Garmin International

LETTER submitted by Garmin International, Inc.

Garmin International Letter (7-17-2018)


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20180531-00045 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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July 17, 2018
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

                Re:   Amendment to Ligado Modificd Applications, TB Docket Nos. 11—109
                      and 12—340; TBES File Nos, SAT—MOD—20120928—00160; SAT MOD—

Dear Ms. Dontch:

       On behalfofGarmin International, Inc.1 subsnit the aftached lettr forthe record in the
above—requested dockets and files
         Pursuant to Seetion 1.1206(bY2) of the Commission‘s rules, an electronic copy ofthis
fetter is being filed for inclusion in each of the above—zeferenced dockets/fles. If you have any
questions about this filing, please contact me.

                                                  Veryfily yours,

                                                 M. Anne Swan

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July 16, 2018

via Haxp prtivery
Gorard J. Waldron
Covington & Burling LLP
One CityCenter
850 Tenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001—4956

             Re:   Amendment io Ligado Modified Applications, JB Docket Nos. 11—109 and
                   12—340; IBES File    SAT—MOD—20720928—00160; SAT—MOD—
                   20120928—00161; SAT—MOD—20101118—00239; SES—MOD—20121001—
                   00872; SAT—AMD—20180531—00044; $AT—AMD—20180%

Dear Geny:

        As the FCC‘s    electronic system shows, on Tuly 9, 2018, Garmin Interational, nc. ied
comments in the above—referenced FCC electronic dockets and files. Out of an abundance of
caution, we are also providing youwith a hand—delivered copyof these comments
       Please let us know if you have any questions.


                                                M. Anne Swanson


                                   Before the
                                  Washington, DC 20554

Tn the Mater of                                )      18 DocketNo. 12340
LightSquared Request to Modify Its ATC         )      IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20120028—
Authorization                                  )      00160; SAT—MOD—20120928—00161;
                                               )      SAT—MOD—20101118—00239; SEs—MOD—
                                               )      20121001—00872; SaT—AMD—20180531—
                                               )      0004é; SAT—AMD—20180531—00045

LightSquared Technical Working Group
                                               ;)     1B Docket No. 11—109
Report                                         )

                  CcommMENTS             ARM                 TIONAL NC

                                           GARMIN INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                    M. Anne Swanson


                                                    Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                                                    1800 M Street, NW, Suite 800N
                                                    Washington, DC 20036

                                                    Jis Attorneys

Dated: July 9, 2018

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

L     INTRODUCTION                                                  2
      REMAIN UNADDRESSED ..                                        6
      FOR ASSESSING INTERFERENCE                                  «$
      CONCLUSION..                                                L13

       Garmin does not oppose the Ligndo Modification Applications and recently filed
Amendment, consistent with its settlement agreement with Ligedo.
       The aviation—related changes in the Amendment represent a positive advance on these
issues. Ligndo‘s proposed adoption ofa9.8 dBW power level, as suggested recently by the U.S.
Department of Transportation, is a frst step toward protecting eertifedaviation GPS devices. The

proposal, however, does need to be accompanied with consideration and commitments regarding
corollary restrctions on the spacing of towers/transmitters, as well as regarding certain antenna
parameters — such as height, downti, and polarization.

       Dcereasing the power of individual ancillary terrestrial component base stations is only
effective in lowering aggregate power levelsifsite spacing or tower density remains consistent
with assumptions made in the original analysis. Antenna height, downtit, and polarization are
also critical variables in any power calculation. Veriations from the Depertment of
Transportation‘s assumptions must be considered in evaluation of a power level proposal.
Without consideration and commitments regarding these issues, protection of Garmin‘s certified
aviation GPS devices is not assured.

       The effect of Ligedo‘s proposals also needs to be considered with respect to helicopter
operators‘ reliance on certified aviation GPS devices. Maximizing public availability of
information about Ligndo‘s proposed ‘standoff cylinders‘" is parsmount to ensure safe
implementation with respect to certified aviation GPS devices.
       Garmin respects the PAA‘s jursdiction and expertise regarding certified aviation issues,
and grant of Ligado‘s Modified Applications and Amendment should be preceded by explicit

FAA determination and acknowledgement that operationof the proposed network is compatible
with certified aviation devices.
       Finally, Garmin remains a strong supporter of application of a 1 dB decrease in a GPS
deviee‘s carrier—to—noise density ratio ("C/N»") (the "1 dB Standard®) as a threshold determinant
of harmfulinterference to the device‘s operations. Use of any elternative measure based on only
user experience will failto consider the vast number of devices, uses, and environments in which
GPS devices are deployed. The 1 d Standard is very relevant and appropriate to this
proceeding because the design changes ongoing at Garmin in comection with the settlement
agreementitself are based on ensuring thatits GPS products are not degraded by more than 1 dB
C/No in the presence of Ligndo signals. Garmin agreed not to oppose the Ligado Modification
Applications precisely because, speaking only for Garmin‘s devices, the technical parameters to
which it agreed in the Settlement Agreement were based on its own testing using the 1 dB

       The 1 dB Stendard is also relevant to Garmin‘s certified aviation devices. As discussed
in these comments, t receiver‘s C/Nlink budget, used in the Radio Frequency Interference
analysis that underpins receiver performance standards, at imes has less than 1 dB ofmargin.
As also discussed, these considerations are relevant as well to ensuring certified avistion devices‘
ability to process information from GPS augmentation systems.

       GPS manufacturers in the U.S. need a consistent, universal, and quantifable metrc to
incorporate into their product designs and testing. Absent that, futuro product development,
innovation, and the country‘s GPS and GNSS technology lead will be adversely affected. The
1 dB Standard is vitel to ensure such continued development and to ensure U.3. devices are
interationally compatible and competitive.

                                   Before the
                                     Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
LightSquared Request to Modify Its ATC           )      1B DocketNo. 12340
Authorization                                    )
                                                 )      IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20120928—
                                                 )      60160; SAT—MOD—20120928—00161;
                                                 )      SAT—MOD—20101118—00230; SES—MOD—
                                                 )      20121001—00872; SAT—AMD—20180531—
                                                 )      00044;SAT—AVMD.20igos31—00048
LightSquared Technical Working Group             )      1B DocketNo. 11—109
Report                                           )


         Garmzin Intemational, Inc. (*Garmin") files these comments in response to Ligado
Networks LLC‘s ("Ligado‘s") amended applications for modification of ts Mobile Satellite
Service (*MSS") licenses." As discussed in detail below, Garmin submits these comments to
supplement the record on two points; () consideration of recommendations from aviation
regulatory parties and aviation stakeholders related to contined safe operation ofGarmin‘s
certified avietion products; and (i} use of a 1 dB3 decrease in the Carier—to—Noise Power Density
Ratio (°C/N,") as a metric to measure interference to an affected GPS receiver (the "I dB
Standard"). In processing the Modification Applications and Amendment, it is important that the
FCC take both points into account.
‘ See Applications of LightSquared Subsidiary LLC, Narative, IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—
20151231—00000, SAT—MOD—20151231—00091, and SE8—MOD—20151231—00081
(*Modification Applications"); Ligado Networks LLC Amendment License Modification
Applications, IBFS File Nos. SAT—AMD—20180531—00044 and SAT—AMD—20180531—00045
(*Amendment®), See also FCC, Satellite Policy Branch Information, Space Station Applications
Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No. SAT—O1321, at1 (rel. June 8, 2018). In these
comments, Garmin uses the term "Ligado" to refer to Ligada‘s predecessors

       Garmin, along with ts afflistes, is leading, worldwide provider of navigation
exquipment, committed to making superior products for automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor,
fitness, and sports uses that are an essential part of its customers‘ lives. Gatmin has a long

history of innovation and of working with the Pederal Communications Commission("PCC" or

"Commission‘), other agencies, and communications and navigation stakeholders on vita issues
concerning spectrum use.
       Since its founding almost 30 years ago, Germin has evolved into a leading, worldwide
provider of certified aviation devices, almost all of which are enabled by Global Positioning

System ("GPS") technology. Garmin‘s broad, overall product portfolio serves a wide range of
customers and brings critieal safety—oflife applications to the global macketplace.
       Garmin has long supported the development of newbroadband services in this country;it
believes, however, that broadband deployment generally should not come at the expense ofharm
to the nation‘s well—functioning, innovative, and economically important GPS service. With

respect to the particuler service pat forward by Ligedo, Garmin entered into a settlement
agreement with Ligado in which Garmin agreed not to object to Ligndo‘s proposals regarding
Garmin‘s non—certified aviation and general location/navigation lines of business as long as

certaintechnical parameters were met." At the same time, Garmin reserved the right to comment

on issues related to certified aviation devices." n addition, Garmin and Ligado id not reach en

agreement about whether the 1 dB Standard was an appropriate metric to use to evaluate
* See Settlement Agreement and Releases, by and between Garmin International, I. and New
LightSquared LLC and LightSquared Subsidiary LLC, t Paragraphs 9(2) & 10(2)(dated Dec.
16, 2015) ("Seitlement Agreement"),atlache to Letter from Gerard J. Waldron to Marlene H.
Dortch, IB Docket Nos. 12—340 er al. (iled Dec. 17, 2015).
* Settlement Agreement at Paragraphs 7(d) & 9(0).

interference, and Garmin continues to participate actively in discussions ofthe issue.* Finally,
the parties to the settlement agreed that Garmin‘s execution ofthe agreement did not constitute
an endorsement by Garmin of Ligado‘s proposal, and Ligado greed not to make any statement
or representation to that effect." Garmin‘s agreement with Ligedo addresses its own GPS

devices and does not speak to protection for all GPS devices.
       The aviation industry overall has been one of the primary beneficiaries of the
development of GPS, and the FOC must vigilantly continue to consider concems regarding the
potential impact of Ligedo‘s proposed service on certified aviation devices. Given the
essentiality of GPS for aviation, where safety—of—life is ofparemount concern, certified aviation
devices must continue to operate on an interference—free basis. As Ligado has recognized,
evaluation ofany interference must be based upon technical determinations by aviation safety
experts at the Federal Aviation Administration (*PAA") and RTCA, Inc. Their expertise will
help ensure interference—free operation.
       Ligado‘s latest filing proposes several aviation—related changes o its proposals and
represents a positive advance on these issues." Specifically, Ligado suggests the following three

changes: () lowering the power level ofis ancillary terrestrial component (*ATC®) base stations

operating in the 1526—1536 MHz band to 9.8 dBW (10 W) with a +/45 degree cross—polarized

* Id at Paragraph 6().
5 1d. at Paregraph12.
* See Letter from Gerard J. Waldron er al. to Marlene I1. Dortch, IB Docket No. 11—109 er at,
(filed May 31, 2018), with atteched Amendment.

base station antenna; (ii) prohibiting any Ligado ATC base station anterna in this band from
operating at a location less than 250 feet laterally or less than 30 fect below an obstacle clearance
surface established by the FAA; and (ii) requiring Ligado to comply with reporting, notification,
and monitoring obligations discussed in the Amendment."
        Ligado‘s proposed adoption ofthe 9.8 dBW power limit follows a recent
recommendation to that effect put forward by the U.. Department of Transportation in its "Final

Report"issued after a multi—year "GPS Adjacent Band Compatibilty Assessment."" This
decrease in power is a first step toward protecting certified aviation receivers; however, such a
step by itself,absent consideration and commitments regarding corollary restrietions on the

spacing of towers and trunsmiters — inter—sit distances ("ISD‘s") between such lacations —is
insufficient to protect Garmin‘s certified aviation receivers. Similarly, without consideration and
commitments regarding antenna parameters —such as height, downtlt, and polasization —
protection of Garmin‘s certified aviation receivers is not assured."
       Fizst, decreasing the power of individual ATC base stations, as Ligado has proposed, is
only effective in lowering uggregate power levels ifsite spacing or tower density remins

consistent with assurmptions made in the original analysis."" Changes in cell site density
necessitate compensating adjustments in power levels. For instance, if tower density were to

* 1d. at 1—2 & Amendment.
* U.S. Department of Transportation, Globaf Positioning System (GPS) Adjacent Band
Compatibility Assessment, Final Repot, at VI, 149 (Apr. 2018) (DOT/ABC Final Report"),
https://www transportationgov/sites/dot gov/files/does!subdoc!86/dot—gps—adacent—bandfinal—
* As the DOT/ARC Final Report notes, the 9.8 dBWpower level it recommended is highly
dependent upon and sensitive to these antenna parameters. 74. at 148.
‘* DOT assumed ATC base stations arranged in a hexagonal grid formation with 433 meter and
693 meter ISDs. /. at Tables 5—5 & 5—9; 192—153.

increase beyond the level assumed in the DOT/ABC Final Report without sny compensating
adjustment to the power level, certified aviationdevices would likely experience harmful
       Second, antenna height and antenna downtilt are critical variables in any power
calculation, and variations from DOTFAA assumptions must be considered in evaluation of a
power level restriction. Ligado‘s publicly discussed proposals for it network include providing
communications and data connectivity for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs") or drones.""

Tilting or tuming antennas skyward to provide such comnectivity for UAVs would likely cause
harmful interference to certified aviation devices, without compensating changes, and must be
taken into account in evaluating the Modification Applications and Amendment. Accordingly,
FAA—senctioned limits should be captured explicitly in PCC processing of the Modification
Applications and Amendment
       In like manner, the polarization of transmitted signals must be expliciy addressed in
evaluation ofproposed power levels. Ligado‘s Amendment is insufficiently specific with respect
to the issue ofpolarization. For instance, if its ATC base stations will only be cross—polarized at
the degreo specified in the Amendment, it needs to commit to that on the record. The 9.8 dBW
power level recommended by the DOT/ABC Final Report only pertains to an analysis utlizing
eross—polarized signals.!". Because ofthe greater sensitivity of certified aviation devices to

"‘ John Crof, LightSquared Successor Fuses Space and Ground Networks for UAS, Aviation
Week (Ape. 18, 2017), hitp=/—serospace/lightsquered—successor—
fuses—space—and—ground—networks—uas; see also Press Relcase, Ligndo Networks, Remarks of
Ligado Networks CEO Doug Smith at Politico Live "Spectrin, Innovation, and Infrastructure in
the Trump Era," (June 15, 2017), bitps:/—ligado—networks—ceo—dous
" DOT/ABC Final Report at 149. As the DOT/ABC Final Report itsclf recommends, "a
requirement for cross—polarization emissions from the base stations must be captured in any

vertical polarization, Ligado needs to be explicit about ts plans with respect to polarization, so
power levels can be assessed accurately.
       Various parties have raised concorns, in perticuler, about the effect of Ligndo‘s proposed
ATC base stations on the sefety of helicopter operations that rely upon certified aviation devices
for navigational guidance."" In the Amendment, Ligado assumes aireraft will be 250 fect from
one of its ATC base stations — a "standoff eylinder® of that redius."* Yet, elicopter operators

have raised concems about their ability, when operating near such proposed standofeylinders,
to rely on GPS—based navigation and GPS—enabled capabilitis for obstacleAertmin avoidance and

position reporting with other air bound operations.""

Hieense application or issuance. A vertical polarization (only) based limit must be significantly
lower than 9.8 dBW." 14
" See, eg., Letter from Capt. Tim Canoll, President, Air Line Pilots Association,Interational
(CALPA®), er Daniel K. Elwel, IB Docket Nos. 12—340 eral, at 2 (filed June 18, 2018)
("Aviation Parties‘ June 2018 Letter®) (The leter was filed on behalfofALPA, AirbornePublic
Snfety Association, Aireraft Owners and Pilots Association, Airlines for America, Association of
Air Medical Services, Helicopter Association International, Helicopter Safety Advisory
Conference, National Agricultural Aviation Association, Nationa! Business Aviation
Association, National EMS Pilots Association, and Professional Helicapter Pilats Association};
Letter from Edward A. YorkgitisJ., Counse! for Avistion Spectrum Resources, Inc. ("ASRI®),
to Marlene H. Dortch, 1B Docket Nos. 12—340 er al, at 2:3 & Attachment B (filed June 20, 2017)
(*ASRI June 20, 2017 Leter®) (The letter reflected participation also by Airlines for America,
Helicopter Association International, and Acrospace Industries Association)
"* Amendment at 1—3.
‘* Aviation Partics‘ June 2018 Letter at 2; RTCA, Inc., "Operational Review of Ligado Networks
Proposal for Standaff Cylinders (Approved by the Tactical Operation Committee December
2016)," Dee. 2016 (‘RTCA TOC Report®), at , available at hltpsorodche.rtea.ore.373elwb!
blackmesh.comsites/defaultfiles/to_dec 2016 summary,pf ("Attachment 4*); ASRI June 20,
2017 Letter at 23.

       These concerns about aviation safety arise for a number ofreasons. First, there currently
is no codified aviation prohibition on rotorwing aireraft eatering such standoffcylinders.""
Second, contrary to support for the concept in RTCA participants‘ review of Ligado‘s proposls,
there is noindication that information on the location of Ligndo‘s ATC base station towers and
their related standoff cylinders wl be made publicly available."" As aviation parties have
recommended, "if such information is provided in a database to the operational community, and
the obstacle data was {sic} incorporated into equipment performing TAWS/ETAWS function,
this would begin to help ensure safery.""*   Without publicly available information, a large
question remains as to how helicopter pilots using certified aviation equipment will know
whether or not they are operating within a standoff cylinder."
       On the other hand, making standoTcylinders part ofthe FAA‘s Digital Obstacle File
database or other publicly available sources would go a long way to support compliance with
flight planning requirements, help operators avoid standoff oylinders, and reduce the potential for
inadvertent flights across or io cylinders with the attendant possibility of fight accidents.""

"* See, e., 14 C.F.R § 91.119, setting forth a helicopter exemption related to minimum safe
altitdes, which relies on publicly available FAA information and parameters in the rule,but
makes no reference to standards uin to Ligado‘s proposal.
*‘ Exhibit 1 to the Amendment provides for base station data to be submitted to the FCC and
FAA with public aveilability oft information allowed only through the FCC‘s codified
confidentialty procedures, which permit very limited access to confidential information
"* RTCA TOC Report at 6.
1.        tors remain concemed that 10,000 —20,000 StendoffCylinders may be in the (National
Airspace System] and pilots may not know where they are. There is interest in understanding
how operators may know where these eylinders are, and operators should be engaged to provide
input into how this information would be made available to aviation stakeholders." Id
®" See FAA, Digital Obstacle Pile (DOF), httpsowww trafficilightinfofaeronav
(digital products/daf! (last visited July 9, 2018), which includes the following description: ("The
Digital Obstacle Pile (updated every56 days) describes all known obstacles ofinterest to

Meximizing publicly available information is paramount because, asthe DOT/ABC Final Report
noted, avi   jon community concemns include the possibility that, even with full public access,
"piot workload, confusion, or error could lead to airereft inadvertently entering an assessment
zone [or Standoff Cylinder] and losing needed GPS functionality."*"
       The PCC, working closcly with the FAA, needs to focus on, and exhaustively review,
these safety—related concerns. Not only did the DOT/ABC Final Report catalog them, but, as
recently as several weeks ago, large number of aviation industry stakebolders, having had an
opportunity to review the DOT/ABC Final Report and Ligndo‘s latest            z. concluded that "the

concems and safety issues of the industry have NOT been addressed.""" Similarly, the
DOT/ABC Final Report itselfacknowledged that "[{Jhe FAA has not completed an exhaustive
evaluation ofthe operational seenarios in developing the assessment zone(s]" or standoff
eylinders."" n addition, the Report noted that "the current analyses do not include an operational

avistion users in the United Stetes, with limited coverage of the Pacific, the Caribbean, Canade,
and Mexico....")

        FAA helicopter air ambulance flight planning regulations require considezation oftermin
and obstacles, and similar steps could be taken with regard to this information to ensure aviation
safety. See 14 C.RR § 135.615(a), which with respect to visual fight miles (°VER®) flight
planning provides for a number ofrequirements, including the following: ~Prior to conducting
VER operations, the pilot in command must (1) Determine the minimum safe cruise altitude by
evalusting the terrain and obstacles along the planned route of fight;(2) dentify and document
the highest obstacle along the planned route of flight."
"" DOT/ABC Final Report at VII.‘The DOT/ABC Final Report summarized the following
additional concemns regarding stindoff cylinders: "technical and human factors issucs associated
with re—initialization of GPS after loss of the signal or when the signal reception is intermittent;
workload and human factors impacts on pilots to monitor and track assessment zone locations;
... and impacts to onboard and ground systems that are dependent upon GPS, such as Automatio
Dependent Surveillance (ADS) Broadcast/Contract (B/C), or fixed—wing and helioopter terrain
awareness warning system including obstacle alerting."14
** Aviation Partics‘ June 2018 Leter at2.
® DOT/ABC Final Report at VIL

assessment ofthe impact ofthe assessment zone{s} in densely populated arees, which may
present edditional variables, including the risk posed to people and property for operations such
as UAS using certified avionies which may be required to operate within the assessment zone.""*
       Garmin respects the PAA‘sjurisdiction and expertise regarding certified aviation issues
and related safety concerns and reiterates that grant of Ligado‘s Modified Applications and
Amendment should be preceded by explicit FAA determination and acknowledgement that
aperation of the propased network is compatible with certified aviation devices.


       In its Amendment, Ligado again criticizes the use ofa standard metric—a 1 dB decrease
in a GPS device‘s carrier—to—noise—density rati ("C/N,") (the "I dB Standard") — as a threshold
determinant of harmful interference to a GPS receiver‘s operation.""

       Ligado‘s position overlooks the eritical differences between navigation and
communication systems and the underlying engineering concepts that gover their operation. As
Garmin has documented extensively in the record, the 1 dB Standard is the long—established and
appropriate determinant of hermiul interference to GPS and other Redio Navigation Satelite
Service ("RNSS®) receivers. As Garmin also recently highlighted, this is the case whether the
1 dB Standard is applied to out—ofband emissions (*OOBE")that emanate from services in
adjecent bands but fall within the RNSS band or overload intererence that emanates from
services in adjacent bands and overpowers receivers in the RNSS band."" This metric is the

* Amendment at n.9.
* Letter from M. Anne Swanson to Marlene H. Dortch, IB Docket Nos, 11—109 er af, at 2.3 (Rled
May 16, 2018) ("Garmin May2018 Letter®), efring U.S. Air Porce, SMC/GP (GPS Directorate),
Background Paper on Use of1—dB decrease in C/Nig as GPS Interference Protection Criterion, at

appropriate standard for evaluating harmful interference from adjacent band services because it
suecessfully agregates increases in the noise floor from OOBE alongside degradation from
overload interference, and it does so in a manner even more generous than some existing
recommendations cited by the Air Force analysis endorsing use of the 1 dB Standard."" As

Garmin has noted, a holistic approach is a more effective and reasonable regulatory approach to
resolving this isue than a piccemeal regime, which focuses separately on different types of
interference affecting the same devices."*

       As noted above, Garmin‘s Settlement Agreement with Ligedo specifically provides that
the parties did not reach an agreement about whether the 1 dB Standard was an sppropriate
metric to use to evaluate interference. That agreement also provides for specified temporal

periods during which Ligedo will operate its network at reduced power levels to permit time for
the design and development ofhardened receivers that will be able to tolerate interference atthe
levels specified in the Settlement Agroement. The 1 dB Standard is very relevant and
appropriate to this proceeding because that design change, which is ongoing at Garmin,is tself
based on ensuring that its GPS products are not degraded by more than 1 dB C/No n the presence
of Ligado signals. Garmin agreed not to oppose the Ligado Modification Applications precisely
because, speaking only for Garmin‘s devices, the technieal parameters to which it agreed in the
Settlement Agreement were based onits own testing using the 1 dB Standard

2, 6—9 (June 2017), wirw aps gov/spectrum/ABC/1 dB—background—paper.pdf and also citing
Ircary & Karcan Ens., Understanding GPS, Principles and Applications, Section 5.11 .1
(Artech House, Boston, 2nd Ed. 2006)
*" Garmin May 2018 Letter ut 4.
"* Id; see also Letterfrom F. Micheel Swick to Marlene I1. Dortch, 1B Docket Nos, 12—340 er .
at 2—11 (filed July 13, 2017); Comments of Garmin International, nc.,1B Docket Nos, 12—340 er
al. at $—19 (filed May 23, 2016).

       Without use of the universal and objective 1 dB Standard, Garmin‘s testing to cnsure
compliance with the Settlement Agreement would devolve into an administratively unproductive
and ineffective exercise. The same is true for testing interference to GPS devices in other
contexts: without use of the 1 dB Standard, individual and vnique test scenarios would need to be
developed for thousands ofuse cases — whether in automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor, fitness,
or sports applications. The extensive volume of testing required across a host of subjective
measurements of user—experienced "accuracy," when multiplied by the plethora oftest scenatios,
would yield a vast amount ofdata that would simply be adeministratively staggering — and
unlikely to demonstrate any universal trend or establishment of any other reliable metric.
Regulators who reject use of the 1 dB Standard would face a daunting task and likely one that
would prove inconclusive and unproductive in the end.
       Indeed, the volume of data accumulated in the NASCTN testing ofjusta select few
devices, which relied on an approach other than the 1 dB Standard, was extensive."" As Garmin
has previously discussed, these results actually provide direct and indirect support for use ofthe
1 4B metric "direct" support because the NASCTN test data showed a direct correlation
between a 1 dB drop in C/MNo and degradation of the key performance indicators that were
analyzed; "indirect" support by highlighting the extreme complexity olan approach like
NASCTN‘s, which focused only on measuring the effect of interfering signals on selected key
performance indicators of the GPS devices under test""

® William F. Young, er al, ETE Impacts on GPS; Final Test Report, National Advanced
Spectrum and Communications Test Network ("NASCTN®) (Feb. 15, 2017), bttps=npubs—
«nist gou/nistpubsTechnicalNotes/NIST. TN.1952.pdf.
"° Garmin May2018 Letter at 4—5.


       The 1 dB Standard is also relevant to Garmin‘s certified avietion devices, and Ligedo‘s
implication to the contraryin its Amendmentis overly simplistic, There are numerous instances
in which use ofthe 1 dB Standard is very relevant to designing and assessing the performance of
Garmin‘s certified aviation devices.
       The 1 dB Standard is relevant to certiied aviation devices precisely because the
receiver‘s C/No link budget is used in the Radio Frequency Interference analysis that underpins
the receiver performance standards considered by RTCA and the FAA."" For instance, in the
Wide Arca Augmentation System ("WAAS"), there is less than a 1 dB of margin available for
additional interference beyond that which was envisioned in the existing standard."". With
WAAS, Seven small changes in the C/N; ink margin can have significant adverse consequences
on receiver and ultimately navigation system performance."". As litle as "a 0.4 to 0.6 dB
difference in link margin, under certain seenarios, can change the WAAS word error rate by an
order ofmagnitude. Loss of continulty probability is closely tied tothis and certain other key

"‘ The link budget is a foundationa! equation amalgamating all system gains and fosses
(including interference) from the GPS satellite to the receiver. The link budget allows system
designers to ensure sufficient link margin (and safety margin) exists to accommodate the known.
losses the system will encounter (2.g., path loss, interference, etc.).

"" WAAS is a regional space—based augmentation system operated bythe FAA to provide
extremely accurate navigation information for civilaireraf operating throughout North America.
See FAA, Satellite Navigation — Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), hitpsy/wwwfis—
.coulsboutoffice orgfheadquarters._offices/ato/service unitotechops/navservices/enss/wars (last
visited July 9, 2018); see also GPS, Augmentation Systems... Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS), epsgou/systems/auementations (last visited July 9, 2018). (Although
WAAS is "designed primarily for aviation users, WAAS is widely available in receivers used by
other positioning, navigation, and timing communities.").
* RTCA, Inc., Assessment ofRadio Frequency Interference Relevant to the GNSS L1 Prequency
Band, RTCA/DO—235B, prepared by RTCA SC—159, Mar. 13, 2008 at §2.6.3, t 23.

reeciver performance measures (e.g. carrier phase errar).""" Contrary to Ligedo‘s contention, the
1 dStandard is relevant to certified aviation safetyconserns as well
       GPS manufacturers in the U.S. need a consistent, universal, and quantifiable metric to
incorporate into their product designs and testing. Without that, fature product development,
innovation, and the U.S. lead in GPS and other Global Navigation Satellte System (*GNSS®)
technologies will be adversely affected. The 1 dB Standard is vital to ensure such continued
development and to ensure U.S. devices are internationally compatible and competiive.
v.     concuusion
       Garmin does not object to the Modification Applications and Amendment, consistent
with the terms of its Settlement Agreement, which permititto make comments on issues related
to certified aviation devices and the 1 dB Standard. Garmin respectfully requests that these
comments be taken into account as the FCC reviews the Modification Applications and
                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                             GARMIN INTERNATIONAL, NC.

                                             By _ Mfifi__\
                                                  M. Anne Swanson


                                                  Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                                                  1800 M Street, NW, Suite 800N
                                                  Washington, DC 20036

                                                     Ts Attorneys
Dated: July 9, 2018
" 14


Document Created: 2018-07-17 17:30:13
Document Modified: 2018-07-17 17:30:13

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