Globalstar - 2011.1.

LETTER submitted by Globalstar, Inc.

Confidentiality Request - Jan. 31, 2011 Letter


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20091221-00147 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


January 31, 2011

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Request for Confidential Treatment

       Globalstar Licensee LLC / Globalstar Caribbean, LLC
       Designation: HIBLEO-4FL (ITU) / S2115 (FCC) and HIBLEO-X (ITU)

       File Nos.       SAT-AMD-20091221-00147; SES-MFS-20091221-01615;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01616; SES-MFS-20091221-01617;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01618; SES-AFS-20091221-01607;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01608; SES-MFS-20091221-01609;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01610; SES-MFS-20091221-01611;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01602; SES-MFS-20091221-01603;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01604; SES-MFS-20091221-01605;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01606; SES-MFS-20091221-01614;
                       SES-MFS-20091221-01613; SES-MFS-20091221-01612

Dear Ms. De La Torre:

       As part of its above-captioned Application and Requests for Special Temporary
Authority,1 Globalstar Licensee LLC and Globalstar Caribbean, LLC (“Globalstar”) hereby
submits the attached letter concerning registration of its second generation satellites under the
Outer Space Treaty.

       Globalstar respectfully requests that, pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the
Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.457, 0.459, the Commission withhold from public inspection
and accord confidential treatment to the attached submission, which contains commercially

        See Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee LLC –
Application for Modification of Nongeostationary Mobile Satellite Service System License
(S2115) To Launch a Second-Generation System; Application For Modification of Mobile
Satellite Service Earth Station Licenses and Mobile Earth Terminal Licenses To Authorize
Communications with Second-Generation System and To Incorporate Previously-Granted
Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority, File No. SAT-AMD-20091221-00147 (filed Dec.
21, 2009) (“Application”). The reference file numbers for Globalstar’s pending STA requests
(filed Jan. 28, 2011) are noted in the reference line above.

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
January 31, 2011
Page 2

sensitive information that falls within Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act
(“FOIA”).2 The entirety of Globalstar’s submission is confidential and, accordingly, no redacted
version is being filed.

        Exemption 4 permits parties to withhold from public information “trade secrets and
commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential
categories of materials not routinely available for public inspection.3 Applying Exemption 4, the
courts have stated that commercial or financial information is confidential if its disclosure will
either (1) impair the government’s ability to obtain necessary information in the future; or (2)
cause substantial harm to the competitive position of the person from whom the information was
obtained. See National Parks and Conservation Ass’n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765, 770 (D.C. Cir.
1974)(footnote omitted); see also Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871, 879-80
(D.C. Cir. 1992), cert. denied, 507 U.S. 984 (1993). Section 0.457(d)(2) allows persons
submitting materials that they wish to be withheld from public inspection in accordance with
Section 552(b)(4) to file a request for non-disclosure, pursuant to Section 0.459. In accordance
with the requirements contained in Section 0.459(b) for such requests, Globalstar hereby submits
the following:

        (1) Identification of Specific Information for Which Confidential Treatment is Sought
(Section 0.459(b)(l)). Globalstar seeks confidential treatment for its attached letter concerning
registration of its second generation satellites under the Outer Space Treaty.

       (2) Description of Circumstances Giving Rise to Submission (Section 0.459(b)(2)).
Globalstar is submitting this information as part of its above-captioned Application and requests
for Special Temporary Authority.

        (3) Explanation of the Degree to Which the Information is Commercial or Financial, or
Contains a Trade Secret or is Privileged (Section 0.459(b)(3)). The attached letter contains
confidential information and sensitive commercial information that Globalstar’s competitors
could use to Globalstar’s disadvantage. The courts have given the terms “commercial” and
“financial,” as used in Section 552(b)(4), their ordinary meanings. The Commission has broadly
defined commercial information, stating that “‘[c]ommercial’ is broader than information
regarding basic commercial operations, such as sales and profits; it includes information about
work performed for the purpose of conducting a business’s commercial operations.” Information
contained in the attached letter falls within the definition of commercial. Competitors could use
this information to enhance their market position at Globalstar’s expense.

       See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4); 47 C.F.R. § 0.457(d).

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
January 31, 2011
Page 3

         (4) Explanation of the Degree to Which the Information Concerns a Service that is
Subject to Competition (Section 0.459(b)(4)). Substantial competition exists in the mobile
satellite service industry. The presence of competitors makes imperative the confidential
treatment of sensitive commercial information. Indeed, for this reason, Globalstar’s primary
competitor, Iridium Satellite LLC, routinely requests and has obtained confidential treatment of
information submitted to the Commission concerning the status of its mobile satellite service
constellation. See, e.g. Iridium Communications Inc., 1.6/2.4 GHz Mobile Satellite System
License, Call Sign S2110, Section 25.143(e) Annual Report and Request for Confidential
Treatment Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 (filed Oct. 15, 2009).

        (5) Explanation of How Disclosure of the Information Could Result in Substantial
Competitive Harm (Section 0.459(b)(5)). As explained above in Section 3, release of the
information contained in the attached letter could affect Globalstar’s commercial operations. If
competitors or customers had access to this information, it could negatively affect Globalstar’s
future negotiations with potential and existing customers and investors.

        (6) Identification of Measures Taken To Prevent Unauthorized Disclosure (Section
0.459(b)(6)). Globalstar treats the information contained in the attached letter as confidential
information and has not disclosed it publicly, except to the extent necessary. Globalstar limits
access to the information contained in the attached letter to necessary personnel only. In
addition, Globalstar takes precautions to ensure that this information is not released to the
general public or obtained by its competitors through other means.

       (7) Identification of Whether the Information is Available to the Public and the Extent of
Any Previous Disclosure of Information to Third Parties (Section 0.459(b)(7)). Globalstar has
not made the information in the attached letter available to the public and has not disclosed the
information to any third parties.

        (8) Justification of Period During Which the Submitting Party Asserts that the Material
Should Not be Available for Public Disclosure (Section 0.459(b)(8)). Globalstar respectfully
requests that the Commission withhold the attached letter from public inspection until all
international coordination for its second-generation satellite constellation is complete and its
above-captioned Application is granted.

       Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
January 31, 2011
Page 4

                         Respectfully submitted,

                         /s/ Samir Jain
                         Samir Jain
                         Counsel to Globalstar Licensee LLC

Document Created: 2011-01-31 13:50:28
Document Modified: 2011-01-31 13:50:28

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