Correction to SATAMD

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by SES Americom, Inc. d/b/a SES WORLD SKIES

1.65 Letter


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20100309-00040 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


March 11, 2010                                                                Karis A. Hastings


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

RE:     File No. SAT-AMD-20100309-00040 (Call Sign S2807)
        Notification of SES Americom, Inc. pursuant to § 1.65

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom,” doing business as “SES WORLD SKIES”),1 by
its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission’s rules, hereby updates the above-
referenced amendment to the application for the SES-1 satellite (the “SES-1 Amendment”) to
correct certain typographical and transcription errors. These changes affect the information in
the link budgets provided in Tables 2 and 3, and the interference analysis provided in Table 5, of
the narrative Technical Appendix attached to the SES-1 Amendment. The corrections to the link
budgets also affect the information provided in the link budget attachments to the Schedule S
that was filed with the SES-1 Amendment. A description of the corrections is provided below,
and copies of the corrected Tables are attached. SES WORLD SKIES requests that the
Commission take these corrections into account in processing the SES-1 Amendment.

Tables 2 and 3: The KA_1 column of Tables 2 and 3 is corrected as follows:

    •   FEC Code Rate (line 6): The FEC Code Rate for the KA_1 Digital Modulation identifier
        is incorrect in Tables 2 and 3. The correct value is 0.75, rather than 0.50. Note that the
        correct value for this parameter was provided in Item S11.f of the Schedule S that was
        filed with the SES-1 Amendment.

     On September 7, 2009, SES S.A. announced that the newly integrated operations of its two
indirect subsidiaries, New Skies Satellites B.V. and SES Americom, would be conducted under a
single brand name, SES WORLD SKIES. The new brand name does not affect the underlying
legal entities that hold Commission authorizations or U.S. market access rights.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
March 11, 2010
Page 2

    •   Ground station EIRP (dBW) (line 5 of Uplink section). The ground station EIRP value
        for the KA_1 Digital Modulation identifier is incorrect in Tables 2 and 3. The correct
        value is 69 dBW, rather than 77.5 dBW. This was a transcription error.

    •   C/N, dB (line 8 of Uplink section). The value of the C/N (uplink) for the KA_1 Digital
        Modulation identifier is incorrect in Tables 2 and 3. The correct value for Table 2 is
        16.73 dB, rather than 25.23 dB, and the correct value for Table 3 is 13.73 dB, rather than
        22.23 dB. This change is a consequence of the corrected value for the ground station

    •   Min C/N down, dB (line 5 of Downlink section). The value of the Min C/N down for the
        KA_1 Digital Modulation identifier is incorrect in Tables 2 and 3. The correct value for
        Table 2 is 7.48 dB, rather than 7.06 dB, and the correct value for Table 3 is 8.02 dB,
        rather than 7.12 dB. This change is a consequence of the corrected value for the ground
        station EIRP.

    •   Rain margin to min C/N down (line 8 of Downlink section). The value of the Rain
        margin to min C/N down for the KA_1 Digital Modulation identifier is incorrect in
        Tables 2 and 3. The correct value for Table 2 is 7.26 dB, rather than 7.69 dB, and the
        correct value for Table 3 is 3.72 dB, rather than 4.62 dB. This change is a consequence
        of the corrected value for the ground station EIRP.

    •   Availability, % (last 7 lines of Downlink section of Table 2). The location-specific
        availability numbers in Table 2 have been corrected. The changes are a consequence of
        the corrected value for the ground station EIRP.

Table 5: Table 5 should be corrected as follows:

    •   Uplink EIRP, dBW (line 1 of Uplink section). The Uplink EIRP value in the 1M20G1W
        column is incorrect in Table 5. The correct value is 69 dBW, rather than 77.5 dBW. This
        change reflects the corrected value for the ground station EIRP in Table 2.

    •   Uplink EIRP density, dBW/MHz (line 2 of Uplink section). The Uplink EIRP density
        value in the 1M20G1W column is incorrect in Table 5. The correct value is
        68.2 dBW/MHz, rather than 76.7 dBW/MHz. This change is a consequence of the
        corrected value for the uplink EIRP.

    •   C/N clear weather, dB (line 13 of Downlink section). The value of C/N clear weather is
        incorrect in both columns of Table 5. For the 1M20G1W column, the correct value is
        14.7 dB, rather than 11.7 dB, and for the 5M50G1W column, the correct value is
        11.7 dB, rather than 8.7 dB. This was a transcription error from Table 2.

    •   C/(N+I), clear weather, dB (second to last line). The value of C/(N+I) clear weather is
        incorrect in both columns of Table 5. For the 1M20G1W column, the correct value is
        10.1 dB, rather than 8.8 dB, and for the 5M50G1W column, the correct value is 7.3 dB,
        rather than 6 dB. This change is a consequence of the corrected value for C/N clear
        weather, above.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
March 11, 2010
Page 3

      •   C/(N+I), margin, dB (last line). The value of C/(N+I) margin is incorrect in both
          columns of Table 5. For the 1M20G1W column, the correct value is 5.4 dB, rather than
          4.1 dB, and for the 5M50G1W column, the correct value is 6 dB, rather than 4.7 dB.
          This change is a consequence of the corrected value for C/N clear weather, above.

       Corrected copies of Tables 2, 3, and 5 are provided in Attachment A hereto, with
corrected numbers underlined and erroneous numbers shown with strike-through.

          Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the undersigned.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               /s/ Karis A. Hastings

                                               Karis A. Hastings
                                               Counsel for SES Americom, Inc.

cc:       Robert Nelson
          Cassandra Thomas
          Fern Jarmulnek
          Karl Kensinger
          Andrea Kelly
          Stephen Duall
          Louise Klees-Wallace
          Kathyrn Medley
          Diane Garfield
          Chip Fleming
          Kal Krautkramer
          Sylvia Lam

                                                              ATTACHMENT A
                                                                   Page 1 of 3

            Table 2. Typical link budgets –CONUS and Alaska

Parameter                                      KA_1             KA_2
Carrier designation                         1M20G1W           5M50G1W
Throughput rate, Mbps                          1.43             4.75
Required bandwidth, MHz                         1.20            5.50
Allocated bandwidth, MHz                        1.20            5.50
FEC code rate                                0.75 0.50          0.50
C/N required, dB                                4.70            1.28
Faded system margin, dB                         0.50            0.50

Transmit Power (dBW)                          4.00             10.50
Antenna diameter                              9.00             9.00
Antenna Gain (dBi)                            65.00            65.00
TxES antenna input power density,
dBW/MHz                                        3.21             3.10
Ground Station EIRP (dBW)                   69.00 77.50        75.50
Uplink Rain Loss (dB)                           0.00            0.00
Satellite G/T (dB/K)                           -9.00           -8.00
C/N, dB                                     16.73 25.23        17.24
C/I(X-pol uplink), dB                          30.00           30.00

Satellite Carrier EIRP (dBW)                   34.00           34.00
Ground station antenna dia, m                   0.95            1.50
Ground Station G/T (dB/K)                      20.90           24.87
C/N(clear weather), dB                         14.74           11.72
Min C/N down, dB                             7.48 7.06          2.65
C/I(ASI), dB                                   10.00           10.00
C/I(total), dB                                  9.91            9.91
Rain margin to min C/N down, dB              7.26 7.69          9.07
Availability, %
BIRMINGHAM AL                             99.10% 99.21%        99.71%
LITTLE ROCK AR                            99.16% 99.27%        99.75%
DENVER CO                                 99.87% 99.90%        99.97%
WASHINGTON DC                             99.38% 99.50%        99.83%
MIAMI FL                                  99.28% 99.36%        99.55%
LOS ANGELES CA                            99.97% 99.98%        99.99%
MOBILE AL                                 98.93% 99.07%        99.63%

                                                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                                                           Page 2 of 3

                           Table 3. Typical link budgets –Hawaii

Parameter                                                  KA_1          KA_2
Carrier designation                                     1M20G1W        5M50G1W
Throughput rate, Mbps                                      1.43          4.75
Required bandwidth, MHz                                     1.20         5.50
Allocated bandwidth, MHz                                    1.20         5.50
FEC code rate                                            0.75 0.50       0.50
C/N required, dB                                            4.70         1.28
Faded system margin, dB                                     0.50         0.50

Transmit Power (dBW)                                        4.00          10.50
Antenna diameter                                           9.00           9.00
Antenna Gain (dBi)                                         65.00          65.00
TxES antenna input power density, dBW/MHz                  3.21           3.10
Ground Station EIRP (dBW)                               69.00 77.50       75.50
Uplink Rain Loss (dB)                                       0.00           0.00
Satellite G/T (dB/K)                                      -12.00         -12.00
C/N, dB                                                 13.73 22.23       13.24
C/I(X-pol uplink), dB                                      30.00          30.00

Satellite Carrier EIRP (dBW)                               31.00         31.00
Ground station antenna dia, m                               0.95          1.50
Ground Station G/T (dB/K)                                  20.90         24.87
C/N(clear weather), dB                                     11.74          8.72
Min C/N down, dB                                         8.02 7.12        2.88
C/I(ASI), dB                                               10.00         10.00
C/I(total), dB                                              9.91          9.91
Rain margin to min C/N down, dB                          3.72 4.62        5.84

                                                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                                                           Page 3 of 3

           Table 5. Single-entry interference Analysis (wanted carrier: SES-1)

                                                       1M20G1W          5M50G1W
Bandwidth, MHz                                            1.2              5.5
Uplink EIRP, dBW                                        69.0 77.5          75.5
Uplink EIRP density, dBW/MHz                            68.2 76.7          68.1
ASI off-axis EIRP density, dBW/MHz                        17.4             17.4
SES Satellite EIRP, dBW                                   34.0             34.0
SES Satellite EIRP density, dBW/MHz                       33.2             26.6
Interfering satellite PFD, dBW/m2/MHz                    -115.0           -115.0
Interfering satellite EIRP density, dBW/MHz               48.5             48.5
RxES antenna gain, dBi                                    41.7             45.7
Geocentric angle of neighboring satellite, deg             4.0              4.0
Topocentric angle (10% greater than geo. Angle)            4.4              4.4
Max satellite station keeping error, deg                   0.1              0.1
RxES Pointing error2, deg                                  0.5              0.5
Net off-axis angle, deg                                    3.8              3.8
Sidelobe (29-25 log theta), dB                            14.5             14.5
DL C/I, dB                                                11.9              9.3
C/N clear weather, dB                                   14.7 11.7        11.7 8.7
C/(N+I), clear weather, dB                                 8.8              6.0
Up and downlink
C/(N+I), clear weather, dB                               10.1 8.8         7.3 6.0
C/(N+I) margin, dB                                        5.4 4.1         6.0 4.7

Document Created: 2010-03-11 21:41:53
Document Modified: 2010-03-11 21:41:53

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