Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20110728-00140 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                              Attachment 1
                                        Explanation of Amendment

               ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) files this amendment to the application it filed on July 22,
2011 to seek a radiofrequency license from the Commission for the Ka-band telemetry transmitter
and command receiver on the ViaSat-1 satellite, as well as for the autotrack and downlink beacons.
See IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20110722-00132 (“TT&C License Application”). For administrative
convenience, this amendment withdraws the Schedule S included with the TT&C License
Application, and instead incorporates by reference the information already on file for this satellite in
connection with ViaSat’s Letter of Intent for the ViaSat-1 satellite, including the Schedule S filed in
IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20080623-00131 (the “First LOI Amendment Schedule S”), except that:

                  ViaSat supplements the information in the First LOI Amendment Schedule S by
                   submitting with this amendment updated GXT files for the command uplink, telemetry
                   downlink, and autotrack beacon uplink beams (designated as TCR, TCL, TMR, TML,
                   BNR, and BNL).1 These updated gain contour diagrams reflect the data from ViaSat’s
                   satellite manufacturer about the actual beam characteristics of ViaSat-1.

                  ViaSat provides an additional GXT file (“BCNR”) for the downlink beacon on the
                   ViaSat-1 satellite, which is designed to utilize a beacon horn. Section 10(f) of the First
                   LOI Amendment Schedule S incorrectly associates the downlink beacon (transponder
                   ID BN2, Channel No. BCN2) with a gateway downlink beam (“GWDR”) instead of
                   the beacon horn beam that has been part of the satellite’s design. Providing the details
                   of this beacon horn beam requires an additional entry in each of Section 7 and Section
                   8 of the First LOI Amendment Schedule S, as shown below.

                  The Technical Annex filed with the First LOI Amendment Schedule S references four
                   command channels (two polarizations at each of two center frequencies). See IBFS
                   File No. SAT-AMD-20080623-00131, Technical Annex, § A.8. However, Section 10
                   of the First LOI Amendment Schedule S specifies only two of these channels. Section
                   10 of the First LOI Amendment Schedule S should have contained the entries for two
                   additional command channels, as shown below.

To the extent necessary, ViaSat requests a waiver of Section 25.114(c) of the Commission’s rules,
47 C.F.R. § 25.114(c) (requiring certain satellite technical specifications to be filed using the
Schedule S) to permit ViaSat to provide the additional technical information specified herein
without an accompanying Schedule S. There is good cause to grant such a waiver due to the limited
nature of that information. Incorporating by reference Schedule S information already on file with
the Commission and providing discrete technical updates and additions within this narrative
attachment simplifies and promotes efficiency in processing the TT&C License Application.

              ViaSat also provides an amended and restated Exhibit E to the TT&C License
Application, which replaces the original exhibit in its entirety.

        The GXT files for these beams included in the First LOI Amendment Schedule S reflect
        composite characteristics of the gateway beams using gain performance data provided in the
        critical design review of the ViaSat-1 satellite.

                                                          Additional Schedule S Entries

Section 72:

 (a)        (b)      Isotropic       (e)             (f)          (g)        (h)            (i)          (j)                    Transmit
Beam       T/R     Antenna Gain    Pointing       Rotational     Min.       Polar-     Polarization    Service
 ID        Mode     (c)     (d)     Error           Error       Cross-     ization      Alignment      Area ID        (k)      (l) Effective       (m)
                   Peak Edge      (Degrees)       (Degrees)      Polar     Switch-         Rel.                     Input         Output          Max.
                   (dBi) (dBi)                                 Isolation    able?       Equatorial                  Losses      Power (W)         EIRP
                                                                 (dB)       (Y/N)         Plane                      (dB)                        (dBW)
BCNR      T        24.4   20.8    0.05           0.05          30          N                           SA1        2.4          0.91             24

Section 8:

(a) Beam       (b) T/R    (c) Co-or        (d) GSO      (e) NGSO          (f) GSO                  Max. Power Flux Density (dBW/m2/Hz)
    ID          Mode        Cross        Ref. Orbital    Antenna         Antenna
                            Polar         Longitude        Gain             Gain         At Angle of Arrival above horizontal (for emission with
                            Mode         (Deg. E/W)      Contour        Contour File                          highest PFD)
                           (“C” or                      Description     (GXT File)
                            “X”)                                                       (g) 5 Deg       (h) 10     (i) 15 Deg   (j) 20 Deg       (k) 25
                                                                                                        Deg                                      Deg

BCNR           T          C           -115.1                            BCNR.gxt       -139.6         -139.5      -139.3       -139.1          -138.9

Section 10:

              (a)                          (b)                               Receive Band                                Transmit Band
        Transponder ID            Transponder Gain (dB)             (c) Channel No.   (d) Beam ID              (e) Channel No.         (f)
                                                                                                                                     Beam ID
TC7                                                              CMD3                  OMNUR
TC8                                                              CMD4                  OMNUL

        “Receive” columns (n) – (r) are not applicable and have been omitted from the table.

Document Created: 2011-07-28 17:00:45
Document Modified: 2011-07-28 17:00:45

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