Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080701-00135 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            EXHIBIT 11: GALAXY BSS—3 LINK BUDGETS

                                                                                                                                CLRSEY         DESRADED
                                             Camer Typa                                                                         ReMGAI          MMGTN
                                             Modulation                                                                          GPSK            QPSK
                                             Info Rate                                                            Nibitis        25.05 —         26.05
                                   Catrier    |FEC:                                ’                                              0.87             C.87
                                             hisise BWV:                                                           MHz           10.988          18.9088
                                             CM required                                                            os            4.1              4.1
                                             Total Link Availabiity                                                 %                             §9.50
                                  SIC Loe    |Longitude                                                            deg      ©    —9910           ~39.140
                                             Uplink Beam Name                                                                     NRF             MNRE
                                   Seam       Polarzation {H. V or, C}                                                             C               C
                                 Polarization |Uplink Frequency                         |           >              GHs             25              35
                                 Frequency   |Downlink Ssam Name                                                                  NTF            NTF
                                             Polarization (H, / or, CJ                                                              C             C
                                             DCownlink Frequency                                                   GHz             17             17
                                   TX ES     Rain rats exoseded for 0.01% ofthe year                               mmth            40             40
                                             E/SElevation angle                                                     deg _         30.0           30.0
                                             ES size                                                                 m            &.C0           5.0D
                                             Transmit E/S peak gain (2H=0.6}                                         ds           65.2           S5.2
                                   RX ES     Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year                              miwh            40             40
                                             EIS Elavation angle        >                                        . deg            30.0           3G.0
                                             EJSsize                      ’                                          m            Ges            G.55
                                             Faceive EfS pesk gain {Ef=0.0)                                          ds           30.3           39.3
                                             Receive Earth Stafion G/T              '                              dBiK           16.2           13.5
                                   Uplink     Carer sirp                                    >                      dBw            T9.2            22.8
                                  Tharmal     |Uplink PSD                                                        dBWwiHz         ~59—0           45.6
                                              Transponder SFO (Beam Pesk)                                        dBWimZ          ~38:0           ~86.0
                     .                        Input Backo®                                                          ds            9.0             0.
f                                             Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                                           ds           2A23            HAYT
i                                             Uplink gaseous aftenuation                                            ds             0.3            1.3
1                                             Uplink rain attenuation                                               ds             .D             1%4
;                                             Sateliits=G7 (Beam Psak} |                        >                  <B/F.          5.5             6.5
|                                             Anienna relative gain towards E/S:                        ‘         ds              —2.0 °          —2.0
§                        .                    CN themmal uplink    _                                                ds            38.5           25.4
|            .                    Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP (Beam Peak)                                      dBW            £4.0           £4.0
)                                 Tharmal     (Camesr Ociput backoff                                                da             0.0             0.0
    }                                         Arteana relative gain towards Earth Stafion                           dB            Z4              —20
    :                                         Camsr EIRP towards Earth Station                              '      caBw           520             52.0
    |                                         Cownlink Path Loss, clear sky                                         o8            208.3          209.3
    |                                         Downlink gaseous attenuation                                          ds             0.1             g.4
    [                                         Downlink rain aitenuation                         2                   ds             g.o             3.8
                                              Arternins Pointing <rror                                               c#           —G.3           "—0.2
                                              Receive Sarth Station G/T                                            <B/K           16.3     >      13.5
                                              TCP themal downlink                                                    d3            14.0            7.2
    ;            *                            PFD at Seam Pesak                                                 dBWim2lMHs       —122.0          ~122.0
    i                        —      Cther     O {Intra—System Interference}                                          o2           25.0            35.0
     L                                        Orkital Location for Intefering C #1                                  deg          ~25.00          ~95.CC
     [                                        Geoceninic Separstion fwi‘station keeping)                            deg           4.10            4.10
     :                                        Interfering Uplink power density                                    dBWiHz          —CB.L           —56.5
                                              Interfering DL eirp density                                         d5wHz           ~12.0           ~12.0
        |                                     CA AS1 uplink                                             .            ds           48.8             63.3
        |                            ASI      Cl ASUdownlink(wiRs antenns pointing error)                           dg            18.7_            16.7
        !                                     Orbital Location forintarfering S/C #2                               deg           —103.00         ~103.00
         |                                    Geoseniric Separstion (wa‘station keeping)                           deg            3.80            23.80
         }                                    Interfering Uplink powser density                                   dBWiHz          —55.5           —56.6
         1                                    Interfering DJL eirp density                                        dSwiHz          ~12.0           ~12.0
         |                                    C ASI uplink                                                          d3            48.3             62.0
                                              C ASU downlink (wert artenna pointing ermor)                          da            15.8             15.8
                                    Totsl     CAM+E)                       —                                        ds            10.3              6.1
                                              System Margin                                                         ds             5.2             20



                                                                                  CLRSKY    DEGRADED
                Carmer Type                                                      380KGFTW    360KGT
                Modulation                                                         BPSK       BPSK.
                Info Rate                                             Mbit‘s       C.128       D.125
   Carrier      FEC:                                                                1.50       0.50
                Noise BV:                                              MHz         0.2B8:     0.266
                TN required                                             ds           2.f        2.7
                Total Link Availabsilfty                                %                        89.90
  SIC Loc       Longitude                                              deg        3910           —28.10
                Uplink Seam Mame                                                   NRF            NRF
    Beam        Polarzation {H, V or, C]                                             C             C
 Polarization   Uplink Frequency                                       GHz          35            25
  Frequency     |Downlink Beam Mame                                                NTF            NTF
                Polarization: {H, V or, C)                                          C              C
                Downlink Frequensy                                     GHz          17             17
   TX ES        Rain rate excseded for 0.01% of the year               mmih         40            40
                E/S Elevation angle                                    deg         30.0           30.0
                ES size                                                 m          C.85          G.65
                Transmit S peak gain (2ff=0.55)                         ds         432.8         42.8
   RX ES        Rain rate exceseded for 0.01% of the year              mmih         40            40
                E/S Elevation: angle                                   deg         30.0>          30.0 .
                ESS size                                                m          200           24G
                Receive E/S peakgain (Ef—C.G}                           d3         82.3           §2.2
                Receive Sarth Stafion G/T                              dB/K        39.0          351
   Uplinik      Carer sirp                                             dSW         40.0          48.7
  Thermal       |Uplink PSO                                           dBWiIHz      —57.0         148.3
                Transponder SFD (Beam Pesak}                          dB¥iim2      —89.0         —89.0
                Input Backoif                                           1B         —~36.3        35.3
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                             ds         HA2F          312.7
                Updink gaseous afienuation                              ds           0.2           1.3
                Uplink rain aftenuation                                 d3           9.G          8.7
                Satellite G/T (Beam Peak}                              dBIK         6.5           6.5
                Antenna relative gain towardsE/S                        da         ~2.0           —2.0
                C thermal uplink                                        ds          &.0           4.9
  Downlink      |S/C saturated CIRP (Beam Pesky                        dBW         54.0           54.0
 ~ Thermaf      |Carrer Output backoff                                  «B         —24.3         —24.3
                Antennarelative gain towards Earth Station              ds          ~28           34
                Catar EIRP towards ESarth Station                      dsW         37.F           27.
                Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                           ds         200.3         200.3
                Downlink gaseous afienuation                            «d3         D14            D4A
                Downlink rain aftenuations                              ds          0.0            4.8
                Antenne Poinfing error                                  d3         —D.3           —~1.3
                Receive Earth Stafion G/T                              dB/F.       38.0           361
                N themnal downlink                                .     4B         31.3           33.3
                PFD at Ream Peak                                  dBoNim2iiHsz     —127.6        ~127.6 >
    Other       C (Infra—System Interference)                           ds          20.0          20.0
                Orbital Location for Intefering S/C#1                   deg        —35.00        ~85.00
                 Gsocentnc Separation {wistation keeping)               degy        4.10          4.10
                 Inferfering Uplinkpowser density                     dBWiHs       —58.5          —50.5
                 Interfering Deirp lensity                            dSWi/Hz      ~12.0          —12.0
                 Cil ASt uplink                                        . d8         39.3          38.1
     ASi         Cd] ABt downlink (@/Rx antenrs pointing error}         dS          34.6          34.0
                 Orbital Location for interfering S(C #2                deg       ~103.00        ~103.0G
                 Geocentric Separation {wistation keeping)              deg        3.90      —    5.80
                 Interfering plink power density                      dBWiHz       —56.5          —~56.5
                 Interfering DL eirp density                          dB‘WiIHz     ~12.0          —12.0
                 Ti ASt uplink                                          d           28.8          37 .5
                 Cil ASI downlink (w/Rx antenna pointing error}         d3          32.8          33.8
     Totsl       CNM+T)                                                 ds           5.8           4.7
                 System Margin                                          dS           3.1           2.0



                                                                               CLRSEY     DEGRADED
               Camer Type                                                      B4MGIW      HMIMGTV
               Modulation                                                       GPSK        CPSK
               Info Rate                                         Mbitis         25.05      25.G5
    Carmier     |FEC:                                                            O.B7       0.87
               Noise BW:                                          MHz           19.988     19.928
               TN required                                         ds             4.1       .1
               Total Link Availability                             %                       $2.60
   SIC Lee     |Longitude                                         deg           —2010      §8.10
               Uplink Seam MName                                                 SRF        SRF
    Seam       Polarization {H, W or, C]                                          es         C
  Polanzation |Uplink Frequency                                       GHz         25         25
  Frequency    |Downlink Seem NMame                                             STF         STF
               Polarization {H, Wor, CJ                           >               C           C
               Downlink Frequency                                 GHz            17          17
    TX ES      Rain rate exoseded for 0.01% ofthe year           mmih            50          50
               EFSElevation argle                                 deg           300         3G.G
               ES size                                             m            £.Go        9.00
               Transrait E/S peak gain (2h=D.8)                    S            85.3        65.3
    BX ES .    |Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year         mmh             50          50
               E/SElevation angle                     ‘               dag        30.0       3%.0
               ES —sizs                                           im             045         0.A5
               Receive E/S pesk gain {Eff—0.C}                    ca             38.1        38.1
               Receive Earth Station GVT                         DK              13.0         $.8
    Uplink     Camersinp                                         dBmt            TH2         &4.0
   Tharmsl     |Uplink PSD         i          —                 dBwiHz          ~59.:0      —44.3;
               Transpondar SFD {Beam Pesk)                      dBim2           —58:0       ~88.0
               Iriput Backeif                                         ds         8.0         .0
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            cS        2N2.f       212.f
               Uplink geseous aftenuation                             ds          [shed      1.3
               Uplink rain attenustion                                d3          L.O        14.7
               Sateliitse GT (Seam Pzsk)                              BA         6.5         8.5
               Antiennarelative gain towards EJS                      ds         ~3.0       —2.0
               (CAN thermal uplink                                    ds        26.5        35.       0
  . Downlink   |SFC saturated EIRP (Seam Paak}                        dBw        800         £0.0G
   Thermal     (Carfer Output backoff                                 cS          [eXa)      0.0
               Anienna relative gain towards Earth Statior            da         ~3.0        ~2.0
               Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                       dBy        58.0        58.0 ‘
               Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                           ds       209.3       209.3
               Downlink gasecus attenuation                            da         C.1        0.4
               Downlink rain attenuation                               d3         0.0        .5
               Amenna Poinfing srror                                   ds       —0.3        1.3
               Receive Sarth Station G&T                              dB/K <     13.0        8.8
               TCM themisl downlink                                    c#        18.8        6.8
               PFD at Seam Feak                                dBWim2IMHz       —118.0      —116.0
     Céher     CA {Intra—System Interference}                          d3        25.0        25.0
               Orbital Location for Intefering SIC#                   deg       —25.00      ~35.00
               iGeccentric Separation {wistation keeping}             deg        4.10        4.10
               Interfaring Uplink powser density                 aBWHz           —58.5      —56.6
               Interfering DL eirp density®                      dBwi/Hz         —~12.0     —12.0
               C" ASI uptink                                       dS             49.8       64.6
      ASt      TI ASH downlink {w‘Fix antenna pointing eror)           dB        18.1        181          —
               Orbital Leeation for interfering S/C #2            deg          —103.00     ~103.00
               Geocsaniric Separation fwistation keeping)          deg           5.50        3.80
               Interfsring Uplink power density                  dBwiHz         —56.5       —56.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                       dBWHz          ~12.0       ~12.0
               Cl ASLuplink                                         d3           49.3        54.0
               CA ASI downlink (wRx antenna pointing eror}             d3        18.2        14.3
     Total     CHN+1)                                                  da        12.¢         6.1
               System Margin                                           d3         2.5         2.0



                                                                                   CLRSKY       DEGRADED
                 Camer Type                                                        3ENKGTW      SS0RKRGTW
                 Modulation                                                         BPSK          BPSK
                 Info Raie                                            Moit‘s        0.138         0.128
   Carrder       |FEC:                                                               040          9.40
                 Noize BWUV:                                               MHz      C.288         ©.256
                 CIN required                                              <1S       27            2.7
                 Tots! Link Availability                                    %                     829.80
   SC Loc        Longitude                                                 deg      —95.10       ~998.10
                 Uplink Beam Name                                                    SRF          SRF
    Beam _       |Polanzation {H. Y or, C]                                                C         C
 Polarization    [Upiink Frequency                                         GHz        25           25
  Frequency      |Downlink SeamName                                                  STF           S7F
                 Polarzation {H, Y or, C)                              .                  C         C
                 Downlink Frequency                                    GHz            17           17
   TX ES         Rain raie exceededfor 0.01% of the year               mmih           E4           50
                 E/S Elevation angle                                       deg       30.0         30.0
                 ES size                                                    m        G.65         C685
                 iransmit E/S peak gain (2F=—0.65)                         <d8        :           42.8
   RX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year              mmih                        50
                 E/S Elevation angle                                       deg                    30.0
                 EPS size                                                  m         §.90         §.00
                 Receive CS peakgain {EH=0.3)                              ds        62.2         62.2
                 Receive Carth Station G:.T                                dB/K.     38.0         35.7
    Uplink       Carrier sirp                                              d=Ww     40.0          52.8
   Thermal       |Upiink PSD                                          dd‘WiHz       —57.:0        —44.3:
                 Transponder SFD (Geam Pask}                         cBWim2         ~89.0         ~49.0
                 Input Backoff                                              dS      ~36.2.        ~36.2
                 Updink Path Loss, clear sky                                ds      #12.F¢        212.7
                 Uplink geseous aflenuation                                 d3        0.2          1.3
                 Uplink rain attenuation:                                   ds        8.G          12.8
                 Satellie GT (Deam Peak}                                   d=ik,     G.5           6.5
                 Antenra relative gain towards 2/S                          48       —2.0          —2.0
     —           CN themal uplink                                           ds       £.0           4.9
  Downlink       |[SFC saturated EIRP (Geam Pesk}                          dBW       80.0          §0.0
   Thermal       (Carfer Oulput backoff                                     d3       —24.3        ~24.3
                 Antenna relative gain towardsEarth: Staton                 dS       —240          —2.90
                 Carer EIRP fowards Earth Station                          dSWw      33.7          33.7
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                              48       209.3        209.3
                 Downlink gaseous atienuation                               d8        0.4          0.4
                 Downlink rain aftenuaiion                                  ds        0.0          7.2
                 Antenna Pointing error                                     d3       ~D.3          ~0.3
                 Receive Earth Station GT                                  dB/K      38.0          35.7
                 CIN themai downlink                                        d3       37.3          26.4
                 PFD at Beam Peak                                   dB¥i/m2iMHz     ~121.8        ~121.6
    Other        Cl {Infra—Sysiem Interference}                             d8       20.0          20.0
                 Orbital Location for intefering S/C #1                    deg      ~35.00        ~35.900
                 Geccentric Separation {wistation keeping}                 deg       4.10          4.A0
                  Interfering Uplink power density                    dB‘WiIHz       ~5B.5         ~56.5
                  Interfering CVL eirp density                        dSvWiHz.       —12.0         ~12.0
     ,           Cil AStuplink                                              d3       22.3          42.2
         ASI     Cil ASt downlink (w/Rx antenrrs pointing ecror}            dB       40.6          4$0.6
                 Orbital Location for interfering SAD #2                    deg     ~103.00       —103.0G
                 Geocentrc Separation {wistation keeping)                   degy      3.50         3.80
                  Interfering Uplink power density                    dB@WiHz        ~58.5         ~58.5
                  Interfering CVE eirp dlensity                       dBWIHz.        ~12.0         ~12.0
                  Cl ASbuplink                                          12           25.8          41.6
                  ‘Cil AB! downlink (w‘Rx antenme pointing error}           [3       39.8          39.8
         Total    CiMN+1)                                                   «d3           5.8       4.8
                  System Margin                                            ~ do           3.4       B4



                                                                                CLRSKY     DEGRADED
                 Camer Type                                                     2AMGEIN     MMGTW
                 Modulation                                              .       GPSK        OPSK
                 Info Rate                                         Mibit‘s       38.05       38.G5
    Carrier      FEC:                                                             J.Bf        C687
                 Noise ABW:                                         MHz          19.988      19.9858
                 Cb required                                         d3           4.1         4.1
                 Total Link Avaitability                             %                       $2.05
   S/C Loo       |Lengitude                                         deg          —28.10      ~38. 10
                 Uplink Beam KHame                                                HNRF        MREF
    Seam         Polarization {H, V or, C)                                         C           C
  Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                  (GHz          25           235
  Prequency      |Downlink Seam Name                                             STF          STF
                 Polarization {H, Y or, C}                                        C            C
                 Cownlink Frequency                                 GHz           17           17
    TX EB        |Rain rate exoseded for 0.01% of the year          mméh          40           40
                 E/S Elevation angle                                 deg          30.0        30.0
                 ESsize                                              m           §.CO        $.00
                 TransraitEIS peak gain (2R—D.6)                     d8"         55.3        65.2
    RX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year           mmth          50          5G
                 E/S Elevation angle:                               deg           30.0        20.0
                 EISsize         .                                    m          0AS         oA5
                 Receive ES peak gain {EM—0.0)                       o3           3811        36.1
                 Raceive Earth Station SVT                          <IB/H.        12.0        9.8
    Uplink       Camer sirp                                         dBow         79.2        §1.3
   Thermal       [Uplink PSD                                      dBWWWHz        —58.0       —10.9
                 Transpondsr SFD {Beam Pesk]                      dbwWims        —88.0       —8R.C
                 Input Backo®                                        c3           90          0.0
                 Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds          HA2Z        MAZLT
                 Uplink gasecus sttenuation                           ds           0.2         1.3
                 Uplink rain attenustion                              ds           0.0        1214
                 Satellits GA (Seam Psak})                          <BIK          $.5          8.5
                 Anienna relativegain towards E/S                    ds           ~2.0        20
                 C themaal uplink                                     ds         28.5        254
   Downlink      |SSC saturafted BIRP (Ream Peak]                    dBWw         80.0        §0.0
   Thermal       |Carsr Output backoft                                d8           G.0         0.0
                 Antenna relativegain towards Earth Station           d3          —3.0        —2.0
                 Carier EIRP towards Esrth Station                   dBow         58.0        528.0
                 DCownlink Path Loss, clear sky                       d3         200.3       209.3
                 Downlink gaseous afenuation                          ds           C.1         G.4
                 Downlink rain attenuation                            ca           5.0         6.5
                 Amienina Poinfing arror                              d3          —0.3        —0.3
                 Receive Earth Stafion T                             <lBA.        13.0         9.8
                 C thermal downlink                                   da           18.8        6.8
                 PFD at Beam Peak                                dBWim2ziMHsz    ~118.0      ~116.0
     Cther       CA {Intra—Sysiem Interference}                       cS          25.0        25.0
                 Orbital Lecation for Intefering SC#At                deg        ~25.00      ~#5.00
                 Geosenitric Separation(wistation kesping}            deg         4.10        410
                  Interfering Uplink power density                  dBwWHHz       —55.5       —56.5
                  Interfering DL eirp density                      dBwiHz         —12.0       ~12.0
                 Cé A91 uplink                                       da            48.9        61.9
      ASL        Cl ASI downlink {w‘t« antenns poirding eror}        ds            19.1        18.1
                 Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2             teg         —103.00     10300
                 Geoceniric Separstion{wistation keeping)            dey           3.80        3.80
                 Interfering Uplink power density                  dBMIHz         —58.5       ~56.5
                  Interfering DHL eirp density                     dBwiHz         ~12.0       ~13:0    .
                 C ASLuplink                                          dR          48.3         81.3
                  CH AS1 downlink {whRx antenna poiniing aror)        ds          18.3         18.2
      Total       CXN+LI)                                             ds          12.7         5.1
                  System Margin                                       do          8.8          20



                                                                                CLRSEKY      DEGRADED
              Camer Type                                                        45MIGTVY     48MDGTW
               Modulation                                                        BPSK          SPSK
               Info Rate                                            Mbit‘s        100           80
    Carmer     FEC:                                                               0.43         G.O7
               Hoise BVW:                                            MHz         40000        40.00G
               TB required                                            d3          5.9           26
              Total Link Availability                                 %                        8@.560
   BC Loe      Longituds                                             dey         ~39.10       —32.10
               Uplink BeamName                                                   SPOT         SPOT
     Beam      Polarization {H, / or, C)                                            C            C
  Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                     GHz           35            36
   Frequency |Downlink Seam Name                                                 SPOT         SPDT
               Polarizstion {H, V or, C]                                            C             C
               Downlink Freuency                                     GHz           17            17
     TX ES     Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year             mmih           80            80
               ES Elevation angle                                    deg          30.0          30.0
               E/S size                                               m           $.00         8.00
               Fransmit ES peak gain (26—=0.6)                        ds          56.2          65.2
     RX ES     Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mmil           8G            BD:
               E/S Elevation angle                                   deg          20.0          300
               E/S size                                               m           0.75         0.75
               Receive E/S peak gain {EM—0.0}                         ds          40.56         405.
               Receive Earth Station OVT                             cBK          17.4         14.1
     Uplink    Camer eirp                                           dB            732          82.4
    Thermsl    |Uplink PSD                                         dBwilHz       —58.0        —82.9.
               Transponder SFO{Beam Pesk)                          dB@Wim2       —8G.C         ~20.0
               Input Backo®                                           dB           LC           89
               Uplink Path Loss, clearsky                             d3          212.¢        B2R
               Uplink geseous attenuation                             ds           .2           LS
               Uplink rsin attenustion                                d3           0.4          15.2
               Satellite G7 (Seam Peak}                              <IBIK         18.5         18.5
               Amienna relative gain ftowards E/S                      d3           LCO          5.9
               Cb themel uplink                                        d3          20.5         28.4
   Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP (Resm Peak}                       dBgw           s2.0        63.0
   Tharmal     |\CarterOuitput backoff                                 ds           on            LG
               Anienna relative gain towards Earth Station:            d3            90           Lo
               Camer ERP towards Earth Station                       dBw            s2.0        63.0
               DCownlink Path Loss, clear sky                          d3          208.3       209.3
               Cownlink gasecus affenuation                            c3            0.1          0.4
               Downlink rain aftenuafion                               ds            0.D          Lo
               Anienna Pointing error                                  as          0.3          —02
               Receive Earth Station /T                               diBIK.       174          14.4
               C themial downlink                                      d3          23.3          12.8
               PFDO at Szam Peak                                  doWim2ihiHz     —~1148.0     ~116.0
     Ciher     Cl {Intra—System Interference}                          cS           20.0         20.0
               Orkital Lecation for Intefering SC#1                    deg        —85.0O       ~25.00
               Geocentric Separation (wistation keeping)              deg          410          4.40
               Interfering Uplink power density                     dBWiHez       —58.5.       —56.5
               Interfaring DVL eirpdensity                          doWiHz        —12.0        ~12.0
               C AS1 uplink                                           d3           4C.8         56.0
      ASE      C AS] downlink (wiRx antenns poinfing ermor}           ds           25.9         25.9
               Orbital Location for interfering S/C #Z                deg        —103.00      —103.00
               Geosertric Separation (wistation keeping)              deg          3.80         3.980
               Iaterfaring Uplink power density                     dBwAHz         ~56.5       ~55.8
               Interfering EyL eirp density                         dBWilHa        ~12.        —12.0
               Cl ASt uplink                                          ds           40.2        554.
               C/I ASL downlink (wRx antenna pointing eror)           d3           26.1        25.1
     Tolsl     |(CMN+D)                                       —       as           18.6         11.6
               System Margin                                          oS            7.B°        20



                                                                                 CLRSKY —|   CEGRADED
                Darrisr Type                                                    sEUKGNA       350KGYW
                Modulation                                                        SBPSK         BPSK
                Info Rate                                           Moitis        0128         0.128
   Carrer       FEC:                                                              C.50          ©.50
                Noise BW:                                            MHz          .388         D.288
                CiIN require«                                         ds           2.7          2T
                Total Link Availability                               %                       ©2.00
  SIC Loo       |Longitude                                           deg         ~98.1G       ~29.10
                Uplink Seam Name                                                  SPOT         SPOT
    Beam        Polarization {H, Y or, C}                                           C            C
 Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz           25           25
 Frequency      |[Downlink SeamName—                                              SPOT         SPOT |
                Polarization {H, V or, C)                                           C            C
                Downlink Frequensy _                                GHz            17           17
   TX ES        Rain rale exceeded for 0.01% of the year            man‘h          80           80
                E/S Elevation angle                     '            deg           30.0         30.0
                EJS size                                              m           145          G.45
                Transmit 5S peak gain (ZSft—0.65)                     ds           39.5        39.5
   RX ES        Rain rate   exceeded for 0.01% of the year          mawh           50           80
                E/S Elevation angle                                  deg           30.0        30.0
                E/S size                                              m           a.00         £.00
                Receive CYSpeak gain {Ef=—0.0)}                       dS          62.1         82.1
                Receive Carth Stafion G/T                            dS/K         38.9         25.5.
    Uplink      Camer sirp                                           dBW          28.9         43.7
  Thermat       |Uplink PSD                                        cBWiHz         ~64.6        —50.1
                Transponder SFO (Beam Peak)                        dBvi/m2        ~§C.G        ~80.0
                Inpui Backof                                         ds           ~44.3        44.3
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          ds           212.6        212.6
                Uplink geseous afienuation                            ds           G.2          1.3
                Uplink rain attenuation                               ds           .9           14.8
                Satelliie G:/T (Beam Peak)                           dB/K          15.5        15.5
                Antenna relative gain towards SS                      lz           0.0          0.4
                CIN themal uplink                                    ds            7.0          5.9
  Downlink      |SICsaturated EIRP (Beam Pask}                       BW            ©3.0         63.0
   Thermal      |Carrier Qutput backoff             ‘                 «13         424          424
                Antennarelative gain towards Zarth Stafion            dS           G.D          0.G
                Carrier EIRP towards Zarh Station                    dSW —         20.5         20.0
                Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         dS          200.3        208.3
                Downlink gaseous aftenuation                          do            0.1         0.4
                Downlink rain aftenuation                             d5            G.0         8.5
                Antenna Pointing error                                dB           ~—0.3        —9.2
                Receive Earth Staffon G/T                            dB/K          3a.9         25.5
                CIN themal cdownlink                                  d8           34.3         11.9
                PFD ai Beam Peak                                  dBWim2/MHz      —136.6       ~136.9
    Other       Cil {Intra—System Interferenice)                      do           20.0         20.0
                Orbital Lecation for Intefering 5/C #1                deg         ~95.00G      ~25.00
                Geocentrc Separation {wistation keeping)              deg          4.10         410
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBoWikiz:      —55.5       —50.5
                 Interfering DA eirp «lensity                       cBWiHz         ~12.0        ~12.0
                C AStuplink                 >                         cS           18.3         33.1
     ASI        Cil 4St downlink (wRx antenna pointing errory          «B          27 .5        27.5
                ‘Orbital Location for interfering SVC #2              deg        —~103.00      —103.00
                Geocentric Separation {wistation kesping)             deg          3.80         3.80   _
                 Interfering Uplink power density            >      dbWiHz.        ~55.5        —56.5
                 Interfering OVL eirp density                       dB‘wWiHz       —12.0        ~12.0
                 Ti SE uplink                                          do           17.7        $2.5
                 Cil ASf downlink (wiRx antenna pointing error}        ds          26.6         25.0
     Total       CAN+1)                                                ds           &.0          427
                 System Margin                                         d3           4.3          2.



                                                                              CLRSKY     DEGRADED
              Camer Type                                                     4BM0GTW      48M0GAW
              Modulation                                             .          EPSK        SPEK
              Info Rete                                           Mbitis         100          80
    Carer     [FEC:                                                              D.83        0.87
              Noise BW:                                            MHz         40.000      40.000
              C required                                            d3           B2           £6
              Total Link AvaiSlability                              %                        §§.50
   SIC Loo    |Longitude                                           deg        —899.10       ~22.10
       .      Uplink Seam Name                                                SPOT         SPOT
    Seam      Polarization {H, V or, C)                                         C            C
  Polarzation |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz          35           25
  Frequency   |Downlink Seam Name                                             SPOT         SPOT
              Polarization {A, V or, C)                                          C           C
              Downlink Frequency                                   GHz            17         17
    TX ES     Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year             mnvh          50          50
              EIS Elevaton angle                                    deg         30.0        30—0
              EIS size                                            _ m          §.00        8.00
              Transmil ESpeak gain (2R—=D.8}                         ds         65.2        AS.2
    RX ES     Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year             mmh           5G          50
              E/S Elevation angle                                   deg         30.0        30.0
                IS size        j                                     m         C.FA        U.r5
              Receive 55 peak gain {ET—C.8}                          ds         40.5        40.5
              Receive Earth Station GT                             <1BK.        17.4       14.7
    Uplink    Camer cirp                                           dox         73.2.       $3.1
   Thermal    (Uplink PSD                                        dBWIHz        ~6E.0       8.1
              Tramsponder SFD (Beam Pesk)                        dBWims        ~30.0       ~20.0
              Input Backo®                                           ds          C.G        10
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            ds        212.A       212.6
              Uplink gassous sifenuation                             d3          1.2         1.3
              Uplink rain attenuation                               ds          00          19:0
              Sateliite GT (Seam Peak}                             <BIK        18.5         186.5
              Anienna relative gain towards ESS                     ds          C.G .       0.D
              OM themal uplink                                      ds         20.5        284
   Cownlink   |SFC saturated EIRP (Geam Peak)                      dBaAt        £0.0        800
  , Thermal   |Carmber Output backoff                               dB           0.0         CC
              Antienna relative gain towards Earth Station:         ds           00          uo
              Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                     dBowf        60.0        6D0.0
              Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds         208.3       209.3
              Downlink gaseous stienuation                          ds         0.4           Cu4
              Downlink rain aitenuation:                            ds           0.0         3.0
              Anierina Poinfing error                               ds          —9.3        —0.3
              Receive Earth Station GVT                            <lBIK        17.4        14.7
              CIH themal downlink                                   ds          20.3        13.3
              PFD at Seam Peak                                  dB@im2MHz      —118.9      1180 .
     COhher    CA {Intra—Sysiem Interference}                       ds         20.0         20.:0
               Orbital Location for Infefering SC#1                deg         —85.GO      —55.00
               Geocentric Separstion {wistation keeping}           deg          410         4.10
               Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWiHz        —56.5        —55,8
               Interfaring DiL eirp density                      dBwi‘Hz       120          ~12.0
               Cil AS1 upiink                                        d3         40.8         60.7
      ASI      OI AS1 downlink (wiRx antenns pointing erork          d3         23.0        22.¢
               Orbital Lecation for interfering S/C #2              deg       —~103.00     —103.00
               Geocantric Separation. {wi‘station keeping}          deg         3.80         3.80
               Interfering Uplink power density                   daBwiHaz     —56.56       ~—55.5
               Interfering DL eirp density                        dBwiHz       —13.0        —12.0
               CA AS1 uplink                                         d2         40.3         60.1
               S AS1 downlink (w/Px antenna poifi;‘!ing ermor}       d2          224         22.1
     Total     CIBMA+L)                                             ds          14.9         11.6
               System Margin                                        i8          §.1          2.0



                                                                                  CLRSKY        DEGRADED
                CarrierType                                                      s6UKGAA         3S0KGTW
                Modulation                                                         BPSK.           BPSK
                Info Rate                                              Moit‘s      9.125           0.128
  Carrer        FEC:                                                                0.50            0.50
                Noise SW:                                               MHz        9.366           0.265
                CIN required                                             ds        2.4             2.7
                Total Link Availability                                  %                  &     €9.60
 SICLoo         {Longitade                                              deg       ~898.10        —32.10
                Uplink Beam Name                                                  SPOT            SPOT
   Beam         Polarization {H. V or, C)                                           C               C
Polarizaftion   |Uplink Frequency                                       GHz         25             25
Frequency       |Downlink Seam Mame                                               SPOT            SPOT
                Polarization{H, V or, CJ                                             C               C
                Downlink Frequency                                       GHz        17              17
  TX ES         Rain rate sxceeded for 0.01% of the year                mm/h        5G              &0
                E/S Etevation angls                                      deg       30.0            30.0
                E/S size                                                  m       D.76            0.7€
                Transmit ES peak gain (2if=0.65)                          d8       44.0            44.0
  RX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year                mrofh.      5G              50
                E/S Elevation angla                                      deg       30.0            30.0
                ESS size                                                  m       +3.CD           2.00
                Recsive 5S peak gain (EH=—DC.6)                           dB       62.1            62.
                Receive Earth Station G/T                                dS/K.     38.9           35.9
  Uplink        Carrier eirp                                             dBW       29.0           39.5
 Thermal        [Uplink PSDO                                           dSWiHz     —G9.2           ~§5.7
                Transponder SFD (Beam Peak}                            daW/im2    ~50.0           +80.0
                Input Backo®                                              ds      —44.2           —44.2
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                               d3      212.6           212.6
                Uplink gaseous aftenuation                                d3        0.2             1.3
                Uplink rain aftenuation                                   ds        0.D            105
                Satellife G/T (Bzsam Feak)                               dSIK      16.5            16.5
                Antenna relaiive gain towards 2/S                        d8       ©0.0             6.0
                TN thermmal uplink                                       <dB       7.1             8.0
 Downlink       |S/Csafurated EJRP (Geam Peak}                          d&w        60.0            80.0
 Thermal        |Carrer Quiput backoff                                   d2       —42.3           42.3 ;
                Antenna relaiive gain towards Sarth Station              <d8        0.0            0.0
                Carer EIRP towards Earth Station.                       dBG/¥      17.¢            17.3
                Downlink Path, Loss, clear sky                           ds       208.3           208.3
                Downlink gaseous afteruation                             da         G.1            0.4
                 Downlink rain attenuation                           <18            090             5.9
                 Antenna Pointing error                              43            —0.3            —0.2
                 Receive Earth Station G/T                          dSiK           38.9            35.0
                |C/H thermal downlink                                13            21.3             12.0
                 PFD at Beam Pesk                                doWim2iMHz       ~139.6          —~138.5
     ther        Cl (Infra—System Interference}                      48            20.0            20.0
                 Orbital Location for intefering SC #1               deg          —§5.00          ~35.00
                 Geocentric Separation fwistation kesping)           deg           4.10            410
                 Interfering Uplink power density ~                dBW/Hz          —56.5           —50.6
                 Interfering DA eirp density                           dBW/Hz      —12.0          —12.0
                Cil ASU uplink                                    ~—     ds        18.3            35.¢
     AS1         TJ ASI downlink (w/Rx antenna poinfing error}           <d8        24.6           24.6
                 Qrbital Location for interfering S/C #2                 deg      ~103.00        —~102.00
                 Geocentric Separation fwistation keeping)               deg       3.80            3.50
                 Interfering Uplink power density                      dBwiHs      —56.5          ~56.5
                 Interfering Oeirp density                             dBWiHz      —12.G          —12.0
                 Cil ASF uplink                                          ds         17.8           28.3
                 Cl ASf downlink (wRx antenna pointing error}            dB         23.7           23.7
    Total        CHBNM=1                                                 dB          5.0            4.7 _
                 System Margin                                           <dB         3.3            2.0



                                                                              CLRSKY    DEGRADED
              Camer Type                                                     <4BMDGTW    4GMOGTW
              Modulation                                                      EPSK        SPSK
              Info Rate                                         Mbitls         100         60
   Carier      |FEC:                                                           0.82       0.67
              Noise BVV:                                         MHz          40.000     40.000
              C required                                          ds            5.9        £.G
              Total Link Availabiliby                             %                       96.50
  SIC Loo     |Longituds                                         deg          ~88.10      ~€0.10
              Uplink Bsani Name                                               SPCT        SPOT
    Seam      Polarization {H, Wor, 0)                                          C          C
 Polarization (Uplink Frequency                                  GHz           35          25
 Frequency    [Downlink Beam Name                                             SPOT        SPOT
              Potarization {H, W or, C)                                         C          C
              Downlink Frequency                                 GHz           17          17
   TX ES      Rainrate excesded for 1.01% of the year            mm/h .        30          20
              E/S Elevation angle                                 deg          30.0       30.0
              ES size                                              m           9.00       9.00
              Transmit E/S peak gain (2f—0.6}                     ds           55.2        65.3
   RX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mvh            20          20
               EfS Elevation angle                               deg           30.0        20.0
               ESsize                                             m            C.S0       ©.8G
               Receive E/S peak gain (EM=D.0)                     ds           4£L1        41.1
              Receive Earth Station GVT                          <BK.          17.9       16.3
   Uplink     |Camereirp                                         dBuy          £3.2       81.7
  Thermat     |Uplink PSD                                       dBwiiHz       ~88.0       ~58.5
              Transponder SFD {Beam Peask)                     dBuWim2         ~80.0      ~30.0
               Input Backof                                       is            C.O        0.0
               Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                        ds           212.6      212.6
               Uplink gassous aitenaation                         ds            0.2         1.3
               Uplinkrain aftenuatfon                             ds          . 0.0        £5
                 fellits GT (BeamPoak}                           <IBK          19.5        18.5
               Amenna nelative gain towards E/S                   ds            LG        0.0
               CBPthemel uplink                                   ds           20.5       364
  Downlink     |SIC saturated SIRP (Seam Peak)                   dBw           57.0        87.D
  Tharmal      |Carfer Ouiput backoff                             ds            0.0        CC
               Antenna relative gain towardsEarth Station:        ds             9.9        00
             ~ |Carfer EIRP towards Earth Station                dBw            57.0       67.0
               Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                     . d8          209.3      309.3
               Downlink gaseous atenuaiicn                         ds           9.1        04
               Downlink rain aftenaation.                         ds            0.9         1.6
               Amenna Pointing error                              cS           0.3         —08
               Receive Earth Station /T                          cBIK          17.3        16.2
               CIN thermal downlink                               ds            TS         142
               PFD at Beam Peak                               dBwWim2iMiHz     —122.0     —122.0
    Cther      C {Intra—System Interference}                       do           30.0       20.0
               Orbital Lecation for Intefering VC#1               deg          ~85.00     ~25.00
               Geocertric Separation (wistation keeping)          deg           410        4.10
               Interfaring Uplink power density                 doWiHz         —56.5      ~66.4
               Interfaring DvL eirpdensity                      doVWHz         12.0       ~12.0
               T ASI updink                                        ds           €0.8       48.3
     ASI       C AS1 downlink (wiRx antenna pointing error|        dS           20.8       20.5
               Orbital Lecation for interfering SFC #2.           deg         ~103.00     ~103.00
               Geocertric Separation (wistation keeping)          deg          3.80        3.50
               Interfering Uplink power density                 dBWiHz         —56.5       —5@.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                      dBWiHz          ~12.0      ~12.0
               CA AStupiink                                        dB           40.2       48.3
               CA AS1 downlinkfw‘Rx antenna pointing ermor}        aS           19.7       18.7
     Total     CiM+Ri                                              ds           13.2       11.8
               System Margin                                       d3           4.4         20



                                                                            CLRSKY    DEGRADED
            Camer Type                                                     360KGPN     250KGTW
            Modulation                                                       BPSH       BPSK
            Info Rate                                          Moitis        0.128       1.123
  Carrier    |FEC:                                                            ©.50        .50
            Noise BW:                                           MHz          0.260       $.268
            CIN required                                         d3            2.1        2.7
            Total Link Availability                              %                       ©0.00
 SIC Loc     |Longituds                                         dey         —§8.10      ~49.10
             Uplink Seam Name                                               SPOT        SPOT
   Beam      Polarzation {H. W or, C)                                         C            C
Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                  GHz           25          25
 Frequency |Downlink Beam Mame                                              SPOT        SPOT
             Polarization {H, Y or, C)                                        L            C
             Downlink Frequency                                 GHz           17          17
   TX ES     Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year           manih:        20          20
             ESS Elevation angle                                 deg         30.0        30.0
             ES size                                              m         0.20        0.80
             Transmil 5/5 peak gain    =[.G5)                     d3         44.5        44.5
   RX ES     Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year           mrath         20          20
             E/S Elevation angle                                 deg         30.0        30.0
             ES size                                             m           9.00       £.00
             Regeive 5Speak gain (EH=0.8}                        ds          as.d        62.1
             Receive Earth Station GT                           dS/K         38.5       25.8
  Uplink     Carrier eirp                                       dgW          29.0        $3.G
 Thermal     [Uplink PSD                                      dBWiHz        —G28.8      —§5.3
             Trensponder SFD (Beam Peak)                      dBWi‘m®       ~90.0       ~80.0
             Input Backof                                        do         ~44.3       ~44.3
             Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         d3         212.6       212.6
             Uplink geseous afttenustion                         43           62          1.3
             Uplink rain attenuation                             ds           6.0         4.5
             Satellite G/T (Bsam Peak}                          d&K          18.5        15.5
             Antennarelaiive gain towards E/S                    d3          0.0         €.0
             CIN thermal uplink                                  d8          7.1         5.9
 Downlink    |S/Csaturated EIRP (Geam Peak}                     dSW          5.0         57.0
 Thermal     |Carner Quiput beckoff                              d3          —424       42.4
             Antenna relative gain towards Earth Station         ds          G.J         0.0
             Catrer EIRP towards Sarh Station                   dBV¢          14.0       14.6
             Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        dS        208.3       208.3
             Downlink gaseous aftenuafion                         ds           C.1        0.4
             Downlink rain aftenuation                            ds           .o         24
             Antenrs Poinfing error                               ds         —0.3        D.3 C
             Receive Carth Station G/T                           d2K         38.9        38.4
             CON thermai downlink                                 «d3         18.2       13.4
             PFD at Beam Peak                                dBoWim2/MHz    —142.6      —142.6
   Other     O (Infra—System Interference)                        d3         20.0        20.0
             Orbital Location for Intefering 5/C #1              deg        ~85.00      ~85.00
             Geccentric Separation {wistafion kesping)           deg         4.10        410
             Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWHz         —50.5      ~56.5
             Interfering DA eirp density                       dBWIHz        —12.0      —12.0
             Cl ASt uplink                                       «d3         18.3        22.0
    AS1      TT ASt downlink (w/Rx anfenna poinfing error}        ds         21.5        21.5
             Orbital Locatfon for inferfering 5/C #2             deg        —103.00   — ~102.00
             Geocentric Separation {wistation keaping)           deg          3.80       3.80
             Inferfering Uplink power density                  dBWiHz        —58.5       ~56.5
             Interfering OM eirp clensity                      cBWIHz:       —12.G       —12.0
             Cil ASt uplink                                       do          17.98       322
             O ASI downlink (wiRx antenna pointing error}          S          20.7        20.7
   Total     CH(MN+1}                                             d3          5.7 .       4.7
             System Margin                                        ds          3.0         2.0


Document Created: 2019-04-12 12:27:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 12:27:39

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC