Attachment Sched S Tech Report

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20170301-00029 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                            Approved by OMB 3060-0678
                                                                         Estimated Burden: up to 80 hours
                                                                                               April 2016

                     312 File Number: SATAMD2017030100029

Filing Description    Question        Response

                      Description     Theia Satellite Network - V-Band Modification

Satellite     Question                                                 Response
              Select Orbit Type                                        NGSO

              Space Station or Satellite Network Name                  USASAT NGSO-

              Estimated Lifetime of Satellite(s) From Date of Launch   12 Years

              Will the space station(s) operate on a Common Carrier    No

Operating                                                            Mode
Frequency   Nature of service   Description   Frequency Band(s)      Type
Bands (4)
            Fixed-Satellite                   37500.0 MHz -42000.0   Transmit
            Service                           MHz

            Fixed-Satellite                   42000.0 MHz -42500.0   Transmit
            Service                           MHz

            Fixed-Satellite                   47200.0 MHz -50200.0   Receive
            Service                           MHz

            Fixed-Satellite                   50400.0 MHz -51400.0   Receive
            Service                           MHz

Orbital           Question                                                 Response
Information For
Non-              Total Number of Satellites in the active constellation   120
Satellites        Orbit Epoch Date                                         01/01/2018

                  Celestrial Reference Body                                Earth

Orbital Plane 1:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             203.806

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      4.392

                     2                      30.106

                     3                      338.677

                     4                      312.963

                     5                      287.249

                     6                      261.535

                     7                      235.82

                     8                      210.106

                     9                      184.392

                     10                     55.82

                     11                     81.535

                     12                     107.249

                     13                     132.963

                     14                     158.677

Orbital Plane 2:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             15.299 degrees

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 3:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             350.8 degrees

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 4:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             326.301

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 5:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             301.802

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 6:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             277.303

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 7:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             252.804

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 8:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             228.305

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                    Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                     Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                     1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 9:   Question                                                      Response

                   Number of Satellites in Plane                                 1

                   Inclination Angle                                             98.3985

                   Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             203.806

                   Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                   Orbital Period                                                5989.0 seconds

                   Apogee                                                        750.0 km

                   Perigee                                                       750.0 km

                   Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                   Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   0.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      0.0

Orbital Plane 10:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             15.299 degrees

                    Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      69.144

                      2                      94.858

                      3                      120.573

                      4                      146.287

                      5                      172.001

                      6                      197.715

                      7                      223.43

                      8                      249.144

                      9                      274.858

                      10                     300.573

                      11                     326.287

                      12                     352.001

                      13                     17.715

                      14                     43.43

Orbital Plane 11:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             350.8 degrees

                    Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      52.558

                      2                      78.272

                      3                      103.987

                      4                      129.701

                      5                      155.415

                      6                      181.129

                      7                      206.844

                      8                      232.558

                      9                      258.272

                      10                     283.987

                      11                     309.701

                      12                     335.415

                      13                     1.129

                      14                     26.844

Orbital Plane 12:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             326.301

                    Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      61.663

                      2                      87.377

                      3                      113.092

                      4                      138.806

                      5                      164.52

                      6                      190.234

                      7                      215.949

                      8                      241.663

                      9                      267.377

                      10                     293.092

                      11                     318.806

                      12                     344.52

                      13                     10.234

                      14                     35.949

Orbital Plane 13:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             301.802

                    Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      45.075

                      2                      70.789

                      3                      96.504

                      4                      122.218

                      5                      147.932

                      6                      173.646

                      7                      199.361

                      8                      225.075

                      9                      250.789

                      10                     276.504

                      11                     302.218

                      12                     327.932

                      13                     353.646

                      14                     19.361

Orbital Plane 14:   Question                                                    Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                               14

                    Inclination Angle                                           98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                           277.303

                    Argument of Perigee                                         90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                              6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                      809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                     791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending    0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      54.181

                      2                      79.895

                      3                      105.61

                      4                      131.324

                      5                      157.038

                      6                      182.752

                      7                      208.467

                      8                      234.181

                      9                      259.895

                      10                     285.61

                      11                     311.324

                      12                     337.038

                      13                     2.752

                      14                     28.467

Orbital Plane 15:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

                    Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             252.804

                    Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

                    Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

                    Apogee                                                        809.0 km

                    Perigee                                                       791.0 km

                    Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

                    Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

                     Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

                      Satellite Number       Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

                      1                      37.591

                      2                      63.305

                      3                      89.02

                      4                      114.734

                      5                      140.448

                      6                      166.162

                      7                      191.877

                      8                      217.591

                      9                      243.305

                      10                     269.02

                      11                     294.734

                      12                     320.448

                      13                     346.162

                      14                     11.877

Orbital Plane 16:   Question                                                      Response

                    Number of Satellites in Plane                                 14

                    Inclination Angle                                             98.6047

Right Ascension of Ascending Node                             228.305

Argument of Perigee                                           90.0 degrees

Orbital Period                                                6053.0 seconds

Apogee                                                        809.0 km

Perigee                                                       791.0 km

Active Service Arc Begin Angle with respect to Ascending      0.0 degrees

Active Service Arc End Angle with respect to Ascending Node   360.0 degrees

 Mean Anomaly For Each Satellite

  Satellite Number      Mean Anomaly (degrees) at the Orbit Epoch Date

  1                     46.698

  2                     72.412

  3                     98.127

  4                     123.841

  5                     149.555

  6                     175.269

  7                     200.984

  8                     226.698

  9                     252.412

  10                    278.127

  11                    303.841

  12                    329.555

  13                    355.269

  14                    20.984

Receiving   Question                                            Response
Beams 1:
            Beam ID                                             GUL4

            Receive Beam Frequency                              47200.0 MHz -50200.0

            Beam Type                                           Steerable

            Polarization                                        LHCP

            Peak Gain                                           40.72 dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                              0.1 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                            0.1 degrees

            Polarization Switchable

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial   45.0 degrees

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                              12.59 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                        -81.76 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                        -72.22 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                             C

            Service Area Description                            XAX

Receiving   Question                                            Response
Beams 2:
            Beam ID                                             GUL5

            Receive Beam Frequency                              50400.0 MHz -51400.0

            Beam Type                                           Steerable

            Polarization                                        LHCP

            Peak Gain                                           41.1 dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                              0.1 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                            0.1 degrees

            Polarization Switchable

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial   45.0 degrees

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                              12.98 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                        -86.38 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                        -76.84 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                             C

            Service Area Description                            XAX

Receiving   Question                                            Response
Beams 3:
            Beam ID                                             GUR4

            Receive Beam Frequency                              47200.0 MHz -50200.0

            Beam Type                                           Steerable

            Polarization                                        RHCP

            Peak Gain                                           40.72 dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                              0.1 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                            0.1 degrees

            Polarization Switchable

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial   45.0 degrees

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                              12.59 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                        -81.76 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                        -72.22 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                             C

            Service Area Description                            XAX


Beams 4:   Question                                            Response

           Beam ID                                             GUR5

           Receive Beam Frequency                              50400.0 MHz -51400.0

           Beam Type                                           Steerable

           Polarization                                        RHCP

           Peak Gain                                           41.1 dBi

           Antenna Pointing Error                              0.1 degrees

           Antenna Rotational Error                            0.1 degrees

           Polarization Switchable

           Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial   45.0 degrees

           G/T at Max. Gain Point                              12.98 dB/K

           Min. Saturation Flux Density                        -86.38 dBW/m2

           Max. Saturation Flux Density                        -76.84 dBW/m2

           Co- or Cross Polar Mode                             C

           Service Area Description                            XAX

Receiving                                  Center
Channels (3)   Channel   Channel           Frequency s   Feeder Link, Service
               ID        Bandwidth (MHz)   (MHz)         Link or TT&C

               GU5       1500.0            49450.0       Feeder Link

               GU6       1000.0            50900.0       Feeder Link

               GU4       1500.0            47950.0       Feeder Link

Transmitting   Question                                                 Response
Beams 1:
               Beam ID                                                  GTR7

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                  37500.0 MHz -42000.0

               Beam Type                                                Steerable

               Polarization                                             RHCP

               Peak Gain                                                38.79 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                   0.1 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                 0.1 degrees

               Polarization Switchable

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial        45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                               -46.14 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                       50.06 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                  C

               Service Area Description                                 XAX

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                     * 10° -   * 15° -        * 20° -   * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°     * 5° - 10°   15°       20°            25°       90°
                 *        (dbW/m2       (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):         /BW):        /BW):     /BW):          /BW):     /BW):

                 1.0      -139.4        -126.4       -123.3    -122.1         -121.0    -115.2

Transmitting   Question                                                 Response
Beams 2:
               Beam ID                                                  GTR8

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                  42000.0 MHz -42500.0

               Beam Type                                                Steerable

               Polarization                                             RHCP

               Peak Gain                                                38.79 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                   0.1 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                 0.1 degrees

               Polarization Switchable

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial        45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                               -46.14 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                       50.06 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                  C

               Service Area Description                                 XAX

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                     * 10° -   * 15° -        * 20° -   * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°     * 5° - 10°   15°       20°            25°       90°
                 *        (dbW/m2       (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):         /BW):        /BW):     /BW):          /BW):     /BW):

                 1.0      -139.4        -126.4       -123.3    -122.1         -121.0    -115.2

Transmitting   Question                                                 Response
Beams 3:
               Beam ID                                                  GTL7

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                  37500.0 MHz -42000.0

               Beam Type                                                Steerable

               Polarization                                             LHCP

               Peak Gain                                                38.79 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                   0.1 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                 0.1 degrees

               Polarization Switchable

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial        45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                               -46.14 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                       50.06 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                  C

               Service Area Description                                 XAX

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                     * 10° -   * 15° -        * 20° -   * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°     * 5° - 10°   15°       20°            25°       90°
                 *        (dbW/m2       (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):         /BW):        /BW):     /BW):          /BW):     /BW):

                 1.0      -139.4        -126.4       -123.3    -122.1         -121.0    -115.2

Transmitting   Question                                                 Response
Beams 4:
               Beam ID                                                  GTL8

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                  42000.0 MHz -42500.0

               Beam Type                                                Steerable

               Polarization                                             LHCP

               Peak Gain                                                38.79 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                   0.1 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                 0.1 degrees

               Polarization Switchable

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial        45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                               -46.14 dBW/Hz

Max. Transmit EIRP                                    50.06 dBW

Co- or Cross Polar Mode                               C

Service Area Description                              XAX

Max. Power Flux Density

                                   * 10° -   * 15° -        * 20° -   * 25° -
          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°       20°            25°       90°
  *       (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2
  BW:     /BW):       /BW):        /BW):     /BW):          /BW):     /BW):

  1.0     -139.4      -126.4       -123.3    -122.1         -121.0    -115.2

Transmitting                               Center
Channels (3)   Channel   Channel           Frequency s   Feeder Link, Service
               ID        Bandwidth (MHz)   (MHz)         Link or TT&C

               GD7       2500.0            38750.0       Feeder Link

               GD9       500.0             42250.0       Feeder Link

               GD8       2000.0            41000.0       Feeder Link

Certification   Question                                        Response
                Are the applicable service area                 Yes
                coverage requirements of 25.143(b)(2)
                (ii) and (iii), or 25.144(a)(3)(i), or 25.145
                (c)(1) and (2), or 25.146(i)(1) and (2),
                or 25.148(c), or 25.225 met?

                Are the applicable frequency                    Yes
                tolerances of 25.202(e) and out-of-
                band emission limits of 25.202(f)(1),(2),
                and (3) met?

                Are the cessation of emissions                  Yes
                requirements of 25.207 met?

                Are the applicable power-flux-density           Yes
                limits of 25.208 met, and is the
                appropriate technical showing provided
                within the application?

                For NGSO applications, are the                  Yes
                applicable equivalent-power-flux-
                density limits of 25.208 met, and is the
                appropriate technical showing provided
                within the application?

                Are the applicable full-frequency-reuse         Yes
                requirements of 25.210 met?

                If the application is for a 17/24 GHz
                BSS space station, will it be operated
                at an offset location with full power and
                interference protection in accordance
                with 25.262(b)?

Attachments   File                         Attachment
              Name        Beam   Field     Type           Description

              GTL7-       GTL7   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GTL8-       GTL8   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GTR7-       GTR7   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GTR8-       GTR8   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GUL4-       GUL4   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GUL5-       GUL5   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GUR4-       GUR4   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GUR5-       GUR5   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Beam contour projection for
              Contour.           Antenna   gxt)           beam pointing in the nadir
              gxt                Gain                     direction.

              GTL7-       GTL7   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
              Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
              gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                                 Data                     of 12 degrees.

GTL8-       GTL8   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GTR7-       GTR7   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GTR8-       GTR8   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GUL4-       GUL4   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GUL5-       GUL5   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GUR5-       GUR5   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

GUR4-       GUR4   NGSO      GXT file (*.   Coverage map of beam
Coverage.          Antenna   gxt)           scanned to all possible locations
gxt                Gain                     with a minimum elevation angle
                   Data                     of 12 degrees.

Document Created: 2017-03-10 10:17:04
Document Modified: 2017-03-10 10:17:04

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