Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20080701-00134 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                              CLREKY     DEGRADED
              Camer Type                                                      24MGNIN    24MGTNW
              Modulation                                                       GPSK       GPSK
              Inifo Rate                                         Mbitls        26.05      25.05
  Carmer      |FEC:                                                             0.87       0.O7
              Noise BV                                            MFz          19.988     10.9288
              CBPrequired                                          d3           4.1         4.1
              Total Lin‘k Availability                             %                      59.60
 SIC Loo      |Longituds                                          deg         —122.90     ~123.90
              Uplink BeamName                                                   NRF        MNREF
  Seam        Polarization {H, &‘ or, ©}                                         C          C
Polanzation   [Uplink Frequency                                   GHz            25         35
Frequency     |Downlink Seam Name                                              NTF         NTE
              Pofarization {H, V or, CJ                                         es          C
              Downlink Fregjuency                                GHz            17          17
  TXES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% ofthe year            mvh            40          40
              EHSElevation angle                                  deg          300         en
              E/S size                                             m           £.CO        9.00
              Transrait ES peak gain (2f—=0.6}                    dB           §5.2        65.2
  RX ES       Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year           mm‘h           40          4G
              EIS Elevation angle                ‘                deg           30.0       3G.C
              ESsize                                              m            CS          0.G5
              Recsive ESS peak gain {EH=0.8)                      d3            35.3        39.3
  ts          Receive Earth Station GVT                          <B/K           15.2        13.5
  Uplink      Camer sinp                                         dBow          79.2        $2.6
 Tharmal      [Uplink PSD                                       dBWikz         —59.0       —45.8
              fransponder SFD {Beam Pesk)                       dBWim2         —56.0       —85.G
              Input Backei                                         d3           2.0        00
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky             ~            ds          #12.7       2127
              Uplink gassous aftenuation                           ds            O.2         1.3
              Uplink rain attenuation                              ds            prits      184
              Satellits G:T (Ream Paak)                           <1B/         8.5          6.5
              Amiennarelativegain towards. E/S                   . oS           —3Z.0      2.0
              (C/PI thermal uplink                                 d3          26.5        25.4
 Downlink     |S/C saturated EIRP (Seam Psak}                     cdBaw         54.0       £54.0
 Tharmal      (Carmer Ouiput backoff                               da            ©.0        0.0
              Ardenna relative gain towards. Earth Station:        d3           ~2.0        —2.0
              Camer ERP towards Earth Station                     aBwt           62.0       5S2.0
              Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        d3           200.3      309.3
              Cownlink gaseous stienuation                         hS             L.3        14
              Downlink rain aitenuation                            ds             5o         3.8
              Anienna Poiniing srror                                ds           —0.3       —0.3
              Receive Earth Stafion VT                            <B.IK.         16.2       13.5
              CINM thermel downlink                                 ds            14.0       7.2
              PFD at Seam Peak                                dBWWirn2(MIHz     ~122.0     ~132.0
   Ciher      Cf {Intra—System Interference}                        ds           250        25.0
              Orbital Leastion for Intefering SC #1                deg         ~127.00    ~+27.0G
              Geocentric Separation (wistation keeping)           deg           4.10       410
              Interfaring Uplink power density                  dBMiHz          ~C8.5      —50.5
              Interfering DL eirp density                       dBwikz          ~12.0      —120
              CA ASI uplink                                       da            48.8       62.2
    ASE       C ASDdownlink {wiRx antenria pointing error}         ds           16.7        187
              Ortital Location for interferingS/C #2              deg          —119.00    —t19.00
              Geoceriric Separation (wistation keeping}           deg            3.80       3.80
              Interfaring Uplink powar density                  cBWiHz          —C8.5      —58.6
              Interfaring DL eirpdensity                        dBwiHz          ~120       —12.0
              CA AS) uplink                                        ds            49.3       62.8
              C A91 downlink (w‘iRx antenna pointing emor}         c3            15.8       15.8
   Total      CH(N+T)                                              ds            10.3        6.1
              System Margin:                                       dB             5.2        2.0


                                                                                    SLRSKY       DEGRADED
                    Camer Type                                                      SEDKIEBFTW   360KGTW
                    Modutation                                                        BPSK         BPSK
                    Info Raie                                            Moitis       0.128        0.128
      Carnier       FEC:                                                              0.50         0.50
                    Noise SW                                              MHz         0.266:       0.266
                    C/N required                                          ds           2.T          247
                    Totsl Link Availability                                %                       $2.50
     SIC Loo        Longitude                                             deg        —122.90      ~122.90
                    Uplink Seam Name                                                   NRF          NRF
       Seam         Poladzation {H, V or, C}                                            &            C
    Polarization    |Uplink Frequency                                     GHz          25           35
    Frequancy       |Downlink Beam Name                                                NTF         NTF
                    Polarization {H, Vor, C)                                            C            C
                    Downlink Frequency                                   GHz           17           17
      TX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mmih          40           40
                    E/S Elevation angle                                   deg          30.0        30.0
                    ES size                                               m           .85          0.95
                    Transmit &S peak gain (Zf=0.65)                       48          42.8         42.9
      RX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year             mani(h        40           40
                    ES Elevation angle .                                  deg         30.0 .       30.0
                    ES size                                                mm         $.90         2.00
                    Repssive ESS peak gain (EH=D.3}                        ds         §2.9 >       §2.2
                .   Receive Earth Station G/T                             dB/K        ©8.0         38.1
       Uplink       Carar airp                                            «SW         40:0         48.7
     Thermal        |Uplink PSD                                         dBWiHz        —57.0        18.3
                    Trensponder SFO (Geam Pesk}                         dBVwA‘m2      ~89.0        ~89.0
~                   Input Backo#                                           ds         —38.9        35.3
                    Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                            d8         313.7        212.7
                    Uplink geseous atienuation                             ds          0.2          1.3
                    Uplink rain aftenuation                                «ds         0.G          87
                    Satellite /T {Bsam Peak]}                             dBiK         B.5          8.4
                    Antenna relative gain towards 2IS                      1B          —2.0        ~2.G
                    ON thermal uplink                                      dB          &.0          4.9
     Crownlink       C scturated EIRP (Beam Pesk}                         dBW          54.0        54.0
      Thetrmal       |Carnier Oufput backoff                               da         ~24.3        ~24.3
                    Antenna relaiive gain towards EarthStafion             ds          —2.0       — ~2.9
                    Camer EIRP towards Earh Station                       BW           27.¢         27.7
                    DCownlink Path Loss, clear sky                         «S         200.3        200.3
                    Downlitk gaseous afienuation                           ds          O.4          0.4
                    Downlink rain attenuation:                             48          0.0          4.8
                    Antenna Poinfing error                                 ds          .3          —9.3
                    Receive Earth Station G/T                             d=/K        38.0         35.1
                    CIN themal dewnlink                                    «S          31.2         23.2
                    PFD at Beam Peak                                   doWim2/MHz     127.5        —127.6
       Other        T Infra—System Interference}                           1B          20.0         20.0
                    Orbital Location for Intefering S/C #1                dey        —127.00      —127.00
                    Geocentric Separation {wistation kesping)             deg          4.10         4.10
                    Interfering Uplink power density                     dBW/Hz       —50.5        —58.5
                    Interfering OFC eirp density                         dBWIHz        ~12.0       ~12.0
                    Cl AStuplink                                   .       d3          29.3         38.1
        ASl         CJI ASt downlink (wRx antenna pointing errark          «S          34.6        .$4.9
                    Orbital Location for interfering Si0 #2               deg        —119.00      ~118.90
                    Gsecentric Separation {wistation kesping)             dey          3.9D         3.40
                    Interfering Uplink power density                     dBW/Hz       —56.5        ~55.5
                    Interfering OM eirp density                          dBWi/Hz      ~12.0        ~12.0
                    Cl ASL uplink                                          ds          23.8         37.5
                    Cil ABI clownlink (wiPtx antenne poinfing error}       ds          33.8         33.8
        Total       CH(M+TY                                                d3           5.8         4.7
                    System Margin                                          ds           3.1f        2.0


                                                                           CLRESKY    DEsRaADEepD
             Camer Type                                                    24MGTWE     AMGTW
             Modulation                                                     GPSK         CPSK
             Info Rate                                          Mbit‘s      386.05       36.05
   Camer     |FEC:                                                           .67          D.:67
             Noise BWW:                                         MHz         19.983      19.983
             C required                                          ds          4.1           4.1
             Total Link Availability                             %                       $2.00
  SIC Loo    jLongitude                                         dey        —122.20      —123.90
             Uplink BeamName                                                SRF           SRF
   Heam      Polarization {H, cr, CJ                                          C             C
 Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                 GHz          25           35
 Frequency    |Downlink Seam Mame                                            STF         S1F
              Polarization (H, ¥f or, C]                                      C           G
              Downlink Frequenay                                GHe           17          17
   TX ES      Rain rate exoseded for 0.01% of the year          mmih          50          5G
              ESElevation angle                                  deg         30.0        3CD
              ES size                                             m         2.C0         §.00
              Transmit ESSpeak gain (=f—=0.6)                     ds         86.2        §5.2
   RXES       Rain rabe exceeded for 0.01% of the year          mmih         50           50
              ES Elevaton angle                                  deg        30.0         30.0
              ESsize                                              m         C.45         0S
              Receive ES peak gain {(EH=0.04                      ds        36.1         38.1
              Receive Earth Station G/T                         dBK         13.0         8.8
   Uplink     Camer sirp                                         dBw        Tas           54.0
  Thermal      |Uplink PSD                                     dBWiHs:      ~59.:0       ~14.3
              Transponder SFD (Beam Pesk})                     dBwWi/imZ    —58:0        ~86.0
              Input Backo®                                        dB         0.9          00
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds        212.7        2127
              Uplink gaseous attenuation                          c3         0.2          1.3
              Uplink rain aftenustion                             da         0.0          14.7
              Sctellits 27 (Beam Peak}                           <dBIK      8.5           5.5
              Aniennarelstive gain towardsEJS                     ds        —2.0         —2.0
              OB themmel uplink                                   ds        TBA          25.4
  Downlink    |S/C saturated EIRP [Geam Poak]}                   dBw         60.0         80.G
  Thermal      |CamerOutput backoff                               ds          C.0         0.0
              Arienna relative gain towards Earth Station         dB .       —2.0         —~20
              Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                   dBwW        58.0 >      52.0
              Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                       ds        200.3        300.3
              Downlink gasecus afienuation                        c8          C.1         0.4
              Downlink rain aitenmation:                          ds          alls        6.5
              Artenna Poinfing error                              d3 |       —0.3        —0.3
              Receive Sarth Station T                            cBIK.       13.0        B.8
              CINthermmal downlink                                ds         18.4         5.8
              PFD at Seam Peak                                dBWim2iMHz     —118.0      —118.0
    Cihsr     CH {Intra—Sysiem Interference}                       ds         25.0        25.0
              Orbital Location forIntefering SC#1                 deg       —127.00     —~1237.00
              Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping)          deg         4.10         410
              Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWiHz       —58.5       ~50.5°>
              Interfering DL eirp—density                       dowikz       ~12.0       ~12.0
              Cl AS) upfink                                       ds         480.8        54.6
     ASt      CA ASI downlink(wittx antenn« pointing error}       ds         18.1         18.1
              ‘Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2.          deg        —119.00     —119.00
              Geoceniric Separation (wistation keeping‘}         deg          3.80        3.80
              Interfering Uplink power density                  dBWiHz       ~558.5      ~56.5
              Interfaring DVL eirpdensity                       dBwiHaz      —~12.0      ~12.0
              Cil ASt uplink                                      c3         49.3         64.0
              C AS1 downlink (w‘Rx antenna pointing emor)         do          18.3        18.2
   . Total    CAN+H                                               ds          12.7        6.1
              System Margin                                       d3          &6          20


                                                                               CLRSKY      DESRADEO
                Camer Type                                                     380KGTW     380KGTAN
                Modulation                                                      BPSK         BPSK
                Info Rate                                           Moit‘s.     0.128        €.138
   Carreer      FEC:                                                             0.50        0.50
                Noise BW:                                           MHz.        C.206        $.265
                TN required                                          S           BT           27
                Total Link Availability                               %                      $8.80
  S/C Loc       |Longituds                                           deg        —122.90     —122.90
                Uplink Beam Name                                                 SRF         SRF
    Beam        Polarzation {H, V or, C)                                          C            C
 Polarization   |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz          35          25
  Frequency      |Downlink Beam Mame                                             STF         S1F
                Polarization {H, ¥ or, C)                                          C           C
                Downlink Frequency                                  GHz           17          17
   TX ES        Rain raie exceeded for 0.01% of the year            mmih          E0          50
                E/S Elevation angle                                  deg         30.0        30.0
                ES size                                               mm         D65         C.5S
                Iransmit 55 peak gain (2ff=0.65)                      dS         42.8        42.8
   RX ES        Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year            mmih          50           50
                ES Elevation angle                                   deg         30.0        30.0
                ES size                                               mm         §.00        2.00
                Receive EFS peak gain (ENM=0.6} >                     <dS        62.2        82.3
                Receive Earth Staffion G/T                           d2/K,      38.0         35.7
    Uplink      Camer eirp                                          dBW          40.0        52.8
   Thermal      |Uplink PSD                                        dBWiHz        —57.0       44.3
                Transponder SFO {Seam Peak)                        dBWim2        ~89.0       ~99.0
                Input Backof                                          <dS        —36.2       <25.2
                Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                           «3         312.17      232.7
                Uplink geseous aftenuation                            d3          0.2          1.3
                Uplink rain ettenuation:                              d3          0.0         12.8
                Satellite GiT (Bsam Peak}                            d2/K        ~B.S         6.5
                Antenrerelailve gain towards 2/S                      1B         —2.0         —2.0
     <          ON thermal uplink                                     ds          5.0         4.9
  Downlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Geam Psak}                      dBW          80.0        80.0
   Thermal       |Carer Output backoff                                cS         ~34.5       ~24.3
                Antenna relative gain towards Zarth Stafion .         ds          —2.0        —280
                Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                     SV          33.7         33.7
                Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                         do         202.3       308.3
                Downlink gaseous afienuation                          ds          [d           0.4
                Downlink rain attenuation                             4B          ©.0          7.3
                AntenraPoinfing srror                                 dB          —0.2        ~3.3
                Recaive Earth Station G/T                            dS/K        38.0         35.7
                CJN thermal downlink                                  «B         37.3         2B%
                 PFD at Beam Pesk                                 dBWim2MHsz     ~121.56     ~121.8
    Other       Cil {Intra—System Interference}                      —_d8         20.0        20.0
                Orbital Looation for intefering 5/C #1                dag       —127.00      —127.00
                Geocentric Separation {wistation kesping)             deg         4.10       ‘4.10
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dd‘WiHz      —56.5        —58.5
                 Interfering DA. eirp density                       dB‘WiHz:     —~12.0       ~12.0
                Cil AST uplink                               ,        d3          20.3        42.2
      AS1        Ti ASI downlink (w/Rx antenma poinfing error}        d3          40.6        40.6
                 Orbital Losation for interfering S/C #2              deg       ~119.00      —~119.00
                 Geccentric Separation {wistation kesping)            deg         3.280        3.80
                 Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWiHz       ~50.5        —56.5
                 Interfering OVL eirp density                      dBWiHz         ~12.0       ~12.0
                 Cil AStuplink                           .             ds         28.8        41.6
                 Cil ASI downlink iw/Rx antennapoinfing Erfu-r}        ds         30.8        39.8
     Total       CIHNM+T)                                              18          5.8         4.3
                 System Margin                                         dB          BA          BA


                                                                                  CLRSKY     DEGRADED
                    Camer Type                                                    2MGIW        HMMEGTN
                    Modulation                                                      QFSK        GPSK
                    Info Rate                                          Mbit‘s       26.05       36.05
   Camer            |FEC:                                                            0.87        1.97
                    Noise BVW:                                          MHz:      . 11.988      10.988
                    CIN required                                         o8           4.1         4.4
                    Total Link Availability                              %                      co.Gs
  SiGLoc            |Lengitude                                          dey       —122.90      —122.90
   —                Uplink Beam Name                                                NRF         NRF
   Seam             Polarzation {H, *J or, 0J                                        es          C
 Polarization       |Uplink Frequency                                   GHz          25          35
 Frequancy          |Downlink Seam Name                                            STF           SiF
                    Polarization {H, V or, C}                                       C             C
                    Cownlink Frequency                                 GHz          17            17
   TX ES            Rainrate excesded for 1.01% of the year            mmih         40            40
                    E/SElevation angle                                  deg        300           30.0
                    EIS size                                             m         2.00
                    Transmit E/S peak gain (2R—D0.8}                     ds        B5.2          $5.7
   RX ES            Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mmih         50          50
                    ENS Elevation angle                                 deg        30.0         30.0
                    ES sizs                                              m         045          0.45
                    Receive E/S peak gain {EM=0.0)                       ds        38.1         3G.1
                    Recsive Earth Station GVT                          dBiK        13.0          8.8.
   Uplink           Camereirp                                          db‘         7o.2         891.3
  Thermal           |Uplink PSD                                       dBWiIHz      —59:0       —40.G
                    Transpondar SFD {Beam Pesk]                       dBwWin2      —38:0       —98.0
                    Input Backo®                                        c3          0.0          0.0
                   ~|Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         ds        HRYT        ET
                    Uplink geseous aitenuatior:                          c3         02           1.3
                    Uplink rain attenuation                              ds         [sie]       12.1
                    Satefiits G/T (GSeam Peak}                          <1BIK       8.5         6.5
                    Artenna relative—gain towards EJS                    ds         —~2.0       —2.0
                    TCM therms) uplink                                   ca        30.5         25A
  Downlink          |(SC saturated EIRP (Seam Pasak]                    dBw         60.0        £0.0
  Thermal            |Camer Ouilput backoff                              ds          £.0          0.G
                    Arntenna relative gain towards Earth Station         ds         —3.0         —2.0
                    Canmfer EIRP towards Earth Station                  dBWw        58.0         58.0
                    Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        z3        209.3        209.3
                    DCownlink gaseous aftemuation                        ds          5.i          0.4
                    Downlink rain attenuation:                           ds          5.o          8.5
                    Anienns Poiniing error                               ds         frk]        1.3
                    Receive Earth Station T                             <IB/K.      13.0        8.8
                    TCBthemmal downfink                                  ds         16.8         5.6
                    PFD at Seam Peak                                 dBWimeIMHz    —118.G      —118.0
       Cther        CI {Intra—System Interference}                       ds         35.0        25.0
                    Orbital Location for Intefering SAC#1                deg       —12¢.00     —~127.00
                    Geoceniric Separsition (wistaiion keeping}           deg        4.10         410
                    Interfering Uplink power density                   dBWMIHz      —£6.5       ~56.5
                    Interfaring DL eirp density                        dBukHz       ~12.0       ~12.0
                    TA ASI upfink                                         ds         40.8        81.0
       ASb          C1 ASI downlink {wittx antenns poinfing error)        ds         19.1        19.1
                    Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2              deg       ~119.00     ~1180G
                     Geoceninc Separstion (wistation keeping)           deg         3.80        3.8G
                    Interfering Uplink power density                  dBVWHz        —58.5       —58.5:
                    Interfering DVL eirpdensity                       dBwW/Hz       —12.0       ~12.0
                    CJl AS] upfink                                      o8          49.3         81.3
               .    CA ASI downlink (w‘Rx antenna pointing error}       ds           18.2        18.2
       Totsl        CIN+LI)                                             d3           127          6.1
                    System Margin                                       dB            £.5         280


                                                                                                       CLRSKY       DEGRADED
                 Carier Type                                                                          48MIGTWN      48MOGTIW
                 Modulation                                                                              SPSK          SPSK
                 Info Rate                                   f                      Mbit‘s                190            80
    Catier        jFEC:                    —                                                              0.83          0.87F
                 hoise BWY:                                                          MHz                40.000        40.000
                 CIN required                                                        ds                    5.9        —ge
                 Total Link Availability                                              %                               $8.50
   SICLee        |Longitude                                                          tey                  12290      —132.90
                 Uplink Bearr MName                                                                       SPOT        sPOT
    Seam         Polarization {H, Y ar, ©]                                                                  C           C
  Polarization   |Uiplink Frequency        .                                         GHz                    35          25
  Frequency      |Downlink Beam Mame                                                         60       ,   SPOT        SPOT
                 Polarization {H, V or, C]                                                                  C           C
                 Downlink Frequency                                                 GHz                     17          17
    TXES         Rain rate excesdet for 0.01% ofthe year                            mm‘h                    8Q          E0
                 ESSElevation angle                                                  deg                   SC.G        300
                 ES sizs                                             .                m                   2.0D        5.10
                 Transmi ES pesk gain (2R—0.6)                                        ds                  £5.2        65.2
    RX ES        Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year                           immth                   80          B0
                 ES Elevation angle                                                  deg                   3G.G        30.0
                 EJB size                                                          m                       0.75        {.76
                 Receive SS paak gain {EM—C.C)                                  * ds                       €0.5        40.5
                 Receive Earth Station (2T                                       <BIK.                     17.4        14.4
    Uplink       Camer eirp                                                      dBw                       732         88.4
   Thermal       |Uplink PSD                                                    dBWiHz —                  ~58.G       —52.8.
                 Transponder SFD {Beam Pesk}                                    dBWimz                    —~80.0      —20.0
                 Input Dackoif                                                        d3                   Lo          5.0
                 ‘Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                                         cB                  2126        #12.6
                 Uplink gassous attenuation                                           da                   2           1.3
                 Uplink rein aftenustion                                              d8                   01          15.3
                 Sateliite G (Seam Peak)             —                               <B.K.                 18.5        162
                 Antenna relative gain towards EJS                                    ds                   C.G         0.0D
                 Cb themal uplink                                                     da                   28.5        224
   Downlink °|SIC saturated SIRP (Seam Psak)                                         dBw                   82.0        63.0
   Tharmal       |Camfer Oulput kackoff                                               ds                    0.D         C.G
         ’       Aniennarelative gain towards Earth Station:                          ca                   5.0          G.G
                 Camer EIRP towards Earth Station                                    dBwg                 63.G         630
                 Cownlink Path Loss, clear sky                   .                    ds                  208.3       200.3
                 Downlink gaseous atenuation                                          ds                    0.1         0.4
                 Downlink rain aitenuation                                            dB          [         0.0         .o
                 Anienina Poinfing srror                                              da                   0.3         —0.3
                 Receive Earth Station GVT                                           <B/K                  114         14.1
                 CIPI themeal downlink                                    ~—_         ds                   24.2        12.8
                 PFD at Szam Peak                                        dBwWim2iMHz                      —118.0      ~118.0
     Ciher       CA {Intra—Sysiem Intererence}                                       d3                     20.0        20.0
                 Orbital Loeation for Intefering SCC#1                               deg                  ~127.00     ~127.00
                 Geocentric Separation {wistation kesping)                           dey                   410         4.40
                 Interfering Uplink power density                                   dSWiHe                 —58.5.     ——56.5
                 Interfering DVL eirp density                                       dBwiHz                 —12.:0      ~12.0
                 Ci ASI uplink                                                        ca                    40.8        58.0
      ASt        C ASI downlinkimBx antenma poinfing error}                           dB                    35.9        25.0
                 Orbital Lecation forinterfering S/C #2                               deg                 ~119.00     —1148.03
                 Geoserirc Separation {wistation keeping)                             deg                   3.80        3.30
                 Interfering Uplink power density                                   dBwiHz                 —58.5       ~55.5
                 Interfering DL eirp density                                        dowiHz                             —12.0
                 CA ASI upfink                                                         cB                               55t
                 CH ASl downlink iw‘Rx anmtenna pointing emor                         ds                               25.1
      Totsl      CHN+T                                   .                            c3                                11.6
                 System Margin                                                        da                                20

     EXHIBIT 11: GALAXY BSS—4 LINK BUDGETS (continued)

                                                                                      CLRSKY         DEGRADED
                     Carriar Type                                                     3SOKGTA        48OKGTV
                     Modulation                                                        SPSK            BPBK
                     Info Rate                                           Moit‘s        0.128           0.128
        Carter       FEG:                                                              0.50             0.S0
                     NHcise BN:                                           MHz          .366            0.208
                     ON required                                          d3            Z.F             27
                     Total Link Availabilitty                              %                           89.00
       SMC Loo       |Longitude                                           deg         —132.80         —122.90
                     Uplink Beam Name                                                  SPOT            SPOT
         Seam        Polarization (H, V or, 1C)                                          C               CC
      Polarization   |Uplink Frequéncy                                    GHz            25              35
      Fraquency      |Downlink Beam Name                                               SPOT            SPOT
                     Polarzation (H, V or, C)                                            C               C
                     Downlink Frequency                                  GHz             17              17
        TX ES        Rain raie exceeded for 0.901% of the year           mmih            80              &0
                     EfS Elevation angle                                  deg           30.0            30.0
                     E/S size                                              m           045             G.45
                     Transmit E/S peak gain (2ff=D.55)                     ds           30.5     .      39.5
        RX ES        Rain raie exceeded for 0.01% of the year            mmih            B0              80
                     E/S Elevaiion angle                                  deg           30.0            20.0
                     E/S size                                              m           9.00             $.00
                     Receiys EIS peak gain (EH=0.3)                       ds            62.1            62.1
                     Receive Earth Station G/T                           dS/K          38.0             35.5
        Uplink       Carar airp                                          dBW           26.9            43.7
       Thermal       (Uplink PSD                                        cBW/Hz         —54.86          —50.1
                     Transponder SFD (Beam Peak}                        dB‘Wim2        —90.0           ~80.0
                     Input Backof#                                         ds          «14.3           —44.3.
                     Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                           43          212.6           312.6
                     Uplink gaseous atitenuation                           ds            C.2             1.3
                     Uplink rain afternuation                              «1B           G.o            14.8
                     Sateiliie G/T (Beam Peak}                            dB/K          16.5            16.5
                     Antenna refaiive gain towardsSS                       «3           0.0             €.0
                     CN thermal uplink                                     18           7.0             5.9
       Downlink      |S/C saturated EIRP (Bseam Pesk}                     doVy          ©3.0            82.0
        Themal       |Carrier Output backoff                               do           ~42.4          —12.4
                     Antenna relaiive gain towards Earth Stafion           do            G.O            0.G
A[                   Camer EIRP fowards Earih Station                     dSW           20.6            20.6
                     Downlink Path Logs, clear sky                         d§          200.3           209.3
|                    Downlink geseousaftenuation                           d§            C.1             04
                     Downlink rain attenuation                             dS            C.D             B.5
                     Antenna Pointing error                                d8           ~—0.3           —D.3
                     Receive Earth Station G/T                            dB/K          38.9            35.5
                     CIN thermal downlink                                  dB           34.2            118
                     PFD at BeamPeak                                  dBwW/im2z/MHz    —138.6          —136.6
         Other       Cil {Infra—System Interference}                       cS           20.0            20.0
                     Orbital Loecation for Intefering S/C #1              deg          —127.00        —127.00
                     Geocentric Separation {wistafion keeping)            deg ~          4.10          4.140
                     Interfering Uplinkpower density                    dBWiIHz         —55.5           ~56.5
                     Interfering OX eirp <lensity                       dBWiHz          —12.0           ~12.0
                     Cil ASt uplink                                        «1B          18.3            33.
          ASl        Cl ASt downlink (wRx antenna pointing error} .        ds           27 .5           27.5
                     Orbital Location for interfering S/O #2               deg         ~119.00         ~118.00
                     Geocentrc Separation {wistation keeping}y             deg          3.80            3.20
                      Interfering Uplink power density                  dSWiHz          —56.5           —50.5
                      Interfering Dvt. eirp density                     dSWiHz          —42.0           ~12.9
                     Cil ASt uptink               ©                        ds           17.7            32.5
                     Cl ASt downlink (w/Rx antenna poinfing error}         d8           26.6            26.6
          Total      CHNM+I)                                   >           ds            6.0             4.7
                     System Margin:                                        «41B          2.3             2.0


                                                                                  CLRSKY      DEGRADED
                   Camer Type                                                    4BMIGIN       48M0GTW
                   Modulation                                                       EPSK         SPSK
                   Info Rate                                          Mbcit‘s        100          80
    Camer          |FEC:                                                             0.83        0.87
              ~_   |NMoise BW:                                         MHz         40.:000      40.000
                   Ci requined                                          da          5.9           8.G
                   Total Link Availability                              %                       88.50
   SiCLoe          |Longitude                                          deg        ~122.90      ~122.90
                   Uplink BeamName                                                 SPOT         SPDT
    Beam           Polarization {H, V or, C)                                         C            C
  Polarization     [Uplink Frequency                                   GHz          25            25
  Frequency        |Downlink Seam Name                                             SPOT         SPOT
                   Polarization {H, / or, CJ                                        ._C           C:
                   Downlink Frecuency                                 GHz            17          17
    TX ES          Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mm¢h           50          50
                   E/S Elevaton angle                                  deg         3G.0          20.0
                   E/S size                                              m         2.00          8.10G
                   TransmaR E/S peak gain (26—0.8)                      o3          85.2         G5.2
    RX ES          Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mmih          50            50
                   E18 Elevation angle                                  deg        3G.G         30.0
                   ENS size                                              m         0.75         C286
                   Receive ES peak gain {EM=0.8)                         c3        40.5         40.5
                   Receive Earth Station GT.                           <I1BIK.     17.4         14.7
    Uplink         Cartter eirp                                        dBw         73.2          93.1
   Thermat         (Uplink PSD                                       oBMHz         —84.0        —18.1
                   Transpondar SF0 {Beam Pesk)                       dBowim2       —80.0        ~20.0
                   Input Backe®                                         ds          CG           0.4
                   Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                          o2         212.6        212.6
                   Uplink gassous aitanuation                           ds           8.2          1.3
                   Uplink rsin attenuation                              d2           0.1         19.9
                   Satelfite G.7T (Seam Psak}                          cBIK.        18.5        16.5
                   Anienna relative gain towards EIS                    d2 >        C.C          0.10
                   Cb thermel uplink                                    c3         28.5         284
   Downlink        |S/C saturated HIRP (Seam Peak}                     dBwf         $G.0         50.0
   Thermal          |Carer Output backoff                  .            dB .        0.0           C.G
                   Arienne relative gain towards Earth Station:         as          ©.9           C.G
                   Carer EIRP towards Earth Staftion                   dBw          s0.0          60.0
                   Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                        ds         209.3         300.3
                   Downlink gaseous aftemuation                         da           .1            O4
                   Downlink rain aftenuation:                           c3           [alcal        20
                   Amienna Pointing errar                               d2          0.3        . —Ga
                   Receive Sarth Station GT                            <BK          174          14.7
                   OB themal downlink                                   d3          20.2          123
                   PFD at Seam Peak                                 dBWim@iMHz     —112.0       ~118.0
     Ciher         C\ {Intra—System Interference}                       ds          2040          20.0
                   Orbital Lecation for Intefering SVC#1                deg       ~127.00       —127.00
                   Geocaniric Separation {wistation keeping}            deg         410          4.140
                   Interfering Uplink power density                   aBWwiHz      —58.5:        —55.5
                   Interfering DyL erpdensity                         doMiHz       —12.0         —12.0
                   CA AS1 uplink                                        ds         40.8          BO.F
      ASI          CH AS] downlink (wiBix antenms poinding ermor}        dS         32.9         2I.9
                   Orbital Location for interfering 5JC #2:             deg       —118.00       —119.00
                   Geoceniric Separstion (wa‘station keeping}           deg         3.80          3.S8D0
                   Interfering Uplink powsr density                   dBWiIHz       —58.5        —55.5
                   Interfaring DyL eirp density                       dBwiHz        —~12.0       —12.0
                   C ASI updink                                          cS         40.2         60.1
       .           Oil 481 downlink (w‘Rx amtenna pointing ermor}        d3         22.1         22.1
      Total        CAN+L)        —                                       ds         14.9         11.6
      '            System Margin                                         ds          8.1          20


                                                                                CLRESKY     DEGRADED
                 Carner Type                                                    sEOKGTW     360KGTW
                 Modulation                                                      BPSK         BPSK
                 Info Rate                                           bAbit‘s     0128         0.128
  Carrier        FEC:                                                             0.50         4.50
                 Moise BW:                                           MHz         0366         0.266
                 CiN required                                         «8           2.4         27
                 Total Link Availability                               %                     . $9.80
 S/C Loc         |Longfude                                            deg        —122.90     —122.90
                 Uplink Seam Name                                                SPOT         SPOT
   Beam          Polarization {H, V or, C1                                          C           C
Polarization     |Uplink Frequency                                    GHz          25           25
Frequency        [Cownlink Seam Name                                             SPOT         SPQOT
                 Polarzation (H, V or, C\                                           C          °C
                 Downlink Frequency                                  GHz           17           17
  TX ES          Rain rate exsseded for 0.01% of the year            mauk          50           Eq
                 E/S Elevation angle            ’                     deg         30.0         30.0
                 ES size                                               m          9.75         C.FS
                 Trangmit &3 peak gain (Zff=D.95)                      43         <44.0        44.0
  RX ES          Rain rate exeseded for 0.01% of the year            mmih:         50           e
            ~_   |ES Elevation angle                                  deg         30.0         20.0
                 E/S size                                              m          ©.0D         2.00
                 Recsive E/S peak gain (EH=C.5)                        4B         82.1         §2.1
                 Receive Earth Station G/T _                         dB‘K         38.9         25.0
   Uplink        Garrer sirp                                          davwy       29.0       . 20.8
  Thermal        |Uplink PSQ                                        cBWiHz       —BQ.2        ~58.7
                 Transponder SFD (Beam Peak}                        dBWimz       ~20.0        —90.0
                 Input Backo®                                          da         —~44.2      44.3
                 Uplink Path Logs, clear sky                           d3         212.6       212.6
                 Uplink gaseous atienuation                            ds          C.2          1.3
                 Uplink rain atenuation                                d8B         C.o         10.5
                 Sateilite G/T (Beam Pesak)                           dB/K        16.6         10.5
                 Antenna relative gain towards 25.                     ds          0.G         0.0
                 CIN thermai uplink                                    d3          T.A         8$.0
 Downlink        |S/Csaturated EJRP (Beam Peak}                       dBW         ©0.0         80.0
  Thermal        |Carner Output backoff                                dS         —42.2%       42.3
                 Antenna relative gain towardsEarth Station            ds          G.0          0.0
                 Cartier EIRP fowards Sarh Station                    dSW          17.7        17.7
                 Downlink Path Loss, clear sky .                       ds         200.3       209.3
                 Downlink gaseous afenustion                           da          81           0.4
                 Downlink rain attenuation:                            ds          t.o          5.5
                 Antenma Pointing errar                                «B         ~0.3         —1.8
                 Recsive Sarth Statfon G/T                            dB/k        38.0         35.0
                 CiN thermai dewnlink                                  da          21.3        12.0
                 PFD at Beam Peak                                  doWimaiiHz     —139.6      ~138.5
   Other         Cil {Infra—System Interference}                       48          20.0        20.0
                 Orbital Location for Intsfering S/C #1                dag       —127.G0      ~127.00
                 Geocentric Separation {wistatfion keeping)            dag         4.10        4.10
                 interfering Uplink power density                    dBWIHz:      —55.5        —56.5
                 Interfering D/ eirp density                         dBWIHz       ~12.0        120
                 Td AStbuplink                                         d2          18.3        23.8
    AS}          Cil ASt downlink (w/Rx antenna pointing error}        do          24.5        24.6
                 Drhital Location for inferfering SNO #2               dey       —119.00:     —119.00
                  Geocentric Separation {wistation keeping}            dag        3.80         3.80
                  Interfering Uplinkpower density                    dBWIHz       —£5.5        —58.5
                  Interfering OL eirp density                        dSWiHz:      —12.0        ~12.0
                 CIl ASt uplink                                        «13         17.3        28.3
                 Cl ASt cdownlink (wiftx antenns pointing error}       ds          23.7        23.7
    Total        CAN+1)                                                dd           £.9         4.7
                 System Margin                                         do           3.3         2.0


                                                                              CLRSKY     DEGRADED
              Camer Typa                                                     4SMDGFTW     48MOGZ7W
              Modulation                                                       ePSK        SPSK
              Info Rate                                         Mbitis          100         E0
   Camer       |FEC:                                                           0.82         .87
              Noise BW:                                          MHz          40000        40.000
              CN required                                         ds            5.9         26
              Total Link Availability                             %                        $2.50
  SiC Loc     |Longituds                                          deg         ~122.90     ~122.90
              Uplink Beam. Mame                                               SPOT         SsPOT
    Seam      Polarization (H, V or, C)                                         C            C
 Polarization |Uplink Frequency                                  GHz           25            25
 Frequency    |Downlink Seam Mame                                             SPOT         SPOT
              Poladzation {H, V or, C)                                          C           C
              Cownlink Frequency                                 GHz           17           17
   TX ES      Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year           mmih          30           20
              ES Elevation angle                                 dey           30.0         30.0
              ES size                                             m            2.00        5.00
              Transmit ES peak gain (Z8=D.6}                      ds           65.2         65.2
   RX ES      Rain rate excesded for 0.01% of the year           mmih           3G           20
               E/S Elevation angle                                deg          Rlage)       30.0
               E/S size                                            m           0.60         0.SD
               Receive E/S peak gain (EM=C0.8)                    ds           41.1         41.1
               Receive Carth Station G(T                         <1B/K.        17.9         18.2
    Uplink    Carter sirp                                        dBd           73.2         81.7
  Thermal     |Uplink PSD                                       dBWiHz         —64.0       ~59.5
              Transponder SFO {Beam Pesk)                      dBwims          —80.0       ~50.0
               Input Backodt                                      ds            C.G         0.0
              Uplink Path Loss, clear sky                         dS           212.8       212.5
              Uplink gessous aitenuation                          ds            0.2          1.3
              Uplink rain aftenuation                             ds            8.0         &5
              Satellite GAT (Geam Peak}                          <iB/A         18.5        16.6
              Antennarelativegain towards EJS                     d2            0.0         0.0
              TCM themal uplink                                   ds           29.5        284
  Cownlink     |S(C saturated EIRP (Seem Pegk}                   dBve          57.0         574
   Tharmal     (Camfar Ouiput backoff                             da            9.0          t.o
               Artenna relative gain towardsEurth Stationy        ds            0.9          C.G
               Cariar EIRP towards Sarth Stafion                 dBw           B7.0         87.
               Downlink Path Loss, clear sky                       ds          208.3       200.3
               Downlink gaseous atienustion                        ds           9.1         G4
               Cownlink rain aftemcation                         — d3           9.0.        1.6
               Anienna Pointing error                              dB          —0.3        —G.3
               Receive Earth Station T                           clB/K          17.9        16.2
               Ob themal downlink                                 d3            17.8        14.2
               PFO at Seam Peak                               dBWimz2IMH=z     —~122.0     ~122.0
    Otlver     CA {Intra—System Interfen=nce}                      d3           30.G        20.0
               Orbital Location for Intefering SVC#HT             dey         —137.00      —127.00
               Geocertric Separation (wistation keeping}          dey           410         4.10
               Interfering Uplink powar density                 dBWiHz         —56.5        ~56.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                      dBv@Hz         120          ~12.0
               CA AS1 uplink                                      ds           40.4         49.3
     ASt       TVI ASI downlink(wRx antenna pointing srror}        d            20.5        20.6
               Orbital Leeation for interfering S/0 #2            day         —118.00      ~112.09
               Geocentric Separation (wistation beeping}          deg          3.80         3.30
               Interfaring Uplink powar density                 doWiHz         —56.5        ~66.5
               Interfaring DL eirp density                      dBwiHz         —12.0        —12.0
               CH ASI upfink                                      ds           40.3         48.7
               CA AS! downlink (wRk antenna pointing armar}        ds           18.7         18.7
     Total     CNN+T)                                              ds           18.2         11.8
               System Margin                                       ds            4.4         2.0


                                                                                 CLRSKY          DEGRA&DEO
                Carter Type                                                      3EUKG7TW        2560KGTW
                Modulation                                                        BPSK             EPSK
                Info Raie                                              Mbit‘s     1128             0.128
  Carrier       FEC:                                                               C.S0             0.50
                Moise SW:                                               MHz       1.25G            0.268
                CiN required                (                            4B        2.7              2.7
                Total Link Availability                                  %                         89.50
 SIC Loc        |Longitude                                              deg       —122.20         ~122.90
            _   |Uplink Seam Name                                                  SPOT            SPQT
   Beam         Polarzation {H, V or, C)                                            C                C
Polarization    |Uplink Frequency                                       GHz         25              25
Frequency       |Downlink Seam Name                                               SPOT             SPOT
                Polarization {H, ¥ or, C)                                          C                 C
                Downlink Frequency                                     GHz          17               17
  TX ES         Rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of the year               mmih         20               20
                E/S Elevation angle                                     deg        30.0             30.0
                ES size                                                  m         0.40            0.80
                Transmit 5B peak gain (Eff=0.55)                        dB         44.5             44.5
  RX ES         Rain rate sxceeded for 0.01% of the year               mmih         2l               20
                ES Elevation angle                                      deg        30.0             30.0
                ES size                                                 m          .00              2.00
                Recsive E/S peak gain (CH=—0.6}                         do         52.1             82.1
                Receive Earth Station G/T                               dB/K       38.8             25.0
   Uplink       Carier eirp                                         dBW           29.0             33.5
  Thermat       [Uplink PSD                                        dBWiHz.        ~58.8            —§5.3
                Transponder SFD (Beam Pesk}                        dBWimz         ~90.0            ~80.0
                Input Backof                                            B         ~44.3            —44.3.
                Uplitk Path Loss, clear sky                             ds         2128           2126
                Uplitk gaseous afienuation                              ds          0.2              1.3
                Uplink rain aftenuation                                  «B         C.o              4.5
                Satellite G/T (Beam Peak}                               dS/K       16.56            15.5
                Antenna relative gain towards =IS                       dS          0.0             ©.0
                TN thermal uplink                                        <dS       7.A              5.9
 Downlink       |S(Csaturated EIRP (Beam Paak}                          dSW        57.0             57.0
  Themial       |Carrier Qutput backoff                                 ds         ~42.4           —142.4
                Antenna relative gain towards Sarth Station             d3          G.9             0.0
                Camer EIRP towards Earh Station                         BW          14.8            14.8
                Downlink Path Lass, clear sky                           ds         209.3           200.3
                Downlink geseous aftenuation                            ds          0.1              D4
                Cownlink rain attenustion                               «8          bo               24
                Antenna Pointing error                                  d8 >       —0.3             —0.3
                Receive Earth Station G/T                               dBK        38.9             30.8
                CJN thermal downlink                                     dS         18.2            12.4
                PFD ai Ream Peak                                 dBwWWmaltiHsz    ~1+42.G          —142.5
   Other        O (Infra—System Interferance}                            d3        20.0      .      20.0
                Orbital Location for Intefering SVC #1                  deg       —127 .00         ~127.00
                Geocentric Separation fwistafion kesping}               deg        4.10             410
                Interfaring Uplink power density                       dBWiHz      —56.5            —§5.5
                Interfering DA eirp density                            dBWiHz      —12.0            ~42.0
                C ASt uplink                                             <dS        18.3             22.0
    ASI         C.1 ASt downlink fwiRx anfenna poinfing ecror}           cS        21.5             ©1.5
                Orbital Location for interfering S/C #2                 deg       ~119.00          ~112.00
                Geccentric Separation {wistation keeping)               deg         3.80            3.00
                Interfering Uplink power density                       cBWIHz      —58.&            —56.5
                Interfering DL eirp density                            dBWiHz      —12.0            —12.0
                Cil AST uplink                                     ‘     ds         17.3            22.2
                Cl ASt downlink {wRx antenna pointing error}             8          2D.7            20.7
    Total       CAM+T)                                                   ds         5.7              4.7
                System Margin                                            <dB        20               2.0

Document Created: 2019-04-14 19:52:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 19:52:22

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