Attachment Schedule S DOC 60

This document pretains to SAT-APL-20110120-00015 for Amendment of Permitted List App on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Link Parameters                                 Units         346KG7W 461KG7W 1M84G7W 8M25G7W
Uplink Frequency                                GHz               6.050   6.050  6.050   6.050
Downlink Frequency                              GHz              11.830  11.830 11.830  11.830
Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                     kHz               346.0   461.0 1840.0  8250.0
Noise BW (or energy dispersal for TV/FM)        kHz                256    341.3    1365.3   6111.3
Nominal E/S e.i.r.p. per carrier                dBW               48.9     50.6      56.7     63.7
Earth Station Diameter                          m                   3.8     4.5       4.5      9.0
Earth Station Gain                              dBi               45.8     47.2      47.3     53.4
Uplink Input Power per Carrier                  dBW                 3.1     3.4       9.4     10.3
Free Space Loss                                 dB               199.8    199.8     199.8    199.8
G/T Satellite                                   dB/K              -5.0     -5.0      -5.0     -5.0
C/N Thermal Uplink                              dB                18.6     19.1      19.1     19.6
C/I XPOL, ACI, IM, ASI                          dB                14.9     15.3      15.4     15.9
C/(N+I) uplink                                  dB                13.3     13.8      13.9     14.4
Satellite e.i.r.p. per carrier (-5dB contour)   dBW               20.2      21.9     27.9     34.9
Max e.i.r.p. Density                            dBW/4KHz           7.1       7.6      7.5      8.0
Max PFD                                         dBW/m2/4kHz     -155.0    -154.5   -154.6   -154.1
Free Space Loss                                 dB               206.1     206.1    206.1    206.1
Earth Station Diameter                          m                  2.4       3.7      3.7      2.4
Earth Station Gain                              dBi               48.0      51.7     51.7     48.0
Noise Temperature                               kHz              160.0     160.0    160.0    160.0
Earth Station G/T                               dB/K              26.0      29.7     29.7     26.0
C/N Thermal Downlink                            dB                14.6      18.7     18.7     15.5
C/I XPOL, ACI, IM, ASI                          dB                19.2      23.3     23.3     20.1
C/(N+I) downlink                                dB                13.3      17.4     17.4     14.2
Adjacent satellite interference:
uplink input power dens @ 2 deg                 dBW/Hz             -44      -44       -44      -44
downlink eirp dens @ 2 deg                      dBW/Hz             -26      -26       -26      -26
C/I up                                          dB               17.87    18.32     18.40    18.89
C/I dn                                          dB               22.17    26.32     26.30    23.09
Aggregate C/I up                                dB               14.87    15.32     15.40    15.89
Aggregate C/I dn                                dB               19.17    23.32     23.30    20.09
C/(N+I) overall                                 dB                10.3     12.2      12.3     11.3
C/(N+I) required                                dB                 6.0      9.3       9.3      6.9
System Margin                                   dB                 4.3      2.9       3.0      4.4

72M0G7W 36M0F3F
    6.050   6.050
   11.830  11.830
  72000.0 36000.0

   63330    2000.0
     80.7     69.6
      9.0      9.0
     53.2     53.2
     27.5     16.4
    199.8    199.8
     -5.0     -5.0
     26.5     17.8
     22.7     19.1
     21.2     15.4

     44.8     36.2
      7.8     14.2
   -154.3   -147.9
    206.1    206.1
      4.5      5.6
     53.4     54.6
    160.0    160.0
     31.4     32.6
     20.6     15.7
     25.2     22.3
     19.3     14.8

     -44       -49
     -26       -28
   25.74     22.09
   28.24     25.29
   22.74     19.09
   25.24     22.29

    17.2      12.1
    12.7      10.0
     4.5       2.1

Document Created: 2011-01-24 12:43:23
Document Modified: 2011-01-24 12:43:23

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