NSS Filing on DTV 1R

COMMENT submitted by New Skies Satellites B.V.

New Skies Comments 28 Aug 2012


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20120824-00142 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC                       )
Request for Special Temporary Authority to     )     File No. SAT-STA-20120817-00138
Relocate DIRECTV 1R to 56.16° E.L.             )     Call Sign S2369
Application as Amended for                     )     File Nos. SAT-LOA-20120817-00137
Authorization to Operate                       )     & SAT-AMD-20120824-00142
DIRECTV 1R at 56.16° E.L.                      )     Call Sign S2872


                 New Skies Satellites B.V. (doing business as “SES”) hereby comments on the

above-captioned request for special temporary authority of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

(“DIRECTV”) to begin drifting the DIRECTV 1R satellite from its current location at 110° W.L.

to 56.16° E.L. (the “DIRECTV 1R STA Request”). In addition, SES provides notice of its intent

to participate with respect to the above-referenced DIRECTV application as amended for a

Commission license to operate DIRECTV 1R at 56.16° E.L. (the “DIRECTV 1R License


                 DIRECTV asks for authority to begin drifting DIRECTV 1R, a Direct Broadcast

Satellite (“DBS”) spacecraft, on September 3, 2012. Following arrival of the satellite at

56.16° E.L., DIRECTV proposes to operate the satellite under a U.S. license pursuant to the

International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) filings of the Russian Administration.

Although the satellite is capable of operating throughout the DBS band (12.2-12.7 GHz

downlink and 17.3-17.8 GHz uplink), DIRECTV is currently seeking authority to operate only in

the portion of that band that is designated for broadcasting-satellite service (“BSS”) in ITU

Region 1 (12.2-12.5 GHz downlink and 17.3-17.6 GHz uplink). DIRECTV explains that it has

entered into a contract under which DIRECTV 1R would be used to provide interim service

pending replacement by the Russian Satellite Communications Company of the aging Bonum 1


              SES has a strong interest in the DIRECTV proposals because SES operates the

NSS-12 spacecraft in the 12.25-12.75 GHz downlink spectrum and other frequency bands at

57° E.L., less than a degree away from the location at which DIRECTV seeks to place

DIRECTV 1R. NSS-12 is licensed by the Netherlands and operates under ITU filings of the

Netherlands Administration. Both the proposed operation of DIRECTV 1R in the 12.2-

12.5 GHz band and DIRECTV’s telemetry frequencies at 12698.25 and 12699.25 MHz

potentially impact NSS-12’s existing operations at 57° E.L.

              SES is currently reviewing the materials submitted in support of the

DIRECTV 1R License Application and plans to submit comments in that proceeding.1 A

preliminary review of DIRECTV’s application, however, suggests that the operating parameters

of DIRECTV1R would significantly exceed the technical parameters of the Russian RST-2 and

RST-2A ITU filings, and applicable coordination agreements between the Netherlands and

Russia.2 DIRECTV’s application also lacks an analysis of its proposed operations with respect

     Having declared its intent to participate in the DIRECTV 1R License Application
proceeding, SES is a party for purposes of Section 1.1202(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules and is
entitled to be provided with advance notice and the opportunity to be present for oral
presentations and to be served with a copy of written presentations with respect to all
communications between the Commission and the applicant or other parties concerning the
DIRECTV 1R License Application. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1202 & 1.1208.
     For example, if one considers coverage of India, RST-2A has an EIRP of approximately
18 dBW/33 MHz at the northernmost tip of India (peak EIRP of 55 dBW – 37 dBi roll-off of its
antenna gain contours as shown in Attachment A). In comparison, according to Figure B-2 of
the DIRECTV application, DIRECTV-1R has an EIRP of approximately 42.8 dBW/24 MHz
(peak EIRP of 57.8 dBW – 15 dBi roll-off of its antenna gain contours) over the northernmost tip
of India. DIRECTV-1R’s EIRP in this area in Region 3 is approximately 24 dB higher than that
of the RST-2A filing. Such a difference in EIRP levels deserves further evaluation for the


to the PFD limits in Appendix 30 of the ITU Radio Regulations applicable to Region 1 BSS

networks vis-à-vis fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) networks operating in the same frequency band

in Region 3.3 In addition, there is no analysis of the compatibility of DIRECTV 1R’s telemetry

frequencies with NSS-12’s operations less than one degree away. For all of these reasons, the

Commission should refrain from granting operating authority for DIRECTV 1R until a

compatibility analysis has been completed and evaluated.

              Pending further Commission processing of the DIRECTV 1R License Application,

the Commission must not prejudge the issues raised by the application or any other DIRECTV

request for operating authority for DIRECTV 1R at 56.16° E.L. SES understands based on the

Commission’s IBFS database that the DIRECTV 1R STA Request has already been granted, but

the terms of the grant are not yet available. SES assumes that the grant document includes the

Commission’s typical condition language making clear that: (1) drift operations pursuant to the

STA are on an unprotected and non-harmful interference basis; (2) action on the STA is without

prejudice to any action on the underlying DIRECTV 1R License Application or any other request

for operating authority at 56.16° E.L.; and (3) any actions DIRECTV takes or expenses it incurs

in reliance on the STA grant are solely at its own risk.

potential impact to operational FSS systems in Region 3, such as NSS-12. Similarly, the
contours in Attachment A show that RST-2 has an EIRP of approximately 29 dBW/27 MHz over
northernmost India (peak EIRP of 55 dBW – 26 dBi roll-off of its antenna gain contours), which
is more than 13 dB less than that planned for DIRECTV-1R.
     Section 25.114(d)(13) of the Commission’s rules requires that proposed BSS operations that
have different technical characteristics than those in the Appendices 30 and 30A BSS and
associated feeder link Plans provide an analysis with respect to the limits in Annex 1 to
Appendices 30 and 30A. The relevant portion of Annex 1 is Section 6, which contains the PFD
limits for proposed additions to the Regions 1 and 3 List in 12.2-12.5 GHz to seek the agreement
of FSS systems in the same band in Region 3.


              For the foregoing reasons, SES notifies the Commission of its intent to participate

in the DIRECTV 1R License Application and requests that the Commission avoid prejudging

any of the issues raised by that application pending further analysis and comment.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             NEW SKIES SATELLITES B.V.

                                             By: /s/ Daniel C.H. Mah

Of Counsel                                      Daniel C.H. Mah
Karis A. Hastings                               Regulatory Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                  for New Skies Satellites B.V.
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                  1129 20th Street N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004                          Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 599-0975

Dated: August 28, 2012


                                   Attachment A

           Figure A-1: RST-2 downlink gain contours, peak EIRP of 55 dBW/27 MHz

Notice ID : 100551017
Administration : RUS
Satellite Network : RST-2
Beam : E001
Emission / Reception : E
Polarization : C
Service Area Number : 0
Service Area Name :
Reason : B
Satellite Position : 56.000                                      -3.00
                                    -2.00                           -10.00

                                                0.00   -6.00




Figure A2: RST-2A downlink gain contours, peak EIRP of 55 dBW/33 MHz


                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              I hereby certify that on this 28th day of August, 2012, a copy of the foregoing

“Comments of New Skies Satellites B.V.” was served on the following party by first class mail:

                                            Karis A. Hastings

William M. Wiltshire
Michael D. Nilsson
Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1200 18th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Document Created: 2012-08-28 18:52:00
Document Modified: 2012-08-28 18:52:00

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