DIRECTV Petition to

PETITION submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

DIRECTV Petition


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20131113-00132 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of
                                           IBFS File Nos. SAT-RPL-20121228-00227
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                       SAT-AMD-20131113-00132

Application for Authority to Operate the
SES-3 Satellite at 103° W.L.


William M. Wiltshire                           Susan Eid
Michael Nilsson                                Executive Vice President,
WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP                         Government Affairs
1200 Eighteenth Street, NW                     Stacy R. Fuller
Suite 1200                                     Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Washington, DC 20036                           DIRECTV, LLC
(202) 730-1300                                 901 F Street, Suite 600
                                               Washington, DC 20004
Counsel for DIRECTV, LLC                       (202) 383-6300

 December 16, 2013


       SES would like to characterize this proceeding as nothing more than a straightforward

request to license SES-3 as a replacement satellite for the aging AMC-1 at the 103º W.L. orbital

location. Yet much more lies at stake here. SES designed, built, and launched its new satellite to

replace another U.S.-licensed satellite, but then deliberately chose to launch and operate it

initially under a license from Luxembourg rather than the United States. SES did so for one

simple reason: it wanted to use a token payload on the satellite to gain international priority over

a U.S. licensee preparing to launch an innovative new service, in contravention of the U.S. public

interest – and knew that the Commission would not authorize such operations.

       Only now, having undertaken those missions, does SES seek a U.S. license and the

international regulatory advantages that go along with it. By doing so, it asks the Commission to

effectively ratify its efforts to block DIRECTV from operating state-of-the-art 17/24 GHz BSS

satellites that will be used to provide the first ever commercial “ultra HD” television service in

the United States.

       The Commission must not reward such conduct. It should deny SES’s application.

Failing that, it should at least defer action on this application until such time as SES ameliorates

the effects of its prior activities by entering into appropriate spectrum coordination arrangements.

Doing otherwise would invite future regulatory gamesmanship and run directly contrary to the

Commission’s ultimate criterion – the U.S. public interest.

                          *                       *                      *

       In May 2007, SES entered into a satellite construction contract with Orbital Sciences.

Under that contract, SES ordered three nearly identical satellites (SES-1, SES-2, and SES-3).

The primary mission of these satellites was to replace three aging C-/Ku-band satellites (AMC-1,


AMC-3, and AMC-4). Each, however, also carried a “token” 17/24 GHz BSS payload with very

limited capability. All three older AMC satellites were licensed by the Commission. The first

two replacement satellites were also licensed by the Commission. Only the third – SES-3 –

launched and began operations under the flag of Luxembourg.

       SES chose to flag its newest satellite through Luxembourg for a reason. While operating

under authority from Luxembourg, SES has maneuvered the SES-3 satellite through the orbital

arc, using the token 17/24 GHz BSS payload in an effort to “bring into use” ITU filings by other

administrations at the 99º W.L. and 103º W.L. orbital locations. These ITU filings conflict with

the licenses the Commission has issued to DIRECTV. By operating under a Luxembourg flag,

SES avoided having to get Commission approval for these maneuvers, depriving the

Commission of the ability to consider the international consequences of the satellite’s operations.

       Having accomplished that goal – and thereby undermined U.S. interests – SES now seeks

to be licensed by the Commission so that it can operate SES-3’s C- and Ku-band payloads under

the auspices of the U.S. ITU filings at 103º W.L., which convey international priority and

protection for the satellite’s more traditional services. In other words, having used a foreign

administration to undermine U.S. interests, it now seeks the advantages that come with U.S.

licensing. SES is, of course, free to choose whatever licensing administration it thinks will best

serve its strategic ends. Yet choices have consequences. The Commission should not allow

itself to become a pawn in SES’s regulatory game.

       SES’s gamesmanship, moreover, has consequences for the public interest. DIRECTV

has nearly completed two state-of-the-art satellites fully capable of making intensive use of its

licensed 17/24 GHz BSS spectrum, both of which are scheduled for launch next year. One of

those satellites will be located at 103º W.L., where it could be used to supply capacity for


innovative new video services, including the introduction of ultra-HD programming. Yet SES

seeks Commission ratification of a strategy under which it has claimed priority in this spectrum

using a satellite that, by design, cannot actually offer commercial services using this spectrum.

This is the very definition of warehousing.

       Granting this application in such circumstances would reward SES’s regulatory

gamesmanship at the expense of a U.S. licensee that is prepared to initiate the first commercial

operations in the 17/24 GHz BSS band next year. Accordingly, the Commission should deny the

application as inconsistent with the public interest. At a minimum, the Commission should hold

the application in abeyance until such time as a coordination agreement that ameliorates the

effects of the maneuvers undertaken prior to seeking a U.S. license has been concluded. Since

the satellite SES-3 is to replace is licensed through October 2016, deferring consideration will

have no effect on customers while coordination discussions proceed, but would have a highly

salutary effect in deterring manipulative conduct in the future.


                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
SUMMARY… ..................................................................................................................... i

BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 2

          1. History of the 17/24 GHz BSS at 103° W.L. .................................................. 3

          2. SES’s Replacement Program.......................................................................... 5

          3. SES Used SES-3 to Bring Into Use 17/24 GHz BSS Filings by
             Other Administrations That Conflict with Licenses Issued
             by the Commission........................................................................................... 8

DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................... 10

          1. The Application Should Be Denied Because Grant Would Not
             Serve the Public Interest .............................................................................. 10

          2. At a Minimum, the Commission Should Hold the Application in
             Abeyance Pending Completion of an Appropriate Coordination
             Agreement ...................................................................................................... 13

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 15


                                       Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of
                                                    IBFS File Nos. SAT-RPL-20121228-00227
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                                SAT-AMD-20131113-00132

Application for Authority to Operate the
SES-3 Satellite at 103° W.L.


        DIRECTV, LLC (“DIRECTV”) hereby requests that the Commission deny or defer the

above referenced application of SES Americom, Inc. (“SES”) for authority to operate the in-orbit

SES-3 satellite in the conventional C- and Ku-band frequencies at the 103º W.L. orbital location. 1

Were the C-/Ku-band payloads the only significance of this satellite, DIRECTV would have no

objection to grant of the application. However, this satellite also carries a token 17/24 GHz

Broadcasting Satellite Service (“BSS”) payload that SES has used – while the satellite was not

licensed by the Commission – to undermine the U.S. public interest in general, and DIRECTV’s

interest in particular. Having accomplished those missions, SES now seeks a U.S. license for this

spacecraft, with all of the domestic and international regulatory advantages such a license conveys.

Rather than reward such conduct, the Commission should deny the application or, at a minimum,

hold it in abeyance until such time as spectrum coordination arrangements sufficient to ameliorate

the effects of its past activities are concluded.

    See Application of SES Americom, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT-RPL-20110429-00082 (“SES-3


        SES currently operates the U.S.-licensed AMC-1 satellite in the conventional C- and Ku-

bands at the 103º W.L. orbital location. 2 As such, the satellite operates under the auspices of U.S.

network filings at the International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”), which conveys

international priority over other users of the conventional C- and Ku-band frequencies at 103º

W.L. 3 Although AMC-1 was launched in 1996, the Commission recently extended the satellite’s

authority to operate until October 2016, based on the remaining useful life of the satellite as

determined by SES. 4

        AMC-1 is one of several SES satellites (including AMC-3 and AMC-4) that are

approaching the end of their design life and must be replaced. Given that AMC-1 is a U.S.-

licensed satellite, and that SES intended from the beginning to use SES-3 as a replacement for

AMC-1, one would have expected SES to launch SES-3 as a U.S.-licensed satellite as well, just as

it did with two other replacement satellites (SES-1 and SES-2) launched immediately prior to SES-

3. Instead, SES launched and began operation of the satellite under authority from Luxembourg. 5

        This was not the result of oversight or mere chance. SES intentionally rejected the U.S.

licensing process for a reason. Below we set forth the information necessary to understand SES’s

motivation and fully appreciate the significance of its activities. We first discuss the creation of

the 17/24 GHz BSS service and licensing in the U.S. and Canada of the 103° W.L. orbital location.

    See id. at 3 n.4.
    For example, the United States has already notified ITU networks USASAT-24F and USASAT-35H,
    perfecting international priority in the C- and Ku-bands at the 103° W.L. orbital location.
    IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20110718-00130, Application at 2 (“SES Americom calculates that there is
    sufficient fuel onboard the AMC-1 spacecraft for the spacecraft to continue providing reliable service
    during the requested extended license term.”); Granted (Oct. 13, 2011).
    See SES-3 Application at 4.

We next discuss SES’s parallel efforts to replace aging C-/Ku-band satellites in its fleet with new

satellites that also included a 17/24 GHz BSS payload. We then provide additional detail with

respect to SES’s Canadian license at 103° W.L. and trace the activities of SES-3 from launch to its

current application for a U.S. license.

    1.      History of the 17/24 GHz BSS at 103° W.L.

         In 1992, the International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) allocated the 17.3-17.8 GHz

downlink band – which is currently used for DBS feeder uplinks – to the BSS on a primary basis in

Region 2, effective April 1, 2007. In June 1997, DIRECTV filed a petition for rulemaking to

conform the U.S. table of allocations to the international BSS allocations, as well as three

applications for 17/24 GHz BSS authorizations to complement its DBS operations. 6 The

Commission initiated such a rulemaking in 1998, and implemented (in large part) the ITU

spectrum allocations in 2000. 7

         After pursuing and developing U.S. licenses in the band for more than 15 years,

DIRECTV’s efforts have reached their culmination. DIRECTV holds 17/24 GHz BSS

authorizations for operations at 99º W.L. and 103º W.L. 8 It has two state-of-the-art satellites under

construction, and has procured launch contracts for both. DIRECTV expects to launch these

satellites next year, and has been diligently working with consumer electronics manufacturers and

    See Public Notice, Report No. 2208 (rel. July 1, 1997); IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-19970605-00049, -
    00050, and -00051.
    See Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations
    in the 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional Spectrum
    in the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast Satellite-Service Use, 15
    FCC Rcd. 13430, ¶¶ 95-106 (2000). Specifically, effective April 1, 2007, the Commission allocated (1)
    the 17.3-17.7 GHz band on a primary basis to the BSS for downlink transmissions; (2) the 24.75-25.05
    GHz band on a primary basis for BSS feeder uplinks; and (3) the 25.05-25.25 GHz band for co-primary
    use between BSS feeder uplinks and the 24 GHz Fixed Service.
    See IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20060908-00099 and -00100. DIRECTV’s authorizations cover only
    the 400 MHz of downlink spectrum available for domestic operations (i.e., 17.3-17.7 GHz).

programmers to promote the development of the ultra-high definition services it intends to provide

using 17/24 GHz BSS capacity. DIRECTV will be the first satellite operator to use this spectrum

band to provide a commercial service. And it will be the first provider of any sort to

commercialize ultra HD service.

         Canada followed a somewhat different path to implementation of the new international

allocation. In June 2002 and July 2003, Industry Canada issued calls for interest in 17/24 GHz

BSS orbital positions. In July 2006, it released an announcement on the assignment process for

Canadian satellite orbital positions, followed by an invitation for interested parties to submit

applications to use this frequency band at a number of orbital positions. This initiative was

completed in 2008, and followed by two subsequent licensing rounds completed in 2009 and 2011.

         The most acquisitive licensee in the Canadian 17/24 GHz BSS licensing process is Ciel

Satellite Limited Partnership (“Ciel”). Ciel is a corporate sibling of SES, as it is a 70 percent

owned, consolidated subsidiary of SES’s parent company, SES S.A. 9 Ciel currently holds

authorizations from Industry Canada for 17/24 GHz BSS operations at five orbital locations (86.5º

W.L., 91º W.L., 103º W.L., 111.1º W.L., and 113º W.L.) – more than any other company. 10

Although these licenses as originally issued required the launch of fully capable 17/24 GHz BSS

satellites by dates ranging from January 1, 2013 to September 1, 2014, Ciel has obtained multi-year

extensions for each one. To date, other than the token payloads on the three satellites discussed

below, it has not made any use of these authorizations.

     See, e.g., Press Release, “SES Delivers Strong 2010 Financial Results,” at 4 (Feb. 18, 2011), available
     at (“In September, following the modification of
     Canadian foreign ownership rules, SES’ voting interest in Ciel was increased to 70%, entitling a change
     to the accounting for SES’ interest in Ciel . . . to full consolidation.”).
     See Industry Canada, “Authorized and Approved Canadian Satellites”, available at Although not reflected on this list, Ciel and
     Telesat Canada swapped authorizations for the 107.3º W.L. and 111.1º W.L. locations in June 2012.

     2.       SES’s Replacement Program

          In May 2007, SES entered into a master satellite construction contract with Orbital

Sciences. To date, SES has ordered, taken delivery of, and launched three nearly identical

spacecraft under that contract: SES-1, SES-2, and SES-3. 11 SES launched these satellites

consecutively over the course of 17 months. In each case, the satellite’s primary mission was to

replace an aging U.S.-licensed C-/Ku-band satellite. Each satellite also, however, included a token

17/24 GHz BSS payload with a simple low gain wide beam transmit/receive horn antenna, a single

500 MHz wideband transponder supported by a single TWTA, and a maximum transmit EIRP

capability of 33 dBW, which the link budgets included with the applications for each of these

satellites demonstrate are capable of supporting a single 5.5 MHz carrier, at best. Yet their

common origins and missions belie their disparate regulatory fates. We discuss each in turn below.

      SES-1. SES-1 has always been a U.S.-licensed satellite whose primary mission was to act

          as a replacement for the C-/Ku-band payloads on the U.S.-licensed AMC-4 satellite. 12 It

          was launched to the 101° W.L. orbital location in April 2010. In its application, SES

          disclosed the fact that the satellite would have a 17/24 GHz BSS payload, but SES

          announced that it did not intend to operate that payload and so did not seek operational

          authority for it. 13

     See, e.g., Press Release, “SES Americom Orders Additional Spacecraft From Orbital Sciences
     Corporation” (Apr. 8, 2008), available at
     (announcing the order of a third spacecraft under the multi-satellite contract announced in May 2007);
     Fact Sheet, “SES-1, SES-2, and SES-3”, available at (discussing construction of three virtually
     identical hybrid C-/Ku-band satellites for SES that “also incorporate a redundant Ka-band payload”).
     See IBFS File No. SAT-RPL-20100120-00014.
     See IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20100309-00040. This amendment also confirmed the limited
     capabilities of the payload, showing a link budget that could support no more than a single 5.5 MHz
     carrier at 34 dBW EIRP. Id., Technical Appendix at 5.

      SES-2. SES-2 also has always been a U.S.-licensed satellite, whose primary mission was

         to act as a replacement for the C-/Ku-band payloads on the U.S.-licensed AMC-3

         satellite. 14 It was launched to the 87º W.L. orbital location in September 2011. In its

         application, SES disclosed that the satellite would have a 17/24 GHz BSS payload, but did

         not seek authority to operate it. 15 In addition, SES assured the Commission that “[b]ecause

         [SES] is not seeking an operating license in the 17/24 GHz BSS band, the authorization for

         SES-2 will have no preclusive effect on deployment of 17/24 GHz BSS networks by other

         prospective operators.” 16 SES reiterated this assurance in support of a waiver request,

         asserting that “[b]ecause [SES] is not seeking an operating license for the SES-2 17/24 GHz

         BSS payload, grant of a waiver here will not block deployment of compliant 17/24 GHz

         BSS spacecraft.” 17 SES gave no indication that it would operate the 17/24 GHz BSS

         payload at all, or that Ciel held a Canadian license for such operations.

                  Notwithstanding these assurances, Ciel used the payload on the U.S.-licensed SES-2

         satellite at 87º W.L. to bring into use the Canadian 17/24 GHz BSS filing with the ITU

         (CAN-BSS9) at 86.5º W.L. 18 By doing so, Ciel perfected international priority for that

         filing and thereby secured for itself the ability to block deployment of other 17/24 GHz

     See IBFS File No. SAT-RPL-20110429-00082. Here again, SES confirmed the limited capabilities of
     the payload, showing a link budget that could support no more than a single 5.5 MHz carrier at 31.3
     dBW EIRP. Id., Technical Appendix at 16.
     See id., Narrative at 3 n.6, 5.
     Id. at 6.
     Id. at 7.
     The authorization at 86.5º W.L. was originally awarded to Telesat Canada, but was transferred to Ciel in
     November 2011. See Letter from Louis LePage to Scott Gibson, File No. 46215-1 (255875 RH) (Nov.
     17, 2011), available at Ciel subsequently
     received authority to use the payload on SES-2 on an “interim” basis until November 1, 2018, by which
     time its “new” licensed spacecraft must be launched. See Letter from Suzanne Lambert to Scott
     Gibson, File No. 46215-1 (321292 CP) (Apr. 5, 2013), available at

         BSS systems in and around the 86.5º W.L. location – directly contrary to the

         representations made to the Commission in the SES application. Moreover, under ITU

         rules, when a satellite licensed by one administration is used to bring into use the network

         filing of another administration, the licensing administration must be given notice and an

         opportunity to object to such use of the satellite. 19 There is no evidence that Ciel or anyone

         else has ever given such notice to the Commission.

      SES-3. SES-3 was the third satellite ordered from Orbital Sciences under the master

         contract. 20 The evidence clearly shows that SES has consistently intended to use SES-3 as

         a replacement for the C-/Ku-band operations of AMC-1 at 103º W.L. For example, at

         SES’s Investor Day 2011, its President and Chief Executive Officer identified SES-3 as one

         of three satellites to be launched by the end of 2014 “providing pure replacement

         capacity.” 21 When the satellite was delivered to the launch site, SES issued a press release

         stating that “SES-3 is a hybrid C- and Ku-band satellite which will replace AMC-1 at 103

         degrees West” and characterizing it as “an integral part of SES’ satellite replacement

         program over North America.” 22 SES confirmed the satellite’s mission after launch, again

     See WRC-12 decisions included in the Minutes of Plenary meeting relating to space services procedures
     in ITU-R circular letter CR/333.
     Like the two satellites that preceded it, SES-3 also had a token 17/24 GHz BSS payload capable of
     transmitting only a single 5.5 MHz carrier at 31.6 dBW EIRP. See SES-3 Application, Technical
     Appendix at 14.
     Investor Day 2011, Strategic Overview, at 10 (May 24, 2011), available at See also Press
     Release, “Satellite Capacity Growth like Never Before” (Feb. 2, 2011), available at fleet (“SES-3 is slated to launch in April, and is expected to
     replace AMC-1 in the prime 103º West orbital slot”); Press Release, “International Launch Services and
     SES Announce the ILS Proton Launch of SES-3 in 2011” (Feb. 11, 2010), available at (“SES-3 is intended to replace existing spacecraft
     over the Americas”).
     Press Release, “SES-3 Satellite Arrives at Baikonour Launch Base” (June 9, 2011), available at

          stating that “[t]he spacecraft will replace SES’ existing AMC-1 satellite at the orbital

          position of 103 degrees West.” 23 Although its primary mission was to act as a replacement

          for the U.S.-licensed AMC-1 satellite, SES-3 was not launched under a U.S. license.

          Rather, it was launched under a Luxembourg authorization in July 2011.

     3.      SES Used SES-3 to Bring Into Use 17/24 GHz BSS Filings by Other
             Administrations That Conflict with Licenses Issued by the Commission
          Ciel received its original license for 17/24 GHz BSS operations at 103º W.L. in June 2008.

It included a requirement that Ciel launch and operate a new satellite at that location by January 1,

2013. 24 Later that year, Ciel received an amendment to that license such that it was required to

launch and operate only an “interim satellite” by January 1, 2013 and a “new satellite” by January

1, 2015. 25 In September 2012, Ciel sought and received a second modification that pushed the date

by which a “new satellite” had to be launched out to December 1, 2018 – i.e., more than ten years

after the original license was issued. 26

          In the meantime, SES maneuvered the SES-3 satellite through the orbital arc, using its

token 17/24 GHz BSS payload to bring into use two ITU filings made by foreign administrations

that conflict with the licenses the Commission issued to DIRECTV.

      Luxembourg at 99º W.L. After launch and in-orbit testing of SES-3, SES relocated the

          satellite to 99º W.L., where it allegedly “operated on the 17/24 GHz BSS frequencies and

     Press Release, “SES-3 Launch Success on ILS Proton” (July 16, 2011), available at
     See Letter from J.K. Lindsey to David Lewis, File No. 46215-1 (156297 RH) (June 27, 2008), available
     Satellite Limited Partnership Ciel – Conditions to Obtain Authority to Operate a 17 GHz BSS Space
     Station at the 103º W Orbital Position, available at
     See Letter from Suzanne Lambert to Bernie Haughian, File No. 46215-1 (303498 AT) (Sep. 21, 2012),
     available at

         C-band Telemetry, Tracking and Command (‘TT&C’) frequencies authorized by the

         administration of Luxembourg for slightly less than 90 days.” 27 The satellite’s operations

         were apparently the basis upon which a claim was made with the ITU that the Luxembourg

         17/24 GHz BSS network filing at 99º W.L. (LUX-G4-59A) had been brought into use. 28

         The satellite was then moved to 108.2º E.L. to provide Ku-band capacity to the Middle


      Canada at 103º W.L. After operating briefly at 108.2º E.L., SES moved its satellite yet

         again to its current position at 103.1º W.L. Here again, the satellite’s operations were the

         basis upon which Ciel claimed to have brought into use the Canadian 17/24 GHz BSS

         network (CAN-BSS19) at 103º W.L.

         SES’s claim at 103º W. L. is particularly egregious. As shown in Appendix A hereto, the

downlink beam of the SES-3 17/24 GHz BSS payload has virtually no directivity of the sort one

would expect from a satellite intended to provide commercial service. By comparison, the C- and

Ku-band downlink contours are shaped to target the United States. Similarly, DIRECTV’s 17/24

GHz BSS satellite at 103° W.L. not only targets the United States, but also evidences the advanced

design necessary to comply with the Commission’s regional power flux-density limits in this

band. 29 DIRECTV has engaged Ciel in an effort to coordinate 17//24 GHz BSS operations at 103°

W.L. It is clear from initial discussions between the parties that Ciel intends to use SES-3’s

limited capabilities to claim international rights to the entire 500 MHz of uplink and downlink

     SES-3 Application at 4.
     Luxemburg filed a Part I-S Notification request for the LUX-G4-59A network in February 2012 citing a
     date of bringing into use of the network of September 20, 2011. This date corresponds fairly well to the
     date that NORAD data places the SES-3 satellite at 99⁰ W.L. Luxemburg filed ITU Resolution 49 due
     diligence data for this network at the same time, and this due diligence data is consistent with that for
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.208(w).

spectrum in the 17/24 GHz BSS allocation at 103° W.L. Thus, while able to use only 1.1% of the

available bandwidth at a power level too low to support a commercial BSS service, Ciel

nonetheless would block others – including DIRECTV – from operating a fully capable satellite

that could otherwise use these valuable orbital and spectrum resources to provide innovative BSS

service to millions of U.S. consumers.


     1. The Application Should Be Denied Because Grant Would Not Serve the Public

        Section 309 of the Communications Act mandates that in each application for a station

license, the Commission must determine “whether the public interest, convenience, and necessity

will be served by the granting of such application.” 30 This requirement is the most fundamental

criterion for Commission action. It is specifically implemented for space station applications in

Section 25.156 of the Commission’s rules, which provides that a station authorization will be

granted only “if, upon examination of the application, any pleadings or objections filed, and upon

consideration of such other matters as it may officially notice, the commission finds that the

applicant is legally, technically, and otherwise qualified . . . and that grant of the application will

serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.” 31 Accordingly, the U.S. public interest is the

ultimate touchstone in determining the appropriate disposition of SES’s application.

        In the circumstances presented here, the Commission cannot make the requisite finding that

grant of this application would serve the public interest. The evidence clearly demonstrates that

SES-3 was always intended to be a replacement for the U.S.-licensed AMC-1 satellite. Yet SES

did not seek launch and operating authority from the Commission for this replacement satellite.

     47 U.S.C. § 309(a).
     47 C.F.R. § 25.156(a).

Rather, SES intentionally chose to deny the Commission authority over SES-3 so that it could use

the spacecraft’s token 17/24 GHz BSS payload to bring into use foreign ITU filings that could

prevent the operation of state-of-the-art U.S.-licensed systems. Having thus undermined U.S.

interests, SES now asks the Commission to take responsibility for this satellite and extend to it the

protection of operating under the United States’ notified C-/Ku-band ITU network filings at the

103⁰ W.L. location. SES, in other words, asks the Commission to ratify and endorse its bringing-

into-use strategy.

         The Commission cannot allow SES to abuse its process in this manner. SES made a choice

and must now live with the consequences. It should not be allowed to use a satellite to flout U.S.

interests and then later seek for that same satellite the advantages of a U.S. license and the ITU

priority associated with it. As the Commission has recognized, “damage to the credibility of the

Commission's processes caused by the widespread perception that these processes are being abused

is, in itself, injurious to the efficacy of these processes, to those who may wish to participate in

them in order to accomplish legitimate objectives, and to public confidence in them.” 32 Were the

Commission to essentially ratify SES’s activities and reward its strategic behavior, it would

undoubtedly encourage others to engage in similarly abusive practices. It must instead impose a

cost sufficient to deter such regulatory gamesmanship in the future. 33

         Granting SES’s application would also implicitly endorse its warehousing of valuable

spectrum/orbital resources. Warehousing among satellite operators is sufficiently worrisome that

     Formulation of Policies and Rules Relating to Broadcast Renewal Applicants, Competing Applicants,
     and Other Participants to the Comparative Renewal Process and to the Prevention of Abuses of the
     Renewal Process, 5 FCC Rcd. 3902-03, ¶ 9 (1990).
     See, e.g., Barry P. Lunderville et al., 23 FCC Rcd. 10390, ¶ 25 (WTB 2008) (parties that engage in
     regulatory gamesmanship “should be held fully accountable for their actions” and their argument to the
     contrary “underlines the importance of assessing [penalties] that are substantial enough to deter such

the Commission initiated a Notice of Inquiry earlier this year specifically on that subject. 34 As the

Commission has explained, “warehousing could hinder the availability of services to the public at

the earliest possible date by blocking entry by other entities willing and able to proceed

immediately with the construction and launch of their satellite systems.” 35 Such foreclosure is

exactly what SES is attempting here. DIRECTV is ready to initiate a new age of commercial

development for the 17/24 GHz BSS band. Its two state-of-the-art satellites operate using all of its

licensed spectrum at each orbital location (compared to SES’s single 5.5 MHz carrier), at power

levels almost 300 times greater than that of SES’s token payload. Just as it did with HD

programming on its Ka-band satellites, DIRECTV intends to use this new capacity to launch a new

service: a package of ultra-HD programming that no other distributor currently offers. Having

intentionally bypassed Commission licensing, SES used SES-3 not to provide a competing

commercial service, but rather to block DIRECTV’s introduction of an innovative offering. These

facts belie SES’s assertion in response to the Warehousing NOI that “the facts do not bear out [the]

suggestion that the actions of existing satellite operators deny access to orbital slots that

competitors could use more efficiently.” 36

         DIRECTV is unaware of any previous case in which the Commission has been asked to

take responsibility for a satellite licensed by another administration that had been used to subvert

the U.S. public interest. Although this case therefore is one of first impression, the Commission

has denied other space station applications that would have enabled operators using satellites with

limited capabilities to block other operators with state-of-the-art technology. For example, it

     See Issues Related to Allegations of Warehousing and Vertical Foreclosure in the Satellite Space
     Segment, 28 FCC Rcd. 8571 (2013) (“Warehousing NOI”).
     Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, 18 FCC Rcd. 10760, ¶
     173 (2003).
     See Comments of SES S.A., IB Docket No. 13-147, at 12 (filed Aug. 19, 2013).

denied a license to PanAmSat that would have, “in essence, allow[ed] an obsolete satellite

launched in 1984 and operating a decade beyond its regular license term to block entry by a state-

of-the-art satellite.” 37 Even if PanAmSat planned to move a new satellite into that location in the

future, it would not change the Commission’s determination that allowing the spectrum to be

warehoused in this manner would not serve the public interest. 38 For similar reasons, the

Commission has not allowed the use of older satellites with minimal capabilities as placeholders

for new satellites promised at the time of authorization. 39

          The license SES seeks in this proceeding is very valuable. It confers not only the right to

serve the lucrative U.S. market, but also the right to operate under the international protection of

the U.S.’s ITU filings at 103º W.L. Had SES sought this license for SES-3 prior to launch – as it

did for the nearly identical replacement satellites, SES-1 and SES-2 – the Commission would have

been able to determine where the satellite would be able to operate and what international

consequences those operations would have. By choosing instead to launch and operate under

authority of Luxembourg, SES denied the Commission the opportunity to make those public

interest determinations. If it wishes to avoid endorsing this behavior, the Commission should deny

SES the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the administration it tried to circumvent.

     2. At a Minimum, the Commission Should Hold the Application in Abeyance Pending
        Completion of an Appropriate Coordination Agreement

         Notwithstanding the limitations of the token 17/24 GHz BSS payload on SES-3, the

Canadian network filing that it brought into use covers all 500 MHz of spectrum in the band over

all of North, Central, and South America. On its face, that filing would essentially preclude the use

     PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 19 FCC Rcd. 2012, ¶ 9 (Int’l Bur. 2004).
     Id., ¶ 10.
     See, e.g., EchoStar Corp., 26 FCC Rcd. 10442, ¶ 8 (Int’l Bur. 2011); Star One, S.A., 25 FCC Rcd.
     14338, ¶ 8 (Int’l Bur. 2010).

of the 103º W.L. orbital location for 17/24 GHz BSS operations by a satellite licensed by any other

administration, including the United States. Thus, at present, the operations of the token payload

on SES-3 at 103º W.L. can be used to block DIRECTV’s use of this slot by its state-of-the-art

17/24 GHz BSS satellite scheduled to launch next year.

       However, it may be possible to coordinate SES’s and DIRECTV’s actual operations at this

location (as opposed to the operations claimed in the ITU filing for which SES seeks international

protection). The two parties have engaged in initial coordination discussions. Unfortunately, at

this time, it is too early to tell whether those discussions will lead to a satisfactory arrangement for

sharing the slot. DIRECTV remains hopeful that such an arrangement can be reached. Until it is,

however, the Commission cannot merely assume that the parties will arrive at a solution that can

sufficiently ameliorate SES’s prior use of the satellite such that granting this application would

serve the U.S. public interest.

       Accordingly, if the Commission does not deny the application outright, it should hold it in

abeyance until the coordination process has reached its conclusion. At that point, the Commission

will be in a position to make its public interest determination informed by any mitigating

circumstances arising from that process.



       For the foregoing reasons, DIRECTV respectfully requests that the Commission deny

SES’s application, or at a minimum hold it in abeyance until such time as SES completes a

satisfactory arrangement for coordination of its 17/24 GHz BSS operations at 103° W.L.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               DIRECTV, LLC

                                               By: /s/
       William M. Wiltshire                       Susan Eid
       Michael Nilsson                            Executive Vice President,
       WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP                     Government Affairs
       1200 Eighteenth Street, NW                 Stacy R. Fuller
       Suite 1200                                 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
       Washington, DC 20036                    DIRECTV, LLC
       (202) 730-1300                          901 F Street, Suite 600
                                               Washington, DC 20004
       Counsel for DIRECTV, LLC                (202) 383-6300

       December 16, 2013


                          AFFIDAVIT OF JACK WENGRYNIUK

I, Jack Wengryniuk, hereby declare under penalty of perjury as follows:

   1. I am employed by DIRECTV, LLC ("DIRECTV") as Senior Director of Spectrum
       Management and Regulatory Affairs. I have been an employee of DIRECTV since 2004.

   2. Ihave personal knowledge of the International Telecommunication Union Radio
      Regulations, the operation and status of DIRECTV‘s satellites in—orbit and under
       construction, and the discussions between DIRECTV and Ciel Satellite Limited
       Partnership related to 17/24 GHz BSS operations at the 103° W.L. orbital location.

   3. Ihave reviewed the preceding Petition and the factual statements therein are complete
       and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Executed on December 16, 2013

                             ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as follows:

i)      I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information
        contained in the foregoing Petition,

(ii)    I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules, and

(iii)   I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the foregoing
        Petition, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.


                                                W. b&)wuw/flv],«sf—)
                                             JacyWengrymuk              /    //

                                             December 16, 2013

               APPENDIX A


Figure A1.4 C—band, Transmit beam, H—pol (CTH)
               EIRP max: 42.1
          Antenna gain max: 31.3 dBi


           1gp T9¢ :xewr ure8 enoyuy
              mep ces xew utd
(H.L3) fod—H ‘treaq jruuswery, ‘peq—ny 95 Ty amirg

Figure A1.10 17/24 GHz band, Transmit beam, LHCP/RHCP (KATLKATR)
                       EIRP max: 33.6 dB/K
                    Antenna gain max: 23.3 dBi


DIRECTV RB-2 17/24 GHz BSS Transmit Beam Contours
              EIRP Max: 58 dBW
           Antenna Gain Max: 36.5 dB

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 16th day of December, 2013, a copy of the foregoing Petition

to Deny or Defer was served by electronic mail upon:

              Daniel C.H. Mah
              SES Americom, Inc.
              1129 20th Street, N.W.
              Suite 1000
              Washington, DC 20036

              Karis A. Hastings
              SatCom Law LLC
              1317 F Street, N.W.
              Suite 400
              Washington, DC 20004

                                                    Kara Trivolis

Document Created: 2019-04-09 13:25:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 13:25:35

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