Ligado Ex Parte Lett


Ex Parte Letter


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20180531-00045 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                          3C SYSTEMS COMPANY
                                             Design, Development, Analysis, & Regulation of Communications Systems

Mark A. Sturza                                                                                                       16161 Ventura Blvd., C-815
+1 818 907 1302                                                                                                          Encino, CA 91436, USA
+1 818 907 1357 (fax)                                                                                            

                   6 July 2018

                   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                   Federal Communications Commission
                   445 12th Street, S.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                              RE: Amendment to License Modification Applications IBFS File Nos. SES-MOD-20151231-
                                  00981, SAT-MOD-20151231-00090, and SAT-MOD-20151231-00091, IB Docket No.

                   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   I have reviewed the DoT GPS ABC Assessment in light of Ligado’s May 2018 Modification
                   Applications Amendment. Based on my over 40 years’ experience with GPS, review of the
                   Modification Applications Amendment, review of the DoT GPS ABC Assessment, familiarity with
                   the NASCTN report 1, participation in the Roberson and Associates study, and participation in the
                   IWG, my opinion is that operation of the Ligado system in compliance with the Modification
                   Application Amendment will not result in harmful interference to space-based receivers or
                   certified aviation receivers.


                   I have over 40 years’ experience in the design, development, analysis, and application of GPS
                   systems. I graduated from Caltech with a BS in Applied Mathematics in 1977 and hold a graduate
                   degree from USC, I spent the first part of my career at Teledyne and Magnavox. In the early to
                   mid-80’s, as Director GPS Development, I led Litton Aero Products GPS efforts leading to
                   development of the LTN-700, LTN-710, and µNAV GPS Navigation Systems, and the codeless L2
                   signal-processing technique incorporated in Western Atlas Aero Service's GPS survey set (MINI-
                   MAC). In the late 80’s, I joined Litton Guidance and Control Systems. I founded my consulting
                   company, 3C Systems Company, in 1989, with which I have worked on a range of complex GPS
                   matters, and since 2009 I have advised Ligado, and its predecessor companies, on GPS issues.

                   In addition, I hold thirty US patents in GPS and related fields, nine of which specifically cover GPS
                   technology. I have several additional patents pending. I have presented over 30 technical papers,
                   21 of which focused on GPS technology. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Senior Member of
                   the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and am a member of the Institute of

                       NASCTN, NIST Technical Note 1952, LTE Impacts on GPS Final Report, February 2017.

Navigation, the Pacific Telecommunications Council, and the Society of Satellite Professionals
International. I hold a General Radiotelephone Operator License from the FCC.

Review of DoT GPS ABC Assessment

Having reviewed the DoT GPS ABC Assessment, I am of the opinion that operating the Ligado
system in conformance with the Modification Application Amendment will not result in harmful
interference to space-based receivers or certified aviation receivers.

To form this conclusion, I reviewed the following documents:

    •   Amendment to License Modification Applications IBFS File Nos. SES-MOD-20151231-
        00981, SAT-MOD-20151231-00090, and SAT-MOD-20151231-00091, IB Docket No. 11-
        109, 31 May 2018.
    •   United States Department of Transportation Global Positioning System (GPS) Adjacent
        Band Compatibility Assessment, Final Report, December 2017, including all appendices.
I also developed a simulation program to verify the NASA simulation results reported in Section
4.2 and Appendix K of the assessment.

In the Modification Application Amendment, Ligado proposes to:

    1. Limit ATC base stations operating in the Lower Downlink Band to a maximum 9.8 dBW
       EIRP with a +/- 45-degree cross-polarized base station antenna
    2. Prohibit any ATC base station antenna in the Lower Downlink Band from operating at a
       location less than 250 feet laterally or less than 30 feet below an obstacle clearance
       surface established by the FAA
    3. Comply with the reporting, notification and monitoring obligations set forth in Exhibit 1 to
       the amendment
The DoT GPS ABC assessment took the approach of determining interference tolerance masks
(ITMs) or tolerable interference levels. “The ITM defines, for a given frequency, the maximum
power allowed to ensure the tested GPS/GNSS receiver did not experience more than a 1 dB
reduction in carrier-to-noise density ratio (CNR) for various categories of GPS/GNSS receivers.” 2
In my opinion this analysis does not address the question the FCC must answer: whether GPS
devices will experience harmful interference. Instead, it uses an overly restrictive criteria for
determining adjacent band operating levels. 3

As a general matter, it is worth noting that statements like “[when the] receiver exceeds a 1 dB
signal-to-noise density (C/N0) interference protection criteria … the behavior of the GPS/GNSS
receiver can become unpredictable in its ability to meet the accuracy, availability, and integrity
requirements of its intended application and a receiver in a mobile application may not be able to
reacquire GPS positioning …” 4 and “… the total unwanted N0 + I0 level is now 25% higher which is
highly significant to system designers” 5 are misleading at best. If GPS/GNSS receivers became
unpredictable when experiencing a 1 dB drop in C/N0 (or equivalently 25% higher N0 + I0 level),

  Page 18.
  See Mark A. Sturza, White Paper, “Changes in C/N0 Are Not a Reliable Indicator of KPI Impact” at 3,
attached as Attachment B, attached to Reply Comments of Ligado Networks, IB Docket No. 11-109 (June 6,
  Page IV.
  Page 45.

there would be no GPS industry because fluctuations of 1 dB in C/N0 happen so frequently with
GPS devices that they are simply assumed as a given. 6

Space-Based Receivers

Table ES-2 of the report 7 shows the maximum tolerable power levels of space-based receivers
used for performing scientific measurements. For up to 184,500 ATC macro base stations, an 11
dBW EIRP is tolerable, and for a combination of 102,841 macro and micro base stations, a 12 dBW
EIRP is tolerable. This is confirmed by the statement in Section 4.2 that “For the most challenging
model (1c), using 184,500 macro cell stations, the tolerable EIRP is 11 dBW.” 8 It is my
understanding that Ligado plans to deploy far fewer than 100,000 ATC base stations, and with the
9.8 dBW EIRP restriction in the amendment, it is clear that the Ligado network will not cause
harmful interference to space-based receivers.

I performed an analysis of the tolerable number of ATC base stations operating in US cities at 10
dBW EIRP, based on the information contained in the DoT GPS ABC Assessment report. The
following table shows the tolerable number of macro base stations operating at the 10 dBW limit
that could be deployed in the United States. Four cases are considered, including the unrealistic
0° elevation mask compared to the 5° mask modeling real-world blockage, and 50% of the base
stations transmitting simultaneously versus 100%.

           Tolerable Number of ATC Base Stations in US Cites Operating at 10 dBW EIRP 9

                                                                    5° Elevation Mask
                                                0° Elevation Mask (real-world blockage)
                  50% of Base Stations
                                                     232,272                 583,440
              Transmitting Simultaneously
                 100% of Base Stations
                                                     116,136                 291,720
              Transmitting Simultaneously

Under any foreseeable deployment scenario, Ligado’s ATC network will not cause harmful
interference to NASA’s RO missions.

Certified Aviation Receivers

The report tells us that “These analyses indicate that protection of certified avionics, operating
under the assumption of the described 250-foot (76.2-m) radius assessment zone, requires that
the Ground Station transmission EIRP not exceed 9.8 dBW (cross-polarized) at 1531 MHz. This
limit is obtained from the HTAWS scenario which was found to be the most restrictive of the
scenarios examined.” 10 As the amendment limits ATC base station EIRP to 9.8 dBW outside of the
250-foot radius assessment zone, it is clear that Ligado will not cause harmful interference to
certified aviation receivers.

  Data from both the RAA and NASCTN show that that C/N0 fluctuates by 3 dB in a “natural state” —
meaning even without any wireless signals.
  Page VI.
  Page 116.
  To put this number in context, the two largest wireless carriers, AT&T and Verizon, today have 67,000 and
58,300 respectively.
   Page 153.

Document Created: 2018-08-14 17:47:57
Document Modified: 2018-08-14 17:47:57

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