Attachment Question 36

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20170908-00128 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           EXHIBIT 1

                              Other Licenses and Applications
                           Response to FCC Form 312, Question 36

         On July 26, 2011, the FCC declared null and void an authorization of EchoStar
Corporation, the parent company of Hughes Network Systems, LLC (together with their
affiliates, “EchoStar”), to construct, launch, and operate a new Direct Broadcast Satellite at 86.5°
W.L. for failure to meet the critical design review milestone, and rejected EchoStar’s request to
modify its 86.5° W.L. authorization to allow the in-orbit EchoStar 8 satellite to provide service
from that orbital location.1

       The FCC also has denied a few of EchoStar’s applications for initial license or

       The FCC has dismissed, but not denied on the merits, a few of EchoStar’s license
applications without prejudice to refiling.3

    See EchoStar Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 26 FCC Rcd 10442 (IB 2011).
  See Satellite Communications Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Public Notice, Rpt. No.
SES-00847 at 27 (IB rel. Aug. 16, 2006) (denying request for extension of construction
milestones regarding File Nos. SES-MOD-20060404-00560 and SES-MOD-20060404-00561);
EchoStar Satellite LLC, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 7846 (IB Sat. Div. 2004)
(denying applications to launch and operate four geostationary satellites because of interference
concerns); EchoStar Satellite LLC, Order, 20 FCC Rcd 12027 (IB Sat. Div. 2005); EchoStar
Satellite Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 17 FCC Rcd 8831 (IB Sat. Div. 2002)
(denying request to extend construction milestone dates); EchoStar Satellite Corp.,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 14300 (IB 2001).
  See, e.g., Letter from Robert G. Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, to Pantelis Michalopoulos,
Counsel for EchoStar Corporation, 24 FCC7132 (IB Sat. Div. 2009); EchoStar Corporation,
Application to Operate a C-Band Geostationary Satellite Orbit Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite
Service at the 84.9° W.L. Orbital Location, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 25 FCC Rcd
10193 (IB 2010); Letter from Paul E. Blais, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division,
to Alison Minea, Corporate Counsel, EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation, 28 FCC Rcd 10214
(IB Sat. Div. 2013); Letter from Paul E. Blais, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite
Division, to Alison Minea, Corporate Counsel, EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation, 28 FCC Rcd
10216 (IB Sat. Div. 2013).

Document Created: 2017-09-08 16:19:03
Document Modified: 2017-09-08 16:19:03

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