Attachment Amazonas-2 Amendment

This document pretains to SAT-APL-20101209-00257 for Amendment of Permitted List App on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


AMENDMENT TO IBS FILE NO. SAT-PPL20090806-OOO93 Section 25.114 (d)
Technical Information §14

(14)   A description of the design and operational strategies that will be used to mitigate
       orbital debris including the following information:

       (i)     A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
               limited the amount of debris released in a planned manner during
               normal operations, and has assessed and limited the probability of
               the space station becoming a source of debris by collisions with
               small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of control and
               prevent post-mission disposal;
       (ii)    A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
               limited the probability of accidental explosions during and after
               completion of mission operations. This statement must include a
               demonstration that debris generation will not result from the
               conversion of energy sources on board the spacecraft into energy
               that fragments the spacecraft. Energy sources include chemical,
               pressure, and kinetic energy. This demonstration should address
               whether stored energy will be removed at the spacecraft's end of
               life, by depleting residual fuel and leaving all fuel line valves open,
               venting any pressurized system, leaving all batteries in a
               permanent discharge state, and removing any remaining source of
               stored energy, or through other equivalent procedures specifically
               disclosed in the application;
       (iii)   A statement that the space station operator has assessed and
               limited the probability of the space station becoming a source of
               debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space
               stations. Where a space station will be launched into a low-Earth
               orbit that is identical, or very similar, to an orbit used by other
               space stations, the statement must include an analysis of the
               potential risk of collision and a description of what measures the
               space station operator plans to take to avoid in-orbit collisions. If
               the space station operator is relying on coordination with another
               system, the statement must indicate what steps have been taken
               to contact, and ascertain the likelihood of successful coordination
               of physical operations with, the other system. The statement must
               disclose the accuracy--if any--with which orbital parameters of
               non-geostationary satellite orbit space stations will be maintained,
               including apogee, perigee, inclination, and the right ascension of
               the ascending node(s). In the event that a system is not able to
               maintain orbital tolerances, i.e., it lacks a propulsion system for
               orbital maintenance, that fact should be included in the debris
               mitigation disclosure. Such systems must also indicate the
               anticipated evolution over time of the orbit of the proposed
               satellite or satellites. Where a space station requests the
               assignment of a geostationary-Earth orbit location, it must assess
               whether there are any known satellites located at, or reasonably

               expected to be located at, the requested orbital location, or
               assigned in the vicinity of that location, such that the station
               keeping volumes of the respective satellites might overlap. If so,
               the statement must include a statement as to the identities of
               those parties and the measures that will be taken to prevent
       (iv)    A statement detailing the post-mission disposal plans for the
               space station at end of life, including the quantity of fuel--if any--
               that will be reserved for post-mission disposal maneuvers. For
               geostationary-Earth orbit space stations, the statement must
               disclose the altitude selected for a post-mission disposal orbit and
               the calculations that are used in deriving the disposal altitude. The
               statement must also include a casualty risk assessment if planned
               post-mission disposal involves atmospheric re-entry of the space
               station. In general, an assessment should include an estimate as
               to whether portions of the spacecraft will survive re-entry and
               reach the surface of the Earth, as well as an estimate of the
               resulting probability of human casualty.

(14) Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan

HISPAMAR SATELITES S.A. (hereinafter HISPAMAR SATELITES) is proactive in
ensuring safe operation and disposal of this and all spacecrafts under its control. The four
elements of debris mitigation are addressed below:

       (i) Spacecraft Hardware Design

The spacecraft is designed such that no debris will be released during normal operations.
HISPAMAR SATELITES has assessed the probability of collision with meteoroids and
other small debris (<1 cm diameter) and has taken the following steps to limit the effects of
such collisions: (1) critical spacecraft components are located inside the protective body of
the spacecraft and properly shielded; and (2) all spacecraft subsystems have redundant
components to ensure no single-point failures. The spacecraft does not use any subsystems for
end-of-life disposal that are not used for normal operations.

       (ii) Minimizing Accidental Explosions

HISPAMAR SATELITES has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during and
after completion of mission operations. The spacecraft is designed in manner to minimize the
potential for such explosions. Propellant tanks and thrusters are isolated using redundant
valves and electrical power systems are shielded in accordance with standard industry
practices. At the completion of the mission, upon disposal of the spacecraft andaccording to
the manufacturer, EADS Astrium, the E3000 design allows removing the chemical stored energy
by depleting the chemical propulsion tanks. Albeit the E3000 design does not allow to completely
depressurize the pressurant tank, however, the remaining pressure (30 bars) is far below the burst
pressure (625 bars); in addition, the pressurant tank is located inside the central cylinder, well
protected from external impact. Further, the E3000 design allows removal of the electrical stored
energy by discharging the batteries and actuating the batteries bypasses. EADS concludes that with
such conditions the FCC concerns and objectives are met.

The mass of any sealed pressurant that will be left in the Amazonas-2 at the end of life and the volume
in which that mass is contained will be

                                    Mass in                  Volume
                              Pressurant Tank (kg)            (m^3)
                                     1.258                     0.18

        (iii) Safe Flight Profiles

HISPAMAR SATELITES has assessed and limited the probability of the space station
becoming a source of debris as a result of collisions with large debris or other operational
space stations.

The proposed orbital location for AMAZONAS 2 is 61° W.L. same as AMAZONAS 1.
AMAZONAS 2 will be maintained on the geostationary orbit within a window of less than
0.1° in North South and East West. It will be co-located with AMAZONAS 1, also owned by
HISPAMAR SATELITES. The co-location strategy will be based on separation in
eccentricity and inclination in such a way than when separation in inclination is minimum,
eccentricity is maximum and vice versa.

HISPAMAR SATELITES is not aware of any other FCC licensed system, or any other
system applied for and under consideration by the FCC, having an overlapping station
keeping volume with AMAZONAS-2. HISPAMAR SATELITES is also not aware of any
system with an overlapping station keeping volume with AMAZONAS-2 that is the subject
of an ITU filing and that is either in orbit or progressing towards launch.

        (iv) Post Mission Disposal

At the end of the mission, HISPAMAR SATELITES will dispose of the spacecraft by
moving it to a minimum altitude of 415 kilometers above the geostationary arc. This exceeds
the minimum altitude established by the IADC formula.

HISPAMAR SATELITES has reserved 16.5 kilograms of fuel for this purpose. There
served fuel figure was determined by the spacecraft manufacturer and provided for in the
propellant budget. To calculate this figure, the “rocket equation” was used, taking into
account the expected mass of the satellite at the end of life and the required delta-velocity to
achieve the desired orbit. The fuel gauging uncertainty has been taken into account in these

In calculating the disposal orbit, HISPAMAR SATELITES has used simplifying
assumptions as permitted under the Commission’s Orbital Debris Report and Order. For
reference, the effective area to mass ratio (Cr*A/M) of the AMAZONAS-2 spacecraft is
0.0404 m2/kg, resulting in a minimum perigee disposal altitude under the IADC formula of at
most 275.4 kilometers above the geostationary arc, which is lower than the 415 kilometers
above geostationary disposal altitude specified by HISPAMAR SATELITES in this filing.

Accordingly, the AMAZONAS-2 planned disposal orbit complies with the FCC’s rules.

Document Created: 2010-12-10 08:05:04
Document Modified: 2010-12-10 08:05:04

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