Attachment Inmarsat reponse sec

This document pretains to SAT-ASG-20010302-00017 for Assignment on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

Motient Services, Inc.


Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC

Application for Assignment of Licenses and
For Authority to Launch and Operate a
Next—Generation Mobile Satellite Service


                                             Kelly Cameron
                                             Robert L. Galbreath
                                             Powell Goldstein Frazer
                                               & Murphy LLP
                                             1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                             Sixth Floor
                                             Washington, D.C. 20004
                                             (202) 347—0066

                                             Its Attorneys
May 21, 2001


         Mobile satellite service (MSS) in the L—Band provides critical public safety

 services and also is well suited to serving consumers in underserved remote and rural

 areas. The Commission must therefore reject proposals by Motient and TMI on the one

 hand and the terrestrial wireless industry on the other to take some or all of the MSS

 industry‘s spectrum for terrestrial wireless services.

        Terrestrial wireless carriers urge the Commission to declare the MSS industry

dead and put all of the L—Band up for auction. As both Inmarsat and the Applicants have

stated, reallocation of the band would deprive the public of critical public safety service

and would leave rural customers without access to advanced services that terrestrial

carriers cannot or will not provide. Moreover, reallocation of L—Band MSS spectrum

would also violate the international obligations of the U.S. Government and would

reverse long—standing U.S. policy of promoting MSS.

        A partial reallocation of the L—Band to terrestrial use would be similarly

devastating. The Applicants argue that their own proposed terrestrial operations in the L—

Band will not cause harmful interference to Inmarsat or other users of the band. This

claim is unfounded. As Inmarsat demonstrated in its initial filing in this proceeding, the

Applicants could not serve any significant number of terrestrial customers without

causing massive interference to other users of the L—Band. In response to Inmarsat‘s

careful, conservative engineering analysis, the Applicants rely on a series of overly—

optimistic assumptions that simply do not reflect real world conditions. Furthermore, the

Applicants‘ analysis ignores the fact that the L—Band is already saturated, a fact that

Motient has repeatedly stressed in other proceedings. For this reason, the Applicants‘

proposed terrestrial system would severely restrict frequency reuse within the band, thus

making all MSS operators less efficient.

        The Applicants continue to claim that their proposed terrestrial service is

necessary in order to maintain a financially viable U.S. MSS system. But the Applicants

can improve their efficiency without disrupting the operations of other service providers

and without undertaking a massive investment in building their own terrestrial wireless

infrastructure. More importantly, however, the Applicants have failed to demonstrate any

entitlement to extraordinary or special treatment from the Commussion that would justify

the broad waivers of FCC rules their proposal would require. Other parties such as

Inmarsat are eager to begin providing pure L—Band MSS service. The Commission is

under no obligation to sacrifice either those parties or their services simply for the benefit

of the Applicants.


                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUIMIMATY..........0.l.}ls ces e se es es s se e es t en es re eb en e rr eb e er es rrrrrer en t es en vr en e e es e en es    i

Table Of COAT@MtS...........2.....222660206 kess rkere e es en se e r es es en e e es s es se n e e e en es en es              111

I.         L—Band Terrestrial Service, In Any Form, Will Not Serve the
           oldols e                                                                                                             4

           A.          Reallocation of the L—Band to Terrestrial Service...................                                     4

           B.          The Applicants‘ L—Band Terrestrial Service Proposal...............                                       6

T.        In—Band Terrestrial Operations Will Cause Unacceptable
          Interference to Satellite Operations and Limit Frequency Reuse..........                                              8

.         The Commission Should Promote Maximum Spectrum Efficiency.......                                                     10

IV.       CONCIUSIOM.........2.....2222206206 k se k tss e t t e e e e en en e e es esn n es e es s esn e a se r es            12

Attachment A — Supplemental Engineering Exhibit


                                       Before the
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of

 Motient Services, Inc.                                   File No. SAT—ASG—20010302—00017


 Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC

Application for Assignment of Licenses and
For Authority to Launch and Operate a
Next—Generation Mobile Satellite Service

                          RESPONSE OF INMARSAT VENTURES PLC

          Inmarsat Ventures plc ("Inmarsat"), by counsel and pursuant to Section 25.154 of

the Commission‘s rules, hereby submits its response to the "Consolidated Opposition to

Petitions to Deny and Reply To Comments" filed in the above—captioned proceeding by

Motient Services, Inc. ("Motient‘), Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV

Sub") and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership ("TMI")

(collectively, the "Applicants").‘

         As Inmarsat stated in its "Partial Petition to Deny" the captioned application on

April 18, 2001, the Applicants‘ proposed terrestrial service would cause unacceptable

interference to L—Band MSS operations and is inconsistent with FCC rules." Inmarsat

also noted that if the Applicants wish to deploy a hybrid terrestrial/satellite service, dual—

* On May 11, 2001, the Commission granted Inmarsat‘s Motion for Extension of Time to establish May 21
as the due date for responses to replies and oppositions. See Inmarsat Ventures, plc, Motion for Extension
of Time, File No. SAT—ASG—20010302—00017 (filed May 10, 2001).
* Inmarsat at 4 et seq.

 band technology already is capable of accommodating such service." Inmarsat did not

 oppose the Applicants with respect to the proposed transfer of assets and licenses to MSV

 Sub and the grant of authority to construct a next generation MSS system.

             Nearly all of the other commenters, including satellite service providers, wireless

 service providers, equipment manufacturers and end users, agreed with Inmarsat that the

 terrestrial L—Band service proposal is not consistent with current rules. They further

 demonstrated that the Applicants‘ alternate request for waiver of the rules is both legally

deficient and factually misleading. Terrestrial wireless carriers went further, however,

and jumped to self—serving conclusions not supported by the record. They claimed that

L—Band MSS service has failed as a whole and concluded that the Commission should

therefore initiate a rulemaking to reallocate L—Band spectrum for 3G CMRS or some

other wireless service.

             The Applicants submitted their Consolidated Reply to the comments of Inmarsat

and the other parties on May 7, 2001.* Like Inmarsat, the Applicants strongly oppose the

reallocation of L—Band spectrum to terrestrial services, noting the critical importance of

continued satellite—based service to rural telecommunications, including advanced

telecommunications capability." The Applicants also cite the public interest harm that

would result from reallocation due to disruption of critical safety services."

             In response to Inmarsat‘s well documented technical arguments, however, the

Applicants claim that their proposed in—band terrestrial operations will not cause

* Id. at 3—4. Dual band technology allows the same terminal to use wireless spectrum for terrestrial
applications and satellite spectrum for satellite operations. As Inmarsat noted, Motient and others already
have developed such technology and services.
* Inmarsat also submitted a reply to the comments of the wireless carriers on that date.
° Consolidated Reply at 5.
© 1d. at 7

 interference to other L—Band and adjacent band satellites or reduce the potential for

 frequency reuse.‘ They further assert that terrestrial operations will not affect sensitive

 mobile terminals and will not cause harmful interference to GPS receivers." Finally, the

 Applicants claim that use of dual—band technology to support combined terrestrial and

 satellite operations is not spectrum efficient and somehow doomed Iridium and

 Globalstar to failure."

           Inmarsat agrees, of course, that the proposed reallocation of L—Band spectrum to

terrestrial service would have a devastating impact on critical domestic and international

satellite operations. In this respect, the Applicants‘ arguments are fully consistent with


           The Applicants‘ latest assertion that their proposed terrestrial operations in the L—

Band pose no threat of harm to other satellite service providers, however, is simply

wrong. As demonstrated herein, in contrast, Inmarsat‘s original interference analysis is

not only technically sound, but was based on conservative assumptions as to the harm the

Applicants‘ system would cause. The Applicants‘ alternative analysis contains several

key omissions and relies on overly optimistic assumptions. In addition, the Applicants

have provided no evidence to support their assertion that dual—band operations are not


 Id. at 13 and Technical Appendix.
® Td. at 15.

            The simple fact remains that there is no place in the L—Band for terrestrial

 operations. The band must be preserved for the critical satellite services provided by

 Inmarsat and others.

 1.        L—Band Terrestrial Service, In Any Form, Will Not Serve the Public Interest.

           A.           Reallocation of the L—Band to Terrestrial Service.

           The Applicants devote a significant portion of their Consolidated Opposition to

refuting the proposals of the wireless carriers to reallocate all or part of the L—Band to

terrestrial services. As the Applicants note, satellite service remains a critical part of the

solution to rural America‘s lack of sufficient access to telecommunications services,

particularly advanced telecommunications capability.‘" The Applicants also correctly

state that reallocation of the band to terrestrial service would raise difficult international

coordination issues."‘ Of course, Motient and TMI are not the only MSS providers in the

world. Rather, multiple MSS systems licensed by Japan, Mexico, Russia and the United

Kingdom will continue to operate in or near North America regardless of what action the

Commission takes here. Finally, the Applicants note that reallocation of the L—Band to

terrestrial service would be in derogation of the International Table of Frequency

Allotments and therefore would violate U.S. treaty obligations.‘ This would also stand

in stark contrast to longstanding U.S. support for development of the global MSS


          Inmarsat agrees with the Applicants that reallocation of the L—Band would not

° 14. at footnote 16.
‘ 7d. at 5,10.
" Id. at 11.
‘2 1d. at 12.

 serve the public interest due to the insurmountable damage such action would cause both

 in the United States and globally. The Commission has long recognized the benefits of

 satellite service, particularly to customers in rural and remote areas, as well as

 aeronautical and maritime customers."" Contrary to the claim of AT&T, terrestrial

 service providers simply do not have the economic or technical ability or incentive to

match such ubiquitous coverage. Therefore, reallocation of the band can only harm the

public interest, not serve it.

          In addition, reallocation of the band would lead to impossible international

coordination problems. As the Applicants correctly note, the international L—Band

frequency coordination process has resulted in the partition of the band into small slivers

of spectrum.‘* Each international L—Band system operates within these slivers, which are

scattered across the band. As Inmarsat noted in its Partial Petition to Deny, the systems

attempt to employ frequency reuse techniques wherever possible.15 Furthermore, the

amount and location of spectrum available to any single operator is not constant, but is

subject to change based on negotiations among all of the operators. This shifting

patchwork arrangement would raise impossible coordination obstacles to any U.S.

terrestrial service providers attempting to enter the band. None of the wireless carriers

discussed this issue in their comments.

         Also, as both the Applicants and Inmarsat noted, the United States was one of the

primary proponents of the international L—Band allocation, recognizing the crucial role

such allotment would play in the provision of aeronautical and maritime safety services.

* See, e.g., Establishing Rules and Policies for the Use of Spectrum for Mobile Satellite Services in the
Upper and Lower L—Band, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Red 11675 (1996).
* 1d.
‘* Inmarsat Partial Petition to Deny at 8.

 No party has shown any good cause why the abandonment of a U.S. treaty obligation

 crucial to international safety communications would serve the public interest.

          B.        The Applicants‘ L—Band Terrestrial Service Proposal.

          While Inmarsat agrees with the Applicants that the public interest would best be

 served by maintaining the L—Band MSS allocation, Inmarsat believes that the Applicants

too readily treat the preservation of L—Band MSS and the preservation of Motient‘s own

business as identical. For example, the Applicants argue that owing to the "tremendous"

risk it has undertaken and the "tremendous" resources it has expended, Motient

"deserves" the Commission‘s continued support in the form of consent to the Applicants‘

terrestrial service proposal."" The Applicants also ask rhetorically "[why should the

Commission require MSV‘s spectrum to be used inefficiently?""" Indeed, the

Applicants‘ basic argument is that the Commission can only fulfill its commitment to the

use of satellites to meet the need for mobile service in America by preserving Motient‘s

financial viability at any cost.

         First, Motient is far from alone. Prior to the proposed merger, both TMI and

SatCom Systems, Inc., fought long and hard to serve the U.S. market via a Canadian—

licensed satellite against fierce opposition from Motient, eventually winning

authorization to do so.‘" Also, as noted in its prior comments and in several pending

proceedings, Inmarsat is in the final stages of satisfying all the requirements of the

ORBIT Act, thus clearing the way for Inmarsat to begin providing full domestic MSS to

18 Consolidated Opposition at 8.
‘" Id. at 9. The terrestrial wireless industry clearly views Motient‘s startling admission that it operates
inefficiently, and similar statements contained in its application, as fully justifying reallocation of the L—
Band. But the fate of the global MSS industry cannot be tied to the prospects of one operator.
* tn the Matter of the Application of SatCom Systems, Inc., and TMI Communications and Company,
L.P., Order and Authorization, 14 FCC Red 20798 (1999), aff d sub. nom. AMSC Subsidiary Corp. v. FCC,
216 F.3d 1154 (D.C.Cir., 2000)("TMI Order").

 the United States.‘" Further, as the comments of KITComm demonstrate, there are yet

 other providers eager to access the market. Thus, the success of the MSS industry in the

United States does not depend on Motient alone — other providers are lined up to offer

their services as well.

         Second, the Commission has finally and explicitly rejected Motient‘s claim that it

is entitled to continued regulatory protection from foreign competitors or to special

treatment by the Commission. In the TMI case, the Commission stated clearly:

         AMSC requests that we keep foreign carriers out of the U.S. market long enough
         for AMSC to use its monopoly power over U.S. customers to increase its traffic
         so significantly that it justifies its increased spectrum assignment. We find that
         such a guidpro quo would be inconsistent with United States market access
         commitments in the WTO agreement. If the United States is to obtain 20
         megahertz of spectrum for its system, it should be done in the normal course of
         the international coordination process.""

         Thus, it is evident that the Commission is under no obligation to grant the

Applicants‘ terrestrial proposal in order to preserve the benefits of L—Band satellite

service in the United States. The Applicants have every right to attempt to provide such

service in the most efficient and economical manner possible, and, indeed, Inmarsat

encourages such efforts. For instance, Inmarsat does not object to the proposed merger

between Motient and TMI, which the Applicants assert will achieve greater efficiencies.

In addition, Inmarsat supports the Applicants‘ proposal to employ spot—beam technology

on their next—generation satellite to increase efficiency. If the Applicants‘ current—

operations are as inefficient as they claim, then they should develop new, innovative

products and services or else relinguish to other MSS operators some of the spectrum that —

* See, e. g., Comments of Inmarsat in the Matter of Report to Congress Regarding Implementation of the
ORBIT Act, Report No. SPB—167 (filed April 27, 2001).
* TMI Order, 14 FCC Red at 20813.

 they are now assigned but are not using. But the Commission does not owe the

 Applicants extraordinary or special treatment in order to maintain the service.

 II.      In—Band Terrestrial Operations Will Cause Unacceptable Interference to
          Satellite Operations and Limit Frequency Reuse.

         One of the fundamental premises of the Applicants‘ proposed terrestrial service

was that it would not cause harmful interference to co—channel or adjacent channel

operations of other service providers. In its Partial Petition to Deny, Inmarsat refuted this

assertion, providing a technical exhibit that demonstrated that even under favorable

circumstances, the proposed terrestrial system would cause harmful interference even if

the Applicants drastically limit the number of terrestrial carriers they employ. Under

these circumstances, the Applicants‘ stated goal of attracting millions of subscribers

would be impossible.

         The Applicants have now responded to Inmarsat‘s analysis with a technical

exhibit of their own. They state that Inmarsat overlooked a number of factors which,

when taken into account, demonstrate that the Applicants‘ terrestrial service will not

cause harmful interference to in—band satellite operations or degrade the amount of

reusable spectrum."‘ The Applicants also provide additional information which purports

to show that terrestrial operations would not interfere with adjacent GPS band satellite

transmissions or sensitive mobile earth stations. **

        As the attached Supplemental Engineering Exhibit explains, the Applicants‘

objections to Inmarsat‘s analysis are unfounded."" First, Inmarsat‘s analysis took full

* Technical Appendix at 1—2.
*2 T4. at 4, et seq.
23 Supplemental Engineering Exhibit of Inmarsat Ventures, pic, attached hereto as Attachment A.

 account of the factors Applicants identify to the extent they are relevant to the

 interference issue. Second, the Applicants‘ analysis itself is flawed because it relies on

 several overly optimistic assumptions regarding parameters such as interference margins,

 shielding and polarization isolation. Furthermore, as Inmarsat noted previously,

 Inmarsat‘s own initial analysis was not based on a worst—case scenario, but also employed

 relatively optimistic assumptions for some parameters. Using more realistic technical

 assumptions shows that preventing interference to other MSS operators would limit the

 number of terrestrial users the Applicants could serve to such an extent as to make this

 service effectively meaningless.""

         Furthermore, as the attached supplement shows, the Applicants fail to take into

account a number of other extremely important factors regarding the cumulative effects

of their proposal on overall MSS frequency use. For example, the Applicants state that

they will employ guard bands to protect adjacent band GPS operations."" They ignore the

fact, however, that such guard bands will decrease the spectrum available for terrestrial

service, thus further limiting the number of carriers that could be deployed. In addition,

as Inmarsat has noted previously, the Applicants‘ analysis of the effect of the terrestrial

service on frequency reuse ignores the multiple MSS systems using the L—Band. Since

satellite operator demands are already stretching L—Band capacity to its limits, the

magnitude of the impact of a terrestrial system would be far greater than the Applicants‘

simple analysis suggests.

        Finally, the Applicants make several assertions regarding co—channel and adjacent

band interference that simply are not supported by hard numbers. For instance, their

** See Attachment A at Table 1.
*" Consolidated Opposition at 15.

 theoretical claims regarding the lack of terrestrial interference to adjacent band satellite

 operations are directly refuted by Inmarsat‘s actual experience with this problem.

 Inmarsat has experienced problems over the years with desensitization of its receivers in

 Tokyo Bay due to Japanese terrestrial system operations in the band immediately below

 the satellite downlink band. Again, the Applicants‘ analysis of this interference scenario

makes a number of overly optimistic assumptions. Also, while the Applicants contend

that their radio resource proprietary management algorithm will make frequency reuse

within their own system possible, they do not provide any technical details to substantiate

this claim.

         In short, the Applicants fail to demonstrate that their proposed terrestrial service

will not cause harmful interference to L—Band satellite operations. For this reason, if for

no other, the Commission should reject the Applicants‘ proposal.

III.     The Commission Should Promote Maximum Spectrum Efficiency.

         Finally, the Applicants dismiss the suggestion by Inmarsat and others that they

could employ dual—band technology already in existence if they believe that terrestrial

service is a key component of their operations, and that such a solution would be more

efficient than the Applicants‘ L—Band proposal."" Their only argument in support of this

position is that the business failures of Iridium and Globalstar were the direct result of

their attempts to employ dual band technology. This assertion is totally unsupported by

any evidence and makes no sense. Furthermore, the Applicants failed to respond to

*5 Consolidated Opposition at 9.


 Inmarsat‘s observation that Motient itself has enjoyed some success with a hybrid

 terrestrial/satellite system already.*"

          First, it should be emphasized again that spectrum efficiency would not be

 improved by adoption of the Applicants‘ proposal. In order to accurately assess the

 merits of a proposal such as the Applicants‘, the Commission must look to the impact that

proposal will have on al/ affected parties, not jfist the applicant itself. As has been noted

many times, the L—Band is saturated with operators dedicated to providing the pure MSS

services for which the band was allocated. The introduction of a terrestrial service would

interfere significantly with some or all of those services, thereby harming the public

interest by reducing the amount of MSS spectrum available in the L—Band. As Inmarsat‘s

analyses have shown, the L—Band must be used either for satellite or terrestrial service,

not both. As the Applicants agree, MSS is an invaluable and irreplaceable service. Thus,

the Applicants‘ proposal would not represent the most efficient use of the spectrum the

Commission must manage.

         Further, the Applicants provide no evidence that the troubles of Iridium and

Globalstar were the fésfilt of their attempts to employ dual—band equipment. In fact, even

a casual reading of the trade press indicates that the cost of Iridium‘s equipment and

service, unreliability of its satellite service and the broad availability of terrestrial service

were all major factors in problems faced by Iridium and other "Big LEO" systems. It

strains credulity to suggest that Iridium failed because it offered customers the ability to

use a cellular system where such service was available, thus reducing airtime charges. It

seems far more likely that Iridium failed despite this fact.

*" {nmarsat Partial Petition to Deny at 4, footnote 11.


          Similarly, the Applicants provide no reason to believe that they could not deploy a

 dual—band system much more easily and efficiently than the hybrid system they propose.

 The terrestrial wireless industry in the United Statesis quite competitive, with six

nationwide operators. Although the Commission has not required these operators to

allow resale of their service, there are millions of customers who are served by wireless

resellers, the largest of which is WorldCom. A dual band system would allow the

Applicants to take advantage of the massive investment in terrestrial infrastructure that

CMRS providers have already made and obviate the necessity for the Applicants to

duplicate this investment."" The Applicants do not explain why none of the six

nationwide wireless carriers would be willing to enter into a relationship with them that

promises to dramatically increase usage of their network, if the projections contained in

the application are accurate. The Commission should not assume that the wireless

industry will, in effect, engage in a concerted refusal to deal with Motient in violation of

U.S. antitrust laws, and that the Applicants must therefore deploy a terrestrial network in

the L—Band in order to be able to provide service to their customers.

IV.      Conclusion.
         Inmarsat agrees with the Applicants that general reallocation of part or all of the

L—Band to terrestrial service would not serve the public interest. However, Inmarsat

continues to oppose the Applicants‘ own request to provide in—band terrestrial services on

the grounds that it is technically infeasible and unnecessary. The Applicants have

provided no evidence to undermine Inmarsat‘s position. Therefore, for the reasons

* In fact, it is well known that one of the biggest challenges facing the terrestrial wireless industry is the
shortage of suitable antenna locations. The Applicants‘ proposal would only compound this problem for no
good reason.


discussed herein and in Inmarsat‘s previous filings, Inmarsat urges the Commission to

deny the above—captioned application to the extent that it seeks authorization to provide

L—Band terrestrial service.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     INMAR           ENTURES PLC

                                                     By:              /
                                                        Kelly Cameron
                                                        Robert L. Galbreath
                                                        Powell Goldstein Frazer
                                                        & Murphy, LLP
                                                        1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                                        Sixth Floor
                                                        Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                        (202) 347—0066

                                                    Its Attorneys
      May 21, 2001


                                   ATTACHMENT A


1.      Comments Regarding Interference to Co—Channel Satellite Systems and
        the Reduction of Satellite Reuse Possibilities

       In its Partial Petition To Deny, Inmarsat presented a simplified analysis of the
proposed MSV terrestrial operation that demonstrated that even a very limited number
of co—channel mobile stations would cause unacceptable interference to MSS.
Inmarsat‘s analysis also demonstrated that use of L—Band spectrum by terrestrial
mobile stations would degrade the reuse possibilities of the spectrum, thereby
effectively reducing the amount of spectrum available for MSS operations.

         In response to Inmarsat, the Applicants present an alternative analysis which
they claim demonstrates that no interference will be caused to L—band satellite systems
even with the operation of over 5000co—channel mobile stations. The Applicants
state that Inmarsat has overlooked four key factors. However, as discussed below,
Inmarsat did consider these factors to the extent they have any bearing on the
interference issue. In fact, the Applicants‘ own analysis makes a number of overly
optimistic assumptions, which Inmarsat also discusses below. Further, Inmarsat
again emphasises that its own initial analysis did not represent a worst case scenario.
Herein, Inmarsat discusses some of the variables employed it its analysis. Finally,
regardless of the assumptions made, Inmarsat believes that any allowance made for
terrestrial mobile operation in the L—band inevitably will constrain the future
development of MSS in the band.

       a) The Applicants State that Inmarsat Has Overlooked Four Key Factors

    The Applicants claim that Inmarsat overlooked four key factors in its interference
analysis. In fact, this is not true. These factors are not relevant to a general analysis,
as the amount of interference reduction provided varies depending on the particular
scenario considered.

       e   Carrier bandwidth difference: The Applicants‘ analysis included a 13 dB
           bandwidth factor. Since Inmarsat‘s analysis was based on the
           characteristics of the Applicants‘ proposed system, Inmarsat accepts that a
           6 dB factor could have been used, if a bandwidth factor were to be applied
           at all. However, the increased number of co—frequency carriers that would
           have resulted from including this factor is offset by the fact that other
           assumptions were optimistic, as discussed in the following sections.
           Carrier bandwidths for MSS carriers vary over a wide range. For example,
           Inmarsat currently operates carriers with bandwidths ranging from a few
           kHz up to 100 kHz. On the Inmarsat—4 satellites, due to start service in
           2004, carriers with up to at least 200 kHz bandwidth will be used. It can
           generally be stated that carrier bandwidths of MSS systems tend to
           increase, due to the increasing demand for higher rate data services, but the
           characteristics of MSS carriers evolve over time, and the exact link

             requirements of future carriers are of course unknown. This leads to the
             conclusion that an analysis that is independent of specific carrier
             parameters and instead based on the fundamental characteristics of the
             satellites, is preferable. Inmarsat provides such an analysis below.

             Power control: Inmarsat agrees that this factor is applicable if the number
             of mobiles is sufficiently high to enable averaging of mobile terminal EIRP
             levels. The required number depends on the distribution of MS power
             levels and a detailed statistical analysis would be required to determine the
             appropriateness of using a power control factor. More importantly,
             however, a perfectly realistic scenario exists where only one or a few
             mobile stations would cause unacceptable interference to a satellite, as
             shown in Table 1 below. In this case, there will be no power control

            Polarisation discrimination: According to Appendix S$8 of the Radio
            Regulations, the polarisation isolation between an interfering linearly
            polarised signal and a circularly polarised (LHC or RHC) wanted signal is
            1.4 (i.e. 1.46 dB). However, this value would not reliably be available in
            the present case, due to several factors. The polarisation of the MES
            antenna may not be perfectly circular, especially for small, low—gain MES.
            The same is also true of the satellite antenna, which can be expected to be
            closer to circular, but not perfectly circular. Furthermore, de—polarisation of
            the transmitted signal occurs, especially in mobile propagation
            environments as in the case of MSS. Finally, the Applicants make the
            critical assumption that MSS satellites will be circularly polarised.
            Although this may be the case with the currently operational satellites,
            some future MSS satellites may use linear polarisation.

            iSatellite antenna discrimination: There is very little difference between
            Inmarsat‘s and the Applicants‘ assumed value for this parameter. This
            value will vary depending on satellite design and the angular separation
            between the satellite beams and the terrestrial cell. Therefore, 20 dB is just
            as appropriate as 22 dB, and in some cases lower values will also apply. As
            an example, the Applicants themselves present an analysis of interference
            into its own satellites, which uses a 10 dB satellite antenna discrimination.

       b)   The Applicants Employ Overly Optimistic Assumptions in Their
            Interference Analysis

   Inmarsat believes that the analysis attached to the Applicants‘ Consolidated
Opposition relies on a number of overly—optimistic assumptions. These assumptions
are discussed below.

            Interference margin: The Applicants adopt the assumption from
            Inmarsat‘s initial analysis of a 1 dB interference margin allocated
            exclusively to interference from terrestrial mobile units. However,
            Inmarsat itself used this assumption only for the sake of simplicity, and it
            should be recognised that this is a very optimistic figure. Although 1 dB

              corresponds to 20% of the system noise and is a typical interference
              margin for MSS systems, this margin has to accommodate interference
              from several sources, including co—channel interference from other MSS
              networks. It is therefore too optimistic to assume that the whole margin
              will be available for terrestrial mobile interference. In MSS coordination,
              6% of the system noise, corresponding to a 0.25 dB margin is normally
              allocated to interference from a single network.

        e    MES EIRP: As pointed out in Inmarsat‘s filing, the MES EIRP (5 dBW)
             used in the calculations is the maximum EIRP. This was used since no
             information was available in the Applicants‘ filing about the minimum
             EIRP. However, using the maximum EIRP under—estimates the carrier—to—
             interference ratio (C/1). The difference between maximum and minimum
             EIRP for mobile earth stations varies, but a typical value would be 6 dB.
             This would offset the advantage claimed by the Applicants for power
             control on the terrestrial mobile signal.

        e    Satellite antenna discrimination: As mentioned above, 22 dB antenna
             discrimination will not be available in all cases.

        e    Shielding: The Applicants did not question Inmarsat‘s choice of 15 dB for
             this parameter, perhaps because it represents a quite optimistic case. 15 dB
             discrimination would be available only for mobile terminals that are well
             inside buildings. Mobile terminals which are in urban streets, in buildings
             close to windows or on the top floor of buildings would normally not
             achieve this level of isolation. It appears from the Applicants‘ filing that
             their intention is to put base stations in outdoor locations. On page 9 of the
             Appendix, for example, they state that "base station antennas will typically
             be installed on towers or rooftops". With installations at such sites, it has
             to be expected that mobile terminals will access the base stations from
             outdoor locations and the shielding would have to be assumed to be nil.

       e     Polarisation discrimination: This has been discussed above.

       (9)      Inmarsat Initially Did Not Present A Worst—Case Scenario

   As stated in Inmarsat‘s comments, on several counts, Inmarsat‘s analysis did not
represent a worst case scenario, but instead recognised that both better and worse
cases exist. However, in order to more critically assess the Applicants‘ proposal,
Inmarsat believes the following additional factors should be taken into consideration:

       e     As discussed above, a 1 dB interference margin allocated to terrestrial
             mobile interference is excessive.

       e     The maximum MES EIRP was used, whereas the minimum would have
             been more appropriate.

       e     The satellite antenna discrimination may be less than the 20 dB assumed.

        e    The shielding factor of 15 dB, as discussed above, assumes that the
             Applicants‘ mobile terminals will all be within buildings.

        d) Additional Interference Calculations

        To illustrate the above points, an additional interference link budget is given in
 Table 1 below. To simplify the analysis, the calculations shown below derive the
increase in satellite noise due to terrestrial mobile interference. This analysis gives a
more basic measure of the effect of introducing terrestrial stations in the band, which
is independent of particular carrier parameters.

                                                   w. PC     WIO PC    Comments
Motient satellite G/T (at beam peak)   dB/K         18.3       18.3    From Motient‘s filing
Satellite antenna gain                 dBi           42         42     From Motient‘s filing
Satellite T                            dBK          23.7       23.7    Calculated
Satellite No                           dBW/Hz      ~204.9     —204.9   Calculated
6% interference allowance              dBW/Hz      —217.1     —217.1   Assumed
Mobile station EIRP                    dBw            0         0      From Motient‘s filing
Bandwidth                              kHz            200       200    From Motient‘s filing
MS EIRP SD                             dBW/Hz       —53.01    —53.01   Calculated
FSL                                    dB            188.8     188.8   Calculated
Shielding                              dB              0         0     Assumed
Satellite antenna discrimination       dB             20        20     Assumed
Power control                          dB              6         0     From Motient‘s reply comments
lo per carrier                         dBW/Hz      —225.81   —219.81   Calculated
Number of carriers possible                           7.4       1.9    Calculated
Table 1: Interference link budget based on Applicants‘ proposed terrestrial and
satellite parameters

        The assumptions used in the interference link budget shown in Table 1 are
consistent with the comments made in the previous section. The second column
(labelled W. PC), which includes a power control advantage of 6 dB, derives the
number of possible co—frequency mobile carriers as 7 (if 8 carriers are present, the
aggregate interference will exceed the assumed allowance). However, since this
number is quite small, the power control factor of 6 dB is highly questionable. This is
confirmed by the calculation in the third column (labelled W/O PC), which shows that
only two carriers operated at maximum EIRP would cause the interference limit to be

       Thus, above calculations confirm what Inmarsat stated in its previous
comments: that to protect satellite operations, the number of co—frequency carriers that
could be allowed on the Applicants‘ terrestrial system would be extremely limited.

       €e)      The Number of Possible Terrestrial Subscribers Is Highly
                Relevant to an Assessment of the Effect of the Applicants‘
                Proposed System On MSS Operations

       In its previous comments, Inmarsat used the result of its interference link
budget to estimate the number of subscribers that could be supported in the
Applicants‘ terrestrial network. In reply, the Applicants state that the traffic model

used by Inmarsat was flawed. However, they offer no explanation in support of this
statement. Rather, the Applicants further claim that the number of subscribers is
irrelevant to an analysis of the potential for harmful interference.

         Inmarsat strongly disagrees with the Applicants‘ dismissal of this figure. In
fact, the number of co—frequency carriers is meaningless unless it is translated into a
number of subscribers, since the latter number gives an indication of whether it is
possible to introduce a financially viable terrestrial service while still protecting
satellite operations. The Applicants have identified a mass market of up to several
million users that they seek to serve. However, they have failed to demonstrate how
such a large number of subscribers could be served, given that the number of carriers
would be so limited by interference concerns. In fact, Inmarsat continues to believe
that the number of possible subscribers is simply too small to be compatible with the
service that the Applicants propose to provide. The only way that the Applicants
could serve the identified market using the L—band would be to deprive MSS operators
of access to part of the L—Band. Inmarsat strongly reiterates that this is unacceptable
given the already congested state of MSS operations at L—band, a state that the
Applicants do not dispute.

        1)      The Commission Must Examine the Impact of Terrestrial Mobile
                Operation on All L—Band Systems

        A very important point should not be lost sight of while considering the details
of the interference calculation discussed above. If any allowance at all is made in L—
band MSS link budgets for terrestrial mobile interference, this allowance would not be
available for interference from other satellite networks. As an example, if a total of
20% of the satellite system noise is available for interference, this allows interference
entries from approximately 4 satellite systems. If one of these entries is made
available for interference from a terrestrial mobile system, only 3 satellite systems can
be accommodated. Thus, the addition of terrestrial mobile systems in the band will
reduce the possibility of frequency reuse in the band, both within the Applicants‘ own
system and among other MSS systems, thereby reducing the spectrum efficiency of
the MSS use of the band.

         Finally, in the hypothetical case that the Applicants are able to restrict their
terrestrial service to the extent that frequency reuse of current MSS systems is not
degraded, the flexibility of MSS operators to developfuture MSS systems would be
constrained due to the need to take into account the particular characteristics of the
additional interference source, and presumably the need to provide protection to the
Applicants‘ terrestrial service. The restrictions such services would place on the
evolution of future MSS services represent yet another reason why the public interest
would not be served through grant of the application.

2. Comments On Interference Into Adjacent Band MES and GPS

       The Applicants state that they have performed measurements on MES and
GPS equipment which establish that such equipment will not suffer interference from
operation of the Applicants‘ terrestrial base stations. Inmarsat is unable to offer
meaningful comments regarding these conclusions without knowing more about the

 equipment tested and the manner in which the measurements were derived. Suffice it
to say that Inmarsat is not convinced by the Applicants‘ results and remains concerned
about this issue. The main reason for Inmarsat‘s concern is the fact that, as reported in
its initial comments, Inmarsat users have experienced such blockage from terrestrial
mobile transmissions in an adjacent band.

        The Applicants further claim improved protection for adjacent band MES
based on several factors, including power control and voice activation to a total of 10
dB. However, these factors are questionable since a transmission at peak power could
cause blocking of an MES regardless of the duration of the transmission. A further 8
dB advantage is claimed due to the use of LHC polarisation for the proposed
terrestrial base stations, whereas MSS terminals use RHC polarisation. As discussed
above, future MSS systems may well use different polarisations, in which case this
advantage will not be available. Furthermore, the Applicants claim this polarization
advantage in conjunction with base station antenna discrimination, ignoring the fact
that the polarization performance of antennas is not reliable off antenna boresight.
The Applicants also rely on protection provided by their proprietary radio resource
management algorithms. However, since no details of these algorithms are made
available it is not possible to assess if any improved protection would be available.

         The Applicants also state that a guard band of [at least] 400 kHz will be used
to ensure that no interference is caused to adjacent band terminals. Inmarsat notes that
this guard band will of course limit further the amount of spectrum the Applicants
could use for their terrestrial service and thereby further restrict the number of
terrestrial subscribers that could be served.

3.      Comments on spectrum efficiency and dual band operation

         In several places in their original filing and in the reply comments, the
Applicants refer to the improved spectrum efficiency they claim is offered by their
new system. They claim that spectrum efficiency would be improved in two ways:
"(i) by using advanced, spot—beam technology to provide greater frequency reuse by
the satellite, and (ii) by assigning to the fill—in base stations the frequencies that, in
that local area at that time, the satellites cannot use." Inmarsat has no quarrel with the
first of these claims, and indeed has supported the Applicants‘ spot beam proposal.
However, as discussed in detail in Section 1 above, the Applicants‘ claim regarding
the spectrum efficiency of its terrestrial proposal does not take account of the fact that
a terrestrial service cannot operate without introducing additional interference into the
band. As Inmarsat has noted several times, this will reduce the effective spectrum
availability for MSS by reducing the satellite reuse possibilities.


       I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for
preparation of the engineering information contained in this pleading and its attachment,
that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules, that I have reviewed the
engineering information submitted in this pleading, and that it is complete and accurate to
the best of my knowledge and belief.

|¢— 05—2£00 |
                                                    Mr. Jonas Enebe}/g
                                                    Manager, Spectrum

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Maria Cabico, a secretary to the law firm of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer and Murphy
 LLP, certify that copies of the attached Response of Inmarsat Ventures, plc, were delivered May
21, 2001, via 1" class mail, postage prepaid, to the following parties:

 Chairman Michael Powell *                    Magalie Roman Salas
Federal Communications Commission             Secretary
445 12Street, S.W.                            Federal Communications Commission
Suite 8B201                                   445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                          Washington, DC 20554

Commissioner Gloria Tristani *                Marsha J. MacBride, Chief of Staff
Federal Communications Commission             Office of Chairman Powell
445 12"" Street, S.W.                         Federal Communications Commission
Room 8—A204A                                  445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                          Washington, DC 20554

Commissioner Susan Ness *                     Commissioner Harold Furchtgott—Roth *
Federal Communications Commission            Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                        445 12"" Street, S.W.
Suite 8B115                                  Suite 8A¥302
Washington, DC 20554                         Washington, DC 20554

Donald Abelson, Chief *                      Tom Tycz, Chief      *
International Bureau                         Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission            International Bureau
445 12"" Street, S.W.                        Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                       445 12"" Street, S.W.
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

Thomas J. Sugrue, Chief *                    James Ball *
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau           International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission            Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                        445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                       Washington, D.C. 20554

Terrence E. Reideler *                       Herbert Zeiler *
International Bureau                         Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission            Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                         445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                       Washington, D.C. 20554

 Jennifer Gilsenan      *                  John I. Riffer *
 Chief, Satellite Policy Branch            Office of General Counsel
Satellite and Radiocommunications          Federal Communications Commission
   Division                                445 12"" Street, SW.
International Bureau                       Washington, DC 20554
Federal Communications Commission

International Transcription Services *    Mark D. Schneider, Sr. Legal Advisor
Federal Communications Commission         Office of Commissioner Ness
445 12"" Street, S.W.                     Federal Communications Commission
Room CY—B402                              445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                      Room 9—B115
                                          Washington, DC 20554

Bryan Tramont, Sr. Legal Advisor *        James Schlichting, Deputy Chief *
Office of Commissioner Furtchtgott—Roth   Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission         Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                     445 12" Street, S.W.
Room 8—A302                               Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554

Peter A. Tenhula, Sr. Legal Advisor *     Adam D. Krinsky, Legal Advisor *
Office of Chairman Powell                 Office of Commissioner Tristani
Federal Communications Commission         Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                      445 12" Street, S.W.
Room 8—A204                               Room 8—C302
Washington, DC 20554                      Washington, DC 20554

Bruce Franca, Acting Chief *              Julius P. Knapp, Chief *
Office of Engineering and Technology      Policy and Rules Division
Federal Communications Commission         Office of Engineering and Technology
445 12"" Street, S.W.                     Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                      445 12"" Street, SW.
                                          Room 7—B133
                                          Washington, DC 20554

Kathleen O‘Brien Ham        *             Anna M. Gomez, Deputy Chief *
Deputy Bureau Chief                       International Bureau
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau        Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission         445 12"" Street, S.W.
445 12" Street, S.W.                      Washington, DC 20554
Room 3—C255
Washington, DC 20554

Howard J. Symons                           Douglas I. Brandon
Sara F. Leibman                            David P. Wye
Catherine Carroll                          AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky            1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
  And Popeo, P.C.                          Fourth Floor
701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.                 Washington, D.C. 20036
Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20004
  Counsel for AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.

J.R. Carbonell                              Tara K. Giunta
Carol L. Tacker                             Timothy J. Logue
David G. Richards                           Coudert Brothers
Cingular Wireless LLC                       1627 I Street, N.W.
5565 Glenridge Contour                     Washington, D.C. 20006
Suite 1700                                    Counsel for KITComm Satellite Communications
Atlanta, GA 30342

Robert Walvaren                            Virgil Fernandez
Communications Supervisor                  Fire Marshall
Montrose County                            City of Miami
1200 N. Grand Avenue                       Department of Fire and Rescue
Montrose, CO 81401                         444 S.W. 2"° Avenue
                                           Miami, FL 33130

Peter M. Carlson, CPA
Business Manager
State of Washington
Department of Social and Health Services
11 Youth Camp Lane
Naselle, WA 98638—8600

                                                  um Oe
                                           Maria Chbico
* Via hand delivery

 Gregory C. Staple                        ITS
R. Edward Price                           1231 20‘ Street, N.W.
Vinson & Elkins LLP                       Washington, DC 20054
1455 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
   Counsel for TMI Communications and
   Company, L.P.

Bruce D. Jacobs                           Lon C. Levin
David S. Konczal                          Vice President and
Shaw Pittman                                 Regulatory Counsel
2300 N Street, N.W.                      Motient Services, Inc., and
Washington, D.C. 20037                      Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
  Counsel for Motient Services, Inc.      10802 Parkridge Boulevard
  And Mobile Satellite Ventures          Reston, VA 20191
  Subsidiary LLC

Tom Lindstrom                            Cheryl A. Tritt
Director, Telecom Policies and           Charles Kennedy
   Regulations                           Morrison & Foerster LLP
Ericsson Inc                             2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Office of Public Affairs                 Suite 5000
1634 I Street, N.W., Suite 600           Washington, DC 20006
Washington, DC 20006—4083                   Counsel for New ICO Global Communications
                                           (Holdings) Ltd.

Lawrence H. Williams                     John L. Bartlett
Suzanne Hutchings                        Wiley Rein & Fielding
New ICO Global Communications            1776 K Street, NW.
  (Holdings) Ltd.                        Washington, D.C. 20006—2304
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.             Counsel for Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

John T. Scott, III                       Luisa L. Lancetti
Donald C. Brittingham                    Jay C. Keithlet
Verizon Wireless                         Roger C. Sherman
1300 I Street, N.W., Suite 400W          Sprint Corporation
Washington, D.C. 20005                   401 9°" Street, N.W., Suite 400
                                         Washington, D.C. 20004

Michael F. Altschul                      Helen E. Disenhaus
Senior Vice President, General Counsel   Eliot J. Greenwald
Cellular Telecommunications              Ruth Pritchard—Kelly
   & Internet Association                Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.            3000 K Street, N.W.
Suite 800                                Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036                   Washington, D.C. 20007
                                           Counsel for Deere & Company

Document Created: 2012-01-13 17:23:45
Document Modified: 2012-01-13 17:23:45

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