reply is due April 13,2004.


 30,2004-a    date well in advance of the expiration of the STA. The purpose of the notice

 requirement was to ensure that affected customers were aware that the service might be time-

 limited. The notice thus would allow customers, if necessary, to transition t o other service


         SES’s Applicationfor Review,however, has created legal uncertainty regarding the

 duration of Intelsat’s authority to provide “additional services.” Indeed, there are at least three

possible outcomes of the Commission’s review. First, the Commission cou1;d find that the

 Bureau’s decision to limit Intelsat’s license authority to provide “additional services” was ultra

vires (because it did not confom to the Commission’s prior interpretation of Section 602(a) of

the ORBIT Act and Inmarsat precedent) and thus grant Intelsat full license authority to provide

“additional services.” Second, the Commission could find that the Bureau had “discretion” to

grant less than full authority and thus uphold the STA. Third, as SES requested, the

Commission could immediately vacate Intelsat’s STA.

        Given these various outcomes, requiring lntelsat to notify customers on April 16,2004

that it is offering service pursuant to 180 day STA would not serve the public interest. Such

requirement would either force Intelsat to guess on the duration of its STA-at       the risk of being

inaccurate-or to provide a complicated explanation of the legal process and multiple possible

outcomes relating to Intelsat’s STA-at    the risk of confusing customers.

        By sending a notice to customers on April 16, 2004 that “additional services” were being

offered pursuant to STA expiring on September 13,2004, Intelsat could be providing inaccurate

information.’* Importantly, if the FCC immediately vacates Intelsat’s STAYthen the notice

l 2 The Bureau has already made clear that it “did not intend for the notice requirement” to result
in “Intelsat providing inaccurate information.” SuppZernentaZ Order, 7 4. The inaccuracy
remedied by the Supplemental Order was the fact that Intelsat and Loral did not consummate


 would have incorrectly led customers to believe that Intelsat could provide “additional services”

 at least until September 13,2004. On the other hand, if the Commission grants Intelsat full

 authority in the Application for Review process then sending the notice may have incorrectly led

 customers to believe that the only means for Intelsat to offer “additional services” after

 September 13,2004 was to hold an IPO pursuant to the ORBIT Act by June 30,2004.

            Indeed, customers receiving a notice on April 16,2004 that Intelsat’s STA expires on

 September 13, 2004 might needlessly discontinue service. Such disruption in customer service

 would conflict with the Bureau’s underlying intent in granting the STA-to      ensure continuity of

 service, which is particularly important to consumers in Alaska and Hawaii.13 It would also

disrupt the customer base and revenues that Intelsat intended to acquire from Loral and thus

interfere with this commercial transaction. l4

           To avoid these inaccuracies and potentially unwarranted customer action, Intelsat’s

notice would have to explain the Bureau’s grant of STA and the subsequent challenges before

the Commission. Such a notice would be lengthy and highly complex. Customers receiving the

notice would likely be confused and not know whether to seek alternative service providers

immediately, in the future or not at all. Moreover, Intelsat likely would need to send a

supplemental letter once the Commission completes its review.

           Deferring the deadline for Intelsat to send the customer notice would eliminate any

inaccuracy and customer confusion and in fact better serve the Bureau’s intended purpose of the

notice requirement. A notice sent after the Commission determines the appropriate nature and

their transaction immediately upon release of the Loral/Intelsat Order and thus Intelsat was not
offering service pursuant to STA 30 days after the release of the Loral/Intelsat Order.

’ 3 See   Loral/Intelsat Order, 7 64.
l4The Bureau previously expressed its “reluctance” to permit “governmental interference” with
the Jntelsat/Loral commercial transaction. Id.


 duration of Intelsat’s authority to provide “additional services” would offer customers clear

guidance. Given that the STA-assuming        it is upheld-does not expire until September 13,

2004, customers will have sufficient time to transition (if ultimately necessary) to other service

providers even if they do not receive notice until 10 days after the Commission rules on the

pending Application for Review. I 5 Moreover, delaying notice until the Commission resolves the

legal challenges will enable customers to make fully informed decisions based on complete and

accurate information.16 Therefore, grant of this deferral request will serve thd public interest.


        Based on the foregoing, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Bureau act promptly to

grant this Request for Deferral of Notification.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              INTELSAT NORTH AMERICA LLC

                                                       Bert W. Rein
                                                       Carl R. Frank
                                                       Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                       WILEY REIN & FIELDING LLP
                                                       1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                       Washington, DC 20006

April 9,2004

l 5 Both parties have sought quick Commission resolution of the issues. SES has filed a motion
for expedited consideration in part of its Application for Review. Intelsat has similarly requested
immediate dismissal in part of SES’s Application for Review.
I 6 Indeed, no notice might even be required if Jntelsat completes the I F 0 process required under
the ORBIT Act before the FCC acts on SES’s AppZicationfor Review.


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Chnstopher E. Ryan, a legal assistant at the law firm of Wiley Rein & Fielding, LLP, do
hereby certify that copies of the foregoing Intelsat North America LLC Request for Deferral of
Notification were served by first-class mail, postage prepaid on this gthday of April 2004 to the

Marlene H. Dortch (hand delivery)                Pantelis Michalopoulos
Secretary                                        Chung Hsiang Mah
Federal Communications Commission                Steptoe & Johnson LLP
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                         1330 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20554                           Washington, DC 20036- 1795

Scott B. Tollefsen                               Laurence D. Atlas
Nancy Eskenazi                                   Vice President, Government Relations
SES AMERICOM, INC.                               Loral Space and Communications Ltd.
4 Research Way                                   1755 Jefferson Davis Highway
Princeton, NJ 08540                              Suite 1007
                                                 Arlington, VA 22202-3501

Phillip L. Spector                               Philip L. Verveer
Joseph J. Simons                                 Willkie Fan- & Gallagher LLP
Patrick S. Campbell                              1875 K Street, NW
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton                    Washington, DC 20056
& Garrison LLP
1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20036

David K. Moskowitz                               Earl W. Comstock
Senior Vice President and General Counsel        John W. Butler
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                   Sher & Blackwell LLP
5701 South Santa Fe                              1850 M Street, NW
Littleton, CO 80120                              Suite 900
                                                 Washington, DC 20036

David R. Goodfriend                               Kenneth J. Wees
Director, Legal and Business Affairs              Vice PresidentjGeneral Counsel
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                    StarBand Communications, Inc.
1233 20thStreet, NW, Suite 701                    1760 Old Meadow Road
Washington, DC 20036                              McLean, VA 22 102

Document Created: 2004-04-13 15:33:04
Document Modified: 2004-04-13 15:33:04

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