Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080908-00166 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


HARRIS,                                                                                1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
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G RAN N IS   LLP                                                                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                               October 6, 2008

     Marlene H. Dortch
     Office of the Secretary                                                  Oct — 62008
     Federa}hCommunlcatlons Commission                                 Federal Communications Commission
     445 12 Street, S.W.                                                     Office of the Secretary
     Washington, D.C. 20554

              Re:   DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC
                    FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166 (Call Sign $2244)

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

             In a recent ex parte submission,‘ Pegasus Development DBS Corporation
     ("Pegasus") challenged the methodology used by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
     ("DIRECTV") to demonstrate that its proposed 17/24 GHz BSS system at the 118.4°
     W.L. orbital location would cause no more interference to Pegasus‘s proposed system at
     115° W.L. than if the DIRECTV system were located at the 119° W.L. "on grid" slot.
     Pegasus‘s challenge arises from a critique of the methodology used by DIRECTV to
     determine the effect ofits system. However, the methodology used by DIRECTV
     reflects the industry standard used in countless applications before the Commission —
     including applications submitted by Pegasus itself. Pegasus‘s individual preference for
     its approach is no basis for denying an application that reflects standard practice in the

             In light of Pegasus‘s application at 115° W.L., DIRECTV recently amended its
     application to reduce the peak EIRP of its system at 118.4° W.L. by 0.1 dB (from 63.0
     dBW to 62.9 dBW) to maintain the interference environment for Pegasus, and agreed to
     accept any increased interference that results from Pegasus‘s operations less than four
     degrees away — as required under Section 25.262(d) of the Commission‘s rules." Pegasus
     contends that DIRECTV would need to reduce the EIRP ofits proposed satellite by up to

     ‘    See Letter from Bruce Jacobs to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166 et al.
          (dated Sept. 26, 2008) ("Pegasus Letter").
     *    See Application Narrative, FCC File No. SAT—AMD—20080908—00166, at 2—3 (filed Sept. 8, 2008).


 Marlene H. Dortch
 October 6, 2008
 Page 2 of 4

2.5 dB in order to ensure that interference to Pegasus‘s system is no greater than that
which would be caused by a system operating at the "on grid" location of 119° W.L."

        Although Pegasus agrees with most of DIRECTV‘s analysis, a footnote in its
submission reveals that the 2.5 dB disparity arises from two aspects of the methodology
for calculating the power flux—density ("PFD") on the Earth‘s surface on which
DIRECTV and Pegasus differ.* Specifically, Pegasus contends that (1) the calculation
should use the noise bandwidth of the satellite signal (30 MHz) rather than the
transponder bandwidth corresponding to the emission designator (36 MHz); and (2) the
calculation should not include atmospheric losses. While a PFD value certainly could be
calculated in this way, such a methodology is byno means required —— and in fact would
be inconsistent with both industry norms and Pegasus‘s own past practices.

        On the first point, for example, in three applications for Ka—band space station
authorizations, Pegasus used the emission designator bandwidth in demonstrating that its
system would comply with the PFD limits in Section 25.138 for blanket earth station
licensing in the band." Specifically, the narrative of each application includes a listing of
emission designators in Table 7 and a PFD calculation in Table 4, which are reproduced
              TABLE 4. Typical Dowalink Emission Parametess For Yarious Services
              (The worst—case sontheast area is based on Crane Model rain estimates for subscriber
              tinks. All links assume adjacent satellite interference at the approximate level of —118
              dB W/imMBz.])

                                 Forward           Forward            Retusn             Return Service
                                 CONUS              Spot Beam         Spot Beam          {Spot or
                                 Service            Service           Service            COXTS)
      Frequency. GHz             19.8               19.3               19.8               19.$
      Access Method              TDM               TOM                TDBMFDMA           COMAAJFDMA
      Power info Antenaa.        30.1               15.3              —8.3               7.7

      Satellite Anteana          32.6              49.4               49.4               49.4
      Gsain, peak, dBi
      EIRP Density, peak.       —17.0              —33.1              ~17.3              —18.1
      Bandwidth, MHz            237                137                $.466              33.0
      PFD. db WMHzn"*           —119.3             —121.3             —119.3             —120.3
      Receiving Aatennia.       0.66               1.66               32.3               3.5
      Max EIRP, dBW             66.7               64.6               4119               37.1
      ES Temp.,. K              140                140                140                140
      (G—‘T. dBHK               13.1               16.0               33.8               32.6

     Pegasus Letter at 3.
*    1d., n.10.
°*   See FCC File Nos. SAT—LOA—20031119—00336, —00337, and —00338.


Marlene H. Dortch
October 6, 2008
Page 3 of 4

                                 TABLE 7. List Of Emission Designators

                                Bandwidth                      Designator
                                237 MHz                        B37MGIT
                                437                            B37MGIW
                                33                             33M0GTIC
                                512 KHz                        MPKGDX
                                0 MHz                          HSuoxON
                                i MHz                          1MQOFSD
                                130 KHz                        1°KG°D

The bandwidths used in the PFD calculations are 237 MHz and 33 MHz — which
correspond precisely to the emission designator bandwidths for 237MG1T/237MGIW
and 33M0G7C, respectively, found in Table 7. In a cursory review of space station
applications filed with the Commission over just the last five years, DIRECTV also found
the emission designator bandwidth used as the normalizing bandwidth to derive power
density in applications filed by such well—established operators as SES Americom,
EchoStar, ICO, and Hughes.6 Thus, it is clear that the methodology used by DIRECTV
in this case is well accepted by the satellite industry — including Pegasus.

         On the second point, Pegasus asserts that "the FCC‘s rules require the assumption
of free—space propagation conditions in calculating PFD limits.""‘ Tellingly, Pegasus cites
no specific Commission rule in support ofits assertion. Indeed, the reason for this
becomes apparent as Pegasus later admits that "the FCC‘s rules do not expressly require
the assumption of free space conditions for the 17.3—17.7 GHz band" which is the subject
of this application.© Pegasus fails to recognize the critical importance of assessing
atmospheric losses in evaluating satellite system performance, as reflected by the
adoption of a series of International Telecommunication Union Recommendations on the
subject." As highlighted in these ITU—R Recommendations, accounting for propagation
impairments is particularly important for systems operating at frequencies above 10 GHz,
which are more susceptible to such impairments. DIRECTV calculated atmospheric
losses according to Rec. ITU—R P.618—8."" DIRECTV stands by the atmospheric
calculation used in its amended application.

°   See FCC File Nos. SAT—LOA—20031218—00358, Technical Appendix, Section 6.1 and Annex 8,
    Section 1 (SES Americom); SAT—LOA—20040803—00154, Technical Description, Sections A.11 and
    A.15 (EchoStar); SAT—MOD—20050110—00004, Appendix A, Sections A.11 and A.15 (ICO); and SAT—
    LO1—20080603—00118, Attachment A at 7 and Table A.10—2 (Hughes).
    Pegasus Letter at 3 n.10.
8   1d.
    See, e.g., Rec. ITU—R P.618—8 ("Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of
    Earth—space telecommunication systems") (citing related and supporting ITU—R Recommendations).
    This methodology yielded a total atmospheric loss of 1.598 dB for Miami at 99.7% availability.


Marlene H. Dortch
October 6, 2008
Page 4 of 4

        Thus, the additional reduction in DIRECTV‘s peak EIRP that Pegasus claims
must be made arises directly and solely from Pegasus‘s preference for using the noise
bandwidth for the PFD calculation and for ignoring atmospheric losses. Far from being
required under the Commission‘s rules, neither of these approaches is consistent with
industry practice — including Pegasus‘s own past applications. Accordingly, the
Commission should reject Pegasus‘s assertions on these two points and grant DIRECTV
application as amended.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           William M. Wiltshire
                                           Counselfor DIRECTVY Enterprises, LLC

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 6th day of October, 2008, a copy of the foregoing

was served by first class mail, postage prepaid, upon:

               Bruce D. Jacobs
               Tony Lin
               Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
               2300 N Street, N.W.
               Washington, DC 20037—1122

               Andrea Kelly*
               International Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               445 12"" Street, S.W.
               Washington, DC 20554

                                                    }?l‘_;( Reyr(old

* by e—mail

Document Created: 2008-11-20 10:49:58
Document Modified: 2008-11-20 10:49:58

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