Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080701-00138 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                            CLRSKY    | DESRADEE
             Catier Type                                                    2MGT7VY      2MAMGTVW
             Modulation                                                      APSK          RBSK
             Info Rate                                           Mbitis       28.05        26.66
  Camer      |FEC:                                                             4.87         .87
             Noise BVW:                                           MHz        73.988       16.688
             2B required                                           s            4.1         4.1
             Total Link Availabiity                                %                       S5.S0
 SIC Loe     |Longitude                                           deg        ~30.90       —230.80
       .     Uplink Beam Name                                                NRF          NRF
    Seam      Polartzaiion {H, / or, C                                          C           5
Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz          26          35
 Frequency||Downlink SeamName                                                 NTF         NTF
              Polarization (H. V or. C]                                         C           C
              Downlink Frequency                                   GHz          17          17
    TXES      Rain rate exceeded for 1.01% ofthe year              mmih        40          4G
                S Elevation argle                                   deg       30.0        30.0
              E/Z size                           ©                   m       £.00        §.00
              Transmit E/S peak gain (2M=1.6}                       43        85.2        $5.2
  | RX ES     |Rain rate excesded for 1.01% of the year            mmih        40          40 0_
                19 Elevation argle                                  deg       30.0        30.0
              EJS size                                               m        {.45
              Receive ESS pealkgain {EfMfSC.G)          204          c3       36.3        38.%
              Receive Earth Station G‘T                            <BIK       16.2        18.5
    Uplink    Camerairp                                         _ dBow        79.2       C2.8
   Thermal    |Uplink PSD                                        dBwWitz     ~56.0       5.0
              Transponder SFD {Beam Peak}                        dBivim2     ~88.0       —88.0
              Inpu? Backoi®                                          d3       m.o         0.0
              Lplinik Path Loss, clear sky                           d3 >    212.7       3212.7
              Uplink geseous attenuation                             c3        0.2         1.3
              Lplink rain attenuation                                ds        oo         12.4
              Sateliite 6.T (GeamPzak)                             clBK.       4.5         8.6
              Amienna relativegain towards ESS                       cS       —2.0        ~2.0
              Cl themisl uplink                                      d3       28.5       254
   Downlink |(S/C saturated CIRP (Seam Peak}                       dBw        54.0        54.0
   Thermal    |CamerQuiput backoff                                   ds     . 0o           c.d
              Amienna relative gain towards Earth Station:           ds        —2.8       —2.G
              Samer EIRP towards Sarth Station                     dBwt       52.0        62.0
              Cownlink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds      200.3       208.3
              Downlink gaseous a€eniation                            c3         C.1        .4
              Downlink rain attenuatior:                             ds         oo         3.8
              Arenna Pointing armar                                  ds       —0.3        ~1.3
              Raceive Sarth Station: OfT                           <cB/K      18.2        13.5
              ZB themmal downlink                                    cB        14.0        .2
           ._ |PFD at Seam Peak                                dBwimsiMHz    ~122.6      —122.0
     Cther    Cil {Intra—SystemInterference} _                       63       265.0       25.0
              Orbital Lecation for Intefering SC#t                  deg      —55.00      —35.CQ
               Geosernitic Separation (ve‘station keeping}          deg        4.10       410
               Interfaring Uplink power density                   dBWiHz      —58.5       ~50.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                        doHz        ~12.0       ~32.0
               Cl AStuplink                  —                       cS        48.8        62.2
      ASt      2l ABI downlink iw‘Fx antenna pointing arror}         ds        18.7        18.7
               Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2               deg     —37.0G      —87.00 .
               Geocertric Separation (w‘staiion keeping}            deg        3.80        3.8G
               Interfaring Uplink power density                   aBWiHz      —58.5       —58.5
               Interfaring DNL eirp density                       dBwWiHz     ~12.0       ~12.0
               Cl ASt uplink                                         ds        49.3        62.6
               2/ AS) downlink vertx antenna poinfing ermor}          ds       15.8        15.8
     Total     CHIN+H                                                 ds       10.3         8.1
               System Margin                                          ds        5.2         29


                                                                                   CLRSKY         DEGRADED
                 Camer Type                                                        280KG7W          360KGIN
                 Modulation                                                          BPSK            BPSK
                 Info Rate                                           Moitis          C.128           0.138
   Carrer        FEC:                                                                 050             0.50
                 Noise BM:                                            MHz            C.268           0.284
                 C required                                            d8             2.7              2.7
                 Total Link Availability                               %                      .     §2.80
  SICLoc         |Longitude                                           deg           ~20.80          ~20.30
     .           Uplink Searm Name                                                   NRF             NRF
   Beam          Polatization {H, or, C]                                              C
 Polarization    |Uplink Frequensy                                    GHz             25
 Frequancy )|Downlink Seam Name                                                      NTE
                 Polarization {H, V or, C]                                            C
                 Downlink Frequency                                   GHz            17
   TX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.101% afthe year            mrath           49
                 ES Elevation angle                                _ deg             30.0
                 E/S size                                              m            L.A5
                 Transmit ECS peak gain (2ff=0.66)                     ds            42.8
   RX ES         Rain raie exceeded for 0.01% of the year            mawh           . 40
                 E/S Elevation angle                                  deg            30.0
                 ES size                                               m            £.90
                 Receive EJSpeak gain (EM=C.6}                         ds            82.2
                 Ressive Earth Station G/T                            dSK           28.0
   Uplink        Camer sirp                                          dSw            40.G
  Thermal        |Uplink PSQ                                        cBWIH=z         ~57.0
                 Transponder SFD (Seam Pasak}                       cBWim2          ~89.0
                 laput Basko®                                          ds           —25.2
                 Uplink Path Loss, slear sky                           dS           212.7
                 Uplink gaseous atenuation —                           d8             0.3
                 Uplink rain aftenuation                               d3             .0
                 Sateiliie G:T (Beam Pesk}                            d5/K            C.5
                 Antenna relative gain towards 2/3                     ds            ~2.
                 CIN themial uplink                                    ds            &.0
  Bownlink       |SFCsaturated EIRP (Seam Pask}                       dow            54.0
   Thermal        |Carier Quiput backoff                              ds            ~24.3
                <|Antenna relative gain towards Sacth Staftion        ds             —2.0
                 Camer EIRP towards Sarh Station                      dW            erard
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds           209.3
                 Downlink gaseous ateniation                           ds            OA
                 Downlink rain attenuation                             ds            9.G
                 Antenna Pointing error                                d8            ~0.3
                 Reseive Earth Station GT                             dB/K           28.0
                 CIN themial downlink                                  do            31.3
                 PFD at RBeam Peak                                daBwWi/im2iMHz    ~127.6
    Other        2i (Inira—System Interference)                         ds           20.0
                 Orbital Location for intefering S/C #1                deg          —35.00
                 Geocentric Separation {wistation keeping}             deg           4.10
                 Interfering Uplink power density                    dBWIHz          —56.5
                 Interfering DL eirp density                         aBWiIHz         ~12.0
                 211 AST uplink                                        ds            16.3
     ASI         Cl ASf downlink (wifts antenna pointing error}        do            34.8
                 Orbital Location: for interfering S/C #2              deg          ~37.00
                 Geocentre Separation {wistation keeping}              deg           3.50
                  Interfering Liplink power density                  dBWiHz °        —50.5
                  Interfering DL eirp densi                         dBWiHz           ~12.09
                 Cil ASt uplink                                        do            38.8
                 Cil ASt downlink (w/Rx« antennapainting error}        dS            33.8
    Total        Ci(N+1)                         '                     d8            5.A              4.7
                 SystemMargin                                          do             3.1             2.0

     EXHIBIT 11: GALAXY BSS—1 LINK BUDGETS (continued)

                                                                                 CLRSKY    DEGRADER
                   Camer Type                                                    24MGNK     MMEGTN
                   Modulation                                                     QPSK       CPSK
                   Info Rate                                          Mbit‘s      26.05      26.565
         Carier    |FEC:                                                           T47       D.87
                   Hoise Bvw:                                          MHz        10.988     10.988
                   CiM required                                         c3          4.1        4.1
                   [Total Link Availablity                             %                     go.60
          JC Loo   |Longitude                                          deg        ~20.90    —3G.60
                   Uplink Beam Name                                          —     SRF       SRF
         Seam      Polarization {H, ‘\or, C)                                        C         C
       Polanzation |Uplink Frequency                                   GHe         26         36
       Frequency    |Cownlink BReam Name                                          STF          TF
                    Polarization (H, ‘/ or, C]                                      C          C
                    Cownlink Fresuency                                GHz           7         17
         TX ES      Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year           mnvh         50         50
                    E/S Elevation angle                                deg        30.0       30.0
                    ES size                                             m         £.C0       2.00
                   [Transmsit E/S peak gain (S6=0.6)                   cS         65.2       85.3
        _RX ES      |Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year         mmvh         50         50
                      S Elevaton angle                                 deg        S0.0       30.0
                    ES size                                             m         C.45       ©45
                    Receive E/2 peak gain {E=C.0)                      ds         36.1       38.1
                    Receive Earth Station GT _                         dBik        13.0       8.8
         Uplink     |Camsreirg                                          cdBWw      To.2      §4.0
        Thermak     |Uplink PSD                                        dBuWHz     ~55.:0     44.3
                    Transponder SFD {Beam Pesik)                      dBWim2      ~38—:0     —86.0
                    Input Backeif                                        cB         (ake       Dt
                    Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds       212.¢      312.7
                    Uplink gaseous aitenuation                           oS          0.2        1.3
                    Uplink rain aftenuation                              ds          5.0      14.7
                    Satellite GT (Seam Psak}                            <BIK        856        8.56
                    Antenna relative gain towardsE/S                     ds        —32.0      —2.0
                    Cb themtal uplink                                    cS        26.5       25.4
       — Downlink |S7C saturated ECIRP (Seam Peakt                      cdBWw      80.0       20.G
         Thetrmaf   |Camer Output backoff                                ds          o0        oo
                    Anienna relative gain towards. Earth Station:        ds         —2.0       —260
                    Camer ELRP towards Earth Station                    cdBW       58.0        52.0
                    Cownlink Path Loss, clear sky                        d3       200.3      209.3
                    Downlink gaseous atienuation                         c3          0.4        0.4
                    Downlink rain attenuation                            ds          0.o        §.5
                    Antenna Pointing error                               cS        —C.3       ~0.3
                  . |Receive Earth Station T                            dBIK)      13.0        8.8
                    C/Dl themmat downlink                                d3         16.8        A.s
                    PFD at Seam Peak                                dBWimeMHz     ~118.0     —118.0
           Othar    C {Intra—SystemInterference}                      _ d3         25.0        25.0
                    Orbital Lecation for Intefering C#1                  deg      —25.00     —25.00
                    Geocentric Separation (wistation keeping}            deg       4.10       410
                     Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWHz       —58.5      ~58.5
                     Interfering DyL eirp density                      dBwitz      ~12.0      ~12.0
                    Cl ASt uplink                                         ds        48.8       $4.6
            ASt     T/ ASt downlink (wi‘ex antenna poiniing eror}         do .      18.1       18.1
                    Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2              deg      —57.00     —87.CO
                     Geoceriric Separation (we‘station keeping)          deg        5.80       3.80
                     Interfaring Uplink power density                  dSWIHz      —56.5      ~56.5
                     Interfaring DL eirpdensity                        dBwiHz      ~12.0      ~12.0
                    Cil ASt uplink                                        ds        48.3       54.0
                    Zyl ASt downlink (wiRx antenna poinding emor)         ds        18.2       18.2
           Total    CitD+H)                                               ds        127         6.1
                    System Margin:                                        d2         8.6        290



                                                                                CLRSKY    DEGRADED
                Carer Type                                                      ABOKGTW    260KGTW
                Modulation                                                        EPSX       BPSK
                Infs Rate                                           Moitfa        C.128      8.128
   Carrer       FEC:                                                              0.50       1.50
                Noise SWW:                                           MHz          C268       0.286
                CAN required                                          ds           2F         2.7
                Total Link Availability                               %                     $0.80
   S/C Loc      |Longituds                                           deg         —30.80     —35.90
                Uplink Seam Mame                                                  SRF         SRF
    Beam        Polarization {H, V or, CJ                                          C           C
 Polarization   |Uplink Frequensy                                    GHz           25        ela
  Frequency     |Downlink Beam Name                                              STF        STF
                Polarization {H, V or, £)                                          C          C
                Downlink Frequency                                   GHz          17         17
   TX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year              mroh         50         Sn
                 (S Elevationangle                                    deg        30.0       30.0
                E/S size                                               h         C.45       C.65
                Transmit ES peak gain iEEE=B-.E5)                     ds          42.8      42.8
   RX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 1.01% ofths year              mrih          €1        50
                  S Elevation angle                        '         deg          30.0      30.0
                ESS size                                              m           g.00      £.10
                Recaive    E/S peak gain (CH=0.5}                     ds          8232      az.a
                Recseive Earth Station GJT                          dS/K          39.0      25.7
    Uplink      Carar eirp                                          dBwe          40.0      62.¢
   Themal       |Uplink PSD                                        d5WiHz        ~57.:0     44.3
                transponder SFO (Geam Pesak)                       cBwim2        ~89.0      ~S8.0
                Input Raskof#                                        do          ~36.2      ~25.2
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                           do         212.7      212.
                Uplink gaseous atenuation                            ds           0.3        1.3
                Uplink rain attentation                               ds          1.0       12.8
                Sateilite G/T (Baam Peak}                            dB/K         8.5        6.5
                Antenna relative gain towards E/S                     ds          ~2.0      —2.0
    .           OH themsal uplink                                     d3          6.0       4.
  Bownlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak}                      dBW          80.0      800
   Thermat      |Carrier Qulput backoff                               ds          ~24.3     —24.3
                Antenna refative gain towards Zarth Stafion           ds          ~2.0       —2.0
                Camer EIRP tewards Earth Station                     dSW          33.7      33.7
                Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         d3          209.3     208.3
                Downlink gaseous atiennation                          dS           B1        .4
                Downlink rain attemnuation                            ds           1.0       7.2
                Antenna Poinfing error                                dS          ~1.3      —I.2
                Recaive Earth Station GVT                            dS/K         28.0      25.7
                TN themnal downlink                                   do .          7.3     26.4
                PFD at Beam Peak                                  dBgwim2/MHz    ~121.6     ~121.6
    Other       C {Infra—System Interference}                         dS.         20.0      20.0
                Orbital Lecationfor Intefering S/C #1                 deg        ~35.00     ~35.00
                Gzocentric Separation fwistation keeping)             deg         4.10      4.10
                Interfering Uplink power density                    dBWWHz        —56.5     ~50.5
                Interfering DL eirp density                         dBWiHz        ~12.0     ~12.0
                C1 ASt uplink                                         48          398.3     42.3
     AS1        Cil ASt downlink iwi‘Rx antenna pointing error}       do—         40.6       40.8
                Orbital Location for infterfering S/C #2              deg        —57.00     —87.00
                Gaccentric Separation {wistation kesping)             deg         3.50       3.80
                Interfering Uplink power density                    dBWIHz        —58.5     —5G.5
                Interfering DYL eirp density                        dBWiHz        ~12.9     ~12.0
                Cil ASI uplink                                        ds          38.8       41.8
                C1 ASI downlink (iwiRx antenna pointing error}        dS          390.8      390.8
     Total      CN+I)                                                 d8           5.8       4.8
                System Margin                                         ds           3.4       21


                                                                                  CLRSKY     DEGRADED
              Camer Type                                                          24MGAIA     24MGTN
              Modulation:                                                          aFSK        CPSK
              Info Rate                                                Mbitis      26.05       28.06
     Camer    |FEC:                                                                 I.87        0.67
              Noise BW:                                                 FIHz       19.988      16.688
              TCB required                                               ds          4.1        4.1
              Total Link Availability                                    %                     65.06
  < SiCLee    |Longituda                                                deg        —20.90      —30.60
              Uplink Beam Name                                                      NRF         NRF
     Seam     Polarization {H, V or, 0)                                              C           C
  Polarzation |Uplink Frequency                                         GHz          26          25
   Frequency ||Downlink Seam Name                                                   STF         t
                    Polarlzation {A, V or, C]                                        C           C
                    Downlink Frequency                                 GHz          17          17
       TX ES        Rain rate excesded for 1.01% ofthe year            mmih         40          4G
                     i3 Elevation argle                                 fleg        30.0       30.0
                    E/8 size                                             m         £.00        5.00
                    TransmhA E/S peak gain (2R—0.8}                     d3          86.2        65.3
       RX ES        Rain rate exceaded for 0.01% of the year           mm            50          5C
   j                  S Elevation argle                                ‘deg         300         30.G
                    E/S size                                             m         .45         d.4§
                    Receive ES peak gain (EM—C—8)                       a3          36.1        38.1
                    Receive Earth Station /T                           cBJK         13.0        8.
        Uplink      Camer einp                                         cdBW        TE®         §1.3
       Thermal      |UplinkPSD                                        dBwiHz       ~59.0       48.8
                    Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       daBwWimz     ~38.0       —86.0
                    Inout Backeit                                        ds         oA          D.
                    Uplink Path Loss, clear shy                          ds        elpcarg     2127
                    Uplink geseous attenuation.                          ds          .2          1.3
                    Uplink rain aftenustion                              c3          5.0        12.1
                    Sateliite GT7 (Seam Psak}                           cB/K         6.5        5.6
                    Amenna relative gain towards E/                      do         —2.0       —2.0
                    CP themmal uplink                  '                 ds        28.5        25.4
   ‘Downlink        |SVC saturated SIRP (Seam Psak}                     db          80.0        20.G
    Thermal         |Cariar Ouiput backoff                              ds           ©.0        g.o
                    Amernina relativegain towards Earth Station:         ds         —2.0        —26G
                    Zamer EIRP towards Earth Station                    dBw         58—0        58.0
                    Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        cB        200.3       208.3
                    Downlink gasecus ateruation                          as          0.1         0.4
                    Downlink rain aitenuation                            d3          00          8.5
                    Amtenna Pointing armor                               ds        —5.3        —1.3
                    Raceive Earth Station G/T                           <lB/AK      13.0        §.9
                    Cb themal downink                                    dB         18.8         6.8
                    PFD at Seam Peak                                 dBWim2iMHz    ~118.0      —118.0
        Oihsr       Cl {Intra—System Interference}                       ds         25.0        25.0
        >           Orbital Lceation for Intefering SAO#t               deg        —55.00      ~35.CO
                    Geoceninic Separation (wistation keeping}           deg         4.10        410
                    Interfering Uplink power density                   dBwiHz       —58.5      ~58.5
                    Interfering INL eirp density                       dBwiHz       —12.80     ~12.0
                    Cil ASI uplink                                       ds         49.8        61.6
            ASt     CIl ASI downlink (vere antenna pointing eror}         ds         19.1        18.1
                    Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2              deg        37.00      —87.GO
                    Geocerinic Separation (wistation keeping)            dey        3.80         3.20
                    Interfering Uplink powsr density                   dBAHz        —5A.5       —56.6.
                    Interfering DNL eirp density                       dBwWWHz      ~12.0      —12.0
                    C/l AS1 uplink                                        ds        48.2         61.3
                    CfI ASI downlink (varx antenna pointing error}        ds         18.2        18.2
            Total   CAN+H                                                 dB         12.¢         8.1
                    System Margin                                        ds          5.6        2.0


                                                                                          CLRSKY     DEGRADED
                 Camier Type                                                              4BMIGTA    48MO0GTVW
                 Modulation:                                                                aPSK       SPSK
                 Info Rate                                             Mbit‘s                100        80
    Carmier      [FEC:                                                                      0.82       {.87
                 hoise B:                                               KIHz               40.000     40.000
                 CA required                                             c3                  8.9        &6
                 Total Link Availability                                     %                         S§&.50
   S/G Lee       |Longitude                                                 dey            —50.50      ~21.90
                 Uplink BReam Name:                                     ‘                  SPOT        SPOT
    Beam         Pdarization {A. Y or, 21                          .                         C           C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                      GHz                  35         26
  Prequency      |Downlink Searn Name                                                      SPOT        EPOT
                 Polarization {H, V or, C]                                                   C           C
                 Downlink Frequency                                    GHz                   17         17
    TXES         Rainrete excesded for 1.01% of the year               mnvh                  8Q         50
                 E3 Elevation angle                                     deg                 30.0       30.0
                 E/8 size                                                m                 2.00        $.0G
                 Tranamit ES pesk gain (C6=D0.8%                             do             85.2       66.3
    RX ES        Rainrate excesded for 1.01% of the year            mmih                     2C          50
                 ES Elevation angle                                  deg                    30.0        30.0
                 E/S size                                             m                    0.75        0.78
                 Receive E$ paak gain {EfM=C.C)                      ds                     40.5        40.5
                 Receive Sarth Station GT                           <lBK                    174         14.1
    Uplink _     |[Camasreirp                                       dBw                    732         88.4
   Thermal       |Uplink PSD                                       cBVSHz                  —88.0       —52.q
                 FTransponder SFD (Beam Pesk)                      aBWim®                  —S0.G       ~50.0:
                 Iniput Backoift                                             ds             CG          9.1
                 Uplink Path Loss, cleer sky                             d2                312.6       212.6
                 Uplink gaseous aitenuation:                             ds                 .2           1.4
                 Uplink rain aftenuation                                 d3                 3.0         16.2
                 Sateliits G:T (Seam Peak}                              <iB/K.             18.5        186.5
                 Anienna relativegain towards EfS.                       ds                 C.C         8.A
        .        CAM tnemmal uplink                                          c3             29.:5      284
   Downlisk      |S°C saturated EIRP (Seam Paak]                        dBW                 82.0        83.0
    Thermal       |Camisr QOutput backoff                                    ds              9.Q        CC
                 Antienna relative gain towards Eardth Station               dB              4.D        C.G
                 Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                           dbw              82.0       B3.0
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                               ds             208.3      205.3
                 DCownlink gaseous afenuation                                >               0.1        C.4
                 Cownlink rain aitermation:                                   as             9.9         c.G
                 Antenna Poiniing arror                                       d3            ~9.3        —G.3
                 Receive Earth Station GHT                                  <l1B/K.         164         14.4
                 CIN themmal downlink                                        ds       .     22.2        12.8
                 PFD at Seam Peak                                dBouvimeMH=z              —116.0      ~118.6G
     Ciher       21 {Intra—SystemInterference}                               ds             20.G        20.0
                 Orbital Leeation for Intefering S°C #1                  dey               —85.00      —25.00
                 Geoseniric Separation (vestation keeping}               deg                410         4.10
                 Interfering Uplink power density                      dBuWWHz              ~58.5.      —56.5
                 Interfering DJL eirp density                          dBwiHz               ~12.0       —12.0
                 CA ASI upiink                  c                        ds                 40.8        56.0
      ASt        C ASI downlink (waRx antenna poinfing emor}                 d3             25.90       25.9
                 Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2                     dey           ~87.00      —37.00
                 Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)                   deg            3.80        3.50
                 Interfaring Uplink power density                      cBWiHz               ~58.5      —55.5
                 Interfering DVL eirp density                          cdBwWHaz             —12.0      ~12.0
                 CA ASI uplink                                            d3                40.2       §65.4
                 CA ASt downlink (vaRx antenna poinfing emor}             d3                25.1       25.1
      Total      CHN+1)                                                   ds                16.8        11.8
                 System Margin                                            ds                 7.8        2.G


                                                                               CLRSKY     DEGR&DED
             Camer Type                                                        sGIKGTW    aBOKGFW
              Modulation                                                        BPRK        BPSK
              Info Rate                                           Moitfs        0.128       .128
   Carrier    FEC:                                                               0.50        0.SD
              Noise BW:                                            MHz          $.2886      1.208
              CAN required                                          ds            2.          2.7
              Total Link Availability                               %                       83.80
   5/C Loc    |Longitude                                           deg          —80.90      ~30.90
              Uplink Seam Name                                                  SPCT        SPQT
    Beam      Polarization {A, V or, C)                                    .      C            C
 Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz >          26          235
  Frequancy |Downlink Beam Name                                                 SPOT        SPOT
              Polarization {H, V or, C)                                           C            C
              Downlink Frequency        .                         GHz             17           17
    TX ES     Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year             mmih            8G          20
                /S Elevation angle                                 deg           30.0        30.0
              ESS size                                              m            045         C.45
             Transmit E/S peak gain (Eff=D.65)                     4B            39.5        30.5
   RX ES     Rain raie exeseded for 0.01% ofthe year               mmih            BC          &5
             E/S Elevation angle                                    deg          30 .0       30.0
             ESS size                                                m          8.CD        £.00
             Recsive E/S peak gain {ECH=CG.6)                       d3           62.1        $2.1
             Reseive Earth Stafion G:T                             d3           38.5        25.5
   Uplinik   Camer cirp                                            dSW          25.5        43.7
  Thermat    |Uplink PSE                                          dBWiHz        —54.8       ~50.1
             Transponder SFD (Beam Pesk}                         dBw/m2         —§0.0       ~S0.B
             Input RBackoi#®                                        ds          —44.3       44.3
             Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            ds          212.6       212.6
             Uplink gaseous atenuation                              ds            .2          1.3
             Uplink rein attenuation:                               ds            t.o        14.8
             Satellite O/T (Beam Peak)                             dB/K          186.5       16.5
             Antenna relative gain towards 2/8                       do           0.0         B.0
             CIN thermal uplinik                                     48           7.0G       5.9
  Downlink    |S/C ssturated EIRP (Beam Pesk]                      dakt          63.0        83.0
  Thermat    |Carriar Quiput backoff                                 ds         424         424
             Antennarelative gain towardsSarth Station               ds            D          1.0
             GCamer EIRP towards Sarth Siation                     dSwf          20.6        20.8
             Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                           ds         208.3       208.3
             Cownlink gaseous afenuation                             ds            .1         0.4
             Downlink rain attenuation:                              dB            G.Q        8.5
             Antenna Pointing error                                  dB          —0.3        0.3
             Recseive Earth Station G/T                            d2IK          35.9        35.5
             CIN thermal downlink                                    48          24.2        11.8
             PFD at Beam Peak                                  dBwWi/im2/MHz    —136.8      ~136.6
    Othar     Cil (Inva—System Interference}                        ds           20.0        20.0
              Orbital Location for Intefering S/C #1               deg          —85.00      ~35.00
              Geccentrs Separation fwistation keeping)           ‘ deg           4.10        4.10
              Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWHiHz         —C8.C      ~58B.5
              Interfering DL eirp density                        dBwiHz          —12.0      —12.0
              C &ST uplinik                                        do             18.3       33.1
     ASI      C1 ASt downlink fwi‘Rx antenna pointing error}        dS           27 5        27.6
              Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2               deg         —87 .0G     —57.00
              Geocentric Separation fwistation keeping)             deg          3.80        3.80
              Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWiIHz         —58.5       —5G.5
              Interfering Deirp density                          dBWi/Hz |       —12.0       ~12.0
              Cil ASt uptink                                        dB            17.7       32.5
              C1 ASf downlink (wiRx antenna pointing error}         ds           26.6        25.6
    Tatal     CA(M+1y                                             — d8             6.9        4.7
              System Margin                                         dg            3.          2.G


                                                                                  CLRSKY   DEGRADED
               Camier Type                                                       45MDGFW   42MDGTYY
               Modulation                                                          APSK      SPSK
               Info Rate                                             Mkitis         100        SD
    Carrier    |FEC:                                                                D.83      0.87
               Noise BW:                                             MHz         40.000     40.000
                 C required                                           ds           8.9         5C
                 Total Link Availabidity                               %                     S8.20
    SIC Loc      |Longitude                                           deg         —80.99     ~20.90
                 Uplink Beam Name                                                 SPOT       SsPOT
     Seam        Pelarizztion {H, V or, C]                                           C          C
  Polarizaation |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz            25         25
   Frequency ||Downlink Seam MName                                                SPOT       SPOT
                 Pelarization {H, V or, C]                                           C          C
                 Cownlink Frequency                                  GHz            17         T7
     TX ES       Rain rate exsesded for 1.01% of the year            mmih           5C         50
                 E3 Elevationangle                                    deg          30.0       30.0
                 E/S size                    .                         m           5.00       5.00
                 Fransmit E/S peak gain (SN=0.8}                      dS           §5.2       65.2
     RX ES       Rain rate exceaded for 0.01% of the year            mmih           5G         50
              ~_ |ES Elevation angle             M                    deg          20.0       30.0
                 E/S size                                              m           0.f5       0.78
                 Receive E8B peakgain (EH—G.6)                        ds           40.6       40.5
                 Receive Earth Station &T                            <dBIK         17.4       14.7
    Uplink     Camer cirp                                            dBw           73.3      S2.1
   Thermal      |Uplink PSD                                         dBWWHz        —88.G      48.1
               Fransponder SFO {Beam Pesk)                          dBWieim2      —8G.G      ~20.0
               Iniput Backoit               ‘                          cS           £.G       0.9
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                             dS         712.8      212.0
               Uplink gaseous aitenuation:                             cS           1.2        1.3
               Uplink rain attenuation                                 ds           0.0       19.9
               Satellits GA (Seam Psak}                               <dBIK        18.5       18.5
               Antennsrelative gain towards EJS                        ds           C.G       baka
        .      CAN themsl uptink                                       cS          23.5      284
   Cownlink    |SFC saturated EIRP (Seam Peak}                        cdBw         20.C       50.0D
   Thermal      |Camer Output backoff                                  ds           1.0        LG
               Antienna relative gain towards Earth Station:           ds           8.0        C.G
               Camier EIRP towards Earth Station                      cBwWw        80.0       GB.
               Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                           ds         209.3      200.3
               DCownlink gasecus attenuation                           ds           0.1        G.4
                Cownlink rain attenuation:                             ds           aka       26
               Armienina Poiniing errof                               oS           ~1.3       —G.3
               Receive Earth Station G‘T                             dBiK          17.4       14.7
               CBl themmal downfink                                    ds          20.2       13.3
                PFD at BaanmPeak                                  dBwiimeiMH2z    —118.0     ~1180
     Ciher     Z2A {Intra—System Interference}                         ds          2G.0       20.0
               Orbital Lecation for Intefering C #1                   deg         —85.00     ~25.00
               Geoceniric Separation (ve‘station keeping)             deg          4.1G       4.10
               Interfaring Uplink power density                     dBWiHz         ~£8.5      —E6.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                          dBwiHz         ~12.0      —12.0
               CSA ASt uplink                                         c3           40.8       60.z
      ASt      2( ASI downlink (v‘Rx antenna pointing error}          d3           32.G       22.8
               Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2                deg         —87.C0     —57.00
               Geoceniric Separstion (wistation keeping)              deg          3.80        3.50
               Interfering Uplink power density                     dBuwWHz        —56.5      —£6.5
               Interfering DL eirp density                          dBVWHz         ~12.0      —12.0
               CH ASI uplink                                           o3          40.2        60.1
               Cil AS1 downlink (we‘Rx antenna pointfing ermor}        ds          22.1        2221
     Total     CiBHT)                                                  ds           14.G       11.8
       |        System Margin                                          ds           8.1        20


                                                                                      CLRSKY     DEGRADED
                   Cater Type                                                        3B0KGTPYN    260KGTW
                   Modulation                                                          BPSK        BPSK
                   Info Rate                                            Moit‘s         1.128       P.128
      Carrier      |FEC:                                                                ©.50        0.50
                   Hoise SW:                                            MHz            1.366       0.268
                   CN required                                           ds              2.7        2.7
                   Total Link Availability                               %                         $9.60
 SiC Loc           |Longitude                                           deg           —20.90      ~30.20
                   Uplink Seam Name                                                   SPCT         SPOT
      Beam         Polarization {H, V or, C)                                            2            C
Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                           GHz            25          25
Fraquency          |Downlink Beam Mame                                                 SPOT        SPOT
                ~—|Polarization {A, W or, C)                                             C          C
                   Downlink Frequency                                    GHz             17         17
      TX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mmih            50          &
      609          E/S Elevation angle                                   deg           30.0        30.0
                   EJS size                                               h            076         £.F6
  .                Transmit ESS peak gain (Zff=D.65)                     d3            44.0        44.0
      RX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mmih            5C          S
                   ES Elevation angle                                    deg           30.0        30.0
                   ES size                                                m            9.00        £.90
                   Receive E/S peak gain (EH=—C.8}                       d3            62.1        82.1
                   Resaive Earth Station G/MT                            do)           38.9        25.0
  Uplink           Carter sirp                                          dSw            29.0        20.6
 Thermal           |Upilink PSQ                                        cBWIHz          —84.2       ~55.7
                   Transponder SFD {Beam Peak}                         dBWim2          —50.0       ~90.0
                   Input Baskof®                                          «S           ~44.2       ~44.2
                   Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            ds           212.6       21%2.8 ~
                   Uplink gaseous atienuation                             dS            6.3         1.3
                   Uplink rain attenuation                                ds            &.o         10.5
                   Sateilite G:T (Beam Paak)                             dSK           18.5        16.5
                   Antenna relative gain towards 2/S                      48            5.0         8.0
                   C/N themial uplink                                     ds            7.          8.0
 Cownlink          |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Pask}                       dBud           60.0        BO.0
  Thermal          |Carrier Output backoff                       .        48           —42.2       42.3
                   Antenna relative gain towards Earth Station            «48          + 6.o        0.G
                   Catmer EIRP tewards ZSarth Station                    dow            17.f        17.7
                   Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                          do           208.3       200.3
                   Downlink gaseous atienuation                           d8            C.1         4.4
                   Downlink rain afttenuation                             ds            C.o         5.6
                   Antenna Pointing error                                 ds            —0.3       —1.2
                   Ressive Earth Station GHT                             dBK            38.8        25.6
                   TN themial downlink                                    «42           31.3         12.0
                   PFD atBeam Peak                                   dBowWim2itMHz     —139.6      ~138.6
       Othar       C)l (Intra—System Interference}                        do            20.0        20.8
                   Orbital Location for Intefering S/C #1                deg           ~85.00      ~35.00
                   Gaocentric Separation {wistation kesping)             deg            4.10        410
                   Interfering Uplink power density                    dBWIHz.         —58.5       —58.5
                   Interfering DA eitp density                         dBWiHz          —12.0       ~12.0
                   Cil ASt uplink                                        ds             18.3        28.8
        ASt        Cil ASI downlink iw/R« antenna pointing error}        d8             24.5        24.8
           '       Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2               deg           —87.00      —87 00
                   Gaocentric Separation {fwistation kesping}            deg            3.80        3.20
                    Interfering Uplink power density                   ~dBWiHz.       © —56.56     —58.5
                    Interfering DA sitp density                        dBWiHz.         —12.0       ~13.0
                   CJl ASt uplink                                         ds —          17.8        25.3
                   2il ASt downlink (w/Rx antenna pointing error}         do            23.7        33.7
       Total       CAN+1Y                                                 d8             8.          4.7
                   System Margin                                          d3             4.3        2.0


                                                                             CLRSKY    DEGRADED
             Camer Type                                                     4BMNGHW     48M0GW
             Modulation                                                       ePSK       SPSK
             Info Rate                                          Mbit‘s        100         50
  Camer      |FEC:                                                            0.83       087
             Noise BW:                                           MHz         40.000     40.000
             TCB required                                        ds           8.9          £8
             Total Link Availability                              %                       g8.50
 SIC Loe     |Lengituds                                          deg         —80.50      —21.30
             Uplick Beam Name                                                SPOT        SsPaT
   Beam      Polarizaiion {H, V or, CJ                                         C           C
Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz           25         26.
Frequency    ||Downlink Sear Mame                                            SPOT        SPOT
             Polarization {H, ‘ or, C)                                         C          C
             Downlink Frequency                                  GHz          17          17
  TX ES      Rain rate exsesaded for 0.01% of the year           mmih         20          20
             ES Elevation argle                                   deg         30.G       $0.0
             ES size                                               m          §.00       §.00
             Transmit E/S peak gain (SH=0.8}                      c3          £5.2       £6.2
  RX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year            mmih          20         20
              E/S Elevation argle                                deg          30.0        30.0
              E/S size                                            m           0.S0       8.80
              Receive E/S peak gain {EMT—C.C})                    ds          41.         4111
      *      Receive Earth Station T.                            dB‘K.        7.3        18.2
  Uplink     Camer sing                                          cBw          73.2       81.7
 Thermal     [Uplink PSD                                       aBwiita       —82.0       ~59.5
             Transpondar SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBwWim2       —80.0       ~£0.0
              Iriput Backe®                                       ds          C.G         00
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds         212.8       2126
              Uplink gasecus attenuation                          cS          0.2         1.3
              Uplink rain attenuation                             cS           9.4        85
              Satellite GA (Seam Paak}                           <B/K         16.5        16.5
            . |Arienina relative gain towards E/S                 ds          CC          g.0
              EN thenmal uplink                                   ds          23.5       284
 Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Peak]                     dBW          67.0        57.0
 Thermal     |Camer Quiput backoff                                ds           9.0         C.G
             Amenna relative gain towards Earth Station:          ds           a.o         t.G
              Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                   dBw          57.0        57.0
              Cownlink Path Loss, clear sky                       aS          209.9.     209.3
              Downlink gaseous atenuation                         d3           0.1         C4
              Downlink rain aitenuation:                          4s           4.0         1.8
              Amenna Pointing arror _                              ds         ~1.3        —C.3
              Receive Earth Station VT                            <lB/K       17.9        18.2
              CIN themal downlink                                  s          17.8        14.2
              PFD at Seam Peak                                dBw¢‘m2aMHz    —122.0      ~1232.0
   Other      CA (Intra—SysztemInterference}                      c3          2G.0        20.0
              Orbital Leeation for Intefering &C #1               deg        —985.00     ~55.00
              Geocantric Separation [wistation keeping)           deg         416         4.140
              Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWiHz        ~58.5      —556.5
              Interfering DyL eirp density                      dBvdHz        ~12.0      —12.0
              2M ASI uplink                                       a3          4G.8        46.3
    ASt       CIl ASt downlink (wrx antenna pointing ermor}       ds          20.5        20.5
              Orbital Lecation for interfering SJC #2              deg       —87.00      —87.9G
              Geocentric Separation {wistation keeping)            deg        3.80        3.50
              Interfaring Uplink power density                 * dBwWHz       —58.6       —£6.5
              Interfering CyL eirp density                      dBwiHz        —12.0       ~12.0
            . |2A ASI uplink                                      ds          40.2        48.7
              T1 AS1 downlink waRex antenna pointing emort        ds           19.7       18.7 _
   Total      CAN+])                                              48           12.2       11.8
              System Margin                                       ds           4.4         20


                                                                                   CLRSKY   DEGRADED
               Camer Type                                                         BEDKGPN    360KGTW
               Medulation                                                           BPSK       BPSK
               Info Rate                                           Mbitis           0128       1.128
  Carrier      FEC:                                                                 0.50       0.50
               Noise BVW:                                          MHz             0.205      [sfelsla]
               CIN required.                                        ds              2.7         2.7
               Total Link Availability                               %                        892.00
  S/C Los      |Longitude                                           deg            —80.90     ~30.90
               Uplink Beam Name                                                    SPCGT      SPOT
   Beam        Polarization (H, W or, CJ                                      >      C          C
Polarization   |Upiink Frequency                                   GHz               25         25
Frequency      ||Downlink Seam Name                                                SPCT       SPOT
               Polarization {H, V or, C]                                            C           C
               Downlink Frequency                                  GHz               17          17
  TX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year             mmih              20         20
                /5 Elevation angle                         —        deg             30.0       20.0
                S size                                               m             0.A0       £.S0
               Transmit ESS peak gain (Sff=0.65)                    dB _            44.5       44.5
  RX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year             mmih             20         230
               E/S Elevarion angle                                  deg            30.0       30.0
               ES size                                               m             B.GD       £.00
               Receive   ES peak gain (EH=C.0)                      dB              62.1       §2.1
               Reseive Earth Station G:T                            dB/K           38.9       20.8
   Uplisk      Carmer sirg                                         dSW             29.0       23.5
. Thermal      |Uplink PSG                                        dBWiHz           —59.8      ~85.3
               Transponder SFD (Seam Pesk}                        cBWi/m2          —80.0      ~80.0
               Input Backof®                                        cS             —44.3      ~44.3
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds             212.6      212.6
               Uplink gaseous atienuation                           dB               she]       1.2
               Uplink rain attenuation                              cS               G.o        4.5
               Sateiliie G:T (Baam Peak)                           dB/K             16.5       16.5
               Antenna relative gain towards ES                     <s              5.0         8.0
               C themmal uplink                                     cS              7.          5.9
 Downlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Psak}                     dsW              87 .0     57.0
 Thermal       |Carmer Quiput backoff                               d8              ~42.4     424
               Antenna relative gain towards Sarth Station           ds              G.o        1.0
               Carier EIRP towards Sarh Station                    dSw              16.6       14.8
               Downlitk Path Loss, clear sky                         do            206.3      206.3
               Downlink geseous atienuation                          ds              G.1        0.4
               Downlink rain attenuation                             ds              Lo         24
               Antenna Pointing error                                ds             —0.3       ~1.2
               Ressive Earth Station G/T                            dos              5.9       26.8
               CX thermal downlink                                   d3                        13.4
               PFD at Ream Peak                                 dBWimaitviHz                  ~142.6
   Other       Cil (Intra—System Interference}                       d3                        20.0
               Orbital Location for Intefering 5/C #1               deg                       ~85.00
               Geocsentrc Separation {wistation keeping}            deg                        4.10
               Interfering Liplink power density                  dBWiHz                       ~56.5
               Interfering D/ eirp density                        dBWiHz                       ~12.0
               Cil ASt uplink                                        <dB                       22.8
    AS!        Cil ASI downlink (wiRx antenna poiniing error}        <l3                       21.5
               Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2              dey                       —87.90
               Geocentric Separation fwistation keeping)            deg                        3.00
               Interfering Uplink power density                   dBwiHz                       ~58.5
               Interfering DL eirp densi                          dBWwi/Haz                    ~12.0
               Cl ASt uplink                                         do                        22.2
               2i ASt downlink (wirtx antenna pointing error}        ds                         20.7
    Total      C(M+1)                                                ds                          4.7
               System Margin                                         <dB                         2.G

Document Created: 2019-04-12 21:33:30
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 21:33:30

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC