Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20120615-00098 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



        Spectrum Five LLC (“Spectrum Five”) herein provides requested clarifications and
modifications to a previously filed amendment2 to conform the pending petition for declaratory
ruling seeking U.S. market access for a Netherlands-licensed 17/24 GHz satellite at the nominal
119° W.L. orbital location to the Commission’s new licensing rules and policies.3

       The additions and changes to the prior amendment include the following:

    (i) the cover sheets in the attachments for each beam have been clearly labeled to show that
        they represent the maximum EIRP across the specified off-axis angular range;

    (ii) the cover sheets in the attachments for each beam have been clearly labeled to show that
         the maximum antenna gain over the specified off-axis angular range can be determined
         by subtracting the power into the antenna (from Table I of this document) from the EIRP

    (iii) new EIRP plots for spot beams 19 and 22 for the +X-axis have been inserted into the
         spot beam data, as there was a compilation error in the previous amendment which
         mistakenly showed the +X-axis plots for beams 18 and 21 instead; and

    (iv) the data summaries shown in this document of the beams have been augmented to show
        the maximum value of antenna gain for each of the beams in comparison with the
        allowed limit based on the rules, and specific plot file for which this maximum occurs.

       The remaining information in Spectrum Five’s pending petition is unchanged and is
incorporated by reference.4
        This amendment is provided in response to discussions with the FCC’s International
Bureau technical staff regarding clarifications and modifications to Spectrum Five’s previously
filed amendment, File No. SAT-AMD-20120525-00090 (filed May 25, 2012) (“May 2012
       On May 25, 2012, Spectrum Five filed an amendment to provide clarifications and
reformatting to its December 2011 space path interference amendment. See File No. SAT-AMD-
20111223-00247 (filed Dec. 23, 2011) (“December 2011 Amendment”).
        Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting-Satellite Service at the
17.3-17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7-17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and
at the 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Band for Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to
the Broadcasting-Satellite Service and for the Satellite Services Operating Bi-directionally in the
17.3-17.8 GHz Frequency Band, 26 FCC Rcd 8927 (2011) (“17/24 GHz BSS Second R&O”).
        In the Matter of Spectrum Five LLC Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve the U.S.
Market from the 118.8º W.L. Orbital Location in the 17/24 Broadcasting Satellite Service Band,
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, File Nos. SAT-LOI-20081113-00216, SAT-AMD-20091026-
00113 (filed Nov. 13, 2008) (“Petition”). See also May 2012 Amendment and December 2011
Amendment. In addition, Spectrum Five filed an amendment to provide orbital eccentricity data.
See File No. SAT-AMD-20120308-00038 (filed Mar. 8, 2012).

                              Table I: Data Analysis Summary: CONUS Beam

CONUS Beam Maximum Allowable EIRP / Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

                             CONUS BEAM
Satellite Locationo WL                                                    119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                                       119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)                               0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz                                -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                                      25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                                             24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2                              -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                                           42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg                            0.10
Range between Satellites, km                                                73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                                                  -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                                            0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW                            15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                                       61.1
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                                                36.4
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                                                  24.8
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB                                 -9.3

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                                           4.60
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                                             -20.2

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                                                   10.8

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File                                     tx-17.3-lhcp--10.cut
     File Name:                                                      CONUS
     Slide #                                                           17
     Axis                                                              +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                                                17.305
     Polarization                                                     RHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                                           50

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 1-8

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                          Spot       Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot
                                                   Beam 1     Beam 2    Beam 3    Beam 4    Beam 5    Beam 6    Beam 7    Beam 8
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25     119.25    119.25    119.25    119.25    119.25    119.25    119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05     119.05    119.05    119.05    119.05    119.05    119.05    119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10       0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  55.2     55.2     55.2     55.2     55.2     55.3     58.3     58.4
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                              7.5      7.5      7.5      7.5      7.5      7.6     10.6     10.7
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            7.9      7.9      7.9      7.9      7.9      7.9      4.8      4.8

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                     -0.4      -1.5      -5.3      -4.0      -2.1       0.8       3.5       7.2
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                        -7.9      -9.0     -12.8     -11.5      -9.6      -6.7      -7.1      -3.5

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                             15.8       16.9      20.7      19.5      17.6      14.6      11.9       8.3

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                          Spot       Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot      Spot
                                                   Beam 1     Beam 2    Beam 3    Beam 4    Beam 5    Beam 6    Beam 7    Beam 8
     Axis                                             -X         -X       -X        +X         -X        -X       +X        +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                              17.305      17.5     17.305    17.305    17.305     17.5     17.695    17.695
     Polarization                                   LHCP       RHCP      LHCP      LHCP      LHCP      LHCP      RHCP      LHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                         -10        -10        0        -10       -10       -10        0         0

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 9-16

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                          Spot        Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 9     Beam 10 Beam 11 Beam 12 Beam 13 Beam 14 Beam 15 Beam 16
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25     119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05     119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10       0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  55.1     55.1     55.1     55.1     55.1     55.2     58.2     58.3
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                              7.4      7.4      7.4      7.4      7.4      7.5     10.5     10.6
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            8.1      8.1      8.0      8.0      8.0      8.0      4.9      4.8

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                     -2.1       -4.6     -4.8     -2.8      0.0      2.9      6.8      8.7
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                        -9.5      -12.0    -12.2    -10.3     -7.4     -4.5     -3.7     -1.9

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                             17.5       20.1      20.2     18.3     15.4     12.5      8.6      6.7

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                          Spot        Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 9     Beam 10 Beam 11 Beam 12 Beam 13 Beam 14 Beam 15 Beam 16
     Axis                                             -X          -X      -X      -X      -X     -X      -X      -X
     Frequency (GHJz)                              17.305      17.305  17.305  17.305   17.5   17.305  17.305  17.695
     Polarization                                   RHCP        LHCP   RHCP     LHCP   LHCP     LHCP   RHCP     LHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                         -20         -10     -10     -10     -10      0       0       0

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 17-24

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 17 Beam 18 Beam 19 Beam 20 Beams 21 Beam 22 Beam 23 Beam 24
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  58.4     58.5     55.0     55.0     55.0     55.0     55.0     55.1
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                             10.7     10.8      7.3      7.3      7.3      7.3      7.3      7.4
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            4.8      4.6      8.1      8.1      8.1      8.1      8.1      8.1

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                      9.9     11.4     -0.7     -3.1     -6.2     -4.8     -1.9      1.3
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                        -0.8      0.6     -8.0    -10.4    -13.5    -12.1     -9.3     -6.1

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                              5.5       4.1     16.1     18.5     21.6     20.2     17.4     14.1

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 17 Beam 18 Beam 19 Beam 20 Beams 21 Beam 22 Beam 23 Beam 24
     Axis                                             +X      +X      +X       -X     +X       +X      +X      +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                               17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305    17.5   17.305  17.305
     Polarization                                    LHCP   RHCP     LHCP    LHCP    RHCP    LHCP     LHCP    LHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                           0      -10      0      -10     -10      -10      0      -10

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 25-32

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 25 Beam 26 Beam 27 Beam 28 Beam 29 Beam 30 Beam 31 Beam 32
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  58.1     58.2     58.2     58.3     58.4     54.9     54.9     54.9
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                             10.4     10.5     10.5     10.6     10.7      7.2      7.2      7.2
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            5.0      5.0      4.9      4.8      4.7      8.2      8.2      8.2

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                      5.6      7.8     10.5     11.1      9.6     -1.4     -4.6     -5.2
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                        -4.8     -2.7      0.0      0.5     -1.1     -8.6    -11.8    -12.4

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                              9.8       7.7      4.9      4.3      5.9     16.8     20.0     20.7

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 25 Beam 26 Beam 27 Beam 28 Beam 29 Beam 30 Beam 31 Beam 32
     Axis                                             +X      +X      +X      +X       -X      -X     +X      +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                                17.5    17.5   17.695   17.5   17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305
     Polarization                                   LHCP    RHCP     LHCP   LHCP    RHCP     RHCP   RHCP    RHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                           0       0       0       0      -10     -10     -20     -20

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 33-40

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 33 Beam 34 Beams 35 Beam 36 Beams 37 Beam 38 Beam 39 Beam 40
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  54.9     55.0     55.0     61.1     61.1     61.2     58.3     54.9
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                              7.2      7.3      7.3     13.4     13.4     13.5     10.6      7.2
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            8.2      8.2      8.1      2.1      2.0      2.0      4.9      8.3

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                     -4.4      0.0      2.3      6.5      9.3     12.2     13.4     -4.1
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                       -11.6     -7.2     -5.0     -6.9     -4.1     -1.3      2.9    -11.2

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                             19.8      15.4     13.2      9.0      6.1      3.2      2.0     19.5

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot     Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 33 Beam 34 Beams 35 Beam 36 Beams 37 Beam 38 Beam 39 Beam 40
     Axis                                             +X      +X      +X       +X      +X       +X      +X      +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                               17.305   17.5    17.5    17.305  17.305    17.5   17.305   17.5
     Polarization                                    LHCP   RHCP     LHCP     RHCP    LHCP    RHCP     LHCP   LHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                           0      10       0       10       0        0      10       0

                             Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 41-48

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 41 Beam 42 Beam 43 Beam 44 Beam 45 Beam 46 Beam 47 Beam 48
Satellite Locationo WL                              119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                 119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)         0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2 /100 kHz           -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                 25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                        24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2         -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                      42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg       0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                           73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                             -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                      0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW       15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                  54.9     54.9     55.0     61.0     61.1     61.1     60.9     61.1
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                           47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                              7.2      7.2      7.3     13.3     13.4     13.4     13.2     13.4
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB            8.2      8.2      8.2      2.1      2.1      2.0      2.2      2.0

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                     -2.2      2.2      6.0      9.4     10.6     14.1      6.5     13.4
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                        -9.3     -5.0     -1.3     -3.9     -2.7      0.6     -6.7     0.01

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                             17.6      13.3      9.4      6.1      4.8      1.4      9.0      2.0

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                           Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                   Beam 41 Beam 42 Beam 43 Beam 44 Beam 45 Beam 46 Beam 47 Beam 48
     Axis                                             +X      +X      +X      +X      +X      +X      +X      +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                                17.5   17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305   17.5   17.305
     Polarization                                   LHCP    RHCP     LHCP    RHCP   RHCP     LHCP   RHCP     LHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                          -10     10      10       0      10      10       0      10

                       Table I (cont.) Data Analysis Summary: Spot Beams 49-53

Spot Beams : Maximum Allowable EIRP / Off-Axis 1 Antenna Gain to Meet -117dBW/m2/100KHz

Spot Beams                                            Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                    Beam 49 Beam 50 Beam 51 Beam 52 Beam 53
Satellite Locationo WL                                119.25    119.25   119.25   119.25   119.25
Nearest DBS Satellite Location o WL                   119.05    119.05   119.05   119.05   119.05
Miniumum Spacing (w/Station Keeping @+--0.05)           0.10      0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Max PFD Flux Density, -117 dBW/m2/100 kHz              -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0   -117.0
Channel Bandwidth, MHz                                   25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8     25.8
Effective Bandwidth, dB-100 kHz                          24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1     24.1
PFD Flux Density Allowed per Channel, dBW/m 2           -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9    -92.9
R, Radial Distance to GEO, km                        42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0 42,164.0
Min. Angle of Separation between Satellites, deg         0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10     0.10
Range between Satellites, km                             73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6     73.6
Spreading factor, dB/ m2                               -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3   -108.3
Atmospheric loss, dB                                        0        0        0        0        0
Maximum EIRP Allowed at Miniumum Separation, dBW         15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4     15.4
Satellite EIRP, dBW 2                                    55.6     55.1     61.3     61.4     55.4
Boresight Antenna Gain, dB 3                             47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7     47.7
Tx Power into Antenna, dBW                                7.9      7.4     13.6     13.7      7.7
Max Antenna Gain to Meet Space Path Spec, dB              7.5      8.1      1.9      1.7      7.7

Max Off-Axis EIRP from Plots4, dBW                       -6.1     -2.3      8.1      9.7     -6.8
Max Antenna Gain from Plots, dB                         -14.0     -9.7     -5.5     -4.0    -14.5

PFD / Ant Gain Margin, dB                               21.6      17.7      7.4      5.7     22.2

  As defined in FCC Section 25.264(a)
   from S2777 Schedule S7, column (m)
  from S2777 Schedule S7, column (c)

    Reference to Plot File

Spot Beams                                            Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot    Spot
                                                    Beam 49 Beam 50 Beam 51 Beam 52 Beam 53
     Axis                                              +X      +X      +X      +X      +X
     Frequency (GHJz)                                17.305  17.305  17.305  17.305   17.5
     Polarization                                     LHCP    LHCP   RHCP    RHCP    RHCP
     ϕ (deg)                                           -10     -10     10       0      -10

Document Created: 2019-04-20 09:49:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 09:49:57

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