Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080701-00137 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                               CLRSKY     DESRADERD
                Camer Type                                                     BAMGCTI     2MAMGTVW
                Modulation                                                      aPSK         CPSK
                Info Rate                                          NMbit‘s      28.045       256.05
   Carrier      FEC:                                                             or           D.87
                Noise BW:                                           MHz         19.988      19.988
                CIN required                                         ds          4.1         4.1
                [Total Link Availabiity                              %                      g5.50
  SIC Loe       |Longitude                                          deg         ~965.15     3515
                Uplink Beam Name                                                 NRF         SNRF
    Beam        Potarization {(H, C or, C)                                        C          C
 Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz           25         25
~ Frequency     |Downlink Seam Name                                              NTF         NTF
                Polarization {H, / or, C)                                         C           C
                Downlink Fresuency                                  GHz           17         17
   TX ES        Rain rate exossded for 0.01% of the year            mmi{h         40         40
                ES Elevaton argle                                   deg          30.0        30.G
                E/Ssize                                              m          S.CO        .00
                Tranamit E/S peak gain (2f=0.8)                      as          85.2        85.2
   RX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year            muh           40         4
                E/S Elevation argle                                 deg          S1L0        30.0
                E/S size                                             m           C.Rs (      0.85
                Receive E/S peak gain {Eff—0.6}                      cS          30.3      ~ 3G.2
                Receive Earth Station GvT                          cBIK          15.2        13.5
   Uplink       Camer eirp                                         cBW           79.2        £2.8
  Thermal       |Uplink PSD                                       dBWiHa        ~59.0       5.8
                Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBwWim2       ~38.0       —88.0
                Input Backof                                         ds          190         .0
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds         212.7       312.7
                Uplink gaseous aitenuafion                           ds          0.2         1.3
                Uplink rain attenuation                              ds          O.Q         124
                Satellite G.7 (Seam Peank}                          cBik         8.5          6.5
                Anienna nelative gain towardsES                      ds          —2.0        ~2.0
                TN themial uplink                                    cS          36.5       354
  Downlink       |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Pegk}                    dBw          54.0        64.0
  Themal         |Camer Quiput backoff                               ds           0.0        0.0
                Anienna relative gain towards. Earth Station         cB          —2.0        —26G
                Camer EIRP towards Earth Stafion                    dBw          S2.0        52.0
                Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         d3        202.3       208.3
                Downlink gaseous atenuation                           ds          C.3         0.4
                Downlink rain aitenuation                             cS          od          3.8
                Anterina Pointing error                               ds         —C.3        0.3
                Receive Earth Station /T                             <lB/K       15.2        13.5
                TCM themal downlink                                   ds         14.0         7.2
                PFD at Seam Peak                                 dBWirn2lMHz    ~122.G      —122.0
    Ciher       2A {Intra—SystemInterference}                        ds          25.0        25.0
                Orbital Lecation for Intefering C #t                 deg        ~21.00      —21.C0
                Geocentric Separation [wistation keeping}            deg         4.15        415
                Interfering Uplink power density                   dBuWHaz       —58.5       ~56.5
                Interfering DL sirp density                        dBwiHz        ~12.8       ~12.0
                CA ASI uptink                                         d3         49.8         82.3
     ASt        C ASI downlink (w‘Rx antenna pointing ermor}          d3          18.8        18.8
                Orbital Lecation for interfering S/AC #2             deg        ~28.00G     —28.CO
                Geocentnic Separstion [wistation keeping}            deg         3.75         3.75
                Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWiHz        —58.5       —58.6
                Interfaring DA eirp density                        dBWHz         1290        ~12.0
                CA AS1 uplink                                         i8         498.1        82.5
       .        TA ASI domnilink vertx antenna pointing error}       4B          15.8        16.6
    Total       CN+L)                                                ds          10.3         6.1
                System Margin                                        <8           5.2         2.0


                                                                                 CLRSKY     DEGRADER
                 Camer Type                                                      SEDKGrW     3AIKG/N
                 Modulatior:                                                       BPSK       BPSK
                 Info Rate                                           Mbit‘s        D.128      D.128
    Carrier      FEC:                                                              4.50        8.50
                 Noise BW:                                           NMHz         ©~£208      C350
                 CIN required                                         d3            2Z         2.7
                 Total Link Availability                               %                     c€.60
   SiQLoe        —|Longitude                                          deg         ~85.18     —95.15
                 Uplink Beam Name                                                  NRF        NRE
    Seam         Polarization {H, V or, CJ                                          C           C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz            2          25
  Frequency      |Downlink Seam Name                                               NTF        NTF
                 Petarization (H, W or, CJ                                          C          T
                 Downlink Frequency                                  GHz            17         17
    TX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the yeaar           mmih           40         4C
                 E/S Etevation angle                                  dey          30.0       20.0
                 ES size                                               m           CS         O.AS
                 Tranamit   ESS peak gain (2f—0.62)                   d            42.8       42.8
    RX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year            mmin           40         41
                  13 Elevation angle                                  deg          30.0       30.0
                 ES size                                               m           £.C0       §.00
                 Receive ES peak gain {Eff=—C.6;                      c3           82.2        62.2
                 Receive Earth Station GvT                           <1BK.        20.0        35.1
    Uplink       Camer sing                                          dBw          40.0        48.7
   Thermal       |Uplink PSD                                       iBx/Hz         ~57.0       484.3
        ‘        Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dowWim2        ~39.0       —88.G
                 Iriput Backo®                                        ds          ~26.2       —26.2
                 Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds          212.7       212.7
                 Uplink gesecous aitenuation:                         d3           .2          1.3
                 Uplink rain attenuation                              s            0.0         B7
                 Satellite G.7 (SeamPeak}        .                   clBIK.        8.5        £.5
                 Amienna relative gain towards EJS                    c3           ~3.0       —2.0
                 C themmal uplink                                      ds          8.0        . 4.0
   Downlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Paak}                     dBW            54.D       54.G
   Thermal       |Camer Ouiput backoff                                48          . —44.3     —24.2,
                 Anienina relative gain towardsEarth Station:         ds             —2.0      —2.0
                 Camar EIRP towards Earth Station                    dBw           2F.F        27.7
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds         200.3       308.3
                 Cownlink gaseous afieruation                          da           0.%        A.4
                 Downlink rain aitenuation                             ds           0.0         4.8
                 Anierina Pointing error                               daB         —G.3        1.3
                 Receive Earth Station GiT                            <lB/K        29.0        38.1
                 CiM themtal downlink                                  ds          31.3        22.3
                 PFD at Seam Peak                                 dBwWwim2iMHz    ~127.6      —137.8
     Ciher       Cil {Intra—SystemInterference}                        oS          20.0        20.0
                 Orbital Location for Intefering S/C.#t               deg         —21.0G      —21.00
                 Geocentric Separation (ws‘station keeping}           deg          4.15        415
                 Interfering Uplink powsr density                   daBwWiliz      —56.5      —50.6
                 Interfering DvL eirp density                       dBwiHz         ~12.90     ~12.0
                 Cil ASI uplink                                       ds           29.5        38.2
      ASt        Cl ASI downlink (w‘Rsx antenna pointing error)       d8 :         34.7        24.7
                 Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2              deg         ~58.00G     —25.CO
                 Geocantric Separation (wistation keeping}            deg          3.76       3.75
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBvdHz         ~58.5      ~50.5.
                 Interfering DiL eirpdensity                        dBwuHz         —12.9      ~12.0
                 C AS1 uplink                                         d3           28.6        37 2
                 Cl AS1 downlink (wRe antenna pointing emork          ds           33.6        32.6
      Total      CAN+H                                                ds            5.8        4.7
                 System Margin:                                       d3            3.1        20


                                                                                 CLRSKY     DEGRADED:
                 Camer Type                                                      2AMGNIM     240MG7W
                 Modulation:                                                      QPSK         QPSK
                 Inifo Rate                                          Mbitis       38.05        26.866
    Camer        |PEC:                                                             O.B7         D.87
                 Noise BiW:                                          MHz          19.988      19.928
                 CAN required                                         cS            4.1         4.1
                 Total Link Availability                              %                 .     g5.60
   SICloe        |Longitude                                           dey         ~85.15      —35. 18
                 Uplink Ream Name                                                 SRF          SRF
    Beam         Polarization {H, \f ce, C]                                         C           C
  Polarization   (Uplink Frequency                                   GHz           25           25
  Frequency       [Downlink Seans Name                                            STF         S$TF
                 Polarization {H, * or, C]                                          C           C
                 Downlink Frequency                                  GHz            17         17
    TX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% ofthe year             mmih          50          50
                 ES Elevation angle                                   dey         30.0        30.0
                 ESsize                                                m          £.0D0       S.00
                 Transroit ES peak gain (=R—0.0}                      ds          85.2         B5.2
    RX ES        Rain rate exoesded for 0.01% of the year            mmi{h         50           50
                   18Elevation angle                                  deg          30.0       30.0
                 ESsize                                                m          ©.45        045
                 Receive E/S paak gain {Eff=L.0)                       ds          38.1       36.1
                 Receive Earth Station OVT                           c1B/K.        13.0        §.8
    Uplink       Camer cirp                                          cBVS         ToR         $4.0
   Tharmal        |Uplink PSD                 ‘                     cBWHz         ~59.0       44B
                 Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                        do‘Wim2       ~58.0       —86.0
                 Iniput Backeif                                      . cS          9D          OB
                 Uplink Path Less, clear sky                           ds         2127        3127
                 Uplink gaseous attenuation                            d3          0.2         1.3
                 Uplink rain attenuation                              ds           00          14.7
                 Satellite GT (GeamPeak}                             dB/K          5.5         £.5
             Antenna relative gain towards ESS                        ds          ~2.0        —3.0
             CAthemial uplink                                         ds          236.        254
   Downlink |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak}                          dBw           Bd          20.G
   Thermal   |Camer Ouiput backoff                                    cS            1.0        0.0
           ~ |Anienna relative gain towards Earth Station:            cS           —2.:0       —2.0
             Camear EIRP towards Sarth Station                       dBw           58.0 _      52.0
             Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                            ds          200.3       208.3
                 DCownlink gaseous atemuation                          d9          O.1          94
                 Downlink rain aitenuation:                            ds          00           8.5
                 Amenina Pointing arror                               cS           —0.3        1.3
                 Receive Earth Station: VT                           <lB/K.        13.0        9.
                 CANthemzal downlink                                   ds          18.8         6.8
                 PFD at Seam Feak                                 dBwWWim2iMHz    —~118.0     —1156.0
     Other       Cl {Intra—System Interference}                        ds          25.0        25.G
                 Orbital Lecation for Intefering SC#1                 deg         ~21.0G      —31.00
                 Gescentric Separation (wistation keepingh            deg          4.15        415
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBwWiHz       —C58.5       —58.5
                 Interfering DL eirp density                        dBWi/Hz        ~12.0       ~12.0
                 Cfi ASt uplink                                        ds           50.D         84.7
      ASt        CA ASt downlink (wa‘Rs antenna poiniing ermor}        ds          18.3        16.3
                 |Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2             deg         —28.0G      —39.CO
                 Geoceniric Separation (wistation keepingh            deg          3.75        3.75
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWiHz        —58.5        ~54.5
                 Interfaring DL eirp density                        dBWiHz        —12.9        120 —
                 C ASt uplink              >                           d3          48.1        62.9
                 C ASI downlink (w/Rx antenna pointing errort          ds          18.1        18.1
     Total       CHN+L)                                                ds          12.7         6.1
                 System Margin                                         d3           8.6         2.0


                                                                                 CLREKY   DEGRADELD
                 Camier Type                                                    SEUKGTW     2COKGFW
                 Modulatien                                                       BPSK       BPSK
                 Info Rate                                          Mbit‘s        0128       5.128
    Carmer       FEC:                                                              0.50       0.5G
                 Noise B‘W:                                          MHz          8.268      C258
                 CIBl required                                        ds            2.7       27
                 Total Link Avalability                               %                      ce.o0
     [C Loc      |Lengitude                                          deg         <25.18     —35.16
                 Uplink Beam Name                                                 SRF       SRF
     Beam        Pelarization {H, W or, C1                                         C          C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz          25         25
  Frequency      ||Downlink Beam Name                                             STF        STF
                 Pelarization {H, / or, C]                                         C          C
                 Downlink Freciuency                                 GHz           17         17
    TX ES        Rain rate exoesded for 0.01% of the year            mnvh          50         50
                 ES Clevation argle                                   deg         30.0       30.0
                 E/S size                                             m          es         0.45 _
                 Transmit ESS peak gain (2f=0.65)                     ds          42.8      43.0
    RX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year            mmin         50         50
                 E/S Elevation angle                                  deg        30.:0      30.C
                 ES size                                               m         £.C0       ©.00
                 Receive E/8 peak gain (Eff—R.0)                      cS         822        82.3
                 Receive Earth Station vT                            <lB/K       28.0       35.7
    Uplink       Camter eirp                                         cdBww       40.0       52.8
   Tharmal       |Uplink PSD —                                      dBWiHz       ~57.0      44.3
                 Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBowim2       ~25.0      —82.G
                 Input Backedt                                       cS          «28.2      —20.2
                 Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         c3          212.7      212.
                 Uplink gassous artenuation                          ds            N.2        1.3
                 Uplink rain attenuation                              ds          ©.0        12.8
                 Satellite G7 (ReamPeak}                             dB/K         8.5        8.5
                 Amenna relative gain towards EB                      ds          2.0        —2.0
                 C themisl uplink                                     ds          8.9        4.:9
   Downlink        /C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak]                     cdBw         80.0       80.0
   Thermal       {Camer Quiput backoff                                ds         24.3       —24.9
                 Amienna relative gain towardsEarth Station:          ds          —2.0       —20G
                 Camer EIRP towards Earth Stations                   dBw          33.7      32.7
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        ds         200.3      209.3
                 Downlink gaseous atenuation                          ds          0.1        D4
                 Cownlink rain attenuation                             d3          B.Q        T.3
                 Antenna Pointing error                                cS         —©.3       —0.3
                 Receive Sarth Station GvT                            dBK.        29.0       35.7
                 Cb themial downlink                                   d8         373        268.4
                 PFD at Szam Peak                                 dBwWim2iMHz    ~121.6     —121.6
     Oiher       T1 {Intra—System Interference}                       ds          20.0       20.0
                 Orbital Leeation for Intefering S&C#1                deg        21.0G      —21.00
                 Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping}            deg         4.15       416
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWiHz        —58.5     ~58.5,
                 Interfaring DL eirp density                        dBwiHz       ~12.0      —12.0
                 Cil ASI uptink                                       ds          28.5       42.3
      ASt        2. ASI downlink (vo‘ftx antenna pointing emor)       ds          40.7       40.7
                 Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2              deg        —99.00     —38.00
                 Geoceninic Separation (wi‘station keeping)           deg         3.76       3.78.
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBwiHz       —£8.5       —56.5.
                 Interfering DL eirp density                        dBAiHz        —12.0     ~12.0
                 C/I ASt uplink                                       i8          28.8       41.6
                 C ASI downlink (vaRx antenna pointing error)}        ds          38.8       3G.0
     Total       CAN+1)                                               ds           5.58       4.8
                 System Margin                                        d3           3.1       2.1


                                                                              CLRSKY         DEGRADED
              Camar Type                                                      24MGTA          24MGNA
              Modulatien                                                       QPSK            CPSK
              Info Rate                                           Mbitis       26.05           26.65
    Carmer     |FEC:                                                            0.87            D.87
              Noise BW:                                            MHz         19.988          18.888
              CN required                                           d3           4.1            4.1
              Total Link Availabfity                                %                          £9.45
   SiQLee     |Longitude                                           deg         8515            —35.15
              Uplink Beam Name                                                 NRF             NRE
   . Beam      Polarization {H, / or, C1                                         C               C
  Polanzation |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz          26              26
  Frequency |Downlink SBeam Name                                               STF             S7F
              Polarization {H, V or, C)                                          C               C
              Downlink Prequency                                   GHz          17              17
    TX ES     Rain rate exceaded for 0.01% of the year             mmin         40              4
              E/SElevation angle                                    deg        30.0            30.0
              ESsize                                                 m         &.CO            §.00
              Tranansit E/S peak gain {Ef—0.8}                      ds         45.2            $5.2
    RX E&     |Rain rate excesded for0.01% of the year             mrvh         50              5G
               ES Elevation angle                                  deg          30.0            30.0
              E/S size                                               m         L458            045
              Receive E/S peak gain {EMSC.E)                        ds         36.1            38.1
              Receive Earth Station T                              <dB.K       13.0             §.8
    Uplink    |Camereirp                                           dBw         7q.2            81.3
   Thermal     |Uplink PSD                                        aBuwHz       ~59.0           40.G
              Fransponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                        dBWim2        —88—0           —88.0
               Input Backoif                                        cS          a.9             O.Q
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds         2MA2F           B12AYc
               Uplink gaseous aftenuation                           ds          .2               1.3
              Uplink rain aftenuation                               ds           D.Qd           12.1
              Satellite GA (Beam Peak}                             <lBK         8.5             8.5
              Antenna. relative gain towards EJS                    d3          —2.0            20
         .     C/N themsal uplink            '                      c3         35.5            235.4
   Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak]                     daBw         60.0           80.G
   Thermal     |Camer Qutput backoff                                ds           ©.0            84
               Amienna relative gain towards Earth Stafion:         aS          —2.0            —~20
               Cartiar EIRP towards Earth Station                  dBw          58.0            52.0
               Downlink Path Loas, clear sky                        c3         209.3           208.3
               Downlink gaseous atienuation                         ds           1       .      0.4
               Downlink rain aitenzation                            ds           pdbd            8.5
               Anienna Pointing error                               c3          —C.3            —0.3
               Receive Earth Station GVT                           <lB/K        13.0            §.8
               CAthemzal downlink                                   ds          16.2             6.S
               PFD at Seam Peak                                 aBvirn2iMHz    —~118.G         —116.0
     Other     Cf {Intra—SysiemInterference}                         ds         25.0            25.0
               Orbital Location for Intefering S/C #t               deg        —$1.0G          —21.00
               Geocserniric Separsiion (wistation keeping)          deg         4.15            4.15
               Interfaring Uplink power density                   daBuWWHz      —58.5           ~50.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                        dBwi/Hz       ~12.0           ~12.0
               C ASt uplink                                          d3         488              82.0
      ASI      C ASI downlink (wRsx antenna pointing emor)           o8          18.3            16.2
               Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2              deg        ~28.00          —28.CO
               Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)            deg          5.75            3.75
               Interfaring Uplink power density                   dBuWHz        —58.5           —56.5.
               Interfaring DL eirp density                        dBuWHz        —~12.0          ~12.0
               C AS uplink                                          ds          4811            81.2
               C/I AS1 downlink (w‘Rts antenns pointing emor}       ds          18.1            18.1
     Total     CIN+E)                                               d3          12.7            6.1
               System Margin                                        ds          £.6             20


                                                                               CLRSKY     DECRADED
              Camer Type                                                      4BMDGFW      48MOGTW
              Modulation                                                         aPSK        SPSK
              Info Rate:                                          Mbit‘s           108         SD
    Carrier   FEC:                                                                $.82%       C.O7
              Noise BW:                                           MHz           40.000      40.000
              CJN required                                         ds              8.9         £6G
              Total Link Availability                              %.                       §8.50
   SIC Loo    |Longitude                                           deg         —S5.1§       ~25.15
              Uplink Beam Name                                                  SPOT        SPOT
    Seam      Polarization {H, Yor, CJ                                            C          C
  Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                  GHz            35          35
   Frequency ||Downlink Seam Name                                               SPOT        SPOT
              Polarization {H, \or, C]                                            C           C
              Downlink Frequency        _                         GHz            17           17
    TX ES     Rain rate exsesded for 0.01% of the year            mm/h           80          S0
              E/S Elevation angle                                  deg          3G.C        30.0
              ES size                                               m           ©.00        $.00
              Transmi ESS peak gain (2A—0.8}                       c3            55.2       §6.2
    RX ES     |Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mmih           AG           SD
              E/S Elevation angle                                  deg          20.0        30.0
              ES size                                               m           C.f§        0.786
              Receive ES peak gain (EM—0—C}                        ds           40.5°       4D0.6.
              Receive Earth Station CuT                           <BK           17.4        14.1
    Uplink    Carier eirp                                         dBw           73.2        B&A
   Thermal    |Uplink PSD                                        dBWiHz         —88.G       —~§2.8
              Transpondar SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBwW/im2        —SC.C       ~<0.0
              Iniput Backof                 j                      ds            £.G         1.9
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         _cB           212.8       212.8
              Uplink gaseous attenuafion                           cS             0.2         1.2
              Uplinik rain attenuation                             as             1.9        16.2
              Satellite GA (Seam Peak}                            clB/K          10.5        18.5
              Amerina relative gain towardsES                      ds            CC          4.D
              CIbthemzal uplink                                    >            29.5        284
   Downlink   |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak}                     dBw            83.0        63.0:
   Thermal    |Camer Oulput backoif                                 ds           0.9         £G
              Amienina relative gain towards Earth Station         cS            9.9          £.0
              Camar EIRP towards Earth Station:                   cdBW           g2.0        B3.0
              Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        ds           208.3       200.3
              Downlink gaseous atenustion                           d3           .1          04
              Downlink rain aitenuation                             ds            0.0          &6
              Amtenina Pointing error                               ds           ~1.3        —©.3
              Receive Earth Station T                              cBA           174         14.1
              C/N themmal downlink                                  ds           29.3 >       12.8
              PFD at Beam Peak                                 dBWwi‘m2iMHz     —118.9      ~116G
     Oiher    Cfl {Intra—SystemInterference}                        ds           20.G         20.0
              Orbital Location for Intefering SSC#t                 deg         —81.G0      —21.00
              Geoceniric Separstion (ws‘station keeping)            deg          416          4.16:
              Interfering Uplink power density                    dBwWHz         ~56.5.      ~—58.5
              Interfaring DVL eirp density                       dBWHHz          ~12.0      —12.0
              Cl ASI uplink                                         zl           40.9        58.1
      ASt     Cl ASI downlink (w‘Rx antenns pointing eror}.       . ds           28.1        28.1
              Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2             ~deg          —88.00      —33.00
              Geocentric Separation (we‘station keeping}           deg           3.75       3.75
              Interfering Uplink power density                   dBuWHz          ~58.5      —56.5
              Interfering PyL. eirp density                      dBwWiHz         ~12.0      —12.0
              Cl ASI upifink                                       ds            401         85.3
              CfI AStdownlink (wa‘Rx antenma pointing error}       d8            24.9        24.0
     Total    Ci(N+H                                               i8             18.6       1.6
              System Margin:                                        d3            7.8         20


                                                                             CLRSKY     DEGRADED
                 Camier Type                                                 2BOKGTA     sECKGIA
                 Modulatien                                                   SPSK         BPSK
                 Info Rate                                        Mbit‘s       10.128      0128
    Carier       |FEC:                                                          0.5G        ©.S0
                 Noise BW:                                         MHz         0.288         .306
                 TCM required                                       d3          2.7          27
                 Total Link Availability                            %                      S&.e0
     JC Loc      |Leongitude                                       deg        —85.15      —95.18
                 Uplink Beam Name                                            «8POT        SPOT
    Beam         Pelarization {H, Y or, CJ                                      C             C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                 GHz         25          25
  Frequency      |Downlink SBeam Name                                         SPOT,       SPOT
                 Polarization {H, W or, C]                                      C          C
                 Downlink Frequency                                GHz         17          17
    TXES         Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year         mmh           80          Eo
                 EJS Elevation argle                               deg .       30.0        30.0
                 ESsize                                             m         045         1.48
                 Tranamit E/S pesk gain {(28=0.65)                 do          20.5        38.5
    RX ES        |Rain rate exceaded for 0.01% of the year        mmA           80          So
                 EJS Elevation angle                               deg         30.0        30.0
                 E/S size                                           m         5.00        §.00
                 Receive ES peak gain {EffSC.C)                    c3          B2.1        82.1
                 Receive Earth Station CT                         <lBK        38.9        35.5
    Uplink       Camer eirp                                       cBW         28.9        42.7
   Thermat       |Uplink FPSD                                    cBWAIHz      —84.8       ~501
                 Transponder SFDO {Beam Pesk]                    dBWim2       —30.0       ~20.0
                 Input Backoit                                     c3         44.3        44.3
                 Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                       ds         212.86      212.6
                 Uplink gaseous attenuation                        c3           0.3         123
                 Uplink rain attenuation                           i8          004         14.9
                 Saellite GT (GSeam Paak}                          <dBK        16.5        18.5
                 Anterna nelative gain towards ES                   c3          C.G        o.9
                 2N themmal uplink                                  ds          7.G        5.9
   Downlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Peak}                   dBw         82.0        B3.G
    Trermal      |Canisr Oulput backoff                            as          424        424
                 Amenina relative gain towards Earth Stabon         B           a.0         C.G
                 Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                  dBw         20.0        20.8
                 Downlink Path Less, clear sky                      c3        208.3       200.3
                 Downlink gasecus atemuation                        ds          0.1         L4
                 Downlink rain aifenuatiors                         d3          se          B5
                 Anmenna Pointing amor                              ds         —0.3        —G.3
                 Receive Earth Station GVT                         <lBIK.      38.9        25.5
                 C/Nthemsal downlink                                ds         24.2         11.9
                 PFD at Seam Peak                               doWim2iMHz    —126.6      —~130.8
     Other       Cf {Intra—SystemInterference}                       ds        20.0G       20.0
                 Orbital Lecation for Intefering SIC #1             deg       —81.00      —81.00
                 Geocentiric Separation (vastation keeping)        deg °       416         4.15
                 Interfering Uplink power density                dBWiHz        —58.5       —55.5
                 Interfaring DL eirp density                     doxtHz        —12.0       —1289
                 Cfi AS1 uplink                                     dB          184         39.3
         ASt     2A AS1 downlink(w‘ex antenna pointing ermor}      cB          27.6        27.8
                 Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2           deg        —82.00      ~29.00
                 Geocentric Separation {wastation keeping}         deg         3.75        3.78
                 Interfering Uplink power density                 doWiHz       —58.5      —56.5
                 Interfering DL eirpdensity                       dBwiHz       ~12.0      —12.0
                 C AS1 uplink                                       ds          17.6      324
                 2/ AS1 downlink(wtx antenna pointing eror)         c3         26.6       28.6
     Total       Ci(N+H)                      c                     ds          B1         4.7
     *           System Margin                                      do          3.3         2.0


                                                                                  CLRSKY    DEGRADED
                 Camer Type                                                      4BMDGNN     43M0GTW
                 Modulation:                                                        2PSK       BPSK
                 Info Rate                                            Mtit‘s         100         50
    Camer        |FEC:                                                               0.82       D.A?
                 Noise BW:                                             MHz         40.000     40.000
                 CMBI required                                          cS            8.9        26
                 Total Link Availabiliby                                %                     S§.50
   SIC Loo       |Longitude                                            deg        —86.15      —25.15
                 Uplink Beam Name                                                 SPOT        SPOT
    Beam         Polarization {A, w or, C]                                           C          C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                     GHz          25         25
  Frequency      |Downlink Seant Name                                             SPOT        SPOT
                 Polarization {H, \ or, C]                                          C           C
                 Cownlink Frequency                                   GHz           17          17
    TXES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mmih          5C          50
                 E/8 Elevationangle                                    deg         30.0        30.0
                   18 size                                              m         B.0D        8.00
                 Transnti E/S peak gain (Zff=0.8}                      d3           85.2       ©6.2
    RX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year             mmih           50         50
                 ES Elevation angle                                    deg          30.0       30.0
                 ES size                                                m          0.75       0.74
                 Receive EFS peak gain (EM—C.6)                        ds           40.6      40.5
                 Receive Earth Station GiT.                           cB/K          17.4      14.7
    Uplink       |Camereitp                                           cBW           73.2      82.1
   Thermal       |Uplink PSO                                         a5wiHz        —828.0     48.1
                 Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk}                         aBWim2        —8G.0      ~30.0
                 Input Backoit                                          c3          CC         9.0
                 Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            c3         2128       212.6
                 Uplink gassous aittenuation                            c3          3.2         1.3
                 Uplink rain aftenuation                                ds          3.0        180.8
                 Satellite GT (Beam Peak}                              cdBIK       78.5 .      18.5
                 Anienna relative gain towards ES                       ds          LG        0.0
                 CiM themial uplink                                     ds         20.5       284
   ‘Downlink     |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Peak)]                      dbw         SC.Q       6D.D
    Tharmal       |Camer Qutput backoiff                                c3          9.0        LC
                 Antenina relative gain towards Earth Station           d3          9.9         C.G
                 Carier EIRP towards Earth Station                     dBwW         80.0       BBQ
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                          c3         208.3      206.3
                 Cownlink gasecus atiemuatioe                           ds           D.1        0.4
                 DCownlink rain aitenuation                             c3           9.0        28
                 Anterina Pointing error                                dd          —0.3       —C.2
                 Receive Earth Station /T                              <dBIK        17.4       14.7
                 C themal cownlink                                      dB          20.2       13.3
                 PFD at Beam Peak                                   dBWim2iMHz     —119.0     —~119.0
     Other       C1 {Intra—System Interference}                         ds          2C.0       20.0
                 Orbital Lecation for Intefering SC#1                  deg         —81.GO     —91.00
                 Geoceriric Separation (wistation keeping)              deg         4.15       4.15
                 Interfering Uplink power density                     dBwitz        ~58.5     —55.5
                 Interfering DL eirpdensity                           dBWWHz        ~12.0     —12.0
                 Cil AS1 uplink                                          o8         4C.G       6D.8.
      ASt        Cil A81 downlink (wiFex antenna pointing eror}          o8         22.1       23.1
                 Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2.               dey        —82.0O     ~29.00G
                 Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)              deg         3.75       3.75
                 Interfering Uplink power density                     dBWWHz        —58.5      —55.5
                 Interfaring DVL eirp density                         dBwWHaz       —12.0      —12.0
                 Cl A81 upfink                                          dB          40.1       80.0
                 C/l ASI downlink (wa‘Rix antenna poinfing error}       cB          21.8       21.8
      Total      CAN+T)                                                 d3           14.G       11.8
                 System Margin                                          48           8.1        2.0


                                                                            CLRSKY     DEGRADED
              Carnier Type                                                  2BOKG7W    BBCKGW
              Modulation                                                     BPSK        BPSK
              info Rate                                           Mbitis     0.128       0123
   Carier     FEC:                                                            0.50        D.50
              Naise BW:                                            MHz       ©.288       8.226
              CH required                                           ds         2.7         2.7
              Total Link Availability                               %                    88.00
  SIC Loo     |Lengitude                                           deg       —86.15      —25.15
              Uplink Beam Name                                               SPOT        SPOT
    Beam      Polarization {H, V or, CJ                                        C           C
 Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz        26          25
 Frequency    |Downlink Seam Mame                                            SPOT        SPOT
              Polarization {H, V or, CJ                                         C          C
              Cownlink Frequency                                   GHz         17          17
   TXES       Rain rate excesded for 1.01% of the year             mnvih       EC          50
              E/S Elevation angle                                   deg       30.0        30.0
              ES size                                                m       O.73        8.76
              Transnit E/S peak gain (2H=0.68)                      ds        44.0        44.0
   RX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year             mmuh        60          50
               E/S Elevation angle                                  deg       30.0       30.0
               E/S size                                              m        ©.00       8.00
              Receive ES paak gain {EM—C.0)                         ds        82.1       62.1
              Receive Earth Station T                              dBkK.      38.9       350
   Uplink     Carmer eirp                                          dBw        29.0       3G.5
  Thermal      |Uplink PSD                                        dBwWiHz    —80,2       ~58.7
              [Transponder SFD {Beam Pask)                        dBWim2     —30.G       —90.0
               Iniput Backoif                                       ds       44.2          4.2
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          cS       212.8       2126
               Uplink gaseeus attenaation:                          ds        0.2         1.3
               Uplink rain attenuation                              ds         0.D        10.5
             . [Satellits GT (Seam Peak}          .                dB/K.      16.5        18.5
               Anienna relative gain towards E/S°                   cS         C.C        0.0
               TCM themal uplink                                    c3         TA         8.0
  Downlink     |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Paak)                     dBw         £0.0      60.0
  Thermal      |Canisr Output backoff                     —         ds       . 42.3      42.3
               Anienna relative gain towards Earth Station          cS          0.3       C.G
               Carier EIRP towards Sarth Station                   dBw         17.7       17.7
               Downlink Path Less, clear sky                        ds        208.3      2CQ.3
               Downlink gasecus atenuation                          ds          9.1       04
               Cownlink rain attenuation:                           cS          0.0        59
               Anienina Poiniing error                              ds        —1.3       —0.2
               Receive Earth Station GT                            <dB/K      38.9       35.¢
               CAMthemal downlink                                   d3         21.2       12.0
               PFD at Ssam Peak                               dBwWimeiMHz    —129.6      ~132.8
    Other      Cl {Intra—SysiemInterference}                  \      ds       20.0        20.0
               Orbital Leeation for Intefering NC #1                deg      —81.50      —21.00
               Geacentric Separation (wa‘station keeping)           deg       416         4.15
              ‘|Interfaring Uplink power density                  dB¥iHz      ~56.56     —€5.5
               Interfaring DL sirp density                        dowiHz      ~12.0      —12.0
               CS ASI upfink                                        ds        18.5        28.0
     ASt       Cl ASI downlink (vaRx antenna pointing emor}         d3        24.7        24.7
               Orbital Leeation for interfering S/C #2              dey     — —82.00     —20.00
               Geocentric Separation {wistation keeping)            deg        3.76       3.75
               Interfaring Uplink power density                   dBuWHz       —56.5      —£6.5
               Interfering DL eirp density                        dBwWiHz     ~22.0       —12.0
               Cil ASI uplink                                       ds        17.6        28.1
               Cl AS1 downlink iw‘Rs antenna pointing erort         d4g       22.6        23.6
     Total     C(N+E)                                               ds         8.0        4.2
               System Margin                                        S          3.3         20


                                                                              CLRSKY    DEGRADED
              Carier Typa                                                    48BMNGNN    48MDGTW
              Modulation                                                       BPSK       SPSK
              Info Rate:                                         Mbit‘s         100        S0
   Carrer     FEC:                                                              {.8%      D.o7
              Noise BW!:                                         MHz          40.00G     40.000
             CN required                                          c3            8.9         £8
             [Total Link Availability                              %                       88.20
   SiC Loc   |Longitude                                           deg         —85.15      —25.18
             Uplink Beam Name                                                 SPOT        SPOT
    Beam     Polarization (H, V or, C)                                           C           C
 Polanzation |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz            25          26
 Frequency    |Downlink Seam Name                                             SPOT        SPOT
              Polarization {H, 7 or, C)                                         C          C
              Downlink Frequency                                 GHz           17          17
   TX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mrvh          20          20
              E/S Elevation angle                                 deg          30.0        30.0
              ES size                                              m           ©.00       §.00
              Transmit E/S peak gain (Sf=0.6}                     ds           65.2       86.2
   RX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mmih           20         20
                (3 Elevation angle                                deg          230.       30.0
              E/Ssize                                              m           0.81       8.80
              Receive E/S peak gain (EM—C.6)                      ds           41.1        41.1
              Receive Earth Station GT                           <BIK          17.9       10.2
   Uplink     Camerein                                           dBw           73.2 .     B1.7
  Thermal     |Uplink PSD                                       dBiWHz         —58.0      ~59.6
              Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBwWim2        —90.0      ~80.0
              Inpui Backef                                        d3            6.0        1.0
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds           212.8      212.6
              Uplink gaseous aitenuation                          ds            a.2         1.3
              Uplink rain attenuation                             as            aga         &S
              Satellite GA (Beam Peak}                           <lBK          18.5       18.5
              Anienna relative gain towards E/S                   e             C.G       o9
              CVN themmal uplink                                  a8           22.5       284
  Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Pegk}                    dBw           57.0        57.0
  Thermal      |Camer Output backoff                              ds           g.d          C.Q
              Amenna relative gain towards Earth Station:         ds            o.d        ‘CLQ
              Carier EIRP towards Earth Station                  dBw            57.G       57.0
              Downlink Path Less, clear sky                       ds           209.3      200.3
              Downlink gaseous atienustion .                      cS            8.1         04
              Downlink rain. attenuation                          ds            0.0         1.8
              Amenna Poiriing error                               as           ~1.4        —C.3
              Receive Earth Station T                            <B/K          17.9        18.2
              C/M themal downlink                                 ds           17.8        14.2
              PFD at Seam Peak                                dBwirn2iMH2z    —122.0      1220
    Other     C {Intra—System Interference})                       ds          20.0        20.0
              Orbital Lecation for Intefering S/C #1              deg          —81.00     2100
              Geoceriric Separation (wistation keeping}           deg          415         4.15
               Interfering Uplink power density                 dBwiHaz        ~56.6:      —£56.5
               Interfering DL eirpdensity                       dBuWWiHz       ~12.0       —~12.0
              CA ASI uptink                                        dB          40.9        49.4
     ASt      TA ASt downlink (wiRtx antenna pointing amor}       as            20.7       20.7
              Orbital Leeation for interfering S/C #2             deg         ©—99.00     —29.00
              Geocentric Separation (wistation keeping)           deg           3.76       3.76
              Interfering Uplink power density |                dBwiHz c       —56.5       —56.5
              Interfaring DxL. eirp density                     dBwwHz         ~12.0       —~12.0
              Cfl ASI uplink                                      as           40.         48.6
              TV ASt downlink fwRx antenna pointing error}         S            185        19.5
    Total     PS(N+1)                                              ds           122        11.8
              System Margin                                        ds           4.3         2.0

                EXHIBIT 11: GALAXY BSS—2 LINK BUDGETS (continued)

                                                                                                        CLRSKY .|   DEGRADED
                                Camer Type                                                              2BOKGTW          3ECKGW
                                Modulation                                                               BPSK             BPSK
                                Info Rate                                                    Mbit‘s      ©.128            0123
                   Carmer       FEC:                                                                      0.5G             0.50
                                Noise BW                                                      MHz        .288             1208
                                CJN required                                                   ds         27               27
                                Total Link Awallability                                        %                          8§.80
                    /C Loc      |Longitude                                                    dey        —85.15           ~§5.16
                                Uplink Beam Name                                                         SPOT             SPOT
                    Beam        Polarization {H, V¥ or, CJ                                                 C               C
                 Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                             GHz         25               25
                 Frequency      ||Downlink Seam Name                                                     SPOT             SPOT
                                Polarization {H, Wor, CJ                                                   C               C
                                Cownlink Frequency                                           GHz          17               17
                   TXES         Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year                     mmih         20               20
                                E/S Elevation angle                                           deg         20.0             30.0
                                ES size                                                        m         bso             ~
                                Transmit E/S peak gain (2f=0.05)                              dG          44.5            44.5
                   RX ES        Rainrate exceeded for 0.01% of the year                      mmfiA          20              20
                                ESElevation argile                                            deg        30.0G            30.0
                                ES size                                                        m         £.00             8.00
                                Receive 2B peak gain {Eff—0.6)                                 oB         82.1             6221
                                Recsive Earth Station CGT                                     dBK        38.0             36.A _
                   Uplink       |Camareirp                                                    dBw        29.0              34.5
                  Thermal       |Uplink PSD                                            *    dBWwiHz      —B0.8      °_    165.3
                                Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                                 aBi¥im2      —80.0            ~40.0
                                Iriput Backof#                                                 as        24.A             44.3
                                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                    ;               ds        212.0            212.6
                                Uplink gassous attenuation                                     ds         0.2               1.3
                                Uplink rain attenuation                                        ds          0.9              4.5
                                Sateliite G7 iSeam Peak}                           >          clBAK       %5.5             16.5
                                Artenna relative gain towards ES                   —           as         £G               4.0
                        t       CBLthemal uplink                           .                   ds          71              5.9
                  Downlink       |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Psak}                              dBuy        57.G             57.0
                  Thermal|      [Camer Ouiput backoff                                          cS        424              ~42.4
                                Amerna relative gain towards Earth Station                     ds         4.9              C.G
                                Carier EJRP towards Earth Station                             cdBw        14.6             14.8
                                Downlink Path Less, clear sky                                  dB        208.3            209.3
                                DCownlink gaseous stienuation          ©                       ds         0.1              b4
i                               Downlink rain aitenuation:                                     dB          0.0 >            24
        .                       Antenina Poiniing arror.                                       as         ~3.3             —0.@
[           .                   Receive Earth Station: GT                                    ~<lBIK      38.9              238.0
f                               2B themal downlink                                             ds .       18.2             134
                                PFD at Seam Peak                                           dBwim2lMHz    «142.6           —142.6
                    Other       CV {Intra—System Interference}                                 as         20.0             20.0
                                Orbital Lecation for Intefering SC#t                          deg        —81.00           ~§1.0G
                                Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)                     dey         4186             4.15
                                Interfering Uplink power density                             dBWiHz       ~58.5.           ~50.5
    i                           Interfering DL eirp density                                  dowiHz       ~12.0            —~120
    i                           Cfl ASH uplink                                                 as         18.5             22.8
    |                ASt        C AS1 downlink (wiRx antenna pointing eror}                    ds         2t.7             21.7
                                Orbital Leeation for interfering S/C #2                        deg       —32.C0 °         ~22.00
                                Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)                      deg        3.75             3.75
                                Interfering Uplink power density                             4dniHz       ~56.5           —£6.5
                                Interfering DL eirp density                                  dBWiHz       ~12.0            —12.0
                                Cl ASt uptink                                                  ds          17.0            221
                                271 ASt downlink (w/Rx antenna pointing erort                  dB         20.5             20.5
                    Total       CANM+T)                                                        dB          5.1              4.7
                                System Margin:                                                 d3          3.0              20

Document Created: 2019-04-13 05:34:19
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 05:34:19

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