Attachment ownership


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by TMI; TerreStar Networks, Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-ASG-20021211-00238 for Assignment on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                             December 13, 2004

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                 RECEIVED
Secretary                                       a
Federal Communications Commission: L« >             ~=<=u               heC 18 cot
445 12th Street,SW.                                                FedenCommunatonsComnisson
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                   Offes o Secntay

       RE:     Application for Approval to Transfer Authorization Reserving 2 GHz Mobile
               Satellite Service Spectrum from TMI Communications and Company, L.P,
               to TerreStar Networks Inc., a Wholly—Owned Subsidiary of Mobile Satellite
               Ventures, LP.
               File No:       189.57—L0.97
               IBES Nos. SAT—LOH—19970026—00161
Dear Ms. Dortch:
        Pursuant to Section 1.65 ofthe Commission‘s rules, TMI Communications and
Company, L.P. and TerreStar Networks Inc. (PerreStar)hercby update the above—captioned
applications to reflect non—substantial revisions in the ownership and board of directors of
Mobile Satellite Ventures, LP, which is the sole owner ofTerreStar. These revisions occurred as
a result ofa transaction which closed on November 12, 2004.
       Please contract Greg Staple at (202) 639—6744 or Matt DelNero at (202) 662—5543 with
any questions regarding this matter.
                                       Very truly yours,

goyC Sighy»)                                                utA[ithzr—
Gregory C. Staple                                           Matthew S. DelNero
Viison & Euns                                               Covinaton & Buruno
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                              1201 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004—1008                                 Washington, D.C. 20004—2401
Counsel to TMI Communications and Co., L.P.                 Counsel to TerreStar Networks Inc.

Dec.13, 2004
Page 2 of S
                               Mobile Satellite Ventures LP
                   Current ownership information as of December 13 2004

        Mobile Satellite Ventures LP ("MSV LP") is a U.S. imited partnership. The general
partner of MSV LP is Mobile Satellite Ventures GP Inc. (°MSV GP Inc.").

       Equity ownership of MSV LP is as follows:
Motient Corporation and subsidiarics                         35.500%
300 Knightsbridge Parkway
Lincolnshire, IL 60609
(U.S. corporation)
MSV Investors, LLC                                           22.795%
/o MSV Investor Holdings, Inc.
19 West 44" Street
Suite 507
New York, NY 10036
(U.S. limited liability company)
TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership®         21.508%
1601 Telesat Court
Gloucester, Ontario
Canada KIB 189
(Canadian Limited Partership)
Funds affiiated with Columbia Capital, LLC                    7.843%
201 North Union Street
Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
(U.S. limited liability company)
Funds affiiated with Telcom Ventures, LLC                     6603%
211 North Union Street
Suite 360
Alexandria, VA 22314
(U.S. limited liability company)
Funds affiiated with Spectrum Equity Investors L.P.           2343%
1 Interational Place
29" Floor
Boston, MA 02110
(U.S. limited partership)
*Canadian entity

Dec. 13, 2004
Page3 of5
       Ownership and voting rights in MSV GP Inc. are as follows:
Motient Corporation and subsidiarics                       38.500%
300 Knightsbridge Parkway
Lincolnshire, IL 60609
(U.S. corporation)
MSV Investors, LLC                                         22.795%
c/o MSV Investor Holdings, Inc.
19 West 44" Street
Suite 507
New York, NY 10036
(U.S. limited liability company)
TMI Communications and Company, Limited Parinership® 21.808%
1601 Telesat Court
Gloucester, Ontario
Canada KIB 1B9
(Canadian Limited Partnership)
Funds affilated with Columbia Capita, LC              Tsa%
201 North Union Street
Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
   .S. limited liabilty company)
Funds affilited with Telcom Ventures, LLC                   6.603%
211 North Union Street
Suite 360
Alexandria, VA 22314
(U.S. limited liability company)
Funds affilated with Spectrum Equity Investors LP           2340%
1 International Place
29" Floor
Boston, MA 02110
(U.S. limited partership)
*Canadian Entity
        On November 21, 2001, the Commission approved ofMSV‘s indirect foreign ownership
in excess of25 percent by TMI, a Canadian entity. See Motient Services Inc., TM
Communications and Company LP, and Mobile Satelite Ventures LLC, Order and
Authorization, File No. SAT—ASG—20010302—00017 et al. (DA 01—2732) (Nov. 21, 2001).

Dec. 13, 2004
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                                      Officers and Directors

All ofthe officers and directors listed below can be reached at:

        Mobile Satellite Ventures L.P
        10802 Parlidge Boulevard
        Reston, VA 20191
        Phone: (703) 390—2700

1       MSV GP Inc.

        A.      Directors
                Gary M. Parsons               Chairman
                Jared Abbruzzese              Director
                Andrew Africk                 Director
                Lary J. Boisvert              ViceChairman
                Donald Gips                   Director
                Alexander Good                ViceChairman
                Ted H. Igcy                   Director
                Gey Stevens—Kittner           Director
                Jeffrey Leddy                 Director
                Rory McCormick                Director
                Shawn O‘Domnell               Director
                Mare Rowan                    Director
                Rajendra Singh                Director
        B.      Officers

                Carson E. Agnew               President and Chief Operating Officer
                LarryJ. Boisvert              ViceChairman
                Santanu Dutta                 VicePresident, Systems Engineering
                Alexander Good                ChieExecutive Officer and Vice—Chairman
                Peter Karabinis               Viee President and ChiefTechnical Officer
                Monish Kundra                 Sr. Viee President, Corporate Development
                Lon C. Levin                  Vice President, Regulatory
                Gary M. Parsons               Chairman
                Randy Sepal                   Sr. VicePresident, General Counsel, Secretary
                Eric A. Swank                 Sr. VicePresident, Chief Financial Officr and Treasurer

Dec. 13, 2004
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»      msvir
       A.—      The general parter of MSV LP is MSV GP Inc.
       B.       Officers
                Carson E. Agnew           President and Chief Operating Officer
                Santenu Dotte             VicePresident, Systems Engincering
                Alexander Good            Chief Executive Officer
                Peter Karabinic           VicePresident and ChiefTechnical Officer
                Monish Kundra             Sr.Viee President, Corporate Development
                Lon C.Levin               VicePresident, Regulatory
                Randy Sepal               Sr. VicePresident, General Counsel, Secretary
                Eie A. Swank              Sr. Viee President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Document Created: 2004-12-15 11:50:26
Document Modified: 2004-12-15 11:50:26

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